Rise of the Devourer

Book 3: Chapter 6 — Airship

Book 3: Chapter 6 — Airship

Noah looked at the captain, wondering if it was alright for her to just stand there while the ship took off. He didnt have any idea how things worked here; it probably was fine, but it still felt strange to see. People began to scatter, some heading into their rooms to rest, others checking out the training areas on the top floor. In his mind, Noah had been treating this airship like a typical airplane from his world, but standing here, he realized that this place was truly a flying ship, more so than anything else. He looked around the area, trying to see if he could spot something like a map to show him the layout of the place.

Theres one on that pedestal, Aurelia said, pointing to a pedestal made of white marble with glowing runes on top of it. The party walked towards the pedestaleven Erwest, to Noahs surprise, followed themtaking a look for themselves. A few other adventurers were also looking around, but most seemed to already be familiar with the layout of the ship. Noah stepped up to the pedestal, looking at the projection glowing on top of it, which showed an image of the ship flying through the air with its insides visible.

Hold on, is that us? Noah asked, noticing the five dots standing within the map around where the pedestal should be. He walked around a little backwards and saw the marker moving backwards as well.

Looks like its working in real-time. Must be some kind of tracking and projection spell layered together, Aurelia said.

Are they spying on us? Snow asked, her eyes darting around in concern. Noah could understand the feeling; if he were sitting inside a flying ship for the first time with no way to get out, and the ship itself started to track his every movement, he would feel a little unsettled too.

Its a similar mechanism to what's used by the bracelets that you bought, but on a much larger scale. They can't spy on us exactly, just see where we are within the ship itself, and it is possible to block the spell, but we suspect that would likely draw unwanted attention, Zax replied.

Noah gave the dragon a nod, bringing his attention back to the map itself. The ground bottom layer seemed to be inaccessible, mostly filled with cargo, and the details were missing. The place they stood on was the central part, which also served as the dining hall, with their rooms to the left and right of the halls. Further beyond the hall was what looked like the captains cabin, and besides the rooms themselves, he saw something like a viewing deck extending out into the open air. On the top floor was the training arena, divided into multiple little chambers with a large central one connecting them all.

I know I have said this before, but seriously, just how big is this place? Noah said once more. If his estimates were right, this place was likely as large as a typical cruise ship on Earth. And it could fly.

This one is on the smaller side of anything. The truly big ones are basically flying castles. I have heard rumors that one of the ascendant monarchs has one, Aurelia said.

Ryugan had one a little bigger than this, though it did not move as fast and was more meant to float around through the skies, Zax said.

Ryugan? The Ryugan Valtorius? Erwest asked. One of the ascendant monarchs from a few hundred years ago? And an Outerworlder too.

Everyones eyes turned towards Zax, then towards Noah as they all began to come to their own conclusions.

Perhaps. Anyway, why dont we head out to the Captains cabin? I doubt you have seen one of the cores that supplies these aircraft before, Zax said, in an awful attempt to change the topic.

No one pointed it out, simply agreeing to the offer as they began to follow behind Zax. Heading through the hallway, they arrived in a smaller chamber with multiple uniformed crew members standing inside. Different kinds of mechanisms layered the walls. Just further ahead, in a small cabin, the captain stood at the forefront seats, glass windows looking outside to the skies, but that area seemed to be off-limits.

A few other adventurers were also present inside, looking around the area and chatting with each other. But the thing that captured Noahs attention was the glowing light green orb at the center of the chamber, with metallic pipes layered in glowing lines of runes coming outwards and spreading into the rest of the ship. He used Identify on the item.

[Sky-Dungeon Core (Legendary, Rank B)]

Is that whats powering the ship? A dungeon core? Noah asked.

Indeed. Dungeon cores are the strongest sources of mana. Theyre not unlike mana stones, but what makes them special is their ability to generate mana and control it in precise manners. Higher rank cores also come with certain special abilities tied to them, Zax said.

Wait, hold on, so were standing in a dungeon right now? Noah asked.

