She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 102

Chapter 101 – Hell (3)

During the 11th Golden Week, tourist attractions all over the country are crowded with people.

Both of them didn’t want to join in the fun, so they stayed at home, watching movies, cooking food, and enjoying the world of two.

Jian Qing does not have seven consecutive days of vacation, and there is a shift on the 3rd.

Lu Yinxi went out to play for a day by himself, and when he got home, Jian Qing was still off work.

She ordered takeaway and waited for someone to go home to eat together.

It wasn’t until twelve o’clock in the middle of the night that Jian Qing returned home with a tired face.

“Have you eaten yet?” Lu Yinxi got up from the sofa.

“I ate a piece of bread in the evening.”

I ate a piece of bread to pad my abdomen, then went to the training, and then there was a rescue, and I didn’t have time to eat dinner.

“Then you go take a shower, and I’ll cook a bowl of noodles for you.”

A bowl of homemade tomato and egg noodles.

After eating, Jian Qing took the initiative to wash the dishes.

Lu Yinxi was on the sofa, drowsy.

Jian Qing walked over, lay on her lap, closed her eyes and meditated.

“Why did you lie down as soon as you were full? You are still a doctor.” Lu Yinxi stroked her long hair and complained in a low voice.

“Feeling a bit tired.”

Lu Yinxi pinched her ear: “You stayed in the hospital for 16 hours today.”


“You can sleep late tomorrow.”


“Whatever you want to eat tomorrow, I’ll make it for you.”

Jian Qing spat out the word “you” with a calm expression, and it was hard to tell if he was joking or serious.

Lu Yinxi twisted her ear: “No way.”

She moved her ears.

Lu Yinxi couldn’t help pinching her ear gently, feeling the slight tremor.

“Another patient’s condition has progressed today.” During these days together, Jian Qing will gradually open up and talk to Lu Yinxi, “I told you last time, the one surnamed Li.”

“I remember. The one who insisted on having a baby, didn’t you?”


Lu Yinxi stroked her hair and sighed, “Sometimes I feel that some girls who were outstanding and dazzling in their student days, with good personalities and abilities, are no worse than any boys, but after getting married, After reaching a certain age, you are no longer yourself, but become someone else’s wife or mother, and the focus of your life revolves around your husband and children.

This society is eulogizing the greatness of mothers and their selfless dedication, but why are mothers always selfless?

Sometimes, it is obvious that women sacrificed their careers and shifted their focus to their personal families. In the end, men became the majority in the workplace, leaving the path to climb up to men, and the right to speak was handed over to men . Some people would like to say: women are not as good as men. unlucky! “

Jian Qing didn’t comment on this long speech, but just closed her eyes and said, “Your mother is different.”

Gu Mingyu was indeed different.

She devoted herself wholeheartedly to her career, ignoring the shackles of family and affection.

Lu Yinxi rubbed his nose: “I complained about her before, she really didn’t accompany me much, but it is undeniable that she is an excellent doctor.”

Gu Mingyu personally taught her to be self-reliant and self-improving in character, never to be attached.

Economic independence can basically be achieved after stepping into society and starting to work. Personal independence, some people cannot achieve it in their entire lives.

“Dad, don’t be like this. It’s a genuine foreign medicine. I checked it on the official website myself!” In the ward, He Baozhen persuaded his father to take the medicine and ask someone.

Old man He stared angrily: “What’s the use of your investigation? You are too easy to be deceived! She told you that it is genuine medicine, and it is genuine medicine? A bottle of medicine worth more than 10,000 yuan, your daughter-in-law will not eat it. If it doesn’t look better, maybe it’s because of this medicine that I died!”

His mother also persuaded: “Okay, okay, let your father take a photo and ask the son-in-law of He Laoer’s family. Their daughter is gone, and that son-in-law often goes to their house. What is his name… It seems that the surname is Chu, who is also a doctor, so I took a photo and sent it to ask if it is real medicine? This medicine is too expensive, and the medical insurance does not cover it. If you say that if you take it well, then forget it. Take it now If this happens, you have to ask and understand.”

