She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 107

Chapter 106 – Bid Farewell

The Health and Medical Commission, the Health Supervision Institute, and the Public Security Bureau played the characteristics of playing football within the system.

People from the Health and Health Commission and the Health Supervision Office said: “I have already imposed an administrative penalty here. She broke the law. It is a criminal case. We cannot handle it. It is under the control of the Public Security Bureau. Now that the Public Security Bureau does not accept her, we have nothing to do!” “

Old man He said: “You revoke her practicing license!”

The leader of the Health and Medical Commission spread his hands: “There is no such rule! You must pay attention to evidence when you speak and act. There is no evidence to prove that your daughter-in-law’s death is directly related to the drug. If you act according to the law, you can only give an administrative penalty of suspension of practice!”

Old man He ran to the police station to make trouble.

The police from the Public Security Bureau said: “We must pay attention to evidence when we speak and act. She has no profit and cannot be dealt with as a crime. There is no way to file a case for investigation. This is a doctor-patient dispute. You should either discuss it with the hospital or go to a mediation agency. Either go to the Health Commission or the court, and we can’t control it.”

When he arrived at the hospital, Wei Mingming cursed: “If you hadn’t knelt down and begged her, she would have recommended it to you? Don’t push yourself too hard! Everyone has already been suspended? What else? Are you shameless?”

Old man He yelled loudly: “You still dare to scold me? If I hadn’t taken the fake medicine prescribed by you, would my daughter-in-law have died? You are hurting nature and reason!”

Zhang Yue pulled her behind Wei Mingming, motioning her to talk less and stop making trouble again.

Wei Mingming shook off Zhang Yue’s hand, and continued pointing at their noses and cursing: “She’s already in stage IV! You still expect the new medicine to be a panacea and it will work as soon as you take it? Just tell me if you want money! Old stuff! ungrateful! Wolf-hearted!”

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more unmanageable, people from the security department rushed over and called the police at the same time.

Wei Mingming took off his white coat because of his talkative words, and was taken to the medical department to be reprimanded and to write a self-criticism.

Comrades from the police came over and warned old man He: “If you continue to make trouble like this, it won’t be a matter of being locked up for a few days.”

After a lot of trouble, only the court accepted their lawsuit in the end.

However, public opinion is still spreading. Medical workers and the self-media in the medical field continue to speak out, calling for grievances, bombarding He Baozhen’s family for moral corruption, villainous face, and bombarding TV stations for indiscriminately accepting Putian medical advertisements. Discredit doctors, discredit the medical profession.

At the beginning, the TV station was stubborn and refused to admit its mistakes, saying that it was exercising the right of supervision by public opinion.

The Administration for Industry and Commerce posted the results of Lu Yinxi’s report on the TV station’s broadcast of false medical advertisements on the official website, imposed administrative penalties on the TV station, ordered the TV station to stop broadcasting advertisements, confiscated the advertising fees, and punished those who received double the advertising fees. fine.

After the report came out, CCTV’s “Today’s Statement” also made an objective and fair report on the fake drug case.

As a result, public opinion attacks became more violent, and netizens flocked to the comments of the TV station to scold—

“A TV station that spares no effort in advertising fake medicines, a lackey of the Putian branch! How dare you criticize the fake medicine case with a shy face? I suggest that the Disciplinary Committee thoroughly investigate the TV station!”

“You guys are shit-stirring sticks! Feed the media people’s conscience to the dogs!”

“Please give the doctor justice! The bad relationship between doctors and patients is indispensable to the fanning of the media by you! Garbage!”

“Infertility Taiwan, the monopoly counterfeit medicine platform, Putian Taiwan, I’m waiting for those who were killed by you and put to death by Putian to come back to find you.”

Under the pressure of public opinion, the TV station issued a public apology statement.

The He family hired a criminal defense lawyer from a well-known law firm in the capital.

The lawyer came to Jiangzhou City, and after understanding the public opinion and the specific circumstances of the case, he refused to accept the He family’s agency, saying that public opinion cannot be violated.

Chu Yan came to the door and wanted to apologize to Jian Qing, because he said “temporarily unavailable” that day, and the He family came to the door with confidence.

Jian Qing saw no one else, Lu Yinxi and Chu Yan said, “Take me to find He Bei’s parents.”

She and Jian Qing saved He Bei’s life, and He Bei’s parents still remember them.

Seeing Lu Yinxi, He Bei’s father kept apologizing, saying, “I didn’t know that it was Doctor Xiao Jian who prescribed the medicine, and I didn’t know that He Baozhen’s family would make such a big fuss. I’m sorry for you two girls’ family.”

He Bei’s mother also knelt down: “Auntie also apologizes to you, our He family is sorry for your life-saving grace!”

Lu Yinxi hurriedly supported her: “Auntie, it’s not you who are at fault, it’s them. You don’t need to apologize, but I want you to do me a favor.”