Kind of," Aurelia said. Youre standing in something that could become a dungeon if left unchecked would be more accurate. Its kind of like a really big mana stone right now, and one that can generate its own mana over time.

If its like a mana stone, can you eat it? Noah asked.

In theory, yes. In practice, anyone who has tried has gone mad and was taken over by the core itself. There are some who still wish to utilize the power of dungeon cores by binding them to their bodies, but it is a fools errand to try and do so, Zax said.

And highly illegal, Aurelia added. Dungeon cores are typically owned by whoever rules the land, and given the risk a rogue remnant with a dungeon core attached to it poses, anyone who tries will immediately be executed with the highest priority.

Noted. Dont eat the dungeon core, Noah said.

Its also partly why airships like these are relatively rare, even during the most prosperous times within the continent, Zax added. You have to justify the consumption of an entire dungeon's worth of mana, alongside the risks that come with something like this ship, and many cannot.

Interesting. But why keep it out here in the open then? What happens if someone messes with it or accidentally does something? Noah asked.

It is quite difficult to destroy a dungeon core. But even beyond that, the core itself is protected by multiple layers of wards. It would take even us a minute or two to breach through them, Zax said.

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And I really hope you wont try, Ariella said, stepping out from her cabin as she walked up behind the group. I was informed of your partys arrival, and especially you, my friend. You dont see many A-rankers outside of the central plains. Someone like you doing all the way out here; the air must feel practically lifeless to breathe for you.

One learns to adapt over time, Zax replied in an even tone. The same could be said to you.

Ive got this baby feeding me as much as I need, Ariella said, tapping the top of the dungeon core.

An elegant solution. Were you the one who came up with the design of this place? Zax asked.

I knew the guy who did, Ariella replied. He was my grandfather.

Wait, Aurelia said, her eyes growing wide in surprise. Was your grandfather Thalor Windweaver? The founding father of Windrest?

Yup. Thats him. Old bastard made a name for himself before vanishing off to God knows where. Given his level, he might still be alive somewhere out there, Ariella said. Anyways. Ive heard a little about the quest that your party is on. I don't care enough to pry as long as you don't cause a mess on my ship, she said, looking at Noah. Everyone else followed her gaze.

What? I havent done anything, Noah said. This is unfair.

We know better than to wait until you do something by now, Aurelia said, making Snow suppress a giggle.

Ill leave you all to it, Ariella said, waving her hand as she walked away into one of the other chambers.

Noah looked around himself, trying to find what else there was to explore, when his eyes went to the viewing deck outside. Stepping out, he felt the wind whipping past him, clouds soaring by. A simple handrailing was the only thing between him and the open skies.

Whoa, this is amazing, Noah said, walking up to the railing as he looked down beneath him. The world flew past underneath, forests and grasslands slowly drifting by in a beautiful and surreal sight. Aurelia joined him, looking down as well. Snow joined in shortly afterwards, holding tightly onto Noahs shoulders, as a smile surged from the girls face.

For a moment, all of them simply looked down in silence, marveling at the beauty of what they saw. Noah felt his heart quiver, as he saw the world beneath him, a beautiful and brand-new magical world, with thousands of sights that he had not yet seen.

Did you have something like this back in your world, Noah? Aurelia asked.

Yeah. But nothing quite like this," Noah replied. The airships we had were a lot faster, and since we have no magic, people are a lot more fragile. We could only really see things from inside, from a rather controlled environment.

That makes sense. Unawakened children would probably struggle to stand here, Aurelia said.

Yeah. Honestly, this feels kind of dangerous. What if someone falls? Noah asked, pushing gently on the railing. This isnt very strong.

You cannot fall. There is a spell around the airship that will catch you if you do, before teleporting you back inside, Zax said, his eyes looking out towards the horizon.

Noah looked down beneath him, and for a moment wondered if he could fly with Tonys help and teleport back in should he begin to fall. His last experience with flight had not gone very well, but he had learned since then; he was a lot faster and more in control of his body now.