After hearing what his mother said, He Baozhen looked at his wife on the hospital bed, and his heart was a little shaken.

He took out his mobile phone, took pictures of the packaging box and instructions of the medicine, and the pills, and sent them to his father.

His father sent it to the family group.

[Second He, help me call your child to take a look, is this genuine medicine, why haven’t I seen it before? 】

He Laoer and He Laotou are distant relatives, and they seldom move around on weekdays. Only last time, He Bei, the daughter of He Laoer’s family, left, and their family went to the funeral.

The funeral was organized by a man with a foreign surname. After inquiring, it was He Bei’s fiancé or Fuyi’s doctor.

These days, there is a doctor among relatives who is easy to handle. When people are old, they are afraid of this disease and that disease. There is a doctor in a big hospital who can help occupy a bed. .

When He Laoer saw it, he sent it to Chu Yan, asking if it was genuine medicine and whether it could be used.

After He Bei left, the marriage contract was terminated, and they recognized Chu Yan as their godson. Chu Yan would come to the door when he was free, and take the two elders out for a walk to relax and comfort the two elders when they lost their daughter.

After returning from the disaster area, Chu Yan finally let go of her worries and returned to work.

At 4 o’clock in the morning, he assisted the director of the group to complete an emergency operation, got off the operating table, collapsed on the ground with exhaustion, leaned against the wall, and drank glucose water.

After working for nearly 24 hours, he slowed down for a while before recovering, dragged his tired steps, and went to the rest room in the operating room to rest.

The rest room in the operating room was built in response to the request of the trade union in the past two years. There are reclining chairs, massage chairs, and a dining area.

Chu Yan slumped on the massage chair, turned on the phone, and saw the message from He Bei’s father, holding back his sleepiness, looked at each one with his eyelids open, and replied:

【Dad, there is no such medicine on the domestic market. 】

[It is still in the experimental stage and cannot be used temporarily. 】

【I just got off the operating table and I’m a little tired. I’ll check the latest literature when I go back to make sure. 】

He Laoer received the message and quickly replied:

[It’s okay, it’s okay, if you can’t use it, you can’t use it, I asked for a relative, you should have a good rest, don’t tire yourself out. 】

He Laoer forwarded Chu Yan’s reply to Old Man He, saying: [The medicine that is not on the market may not be usable. 】

When the old man heard it, he exploded: “It’s a medicine that can’t be taken. You fool was deceived! Which doctor recommended it? I’ll ask her for an explanation! Everyone will be killed by her, do you still have a conscience? ? Do you still have medical ethics?”

When his son He Baozhen heard this, he suddenly lost his mind. Looking at his wife on the bed, he didn’t know what to do. At one moment, Jian Qing’s careful exhortations appeared in his mind, and at other moments, his father scolded him furiously.

He Baozhen’s mother rolled up her sleeves and took the medicine: “Don’t be impulsive, we said that there is no evidence in this way, and we can’t tell them. In this way, your Aunt Xiao is at work. I will take it to her for an appraisal, and it is confirmed that it is not edible. The doctor has nothing to say about the counterfeit medicine, and the hospital will definitely give us an explanation!”

She went to the Food and Drug Administration of Jiangzhou City to find an acquaintance for appraisal, and the acquaintance told her: “According to Article 48 of the “Drug Administration Law”, it must be approved but not approved for production or import, or must be inspected according to this law. Those that are sold without testing will be treated as counterfeit drugs. This drug is a counterfeit drug that has not yet been approved for marketing in our country.”

Mother He returned home with the testimonial, threw it on the table, and was filled with righteous indignation: “It’s a fake drug! That doctor of yours has no conscience! This kind of black heart makes money!”

Holding her 1-year-old son in her arms, He Baozhen picked up the testimonial and read it word by word, her hands trembling with anger and her eyes turning red.

Fortunately, he and her wife trusted the doctor so much before! I also want to send a pennant over there!

“Bah! It’s really not a thing! I’ll ask her for an explanation!”

He Baozhen put down his son, put on the appraisal certificate, and went to the hospital to find Jian Qing.

