She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 104

Chapter 103 – Birthday

Lu Yinxi ignored it, picked up the ceramic basin on the ground, raised his arm, and wanted to smash it again.

Wei Mingming from inside rushed out and hugged her: “Yinxi! Calm down!”

People in sackcloth and filial piety surrounded her and surrounded her with sticks: “What are you doing! What are you doing! Killing people!”

Zhang Yue also rushed out, grabbed the ceramic basin from Lu Yinxi’s hand, and protected the two of them behind his back.

Jian Qing heard the commotion outside, stood up straight, and slammed on the door of the tea room: “Open the door, let me out!”

The scene was chaotic.

Doctors and nurses rushed out to see the middle-aged woman on the ground.

A doctor said: “You are not dead, you are still breathing and your heart is beating. Get up, don’t pretend to be dead!”

The medical crowd said: “Save people, bandage them, aren’t you doctors and nurses?”

The nurse rolled her eyes: “I won’t die for a while, you guys take it to the emergency department for rescue!”

A middle-aged man dressed in sackcloth and filial piety raised a wooden stick and swung it towards Lu Yinxi’s left arm.

Zhang Yue protected them and retreated: “Don’t do it, don’t do it!”

The man shouted: “Who told you **** to beat my wife?”

Lu Yinxi pointed at the surveillance camera and said loudly: “There is surveillance over here, she beat me first! If you beat me again, you won’t get any money, and all of you will be put in prison!”

These relatives of old man He originally intended to help the He family make a fuss and extort a sum of money for everyone to share, and they didn’t want to go to prison for this.

Unable to fight, the man pushed Lu Yinxi hard: “You bastard! I x your ancestor!”

“Bang bang bang!” Jian Qing slapped on the door of the tea room, calling Lu Yinxi’s name, “Yinxi! You go home!”

Lu Yinxi glanced at the tea room.

She doesn’t care about being scolded, she is a star, and she has been scolded in many places on the Internet in the past. Have you heard or seen any foul language?

She just didn’t want to hear others scold Jian Qing again.

Jian Qing beat on the wooden door: “Wei Mingming, Zhang Yue, come and open the door for me!”

Wei Mingming pulled Lu Yinxi and Zhang Yue past him, and pulled them into the office to open the door for Jian Qing.

The group of people in sackcloth and filial piety also followed Ulala into the office.

Security personnel from the security department came up in full armor, wearing helmets, riot shields, and tear gas spray, and stood in front of the doctor.

The leader of the hospital and director Jiang from the medical department also came over.

Director Jiang said loudly: “Don’t make noise! Making troubles won’t solve the problem! If there are conflicts, sit down and negotiate to resolve them! Everyone put away everything!”

Old man He roared: “Negotiation is a bastard! You people, officials and officials protect each other!”

Hu Jianjun took out a red-headed document and said: “Everyone calm down, according to the instructions of the higher authorities, she is now going to be suspended for investigation, so stop making trouble.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone fell silent.

Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing.

Jian Qing came out of the tea room and looked at the red-headed document in Hu Jianjun’s hand.

Old man He asked: “She has been suspended, what about our compensation? Your hospital killed my daughter-in-law, how much do you plan to pay?”

Section Chief Jiang: “Let’s sit down and settle the matter of compensation. You first take away those wreaths and take off your filial piety, so as not to affect other patients’ treatment!”

The chief of the security department has arranged for people to remove the wreaths to maintain order at the scene.

The head nurse dismissed the onlookers and drove them back to the ward.

Several resident doctors lifted the middle-aged woman who was pretending to be dead, and carried her to the emergency department for bandaging.

The police also rushed to the scene and took the troublemaker back to the police station in the name of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”.

Hu Jianjun handed the red-headed document of suspension investigation to Jian Qing: “Public opinion has spread, and the Health and Medical Commission wants you to be suspended. You have to go to the police station to accept the investigation. You can hand over the work you are doing.”

Jian Qing took the red-headed document, read it word by word, and said: “Got it.”

Everyone in the department looked at her.

Lu Yinxi walked to her side.

Jian Qing looked down at Lu Yinxi for two seconds, then suddenly lowered her head and lightly bumped her forehead: “Who made you so impulsive?”

His forehead was bumped, Lu Yinxi frowned, rubbed, but didn’t complain, held Jian Qing’s hand, and remained silent.

