Rival In Love Says He Must Marry Me

Chapter 666

Chapter 666 – Human In A Bottle

Chapter 666 Humans Living in Bottles

“Because, I am your fiance.”

Fu Ronglan’s words sound out of place at first glance.

Xiao Jiuhan asked: “What do you mean?”

She doesn’t think her current situation is suitable for talking about love, she feels terrible, even when the Cold Moon Sect rebelled, she never felt like this.

Fu Ronglan must have something to say.

In the following time, Fu Ronglan told her some things that were completely beyond her cognition.

“Although your spiritual knowledge is still incomplete and you don’t know anything about the past, you should have already guessed that there is another world outside the Firmament Continent, and that world is called the Extreme Sky Domain.

“Using the knowledge system of the sky continent, the domain of the extreme sky is the universe, which is vast and boundless.

“The Territory of Extreme Sky has a total of 800 realms, and each realm has three thousand worlds, and within the three thousand worlds there are countless small worlds, and the sky continent is just one of these countless small worlds.

“These worlds mean inexhaustible resources to the powerhouses of the Extreme Sky Domain, and the most important resource is life aura.

”In order to obtain aura, many strong people will choose a suitable small world, plant the seeds of life, let life multiply in the small world, loot it when needed, and then replant and cultivate it, waiting for the next harvest.

“This is food, and it is the worst and most elementary food.”

Human beings are food, and they are the worst food. Although Xiao Jiuhan had already understood this concept through the little bug and the man in black, when Fu Ronglan explained it to her so clearly, it still made her feel heavy.

She thought of Yuan Zhan’s resentment and despair the moment before his death.

At that time, Yuan Yizhan said: “Are we human beings really just waiting to be slaughtered? We are not despicable and inferior food! No! No…”

Fu Ronglan’s voice continued.

”Of course, the human beings who serve as food don’t know anything about it. Like the human beings in the firmament continent, they think that they are the top of the life chain, and they also try their best to build spaceships and want to explore and conquer the universe.

”But they will never be able to rush out, because the universe they see with the spacecraft is just an illusion created by the strong for the weak, and generations of humans have lived in lies.

“Even if they land on other planets and explore the so-called mysteries of the universe, they still live in a bottle, small and pathetic.

“There are forests of powerful people in the Extreme Sky Realm, and there are countless people at the level of True Spirit Realm. They call themselves kings and gods in various small worlds, but they all have to submit to a master, and that master is the king of gods.”

Hearing this, Xiao Jiuhan subconsciously said, “The Ninth God King?”

“No, this ranked **** king is only the successor chosen by the **** king. There are nine **** kings in total. The ranking has nothing to do with strength, but only in order of the time when they were selected by the old **** king.

“That is to say, you are the last successor chosen by the old God King, and the one he is most satisfied with. Of course, you are also the final successor he has confirmed.

“In addition, the woman who now occupies your body is called Nan Miao, she is the seventh God King, if it were not for your appearance, maybe she would become the final heir.

“At the beginning, the old **** king discovered that the energy in the extreme sky domain was unbalanced. If left unchecked, the energy will expand excessively, and an energy explosion will occur, and the eight hundred and three thousand worlds will be destroyed.

(end of this chapter)

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