Jian Qing was in the outpatient clinic. He Baozhen didn’t register. He rushed in with a mobile phone, panting heavily, “Doctor, you must give me an explanation today!”

Seeing him rushing in, Wei Mingming quickly stood up and walked over: “Hey, you didn’t register!”

Jian Qing observed his facial expression, saw that he was agitated, shook his head at Wei Mingming, and asked He Baozhen calmly, “What do you want to say?”

Wei Mingming returned to his seat, sat down, and looked at him warily.

“Doctor, tell me the truth, can you take the medicine you recommended to my wife? Is it a fake medicine? Did my wife get worse because of taking that medicine?”

“Calm down and listen to me.”

Brief explanations one by one.

“First, it is edible and harmless. The data in the literature show that it can effectively prolong the progression-free survival of patients with advanced lung cancer. I can print out the data in the literature for you to see.

Second, according to the “Drug Administration Law”, it is a counterfeit drug, but this “fake” is not a fake in terms of composition, but a fake in procedure. It has not been approved for marketing in our country, but it has been sold normally in foreign countries up. The drug management law has not been revised for more than ten years, and it is not applicable to the current situation at all. At present, there is no suitable drug for your wife on the domestic market, and you want to try again. If you ask other doctors, other doctors will also give you such a recommendation.

Third, your wife’s condition got worse not because she took the medicine, but because the medicine was already resistant to it, failed, and couldn’t stop the cancer from spreading, so her condition got worse. Don’t put the cart before the horse. “

He Baozhen asked: “How can you prove that my wife didn’t get worse because of taking your medicine? Last month, she developed a lot of rashes for no reason. I thought it was not normal at that time!”

Jian Qing retorted: “Really? If you think that medicine is not normal, but it will make the condition worse, why did you buy a second bottle? From the first month, her condition is improving, and the medicine is working. The rash It is a common adverse reaction. In addition, please turn off your mobile phone recording, you are so disrespectful to me.”

He Baozhen couldn’t talk to her, and went home dejectedly.

When I got home, I was scolded by my parents again.

Leaning on crutches, old man He scolded him: “Why are you so useless? You got caught in it again! This is a fake drug! What is not fake in terms of ingredients? The law says that fake drugs are fake drugs, and recommending fake drugs is Damn God!”

He Baozhen said: “But the doctor said that this medicine is useful…”

His mother held the grandson in her arms and poked him on the head: “Silly son! Your wife is going to die! Our family spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in their hospital to give birth, treat diseases, and see doctors. What do you think?” The medicine is useful, but there is a fart? Now that people are cured, you don’t go to them to ask for an explanation, but you have to talk to the doctor instead?

I think your wife should stop staying in the hospital, take her home, don’t waste money! We are not a rich family. Her parents don’t pay for her daughter’s medical treatment. What’s the use of us emptying out our family? My grandson doesn’t want milk powder money? My grandson doesn’t want to go to school? You don’t want to pay the mortgage? “

The grandson in her arms suddenly burst into tears: “Mom…I want to find my mother…”

Mother He hugged her grandson and stood up to coax her: “Be good, my baby, don’t cry, mom will be back soon…”

He Baozhen felt so useless, he had no choice but to do nothing.

He felt sorry for his wife for a while, and for the child for a while. Reason told him that he could not blame the doctor. The doctor recommended the medicine out of kindness, but he couldn’t accept the result emotionally.

Would my wife live longer if I didn’t use this medicine?

Was it the medicine that made his wife’s condition worse?

After he comforted his son to sleep, he went to the hospital again, looked for his wife, snuggled up to her bedside, held her hand, and said with tears: “My mother asked me to take you home. I don’t want to. How long will you stay here?” God, you can live a few more days and spend more time with me. Wife, I’m sorry for you, if I had known, I wouldn’t have listened to my mother, I wouldn’t have children…”

The female patient on the bed, weak and unable to speak, opened her eyes, looked at the ceiling, and shed tears silently.

This is the cowardly, uninitiated man she has loved all her life.

Three days later, at night, the female patient in bed 21 suffered a sudden cardiac arrest, the rescue failed and she died.

