She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 106

Chapter 105 – Fight Back

On the second day after leaving the police station, Jian Qing thanked the guests behind closed doors, and saw no one except Lu Yinxi.

People who used to get up early have learned to sleep late.

In the morning, Lu Yinxi made breakfast, walked into the bedroom, and wanted to call Jian Qing up.

Walking to the side of the bed, the person on the bed closed his eyes and fell asleep, with a layer of blue-black dark circles floating under his eyes.

When she was asleep, she would have restrained the gloom and coldness on her body, revealing a bit of softness and tranquility, but now she was even more fragile.

Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing, unable to bear to wake her up, leaned over and kissed her forehead, then sat silently on the head of the bed, took the mobile phone, and sent messages while waiting for Jane to wake up.

When Jian Qing opened her eyes, she looked at the strange ceiling with a blank look.

I can’t remember where I am at the moment.

It took a few seconds before she remembered that this was a residence near the University City.

She looked at the deer drinking stream beside the bed.

Lu Yinxi lowered his head and looked at her tenderly: “It’s half past eight, if you want to sleep, you can sleep for a while.”

Jian Qing did not continue to sleep, sat up, leaned against the head of the bed, silently thinking about what to do for the next day.

She is used to being busy with medical treatment, scientific research, and teaching. In the past, there were 24 hours a day, and she wished that one second could be used for two seconds.

She looked at Luyinxi.

If she was alone, she would start planning revenge and make those people feel that life would be worse than death.

But now there is Luyinxi.

This person said that he wanted to live a peaceful and peaceful life.

She wanted to give her such a life so that she would stay by her side and never leave.

Jian Qing lifted the quilt, got out of bed, washed, and went to have breakfast.

In the process of eating breakfast, she found her next goal.

After Jian Qing had breakfast, Lu Yinxi said to her, “I’ll go out for a while, and I’ll be back in the evening.”

Jian Qing hummed, and said habitually: “Be careful.”

Lu Yinxi went to Director Yan’s home.

On the day Jian Qing was summoned by the Public Security Bureau for questioning, Director Yan’s wife, Aunt Xu, was also taken away, and her cousin was even detained.

Aunt Xu’s cousin works in a multinational company and travels all over the world.

After Director Yan suffered from cancer, he established a mutual aid group for patients, and often asked his cousin to help him buy imported and generic drugs.

Jian Qing introduced Aunt Xu to He Baozhen’s wife, Ms. Li, so that the He family had a channel to buy medicine.

During the medical trouble, the relatives of the He family quarreled with Director Yan’s family, insulted Aunt Xu, insulted the drug buyers, sold fake medicines to death, made black-hearted money, and made them lose money.

The lion of the He family opened his mouth and asked them to pay one million in compensation.

Lu Yinxi smiled helplessly: “Director, do you know how much they want Dr. Jian to compensate them?”

“Ah Qing, how much do they want you to pay?”

Jian Yan saw the report of Jian Qing prescribing counterfeit medicine in the major media, and visited again.

Jian Qing was sitting on the floor of the living room, holding a knife and wood in her hand, carving portraits.

She blew the sawdust off the wood: “Four million.”

She didn’t want to let Jian Yan in, but Jian Yan stood at the door and called her “sister”.

She was so disgusted that she let people in.

Sitting on the sofa, Jian Yan tapped her knees with her fingertips, thinking for a moment, with a smile on her lips: “It’s a lot, can you afford it?”

“If you sell the house, you will be able to afford it.” Jian Qing said calmly.

“Don’t sell it, why don’t I pay the money for you?”

After Jian Qing glanced at her, she looked away and focused on carving wood carvings: “The weasel pays a New Year greeting to the chicken?”

What’s your heart?

Jian Yan said, “I want you to come home and help me.”

“Continue to be your lackey?”

“Don’t say it so harshly, everyone gets what they need.”

“You don’t have what I need.”

“Aren’t you going to lose money?”

“No compensation, I was right.”

“The old man is sick and doesn’t know about you yet.”

Jian Qing stood up and opened the door to see off the guests: “Don’t worry, I won’t go back. Even if I don’t practice medicine, I won’t compete with you for property. Let’s go.”

Jian Yan looked at her half-sister, and asked, “Ah Qing, in your heart, every time I come to you, is it only because of the family property?”

Jane raised her eyebrows lightly: “Otherwise?”

