She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 105

Chapter 104 – Only Her

There is cream and matcha fragrance floating on the tip of the nose. This is Lu Yinxi’s favorite matcha-flavored cake, which is as delicate and soft as a cloud.

It’s a pity that she was in the police station, and she was not in the mood to savor it carefully. She swallowed the cake whole and stuffed it into her stomach, and hurriedly passed this birthday.

Jian Qing took out the tissue on the table and carefully wiped the cream on her lips.

She raised her chin, looked at Jian Qing, and let Jian Qing wipe it obediently.

The ends of her eyes were still a little red, and her slender eyelashes were wet with tears. After saying “don’t cry”, she really didn’t shed a single tear. Her clear and bright eyes kept staring at Jian Qing, for fear that Jian Qing would disappear. .

A policewoman next to her joked, “You two sisters have such a good relationship.”

“I’m here, and she’s the only one.” Lu Yinxi said.

Jian Qing listened, looked at Lu Yinxi’s eyebrows, and said nothing.

She is only her.

The mother is gone, the enemy is gone, and the only belief has been destroyed.


Only she is still around.

Lu Yinxi took Jian Qing’s hand and came out of the Public Security Bureau.

At the end of the month, the green leaves on both sides of the road gradually turn yellow.

The weather is getting colder and colder.

Jian Qing was only wearing a short sleeve.

She stood at the gate of the police station, squinted her eyes, and looked at this strange world.

The autumn afternoon sun made her stomach sick.

Lu Yinxi took off his long-sleeved coat and put it on for her.

She didn’t wear it, so she took it, held it in her arms, lowered her head and sniffed it.

The familiar light fragrance can make her feel at ease.

After getting in the car, Lu Yinxi turned on the air conditioner and heater.

Jian Qing was sitting in the passenger seat and was about to buckle up her seat belt when Lu Yinxi leaned over and buckled it up for her.

It was buckled, but the person didn’t leave.

The palms caressed her waist, her shoulders, and her cheeks.

The warm hand patch was pasted on her cheek, and Lu Yin Xizai looked at her face carefully.

Thin cheeks, blue eye circles, dry and cracked lips…

Thin and emaciated.

The last time she was in the disaster area, she was so haggard and thin, even more disheveled, with distinct scratches on her neck and arms.

But at that time, her eyes were firm and bright.

Now, her eyebrows are drooping, and there is not a single wound on her body, all the scars are scratched in her heart.

Unforgettable, blood dripping.

“I want to touch your eyelashes.” Lu Yinxi said softly.

Jian Qing closed her eyes obediently, her upper eyelashes and lower eyelashes sticking together.

With the pulp of his index finger, Lu Yinxi traced lightly along the arc of the eyelashes.

“I want to kiss you.”

Jian Qing opened her eyes: “You don’t need to say this.”

The eyes are faint, it is difficult to distinguish between sadness and joy.

She hardly loses her composure and perfectly controls all emotions.

Love, anger, and hatred are all dormant under the calm appearance.

Except that day, she was locked in the door, and when she heard the sound of Luyinxi outside, she shouted her name in a panic, slapped the door panel, and wanted to go out.

Lu Yinxi always thought that he couldn’t see through her.

But now I realize that she is actually very easy to understand, love and hate are very simple.

Love is love with all your heart, and hate is also hatred that goes deep into the bone marrow. If you don’t care, you don’t care about anything.

Lu Yinxi leaned closer, tilted his head, and pressed Jian Qing’s dry and cracked lips.

Gentle touch.

The warm breath exhaled from the nasal cavity hit each other’s cheeks.

Lu Yinxi felt her temperature and her existence.

After a few seconds of lightly fitting, Lu Yinxi reluctantly parted, turned back to the driver’s seat, started the car, and drove home.

As the car drove past Attached One in the city center, Jian Qing glanced in the direction of the hospital.

Luyinxi didn’t stop, and drove away.

Jian Qing turned her head and asked, “Aren’t you going home?”

“Go back.” Lu Yinxi replied, “but instead of going to the apartment opposite the hospital, let’s go back to the university town.”

Jian Qing hummed without asking why, and followed Lu Yinxi’s arrangement.

Lu Yinxi concentrated on driving.

He Baozhen’s family got the address across from Jianqing Hospital from somewhere.

They couldn’t get into the community, so they assembled a group of people to block the gate of the community all day long, holding up banners and posting advertisements to publicize Jian Qing’s prescribing of fake medicines.

The home here in the university town, when Jian Qing comes here for class on weekdays, she will stay here for one night.

She rented here when she was a student, and now there are many medical-related textbooks at home.

Physiology, biochemistry, systems anatomy, medical immunology, internal medicine, surgery…

When Jian Qing returned home, as soon as she entered the door, she saw the books with blue and white covers on the bookshelf in the living room, and found two empty boxes.

She threw the medical books on the ground one by one.

Lu Yinxi walked over and flipped through it casually.

Most of the book covers are curled and yellow, and the book is filled with dense notes.

Jian Qing took a pack of tissues, wiped the covers of medical books one by one, put them into cardboard boxes, sealed them with tape, and carried them into the utility room.

From now on, she will no longer practice medicine, and she does not want to be in contact with medicine.

Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing, and had nothing else to say except feeling sad.

At night, lying on the bed, Jian Qing faced the wall and her back to Luyinxi.

She’s been pretty much silent tonight, talking less than usual.

Lu Yinxi wrapped her arms around her waist from behind, and clung to her, like a neglected cat, muttering in a low voice: “Take care of me.”