He Baozhen’s parents still dislike the oncology department, it’s too bad luck, and they don’t want to go.

The last time the person didn’t die, they went to visit for the sake of love.

This time the person is dead, which is even more unlucky.

Mother He said: “Don’t take it home now, my grandson will be scared and send it directly to the funeral home.”

The old man said: “You still have to go to the doctor to talk about the medicine. If you can’t talk to her, go to her leader and the leader of the Health and Medical Commission to report it. How can fake medicines be recommended to patients indiscriminately? ? This is an outrageous thing! Your wife can’t just die like this, and you don’t even look at it, how much did our family spend on her medical treatment?”

After his wife left, He Baozhen was disheartened, with a cold face, and resisted his parents for the first time: “If you want to talk about it, you can talk about it. I’m going to settle her funeral.”

Old man He was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: “Why did I give birth to such a useless thing like you! I didn’t allow her to come in at the beginning. I checked with a fortune teller. She doesn’t look like a long-lived person. Now look, When you get married, she has this disease and that disease. In order to treat her, all our family’s money has been spent on her. I don’t know if the son born to you will get sick in the future?”

Mother He hugged her precious grandson and scolded her husband: “If you want to talk about him, talk about him, why are you talking about my grandson?”

He Baozhen couldn’t listen anymore, slammed the door and left, and went to the hospital to settle his wife’s body.

Old man He paced back and forth at home, unable to swallow this breath: “No, I have to go to the hospital in person and tell the doctor’s leader that the doctor who recommended fake medicine has no medical ethics and is a black sheep!”

While teasing her grandson, Mother He said, “If you want her to apologize to our family, you can’t swallow it like this!”

Old man He went directly to the medical department of Attached One, complained about Jianqing, recommended fake medicines, and murdered for money.

Chu Yan worked in the hospital for several days in a row, finally took a day off, went home and took a nap, after waking up, he searched for relevant documents, and seriously replied to He Bei’s father:

【Dad, I checked the information again. The medicine you asked me last time is not supposed to be usable, but it is already on the market in foreign countries, and its curative effect is very good in foreign countries. I read the disclosed data, and it can prolong the survival period by 2 to 5 months. There is no other treatment for advanced stage For patients who can take medicine, if they want to try it, they can try to eat it. 】

He Bei’s father forwarded it to old man He.

Old man He glanced at it, ignored it, and complained as usual.

Jian Qing received a call from section chief Jiang and went to the medical department.

It is not a good thing to be called by the medical department.

Section Chief Jiang handed the complaint registration to Jian Qing: “Your deputy Hu is on a business trip, and he asked me to ask you directly. Little Doctor Jian, what’s going on?”

Jian Qing told Section Chief Jiang the ins and outs, and asked him: “There is such a treatment method, the patient has a chance of life, and has the chance to prolong his life. If I don’t tell her, then I will violate medical ethics; I tell her I violated the law if I killed her. Director, you are also a graduate of our school’s medical school, do you think I should violate this unreasonable law, or should I violate medical ethics?”

Section Chief Jiang: “Xiao Jian, this matter is very difficult for you. I know your department, and some departments of surgery, out of good intentions, will recommend some unapproved new drugs to patients, and other hospitals also have them, but that is Good luck, the patient you met was not bad. The family you met is difficult, if you are serious, you will be sued. “

Jian Qing calmly said: “Even if I go to court, I still feel that I am right, and that I am right in treating illnesses and saving lives. Her death was not caused by drugs.”

Section Chief Jiang said: “It depends on their demands now. If they want mediation in our hospital, you can apologize to them; , then go to court with them, and we will find a lawyer here. You recommended the medicine, but you didn’t make a profit from it. Take this as a lesson, don’t recommend new medicines casually in the future, I’ll wait A notice will also be issued to let all clinical departments pay attention.”

Jian Qing asked: “Director, if we don’t let them try the new medicine, will those patients just wait to die?”

