Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 109: New plan and healing

Waking up early in the morning just like yesterday Tianlong Yun went out to the saloon where the kids were waiting in lineup to start their training.

Even thought their muscles were hurting like crazy yesterday, even though they had difficulties waking up this morning, all of them were ready to start the daily struggle and hellish training once again.

Just like yesterday they started with running and then push-ups, squats and other stuff and when everyone was about to go in that hellish bath of pain, were water would turn black like naphthalene, Tianlong Yun stopped them and started teaching them martial arts.

Only when they had no more strength left in their body did he allow the boys to go and enter the bath, where that will wrenching pain would start.

But even though the pain was so bad and everything seemed like hell on earth the kids didn't stop from entering, because they could feel that they were a bit stronger than yesterday.

And being strong and powerful was their inner wish, to have the strength and power to face life and create a better future for them and their newfound family. All of them believed that along Tianlong Yun their future was limitless.

Of course all this time they were being brainwashed that they had to obey each and every order of Tianlong Yun but they didn't care about it, to them Tianlong Yun was their big brother who would help and lead them towards the best each and every time.

After the hellish training they had time to relax and continue to do what they wanted meanwhile Tianlong Yun needed to go to Doctor Song's house so that he could start with the cure for the virus.

But before that he needed to meet with Feng Tao and give him his next assignment. He had thought a lot about this and if he needed to have power on this city and even province and country he needed to control powerful people.

Thinking to control powerful people and make them obey your orders seems impossible but there are two ways that always function on these people.

The first is money, when you offer enough money to these people they are ready to sell their soul, body and family. As long as the offered amount is good enough.

But he doesn't have so much money and even if he had, he needed that money to buy herbs for cultivation.

So the only left option was the second one, the honey trap. Man and women in this world sell everything they have for two things money and lust.

Especially men, sometimes they do the impossible for women. It doesn't matter if it's for love, lust or obsession but they will do it.

In this days world where there are lots of public houses, clubs, pubs for the middle and lower class of people there doesn't exist one for the high society.

Of course for someone to start such a thing he needs connections and furthermore nice and high class society ladies.

But to Tianlong Yun this was kind of a heaven given opportunity, wouldn't he get the perfect first candidates to these place after he dealt with Chu Feng?

After all Chu Feng had worked so much on making those women toys to play, so it would be a shame if he kept them only to himself, wouldn't it?

As for those women, well they had already fallen to the mentality of being a toy to be played by men so he was giving them the opportunity to show their skills in a bigger stage.

Thinking like this Tianlong Yun called Feng Tao and said,

Tianlong Yun:"I expect you to be at the warehouse in an hour's time."

Saying that he closed the phone and walked towards the warehouse, right now it was around 5 pm and he hadn't gotten the message for his next fight so there was nothing he needed to hurry for.

In an hour's time he reached the warehouse only to look at a smiling Feng Tao waiting for him. He opened the door and entered inside, alone with Feng Tao. His guards had taken orders to not create trouble otherwise death was their only option.

Entering inside Tianlong Yun checked with his spirit sense to see if someone was spying on them, and it truly was a little rat was trying to spy on their conversation.

Just as Feng Tao was about to speak to his master, Tianlong Yun disappeared from his place to show in front of the rat and the only thing that could be heard was a painful grunt and the rat was unconscious on the ground.

Talking him as a potato bag Tianlong Yun turned towards Feng Tao and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Do you know him?"

Feng Tao was startled at the beginning but then said,

Feng Tao:"Yes this is one of the underlings of Long Tou the head of the biggest triads in the city, he is a smart and ruthless guy. He might have suspected something when I won the bet last night."

Tianlong Yun thought for a moment and then asked,

Tianlong Yun:"Tell me about the triads in the city, Is Long Tou working for Chu Feng?"

Feng Tao was startled the fact that Long Tou was working for Chu Feng was something known only to a small circle of people and that was even the reason they didn't dare to oppose him, because he had big back up.

But his startled face lasted only for a moment when thinking that Tianlong Yun was even more dangerous and mysterious than a simple perverted Chu Feng. So he started to speak,

Feng Tao:"There are 3 big triads in the city at the moment, Dragon triad of Long Tou, my Bamboo triad and Turtle triad of Xuan Tie. But he deals only with protection and some bribery so people don't pay much attention to him."

Seeing he had Tianlong Yun's interest he continued,

Feng Tao:"Dragon's triad deals with weapons, drugs and prostitution, almost 90% of the red light district belongs to them. My triad and me we deal more with smuggling and construction. Just because they had Chu Feng as a backup. Even though we were created as a measure from that guy to stop their sharp increase."

Tianlong Yun had already thought this as a possibility and didn't care much about it, but Feng Tao didn't want to get misunderstood so he said quickly,

Feng Tao:"But that is all in the past master Tianlong Yun, from now on I am in your side, as your obedient servant."

After all with Tianlong Yun's help he had a chance to replace Long Tou and have the biggest triad in the city together with a lot more money. Being under one and ruling the others was a good choice to him.

Tianlong Yun knew that this sly fox had started to smell money and power but he didn't care much about it. After all as long as you don't have real power in your hands, having money is just a mistake.

Thinking like this he said firmly,

Tianlong Yun:"Take the money we won from the bet and rent a mansion in the best place in the city, also make reparations make it like a luxurious hotel for guests. With all kinds of facilities a love hotel has, but in a more refined way."

He didn't care about the wondrous look in Feng Tao's face and continued,

Tianlong Yun:"Also make preparations to separate the mansion in two different parts, for males and females. All this should be finished by next week. Are we clear?"

He said the last sentence to attract his attention because he knew that this was too startling for Feng Tao. As if remembering something before he disappeared with the rat he said,

Tianlong Yun:"If you need more money put some of your own, or just bet more on my next fights. In the meantime prepare to destroy the other two triads in town."

Then he disappeared from the place, actually he just ran fast but there was no way Feng Tao could see him ran with that speed and the fact that he was still stunned by the words of Tianlong Yun.

Feng Tao was stunned because finally his wish was going to be fulfilled and by the assignment Tianlong Yun was giving him he could understand that he was trying some big operation that would make him rich and powerful beyond his dreams.

Meanwhile Tianlong Yun had taken the rat as a potato bag and was running towards Doctor Song's house, while calling him to notify him of his arrival with the rat on his shoulder.

In less than 20 minutes he reached the Doctor's house and entering from the back door they soon reached the lab, but only Tianlong Yun entered while Doctor Song had other things to take care of.

Inside the lab there were lying more than 20 unconscious bodies in a corner and Jiang Bo was doing some physiotherapy in the other corner.

Seeing his master enter the lab he immediately got up and went behind him with a clutch on his arm to balance his body.

Tianlong Yun seeing his action threw the rat at the corner and then taking a vial of the concoction the kids were using he said firmly,

Tianlong Yun:"Take this vial and throw it in a bath and then enter with your leg inside the water, but careful it will be really painful even though it will make your leg as brand new."

Jiang Bo was startled at first how could such a concoction fix his leg as new when the doctor said he didn't have much chances of being normal again, but his master had made many miracles and had a mysterious and fantastic past so he decided to believe in his master.

Without delaying a second further he went to the bath and filling it with water, he poured the concoction to the water filled bath and entered.

It was true the pain of that medicine was like hell, he could feel like thousands of mosquitoes, ants and scorpions were biting him all over the places where the water reached and after that bite him again.

Truly a hellish torture to someone like him even though the vial contained 3 drops of the concoction. When the pain and torture finished the water had become all black but there was something that surprised him…


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