Jian Qing listened to the heartbeat of the people behind her, and said, “Don’t be so impulsive in the future.”

She was referring to the incident where Lu Yinxi hit someone with a flowerpot in the hospital that day.

She can do whatever she can to stain her hands with blood and countless stains, but she doesn’t want Lu Yinxi to go against her heart for her.

It doesn’t feel good to be tortured by hatred.

“En.” Lu Yinxi responded obediently, without defending himself.

At that time, she was indeed overwhelmed by hatred, but she didn’t intend to smash the middle-aged woman to death, she just wanted to make people shut up.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t provoke the middle-aged woman first, forcing the woman to do it first, and then she would fight back.

The counterattack only hits the woman’s forehead, not the vulnerable temple.

The frontal bone on the forehead is a relatively hard bone, with a bridge-like arch structure, which can disperse the impact force. If she hits it like that, there is a high probability that it will not kill anyone, unless it hits the temple hard.

Jian Qing asked: “Did she trouble you later?”

“Yes. Originally, the doctor only put a gauze on her forehead. She bought a roll of gauze, wrapped it several times, and smeared some chicken blood on it. She said that she was severely beaten and had a concussion. She wanted to call the police and arrest me. , asked me to pay for medical expenses, so I called the police in front of her.

The police came and asked her to show the doctor’s diagnosis, but she couldn’t. Yan Miaomiao had stitched her up, and the diagnosis of concussion was not written in her medical records.

I took the police to adjust the surveillance at the entrance of your department’s office, and told the police that according to the Public Security Management Punishment Regulations, she provoked trouble, disrupted public order, and humiliated doctors. He was arrested for questioning and detained. “

Jian Qing turned around and hugged Lu Yinxi tightly into her arms.

Lu Yinxi said softly: “You think I’m younger than you, so you won’t tell me many things. In fact, I can take care of myself, and I can take care of you too. I’m really not 20 years old. You can’t take care of me. Think of it as a small pet in the family.”

Jian Qing hummed, but didn’t speak again.

Lu Yinxi didn’t speak anymore, and quietly snuggled into her arms, playing with her hair.

A quiet hug is more comforting than words.

The Health and Health Commission of Jiangzhou City issued a notice: Jian Qing was ordered to suspend her practicing activities for one year, and the hospital was ordered to deal with the relevant doctor-level responsible persons involved.

Once an accident occurs in the hospital, the leader must be involved.

Hu Jianjun is Jian Qing’s mentor, Jian Qing’s direct superior, and the head of the oncology department. He and the hospital’s Section Chief Jiang were called to the health committee to talk admonishingly.

The provincial health commission issued a circular to hospitals across the province, expressly prohibiting doctors from recommending unapproved drugs for marketing, prohibiting hospitals from using patients’ own medicines, and carrying out screening work. In the past, doctors who recommended unmarketed drugs to patients must Registration.

In the morning, the head of the department made a rounds. Jian Qing was missing from Hu Jianjun’s medical team, and Zhao Wenqian, who was in advanced studies, had returned to the original hospital. Hu Jianjun transferred an attending physician from the Anning Ward to take over Jian Qing’s work.

When the 21st bed was found, the patient in the 21st bed was a rural lung cancer patient who had been being treated under Hu Jianjun.

The chemotherapy drug that Hu Jianjun recommended to her before is not available in this hospital. His daughter almost went to all the hospitals and pharmacies in the city to buy this drug, brought it to the hospital, and asked the nurse to use it.

Before Jian Qing’s accident, she had been using it in the clinic, and the effect was good.

This is the last course of treatment.

But this time when she was admitted to the hospital, the doctor did not dare to order her to give her chemotherapy.

Her daughter has been begging for days, begging the doctor, begging the nurse, to give her mother medicine.

Today Hu Jianjun led the people in the department to conduct a big round of the ward. The patient’s daughter cried and begged Hu Jianjun: “Director, I beg you, this is the medicine I bought after spending a lot of money and looking for a lot of places, even if something happened. , It has nothing to do with your hospital, the last course of treatment, we have been using it before, let us use it.”

Hu Jianjun helplessly explained: “It’s not that we don’t use it, it’s that the hospital notified us not to use the medicine outside the hospital. The last doctor who used the medicine outside the hospital, my student, has been suspended and arrested. If you say I dare to let him Do my doctors use it?”

When the patient’s daughter heard this, her eyes were full of despair and helplessness. She looked at her mother in the hospital bed.

The mother on the hospital bed looked haggard and thin to the bone. Looking at her daughter, she shook her head slightly, signaling not to force her any more.

In the ward, everyone fell silent, looking at the mother and daughter.

Hu Jianjun turned and left in a complicated mood, followed by the junior doctors and students, leaving the desperate mother and daughter behind.

With heavy steps, he checked and asked questions from ward to ward.

Ask yourself, teaching rounds, teaching rounds, what is he teaching the students now?

Taught them to die.

This is just an example of their department. How many patients can be saved in other wards, other hospitals, and other cities?

The author has something to say: don’t break my little red flower! I only found out last time that there are only 3,000 words of red flowers, and there are only more than 2,000 words for a few days. die orz

Fight back in the next chapter!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-2608:14:36~2021-05-2723:57:13~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Ellie1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Tosaka Tokiomi, 526917571;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 19 bottles of Li Xiaojin; 17 bottles of Huizao Online; 15 bottles of Minxuan; 10 bottles of Yujunyuan, Luoshu, and 孓孓; 5 bottles of Baikongkongkongkongv and Zhe; 17585794 and Shijiu 2 bottles; 1 bottle of Yuan Yu and Moon Wolf Star;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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