Hu Jianjun continued to speak with a sullen face, “Don’t gather around here to watch the excitement, go and do whatever you want, Zhang Yue, Wei Mingming, go and clean the outside.”

Wei Mingming’s eyes were red, he looked at Jian Qing, then at Hu Jianjun and Section Chief Jiang, choked up and said, “You guys will get along with each other!”

Section Chief Jiang clicked his tongue: “We also want to protect your teacher, but we can’t. We can only follow the instructions from above.”

Hu Jianjun looked at her with a sullen face and said coldly: “You don’t have a place to talk, go out.”

Zhang Yue didn’t dare to say anything, and took Wei Mingming out to clean up.

Lu Yinxi went to the bathroom, washed his hands and face.

The head nurse took a piece of gauze to wrap the ice pack and applied it to her face.

She obediently picked up the ceramic pot and replanted the soil and cactus back into the pot.

Jian Qing sat in the office, took out a pen and paper, and wrote down the notes for work handover.

The responsible medical work, scientific research projects, administrative affairs, and teaching affairs were written in an orderly manner according to the priority, and handed over to Hu Jianjun.

Hu Jianjun’s serious face relaxed a little, and he comforted her and said, “You have been wronged, I asked you to accept this patient.”

Jian Qing shook her head: “She is also my patient, she did nothing wrong.”

Section Chief Jiang said: “I’ve inquired about it, you don’t know how to file a case, just go and assist in the investigation.”

Jian Qing hummed, said nothing, and took off her white coat.

Taking off her white coat, she looked up at the red slogan on the wall—

【Sometimes, to heal; often, to help; always, to comfort. 】

Lu Yinxi put on an ice pack, came in from the outside, and saw Jian Qing’s blank eyes.

It was like a blunt knife had been cut through my heart, with bursts of dull pain.

Lu Yinxi recalled the academic conference at the beginning of the year. Jian Qing announced the clinical data of a patient’s progression-free survival period separated by hundreds of people. Or, when a life is snatched from the hand of death, the joy, comfort, and pride from the heart.

He used to be such a high-spirited person, a person with firm beliefs, but now, he has such a blank look in his eyes.

Is she also wondering, what did she do wrong? Shouldn’t you be soft-hearted and kind?

Lu Yinxi didn’t dare to guess the despair in her heart, walked over, reached out to hug her, and warmed her with his own body temperature: “Let’s go home.”

After returning home, the next day, Jian Qing was summoned by the Public Security Bureau to question and assist in the investigation.

I went there for three days and didn’t come out.

She didn’t go to jail for killing people, but for saving people.

There is a video big V on the Internet, with millions of fans, who forwarded the news report of the satellite TV, and Jian Qing was scolded on the trending searches.

Lu Yinxi checked the profile picture of the big V, he was an acquaintance.

In the outpatient clinic back then, the person who made a fuss because of overbooking.

She also scolded him.

In the past, in the outpatient clinic, if one person scolded her, she could help Jian Qing scold him back. Now, a group of people are scolding, and everyone’s mouths are rambunctious. How can she help Jian Qing scold him back?

The big V retrieved the original video, edited it maliciously, and released it.

In the edited video, Jian Qing has a bad attitude, looks coldly at the patient, disdains to explain the reason, and directly puts him in the last place.

Under the video, there was another wave of abuse.

“This kind of doctor deserves to be in the game! Go to jail!”

“Without medical ethics, morality is ruined!”

“It’s quite beautiful, I didn’t expect my heart to be so dark!”

“Blind, what’s so good about her? She looks so mean!”

Lu Yinxi remembered that Jian Qing used to be on the hot search after the earthquake relief. At that time, the comments below were all praises and praises—

“The doctor is great! Salute!”

“Salute to the angel in white!”

“The doctor’s sister is beautiful and kind! Salute!”

All she could say was, okay.

Fortunately, Jian Qing never used Weibo, so she couldn’t see these comments.

While waiting day after day, Lu Yinxi slowly fell into despair.

She is self-reflective.

She has been peeling off Jian Qing’s cold and hard protective layer, trying to take Jian Qing away from those bad fates.

Now, it is precisely because of the soft heart after peeling off the coldness that Jian Qing is pushed into a desperate fate.

She felt that she was the biggest variable, the culprit, and the person who shouldn’t exist.

If there is no own existence, if Jian Qing always remains cold and hard, does not change her, does not let her learn empathy, does not let her learn to be soft, just keeps her cold and closed from the beginning to the end, will the current situation be different ?