Is there a sisterly relationship between them?

“You don’t want my help every time, I’m very sad.” After saying that, Jian Yan didn’t show any sadness on her face. She took out a bank card from her bag and put it on the table, ” I’m leaving, remember what you said, this money is considered to buy your promise.”

“Four million?” Director Yan slapped the table angrily, “It’s really not a thing!”

Lu Yinxi scolded: “They are beasts!”

Aunt Xu was released today, and when she got home, she hugged Director Yan and cried.

She is a people’s teacher and an intellectual, and she has never suffered such a great humiliation in her life.

What’s more, this humiliation was caused by a moment of goodwill.

Lu Yinxi apologized to her instead of Jian Qing: “Aunt Yan, I’m sorry to drag you down.”

“Silly boy, those people are the ones who are bad, why do you apologize?” Aunt Xu gradually stopped her tears, “Auntie has already retired, it doesn’t matter, and I just suffered a little grievance, what will Dr. Jane do in the future?”

“I don’t know either.” Lu Yinxi lowered her head and sighed, “She doesn’t want to be a doctor anymore, I don’t know how to persuade her…”

Director Yan said, “I’ll go find her in the afternoon and chat with her.”

Lu Yinxi shook her head: “She doesn’t want to see anyone now, so she just stays at home and doesn’t talk much.”

The couple sighed.

After a while of silence, Lu Yinxi said, “I’ll take you to meet a reporter.”

She came to the door this time to apologize on behalf of Jian Qing and Aunt Xu, and to take them to a reporter for some interviews; and third, to find some cancer patients and cancer family members in Teacher Yan’s mutual aid group, and ask them to stand Come out and say something.

The reporter is a well-known reporter. He once exposed an unobjective medical accident report by a TV station and successfully reversed public opinion.

Since the accident, the reporter has been looking for simple and clear contact information, wanting to come to the door for materials.

Lu Yinxi took the initiative to find him, cooperated with him, set up a bridge for him, and introduced various parties.

On the night after the interview, the reporter wrote a manuscript and sent it to Lu Yinxi for review.

Lu Yinxi said: “Wait a little longer, I will lay the groundwork for you first, and spread some warm-up public opinion.”

The reporter said: “Then I’ll polish it up!”

On the third morning after Jian Qing came out of the police station, a police officer within the system published an open letter.

The letter said that he was a family member of a cancer patient, and his wife suffered from breast cancer. After joining Director Yan’s patient mutual aid group, he had a channel to buy medicine. After taking the medicine, his wife’s condition improved a lot. Regardless of his personal career, he interceded for those who purchased medicines, for Aunt Xu, and for Jian Qing.

In order to disassociate themselves from the relationship, the leaders of the First Attached Hospital forbade the staff in the hospital to retweet or express their views on this incident.

The consistent norm within the system.

Ren Jiajia, who just entered the first year of graduate school, can’t control these things.

She is still a student of the school, and she is under the management of the school, and the affiliated hospital has no control over her speech.

At the beginning of the year, she mobilized her classmates to report to the medical department that Dr. Gong of the oncology department’s digestion group had a bad attitude and asked interns to wash dishes during the Chinese New Year.

After reporting, she returned to the department and was ostracized and ignored by everyone.

At that time, she stood still and didn’t move, she didn’t move, like an ant being set on fire, she kept thinking, what did she do wrong? It’s obviously not her who is at fault, but the teacher, why are they all blaming her for granted?

At that time, only Jian Qing stood up, rescued her, and told her that when she came to the clinic, she had to listen, watch, think, have her own independent judgment, and have the courage to overturn the existing conclusions. What is written in the textbook is not necessarily the most comprehensive, and what the superior doctor says and does is not necessarily correct.

Now that Jian Qing is in trouble, she uses her mobilization and organization skills to mobilize medical students to forward the police’s open letter on major social network platforms to spread public opinion.

She also listed Jian Qing’s deeds during foreign aid and earthquake relief, and left a message on the online platform describing the incident at the beginning of the year, saying to netizens: “A teacher who loves students, a teacher who dares to stand up for me when everyone is silent How could such a doctor be a doctor with corrupt medical ethics and devoid of conscience?”

When Lu Yinxi saw this comment, he paid the navy to praise it, and put the comment in the front row.

She locked herself in the room and drew comics all night, in the form of popular science comics, and popular science. imported medicines.

