Rival In Love Says He Must Marry Me

Chapter 66

Chapter 66 – Full Of Pits

Chapter 66 My head is full of pitfalls

The atmosphere instantly became solemn.

The third wife, Su Hanliu, came out of the kitchen and sighed silently when she saw this scene.

The situation of the Xiao family is not good. The family should be harmonious and help each other in the same boat. What good can such arguing all day long do to the Xiao family?

“Breakfast is ready. If you have anything to do, wait for everyone to sit down and discuss it after breakfast.” Su Hanliu stepped forward to smooth things over, and then winked at her son, “Chenxi, let your second uncle and fourth uncle come back quickly.” Sit down, this kid is really getting more and more ignorant.”

Xiao Chenxi knew that his mother wanted to calm things down, but he still took a look at Xiao Jiuhan first.

Managing a family can’t just rely on kindness and kindness. Since he decided to side with the elder brother, of course he must first see what the elder brother means.

After seeing that Xiao Jiuhan didn’t make any special reaction, Xiao Chenxi understood what the elder brother meant.

“Second Uncle, you have a bad stomach, why don’t you sit down and have breakfast first. Eldest brother was out from morning to night yesterday. He must be very hungry after he just came back. Fourth Uncle…”

Xiao Chenxi’s tone is gentle and well-behaved, making people feel less aggressive.

He could even see that fourth uncle Xiao Yijin’s attitude towards the divorce was obviously not as fierce as that of second uncle, and fourth uncle was the breakthrough point.

Sure enough, Xiao Yijin’s attitude eased instantly, and he also understood that Xiao Jiuhan was actually borrowing Xiao Chenxi’s mouth to give them a step down.

“Second brother, Chen Xi is right, everyone hasn’t eaten early in the morning, you have to take care of your own body, and if you want to talk about something, you have to let Jiuhan finish eating first!”


Xiao Ronggui glanced at Xiao Jiuhan, and took his seat first. The current Xiao Jiuhan is quite different from before, and he doesn’t want to get into too much trouble with this nephew unless it is absolutely necessary.

Others also shut their mouths and sat down one after another.

This meal was probably the most peaceful one eaten by the Xiao family. No one at the table made a sound from the beginning to the end. Naturally, this meal may not be comfortable for a few.

Finally finished the meal, Xiao Ronggui almost couldn’t wait to put down the tableware, and said in a deep voice, “Can we talk now, Mr. Xiao?”

The word “Mr. Xiao” is very heavy.

Xiao Jiuhan got up and walked to the living room, sat down on the sofa seat, and poured himself a cup of tea.

“You should already know the things, what else do you want to talk about?”

Xiao Ronggui really hated her arrogant attitude. He really didn’t understand why the Xiao family had been supported by him for so many years, but why did his father hand over the power of the head of the family to this young boy? !

Xiao Ronggui strode to the sofa and said in a questioning tone: “Why didn’t you discuss it with us when you canceled your engagement with the Jiang family? Don’t you know how important the Jiang family’s support is to our Xiao family now?” ?”

Xiao Jiuhan pushed a cup of tea in front of him, leaned back, and looked at Xiao Ronggui: “Jiang’s support, I thought that since Second Uncle had read the news, he wouldn’t naively say these five words again.”

Everyone stepped on your head to pee and spit, and you still expect others to support you?

Xiao Ronggui obviously had been planning for a day yesterday, and he was not blocked by Xiao Jiuhan’s words: “I know you got angry at the Jiang family banquet, but no matter what misunderstanding you have with the Jiang family, you have to bear with it.” , Think about the Xiao family.”



It is said that people over forty are not confused, but this second uncle is almost over fifty years old, and his mind is still full of pits. Do you want to have more pits than the moon?

Today I will add two updates for you.

(end of this chapter)

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