But after thinking about it, in the original plot, they both died.

Not much better.

Lu Yinxi climbed up from the mud trough of despair.

Even if the fate of this world must knock her down, she will not bow her head.

Fate wants to make her despair, but she will not despair.

She will never go down the path of self-destruction.

no way!

Wang Enyi took a friend from the satellite TV reporter and wandered around the hospital entrance, wanting to interview someone from the oncology department.

The reporter asked several questions in succession:

“What do you think of peers prescribing fake medicines?”

“It’s not the first time she prescribed fake medicines. Do you know how many times she has prescribed them before?”

The doctors and nurses in the oncology department did not answer and drove them out.

Those who Jian Qing had offended in the past stepped on her severely when she was in trouble.

Lu Yinxi went to the oncology department to organize and take away some of Jian Qing’s items in the duty room, just in time to bump into the two people who were kicked out.

She looked at the reporter’s work card and said mockingly: “Your TV station broadcasts false medical advertisements all day long, and now, in order to attract attention, it pushes a doctor who is dedicated to treating diseases into the whirlpool of public opinion. Isn’t it cheap?”

The reporter poked his neck and said: “You little girl, you are weak and weak, why do you speak so badly? What’s the matter with you? Are you her family?”

Lu Yinxi sneered: “Yes, I am her family member. Do you think that only her family members are scolding you? Do you know the famous ‘Peng Yu case’? A young man helped a fallen old man to get up, and the old man turned his back and sued him The court said that it was the young man who knocked down and wanted compensation. The judge ruled that the young man lost the case on the grounds that the old man was not knocked down by you, so why did you help him? Will not be corrupted.

Now, no doctor dares to recommend imported drugs that are not marketed in China to terminal cancer patients, and patients can only wait to die. News reports like yours are stained with human blood! By doing this, she is not alone. You are blocking the way of millions of cancer patients. Hundreds of cancer families are calling you out, you are notorious! Just pray that your family will not get cancer for the rest of their lives! I bother! “

The reporter blushed when she scolded her.

Lu Yinxi yelled at Wang Enyi again, hugged Jian Qing’s things, and left arrogantly.

Clean the things brought back from the hospital and put them on the balcony to bask in the sun.

Lu Yinxi went out again, bought a big cake, and went to the police station to pick up Jian Qing.

The investigation for several days was finally over. Jian Qing did not make any profit from it, had no interest relationship with the drug seller, and had no direct relationship between the drug and the death of the patient. Although the behavior was illegal, it did not constitute a crime.

Jian Qing’s treatment at the police station is not too bad, and she usually eats with the police.

Lu Yinxi took a big cake and said to the policemen: “Today is my birthday, and I will celebrate it here. Please eat my birthday cake together. Thank you for taking care of my cousin.”

The police officer lamented, “It’s hard to be a good person in this world. Dr. Jian has suffered.”

Jian Qing put candles on the cake.

The mobile phone she had just brought back was placed on the table, and the webpage opened, and it was a familiar Weibo profile picture.

The profile picture of Deer Drinking Creek.

Lu Yinxi took her mobile phone, clicked on her profile, and found that her Weibo was blank, her avatar was blank, and she only followed herself.

She used to use Weibo…

Did she see the gossip too? Those bad public opinion?

Lu Yinxi looked up at Jian Qing.

Jian Qing also looked at her, and together with the police, sang happy birthday to her.

Lu Yinxi put down her mobile phone, and went after all the good cakes for the police, and finally cut a piece of cake for Jian Qing that had less cream but more fruit, and the piece in her hand was almost all cream.

“Happy birthday.” Jian Qing changed her plate and pushed the one with a lot of fruit in front of Lu Yinxi, “I’ll make it up for you tomorrow.”

The tip of Lu Yinxi’s nose was sore, he choked up, unable to speak, glanced at Jian Qing’s haggard and thin face, held back his tears, and buried himself in eating the cake.

Jian Qing watched her tears fall into the cake.

“Yinxi, don’t cry, I’m fine.”

Gentle comfort.

“I don’t cry…” Lu Yinxi rubbed his eyes, held back his tears, and said in a trembling voice, “I don’t cry, they will use public opinion, and I will use it…they use public opinion to hurt you, and I will use public opinion to protect you , to uphold justice for you.”

The author has something to say: Isn’t it very cruel? I’m still a sweet writer~~~

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