She downloaded the literature proving the effectiveness of tiboluo drug, translated the key English passages into Chinese, and made the AE, SAE, progression-free survival, objective response rate, five-year survival and other data of clinical trials into a simpler , Clear forms, open live science popularization, make video publicity, @医药百的自己, medical big Vs forwarded and expressed their opinions one after another.

Lu Yinxi doesn’t have as many fans as the video big V who scolded people in the outpatient clinic, and the popularity is not as high as him.

But Lu Yinxi has a complete recording of him jumping in line and cursing others.

She played the complete recording and confirmed that it was indeed the case—he was making noise in the outpatient clinic after passing the number, disturbing order, and later his father coughed up blood, and it was Jian Qing who rescued him.

She also bought a hot search, borrowed the popularity of the video big V, bundled marketing, and made it to the front row of the Weibo hot search.

Groups of students such as Haishuijun, Marketing Account, Ren Jiajia, Wei Mingming, etc. were in the front row to control the comments.

Netizens flocked to his comments and scolded:

“The doctor saved your father’s life! You still made trouble, and took the opportunity to smear and step on it! How shameless?”

“Ingratitude! Wolf-hearted! Not a thing!”

“Did you take money from medical rioters? Bad money? Canceled!”

“Eating human blood steamed buns, you!”

Lu Yinxi used the public relations methods of the entertainment industry and the methods of guiding public opinion here.

Public opinion gradually began to reverse.

This is the first shot in the public opinion counterattack, but it is only a warm-up.

After the police’s open letter, another family member of a cancer patient came forward and told the desperate medical environment. Doctors dare not use medicines, and patients cannot take medicines. They said that medicine can save lives, but it cannot save the hearts of bad people .

Lu Yinxi changed his account and announced the phone numbers, home addresses and other personal information of He Baozhen’s family.

He Baozhen received a large number of abusive text messages and harassing phone calls from netizens.

“It’s you, a **** who bit Lu Dongbin?”

“The real version of the farmer and the snake. When buying medicine, they knelt and kowtowed, and when they died, they turned their heads and took a bite! Shameless!”

“The doctor studied for eight years, practiced medicine for five years, and practiced medicine for thirteen years. A good doctor was ruined by you bastards! You apologetic with death!”

Mother He and old man He couldn’t bear the disturbance, so they changed numbers.

But not long after, the new number was leaked again.

On the fifth day after Jian Qing came out of the Public Security Bureau, Lu Yinxi once again put the notification that the police refused to file a case on the hot search, proving Jian Qing’s innocence.

At the same time, reporters also began to publish long articles, fully restoring the story in the form of stories, releasing videos of He Baozhen’s family’s medical troubles, a large number of videos of insulting doctors, bombarding their family as real farmers and snakes, and bombarding them. The TV station convicts the doctor without in-depth investigation, and appeals to the whole society—

“He Baozhen’s family did not protect their rights in accordance with the law, wantonly abused the staff, and disturbed the order of the hospital. Please be sentenced!”

“Has the authenticity and objectivity of your news on the TV station been eaten by dogs? Pushing an innocent doctor to the forefront has chilled the hearts of doctors and nurses all over the world, blocked the way for cancer patients to save lives, and forced everyone in the medical profession to be at risk. National oncologists and cancer patients apologize!”

The pen is a gun in the hands of cultural people, and Mingji’s narrative ability, emotional rendering, and emotional mobilization ability are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Lu Yinxi spread “Jiangzhou Counterfeit Drug Case Reversal! “,” Reverse! Fake drug case police report acquittal! “The draft also made a promotional video of Putian advertisements and false medical advertisements broadcast by the TV station. I bought a hot search and hung it up, and asked the trolls to continue to stir up the popularity.

The reversal of public opinion was pushed to a climax.

The old man He and his mother refused to accept the police report, and once again made a complaint to the Health Commission, requesting that the Health Commission severely punish the doctor and revoke the doctor’s license and professional qualification.

He Baozhen couldn’t bear the humiliation, so he hired a lawyer and sent a lawyer’s letter to Lu Yinxi and the reporter, suing her for insult and defamation.

I also told Jian Qing.

Jian Qing received the court summons, glanced at it and threw it aside, as if nothing had happened, continued to sit on the carpet in the living room, carving wood.

The evil dragon stripped off its sharp claws, stopped causing trouble, and nestled in a corner, silently licking its own wounds.

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