Section Chief Jiang, who has rich experience in doctor-patient disputes, pointed at Jian Qing, shook his head and said, “Xiao Jian, Xiao Jian, you are now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river. You can’t protect yourself, so don’t worry about others. Go back first, and I will deal with it later. Be careful. This drug law is said to be changed every year, but it hasn’t been changed every year. This year, I asked your mentor to submit a proposal, and change it quickly, otherwise, you people will be in danger.”

Hu Jianjun is one of the representatives of the National People’s Congress. In recent years, with the development of tumor treatment, he has noticed this hidden danger.

The current “Drug Administration Law” was more than ten years ago, and the development of medicine is changing with each passing day. This law does not apply to the current changing situation.

When old man He came to the hospital again, Section Chief Jiang talked with him and explained the reason.

Old man He didn’t quite understand, so he just kept talking about losing money and apologizing.

Section Chief Jiang said: “Apologize and I can coordinate and coordinate, but compensation is not justified. Your daughter-in-law did not die due to medical faults, so there is no compensation.”

Every year, the medical department purchases insurance for doctor-patient disputes. After a dispute occurs, the insurance will pay part of the compensation, the hospital will pay part, the department will pay part, and the doctor will pay part; but the insurance will only pay compensation if there is a medical malpractice dispute.

Old man He left the medical department angrily: “Your hospital is full of snakes and rats, covering up unscrupulous doctors! I will complain to you at the Health Commission!”

The Health Commission received a complaint and called Hu Jianjun and Section Chief Jiang over for questioning.

Hu Jianjun has a certain influence in Jiangzhou City. Faced with this kind of collision between love and law, the Health and Medical Commission can also understand the doctor’s choice, and is worried that public opinion will have a bad impact on the health community, so they plan to make a big deal into a small one. , Make it a trivial matter, just deal with it coldly.

The old man He had nowhere to complain, out of anger, he went to the oncology department every day to ask for an explanation.

He even brought his grandson over, pulled a stool, and sat quietly at the door of the oncology department office. Every few minutes, he shouted: “Unscrupulous doctors prescribe fake medicines, murder for money!”

People from the oncology department called the security department to come up, and the guards from the security department surrounded the old man. The old man picked up the child and said, “What do you want to do? Your hospital killed my grandson’s mother! You also want to kill me and my grandson? You If you dare to touch me, my grandson and I will be bumped to death here!”

Jian Qing told the people from the security department to go back: “Let him go, as long as he doesn’t hit anyone.”

The old man He caught Jian Qing and scolded her. At first, he scolded her for being cruel and unreasonable, and scolded her for having no medical ethics. Later, the scolding became more and more ugly, and all kinds of swear words came out.

Jane ignored it coldly.

People in Corey called the police, and the police came to take notes and gave him a warning and education, but it was useless, and he was still scolded.

After scolding for a few more days, Jian Qing made a phone call, and the police came to investigate again, and gave him 5 days of administrative detention.

She didn’t tell Lu Yinxi about the farce in the hospital, she endured it silently by herself, and when she returned home, it was no different from usual.

Lu Yinxi was keenly aware of her emotional changes, and asked, “You seem to be a little unhappy recently, what’s the matter?”

Jian Qing pointed to the sky, and said solemnly: “The season has changed, it hurts the spring and the autumn.”

Successfully made the deer drink the creek.

Smiling, Lu Yinxi said: “Tomorrow Saturday, I will go to your department to play the piano.”

Jian Qing shook her head: “I will rest tomorrow, you stay with me at home.”

“Oh, that’s fine, I’ll make you a matcha cake.”

“Okay. Your birthday is coming, what gift do you want?”

Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing, and gently squeezed her ear: “I want my teacher Jian, be happy every day.”

Old man He came out of the detention center, cursing and returning home, unwilling to reconcile, he took a small bucket, went to the vegetable market to get a bucket of dog blood, and brought it to the hospital.

Jian Qing was in the outpatient clinic, he rushed in with a bucket, and poured a bucket of dog blood on her body.

The patient at the door screamed in all directions.

Wei Mingming quickly called the security department and scolded old man He: “Are you **** sick?”

Jian Qing was drenched in stinky dog blood from head to toe, and was in a panic.

The old man He pointed at her and cursed endlessly: “Bitch! Bitch! Slut! Scumbag!”