Father He said, “What’s busy? Tell me.”

“I want you to help persuade the relatives of the He family to stop making trouble with He Baozhen and his family; I also advise He Baozhen to withdraw the lawsuit and not to sue Dr. Jian. Now there is no lawyer who will take their case.”

He Bei’s mother said: “Our family doesn’t move around very much, but I have visited several times these days to persuade other relatives. I have also gone to talk to other relatives these days. The imported medicine was counterfeit, so He Baozhen’s daughter-in-law died from taking medicine, so she followed suit.”

Lu Yinxi bowed and thanked: “Auntie, sorry for the trouble.”

After solving the problem of He’s relatives, Lu Yinxi went to the hospital again, and searched for a day and a night of video with Wei Mingming. He found the video of Wang Enyi’s unreasonable trouble in the department, copied it, and wrote an anonymous report letter. Sent to the discipline inspection department of his unit, accusing him of violating public morality, violating filial piety, violating public security management regulations, picking quarrels and provoking trouble, disrupting medical order, and assisting the TV station to slander medical workers indiscriminately.

Knowing that he will not be punished or fired, maybe he will only get admonishment from his superiors, but Lu Yinxi just wants to tarnish his reputation in the unit, and uses a virtual number to send a message to tell him: “People are doing it. The sky is watching. In the future, if there is any announcement from you, whether it is a promotion or a commendation, I will send a report material to your unit.”

Forbearance will not be calm for a while, and taking a step back will not broaden the sea and the sky.

If he is ungrateful and helps those people ruin Jian Qing’s career, then she will ruin his career.

Since the incident of the fake medicine door, some people have made trouble, and some people have helped them.

Those who Jian Qing expressed kindness intentionally or unintentionally, Teacher Zhou, the old professor who introduced humanities books to her, Yan Miaomiao from the emergency department, Director Yan from the medical education department, the female student Ren Jiajia who had comforted her, and the people in the disaster area she treated… They all stood up and spoke for her.

She still fell to hell, but countless hands were pulling her up.

In order to win this public opinion war, Lu Yinxi traveled for nearly a month, contacted a lot of manpower and material resources, and almost exhausted all his savings.

On the battlefield of public opinion, she receives tens of thousands of private messages every day, some encouraging, some insulting, and some sexual harassment.

Fortunately, her mentality was honed well when she was a celebrity, and she was able to keep her mind calm when she saw those bad reviews.

Jian Qing shut herself at home all day long, didn’t go out, didn’t talk, just carved wood carvings.

That’s what worries her the most.

At the end of November, more than a month has passed since the counterfeit drug case occurred, and public opinion has completely reversed, but the administrative punishment will not be revoked.

Jian Qing is still unable to practice.

“Send you, happy belated birthday.” Jian Qing presented a palm-sized wooden elk.

She has no background in art, and the wood carvings are a bit rough.

Lu Yinxi held the elk woodcarving in his arms, looked at Jian Qing, and asked, “You know, when I first realized that I liked you, what was I thinking?”

Jian Qing shook her head: “I don’t know, what are you thinking?”

I want to protect her from being hurt by anyone.

But she was still hurt by people in this world.

She chose to compromise and not take revenge, just because of the one or two words she said.

Lu Yinxi hugged the elk, his eyes gradually turned red.

Jian Qing embraced Lu Yinxi and hugged her into her arms: “Don’t worry, I just need time to slow down.”

Silence, solitude, and distraction are her ways of self-healing.

Lu Yinxi asked: “Shall we leave this city?”

Jian Qing nodded: “Where do you want to go? I’ll take you there.”

She has a lot of time to spend with her now.

Lu Yinxi said: “It’s okay, let’s go for a walk and relax.”

It was already November, and she didn’t know what would happen to lead to their death in another month.

She wants to take Jian Qing away from the people and things here.

Jian Qing said hello.

The next day, she went back to the hospital, directly submitted a resignation application to the personnel department, and said goodbye to the people in the department.

Wei Mingming hugged her and cried, Zhang Yue couldn’t understand: “Senior sister, you can still come back to be with us after one year, the hospital didn’t dismiss you, and now the public opinion is against us, why do you want to resign? You are no longer a doctor Is it? We still have a project to do together, you haven’t finished revising my thesis, and Wei Mingming hasn’t graduated yet, so you want to leave us?”

Jian Qing patted Wei Mingming on the shoulder, and said to Zhang Yue: “Obviously, it will be passed on to other tutors, and your thesis will be handed over to other brothers for revision. If there is not enough manpower for the project, Deputy Hu will recruit technicians to come in.”

Everyone in the department is trying to keep her and complain about her injustice.

She didn’t say anything more, pushed Wei Mingming away, and went to find Hu Jianjun.