The smarter side of him won out ultimately, as he decided against it. As he was about to step away, Noah heard some noise coming from nearby. He turned and saw a lizard-like man with a wide grin on his face being chased by two women as he jumped over the handrails.

Kaelan! one of the women shouted, wearing golden and red armor that made him oddly nostalgic, while the other began to conjure water from her hands, a magic spell floating around her.

The lizard manKaelanlaughed to himself, spreading his wings wide, as he flew around the ship. The mage woman sent chains of water to catch him, but the man swiftly flew around, dodging them.

A moment later, Noah heard a very familiar voice shouting from inside. AGAIN?! I warned you last year, you buffoon! she shouted, stepping out onto the viewing deck with an expression of human anger. Wind swirled around the woman as she took to the air with a single jump.

Why do you think I do this? He refuses to spar with me otherwise, Kaelan shouted, twirling a spear in his hands as his wings flapped behind his back, a toothy grin full of sharp teeth displayed across his face. Lets dance, Ariella. Just you and me, two lovers of the skies.

Ariella moved swiftly, a powerful gust of wind propelling her like a missile, leaving a sonic boom in its wake. More and more people began to step out onto the viewing deck, now watching the battle taking place.

Oh, theyre at it again! Wanna bet how long he lasts this time? one of the adventurers shouted, while the rest began to throw in their bets.

Noah noted the water mage from before now standing with her palm covering her face.

I can feel her pain, Aurelia said.

What do you mean? Im not that bad, Noah replied, as he looked back up at the skies. Right?

None of the others replied to his words.

What is he? Ive never seen a Drailith with horns and wings, Snow asked.

Hes a Drakonian, a known race of battle maniacs. They live in Drakonias and are the descendants of dragons, Erwest replied.

Oh, so hes a dragon? Snow asked, before looking at Zax.

The dragon chuckled at her words.

No, not a dragon, but the closest thing we have that wont immediately kill everybody in sight, Aurelia said, before glancing sideways at Zax. No offense.

None taken. We are aware of the nature of our brethren, Zax said.

Noah continued to watch the fight. The Drakonian man moved too fast to use identify on, but he didnt need to tell that he was strong. Although Ariella was much faster, the Drakonian man used his spear with swiftness and technique that showed years of training. He could tell that both of them were holding back significantly, but even so, Noah struggled to imagine that he would be able to keep up with either of them currently.

A second later, Noah jumped back as the two combatants began to head in his direction.

With a powerful burst of energy from Ariella, the two crashed back onto the ships deck, surprisingly not breaking anything with their landing. Ariella had her hand wrapped around Kaelans neck.

I surrender, Kaelan replied, as the woman hesitated, letting go.

You're cleaning the entire deck for a week. No food for that duration either. If you pull something else, Im gonna throw you off, the captain said, stomping off.

The two women who followed the Drakonian walked up to him, one of them punching him on the head as the man winced.

I swear, Ive told you so many times not to pick a fight with her. When are you going to listen? the armored woman said.

Hey, this is like the only time I get. She doesnt leave her ship ever. I wouldnt do this if she just agreed to join us for a spar like a normal person. And you know she enjoys these, Kaelan replied.

He is hopeless. Theres no point in trying. Well, Val, Im of half the mind to just abandon him, and the two of us can go to the trials together, the water mage said.

Hey, you can't do that, I am the team leader! Kaelan protested.

It sounds like a good idea, Sera. What good has this meathead ever done for us anyway? the armored womanValsaid, nodding.

Finding his curiosity piqued, Noah walked up to the three of them as the crowd began to disperse, having had their fill of the entertainment. Couldnt help but overhear. Are you three also heading to take the Dragon Warriors trial?

Not three, Kaelan said, standing back up on his feet. Just these two.

Noah looked up at the Drakonian, realizing he stood tall, nearly a full head taller than he was. Finding the chance now, he used Identify on the man.

[Dragon Warrior - ??]

The Drakonian man grinned.


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