The Security Section directly carried him away and turned him over to the police station.

Weeping, Wei Mingming took off his white coat and put it on Jian Qing.

Jian Qing took off the blood-stained white coat and asked the nurse to assign the patient to other doctors. In the consulting room, he rinsed his hair and face with cold water.

“Why are you crying? It’s not like you were chopped off.”

Wei Mingming stopped talking and said with a sob: “Why? Why should we be treated like this? What did we do wrong?”

“Maybe it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have saved people.” Jian Qing looked calm, picked up water, and wet his cheeks, “Wei Mingming, have you learned it? Don’t be too soft-hearted in the future.”

What responded to her was Wei Mingming’s weeping.

“You must not tell her these things.”

She put on Wei Mingming’s white coat and walked back to the department.

At this most embarrassing moment, she also walked with her head held high, without complaining or accusing, ignoring other people’s eyes, returning to the bathroom of the department, tidying herself up, and returning home as if nothing had happened, to accompany her lover.

Old man He was put in the detention center again, and Jian Qing counted the days on his fingers.

On the day of leaving the detention center, Jian Qing asked for leave, drove to the gate of the detention center, tapped the steering wheel with her fingertips boredly, and waited for him to come out.

He spat, patted his butt, and went home.

Jian Qing drove behind him all the way.

He seemed to have noticed something, turned his head, and glanced at the car.

The car was covered with a one-way see-through film, so he couldn’t see the people in the car clearly.

Arriving at a remote section of the road that was not monitored, old man He turned his head again, glanced at the car, and found that the car was getting closer and closer to him, as if it was going to hit him regardless.

He turned his head and ran subconsciously.

The sound of the vehicle engine was loud, like urgent gunshots, following behind him.

After running for a while, he staggered and fell to the ground.

He was dressed roughly, his face was flushed, and he was struggling to get up, but his legs were as soft as mud, and he couldn’t stand up.

He turned around and looked behind—

The black Audi behind him bumped into him head-on.

He screamed loudly and closed his eyes, the screeching brakes ringing in his ears.

All around quiet down.

He opened his eyes and saw the black car less than one meter away from him.

The door opened, and a woman in black stepped out from the driver’s seat.

The woman was tall and beautiful, but with a gloomy face, she was completely different from the gentle image in the hospital wearing a mask and a white coat.

She walked over and looked down at him condescendingly.

Stared at by the gloomy eyes like poisonous snakes, old man He only felt that the temperature around him dropped several degrees, and he was too scared to pant loudly.

“If you mess with me again, I will find a place where no one is around and kill you.”

After the old man returned home, he was silent for several days.

His wife urged him: “You don’t even want to get back the compensation? Didn’t you have a lot of trouble when you were young?”

Old man He nuzui: “That woman is desperate, she is desperate, I want to live a few more years with my old bones.”

Human nature bullies the soft and fears the hard.

She really wanted to drive him over to kill him that day.

His son He Baozhen persuaded: “Don’t make trouble, they protect each other, and we ordinary people can’t fight them.”

Mother He sighed: “What kind of world is this! Doctors can get away with killing people. Baozhen, let’s hold a funeral banquet for your daughter-in-law. Invite all the relatives you can invite. Let’s get together and think about it.” What kind of method, you can’t suffer from boredom.”

There is also a gift money for the funeral banquet.

The funeral banquet was held at home, everything was kept simple, and gifts from relatives were collected quite a bit.

When the relatives heard about this incident, they were also filled with righteous indignation. Some said to set up a mourning hall at the entrance of the hospital, some said to give the leaders some money to win them over, and some said to go to the court to sue.

There was a distant cousin of He Baozhen in the table, he put out his cigarette, and said: “Of course I will sue, and I will find a lawyer for you. I also know a friend who works in the XX Bureau, Wang Enyi, and he seems to follow a There is a conflict. I heard him scold the doctor in that hospital before. He knows a lot of friends from the TV station. We gave him some money and asked him to help make a connection. The doctor who prescribed fake medicine was exposed on TV, and her reputation was ruined! “

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