Hu Jianjun asked her: “Is there anything I can do to help you? Do you want to take advantage of the clinical work out of production and enter the station as a postdoctoral fellow for two years, either in China or abroad, and I will write you a letter of introduction.”

Jian Qing shook her head: “I don’t want to get in touch with biomedicine for the time being.”

A postdoctorate is not a degree, but a period of scientific research.

She has a background in oncology, and her postdoctoral research must be related to tumors, so she doesn’t want to contact her for the time being.

Hu Jianjun asked, “Then what do you want to do?”

“I want to go and relax.” Jian Qing said, paused, and added, “Teacher, as long as the bill doesn’t change, I won’t be the last victim.”

The contemporary medical model is a biological-psychological-social medical model. The root cause of the conflict between doctors and patients cannot be attributed to the lack of quality, illiteracy, and aggressive personality of patients. Individual factors, disease factors, and social and legal environments must also be considered.

In this society, it is impossible for everyone to be true, kind and beautiful. In this world, there will always be scum and scum.

Just like mice in the gutter and cockroaches in the corner, they can’t be eliminated.

After the injury occurs, and after the public opinion counterattacks, how to design a reasonable system, improve laws and regulations, and avoid similar incidents from happening again is the top priority.

Hu Jianjun said: “Our country is still in the stage of medical reform. Uneven distribution of medical resources, medical insurance reform, contradictions between doctors and patients, and lagging medical legal system… Many places are crossing the river by feeling the stones. Our generation, your generation, and Wei Mingming’s generation were all experimenters in the reform stage. Next, I will call for the revision of the Drug Administration Law as soon as possible, and call for the simplification and acceleration of the approval process for new drugs that are urgently needed in clinical practice, so that patients can use new drugs as soon as possible.

In addition, I will not approve your resignation application. Even if you don’t want to do clinical work, you can still stay in my laboratory and work full-time in scientific research in the future. Don’t respond to me now, just treat it as a one-year vacation for you. After one year, you can answer me again, would you like to stay in the clinic or stay in my tumor laboratory. “

After Chu Yan heard about this incident, she also ran over to Jian Qing and asked, “Didn’t you say that I could pick up the scalpel and then educate you? Now that I can pick up the scalpel, you are leaving. Just because of those People, you quit clinical practice, is it worth it?”

Jian Qing looked at him coldly and remained silent.

Chu Yan persuaded: “Deputy Hu is right. Don’t make a decision now. You should think about it carefully. After a year, when you come back here, you can make a decision whether to leave or not.”

After Chu Yan left, Jian Qing took one last look at the white building of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiangzhou University.

Patients, family members, students, and doctors come and go in an endless stream.

She walked through the campus. On the campus wall, the slogan “Health is the key, life is dependent, revering life, saving lives and healing the wounded” is engraved.

She was saying goodbye to everything here, and there was a premonition in her heart that she might never come back.

After buying a plane ticket to X city, Lu Yinxi and Jian Qing traveled lightly.

After entering the cabin and taking his seat, Lu Yinxi said, “I want to take you to see the snowy Ming City Wall.”

Jian Qing leaned on the back of the chair, closed her eyes and meditated: “What’s so good about a brick?”

Lu Yinxi choked for a moment and said, “Then I’ll take you to eat delicious food. There are many food courts and a city that never sleeps. There are many beautiful sisters performing there.”

Jian Qing hummed.

The plane took off, entered the stratosphere, and flew smoothly.

Lu Yinxi turned his head and looked at the clouds outside the window, Jian Qing also turned his head and looked at Lu Yinxi.

Thirty minutes into the flight, an emergency announcement suddenly sounded in the cabin—

“Emergency broadcast, ladies and gentlemen, a passenger in the cabin suddenly feels unwell and needs emergency rescue. Passengers who are doctors or nurses, please press the service call light!”

“Emergency broadcast, ladies and gentlemen, a passenger in the cabin suddenly feels unwell and needs emergency rescue. Passengers who are doctors or nurses, please press the service call light!”

It was broadcast three times in a row, but no one responded.

Lu Yinxi turned around and looked at Jian Qing.

Jian Qing looked at the service call light with a blank expression on her face.

The author has something to say: Hey, it’s 1 o’clock again, my little red flower is broken

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-28 23:57:22~2021-05-3001:15:15~

Thanks to the little angels who cast deep water torpedoes: 1101 in 19 bars;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Ellie1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Lapland’s official girlfriend; 20 bottles of Yuyu, Baiyu, Anyu, Yunchuan, and w; 643,110 bottles of Wooden Pigeon, Shishihetai, Weak Fish, and 8 bottles of Xiaolongbao ; 5 bottles of Niluban; 3 bottles of sweets to renew life; 2 bottles of sweet sugar; 1 bottle of Yuanyu and Mo Tingfengyuan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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