Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 108: New information and battles

To Tianlong Yun the crowds opinion didn't matter much, he was here to fight and polish his strength and fighting power and why not make money on the way.

Entering his dressing room he changed quickly and left the place without being noticed, too much fame wasn't a good thing at the moment, not before dealing with Chu Feng and his succubus of a stepmother.

Thinking like this he left the place and called Feng Tao to know about the bet,

Tianlong Yun:"So how much did we make?"

Feng Tao was still celebrating at the moment because even though Tianlong Yun's odds had decreased a lot it was still a pretty nice sum of money that they won.

Tianlong Yun's odds for tonight had been 10:1 so they had made a good 50 million out of it. And this was a pretty good sum for Tianlong Yun to go on and start to develop his ideas.

Thinking for some time he said to Feng Tao,

Tianlong Yun:"Tomorrow come and meet me at the warehouse with the money, I have another assignment for you that will make us better money."

Feng Tao was even happier at the moment, if at first he had started to work under Tianlong Yun out of fear now slowly benefits and profit were taking fears place.

So without wanting to be a second more late, he said,

Feng Tao:"Certainly master." Now he was becoming even more sure that Tianlong Yun wasn't a normal person.

Closing the call with Feng Tao, Tianlong Yun called Doctor Song and as soon as the phone call connected he said,

Tianlong Yun:"Doctor Song tomorrow prepare the lab so that we start with the experiments, make sure your kids don't doubt anything."

Saying that he closed the call without waiting for an answer.

Doctor Song knew the importance of this matter and the people that were inside their lab were most probably members of some triad so it would be better that he followed Tianlong Yun's orders to the letter.

Taking care of these details he thought that he should visit Lu Bing since it had been a while from the last time they met.

Changing directions he started running towards the Tianlong house. In less than half an hour he reached there, and as a thieving cat managed to pass all the new security without getting caught, entering inside the house.

Immediately after that he ran towards Lu Bing's room but not finding her there, he thought she might be in Tianlong Xiangyun's room, and he was right.

Now he didn't need to put the ear on the door to eavesdrop on them, he just focused on his spirit sense to 'see and hear' them.

Tianlong Xiangyun was still weak thinking of her infection with the virus and needed some nurses to take care of her, but since she had an important matter to talk with Lu Bing they were downstairs at the kitchen.

Seeing as she was alone with her confidante Tianlong Xiangyun started to speak,

Tianlong Xiangyun:"Bing'er seeing as that perverted man had to deal with Mu Xiya this week you are safe, but you should be prepared anytime for my call."

She didn't care that she was sending her confidante to that man, and cared even less that he was about to make Mu Xiya his toy as well.

To her the only thing that mattered was her power and her plans to become more powerful, sending Lu Bing to that scum was just a way to make some time for her plans.

Lu Bing on the other hand didn't say much she just nodded her head, she was afraid that her voice may betray her emotions at the moment, because she knew that her future husband would never let that happen.

Especially after she learned the fate of those who kidnapped her sisters, she was totally sure that her husband would save her no matter what.

Thinking a bit more Tianlong Xiangyun became more confident on her plans and herself and said,

Tianlong Xiangyun:"Bing'er when you go there, try to poison him little by little so we can save from that beast once and for all."

Even though her expression showed like she was doing something like this because he was a monster and tortured so many girls, inside she was just happy that she would be able to get rid of this obstacle.

Lu Bing again nodded her head in acceptance and seeing that there was nothing more Tianlong Xiangyun wanted to say she took her leave and left the place, towards her room.

Entering her room she looked at the window and was thinking aloud,

'what is darling doing right now? Should I call him and tell him what happened?'

Her voice might have been a mosquito buzz but Tianlong Yun who had entered her room before her could hear it loud and clear, so coming from behind he hugged her and put his hand on her mouth to not let her scream and said in her ear,

Tianlong Yun:"Well you don't have to, because I already know everything my love."

Lu Bing was startled at first she was about to start screaming and raise a hell out of this, not wanting to uncover her cultivation and martial arts she had learned from Tianlong Xia.

But then feeling his presence and the hand over her mouth even though she couldn't look at him, she knew who the man behind her was. And her doubts finally got confirmed hearing his voice.

She felt so happy right now, her love was beside her. She didn't need to tell him anything that he already knew and to her this issue was as better as solved.

Thinking like this in happiness she had missed him a lot and feeling his dragon resting on her back mountains she started to slowly move her ass while kissing his hand.

Tianlong Yun was taken by surprise by her attack and released a small groan,

Tianlong Yun:"Ugggghhhhh, you are a seductress love."

But didn't lose himself in that sensation and taking his hand from his mouth he put it over her front soft mountains feeling their tenderness and texture over her clothes.

Lu Bing hadn't felt his touch for some time now and feeling that amazing touch of his she let out a muffled moan,

Lu Bing:"Ooooooohhhhhh, and your touch is still the best darling."

Slowly with the passing of time their attacks started becoming more and more sensual and more direct. And some moments later the only thing that could be heard inside the room were the muffled moans of Lu Bing and the groans of Tianlong Yun.

After they had their fun Tianlong Yun needed to go if he wanted to not be discovered by the security while leaving the house so he said to her with a gentle voice,

Tianlong Yun:"I have to go right now love, but don't worry I will take care of everything. Pretty soon we will be together without anyone in between."

Lu Bing had blind confidence on him so she just kissed him passionately and said,

Lu Bing:"I know darling I believe in you. By the way I like the full Tianlong Yun more too."

He knew that Tianlong Xia or Tianlong Yue had already told her everything, but he was pleased that his women loved him even more. Though he felt stupid to understand that, he was the last to know that he wasn't complete.

But now was not the time to think about things like this so he quickly left the place without getting noticed and went towards his rented hotel, while thinking about his next plans and ideas.

Tonight he had gotten some pretty interesting news, Chu Feng was going to try for Mu Xiya and probably had caught some air that she and Chu Fan were lovers.

He had been occupied with other things lately and didn't knew what had happened that night to her and Bai Hu after he left the place.

He had to gather some information over that because this might be his golden opportunity to deal with Chu Feng and Tianlong Xiangyun.

Thinking like this he arrived at the hotel and entered his room, two find to seducing cats sleeping on his bed. It was a perfect combination of hot and cute.

Tianlong Xia was wearing fiery red transparent nightgown and lingerie while Tianlong Yue was wearing a white transparent nightgown with cute bear stamped lingerie, which made a big irony seeing that the bear's mouth that was over her secret cave was open.

Which man wouldn't get a turn on from this view, even though he had just had a big fight in bed with Lu Bing seeing these two cute and hot women he was ready to fight again.

Also they were not sleeping anymore but just pretending to be asleep he went towards the bed and without preparation put a finger inside the wet secret cave of the cute Tianlong Yue, who caught surprised by that attack released a moan,

Tianlong Yue:"AAAaaooooohhhhhhh, thish ish shooo goooowd."

Satisfied at his attack Tianlong Yun smiled warmly and said gently,

Tianlong Yun:"So the little cat was awake, well since you are awake and your big sister is sleeping lets have some fun little kitty."

Tianlong Yue wasn't paying much attention to his words she was focusing on her feeling so good, only by his hands, but the big cat could hear it perfectly and knew she had been found out.

So it was useless to pretend anymore and she jumped from her position to his back and pretended to be angry,

Tianlong Xia:"Oh? So if I am sleeping you have the right to play by yourself?"

Tianlong Yun feeling those bouncy and soft mountains of jade on his back released a small grunt and said playfully while extending the other hand towards her dripping wet secret cave and burring a finger,

Tianlong Yun:"Well the bad kitty's who pretend to be sleeping need punishment."

Meanwhile he was playing with her secret cave. Tianlong Xia released a small moan feeling his play with her secret cave,

Tianlong Xia:"Ooooooohhhhhhhh, well then punish us more darling."

Like this, another big battle happened inside the walls of that room, full of moans and groans of climaxing…


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