She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 110

Chapter 109 – Return

Goose feathers and heavy snow fell one after another.

Seeing a vast expanse of whiteness, she drifted aimlessly in the ice and snow, her mind blank.

I don’t know where this is? Don’t know where to go? Don’t know who I am?

She saw a woman approaching against the morning light.

She was a beautiful woman, wearing a black overcoat, with a pair of soggy black cotton mops on her feet, her hair and eyebrows were covered with snow particles, and her temple hair was wet with sweat. He called out a name aloud.

She floated closer, struggling to hear the name.

“Drinking Creek—Drinking Creek—”

Yinxi, the name sounds familiar…

She shook her head and stretched out her hand, wanting to pat the woman on the shoulder, ask for details, and see if she could help find her.

The hand stretched out, the palm fell, and there was no expected touch.

She froze.

The next second, the woman ran into her head-on.

There is no sense of touch or blockage, just like passing through a layer of transparent air, directly passing through her body.

She withdrew her arm, with her five fingers pointing up, and looked blankly at her palm.

Yes…it looks like a human being…with skin, blood vessels, and palm prints.

The palm print that represents the lifeline is very long. The fortune teller said that she can live a long life.

Eh? When do you count your fate?

She tried to recall something, but her mind was as clean as the white land in front of her eyes.

She looked down at her body.

He was wearing a white nightgown and a pair of cotton slippers on his feet.

The cotton mop of the same style as the woman just now.

Only, she is white.

Why did you come out in fluffy pajamas? Is not It Cold?

It seems that it is really not cold.

Not hot either.

She squeezed herself hard.

Also feel no pain.

Completely lost feeling.

She doesn’t know what’s going on?

She looked at the tall figure in front of her, couldn’t help herself, and followed.

I followed all the way, and I also saw that woman looking for the whole way.

The road was slippery in the snow, and the woman was wearing slippers, so she fell several times. She subconsciously wanted to help her up, but she bent down and passed her arms through the woman’s body.

Simply out of reach.

The woman fell to the ground again.

She felt a little uncomfortable, the position of the heart in her chest was throbbing and throbbing.

She knelt down and looked at the woman.

The woman got up and sat on the snow, holding a crumpled note in her hand.

On the note, there is only one name and date—

[Lu Yinxi, 01-01 04:58. 】

She looked at the name and date, and was again at a loss.

An inexplicable sadness hit her, and she spoke with a crying voice: “Don’t look for it, such a big snow, go home.”

The woman couldn’t hear her, sat on the snow, stared at the smart watch on her wrist for a while, didn’t seem to see what she wanted to see, untied the watch strap, fell to the ground angrily, then stood up, deep foot shallow With one kick, against the wind and snow, continue to move forward.

After walking a few steps, he folded back, picked up the watch on the snow, and stuffed it into his coat pocket.

She followed all the way, reaching out to try from time to time to see if she could touch the other party.

Followed and walked to a villa.

Two police cars were parked at the entrance of the villa, and a policeman in uniform stood beside the car, talking to the woman.

The woman lowered her head and remained silent.

Suddenly, a few cats ran out of the villa, raised their heads, looked at her, and meowed.

Cat, can you see her?

She tried to “meow”.

The cats squatting at the door immediately ran over wagging their tails, ran to her feet, and circled around her.

She squatted down, stretched out her hand, and made a gesture of touching the cat’s head.

The cat meowed louder, and flicked its tail vigorously.

The woman in black standing next to the policeman keenly sensed the abnormality of the cat. She looked at the place where she was standing with a confused expression. After watching for a few seconds, she walked over step by step and asked, “Yinxi, are you here? no?”

There was a hint of pleading in his tone.

The policeman behind the woman stared dumbfounded.

“She, here—” the policeman pointed to his head, “is she stimulated?”

The colleague shook his head, also surprised.

She stood up, looked at the woman walking towards her, reached out again, and stroked the woman’s cheek.

The woman stood in front of her, closed her eyes, a line of tears flowed down her cheeks, and said firmly: “You are here, I feel it.”

It was the first time I saw this man cry.

Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry…

Her heart seemed to be curled up into a ball, and the pain was severe. Her fingertips gradually approached the woman’s cheek, and when she was about to touch her, her body was suddenly dragged into darkness by a force.

In the dark, keep falling.

It seems that I can’t fall to the bottom.

Memories flooded in, she remembered her own name, her identity…

There was a heart-piercing pain in his chest, and his heart sank together, and Lu Yinxi fell into despair.

If she can never see or touch Jian Qing again in this life, she would rather choose to self-destruct.

Just fall down and never wake up again…

“Tinkling jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle”

The alarm bell rang in her ears, she subconsciously pressed it, and threw the alarm clock to the ground.

The hour, minute, and second hands of the alarm clock are still ticking.

In the next second, consciousness suddenly came back to life.

The man on the bed opens his eyes—

White crystal chandeliers, light blue wallpaper, murals of forest and elk.

This is her room, her home.

Lu Yinxi lay on the bed, stretched out his arms, and touched the quilt.

Soft, warm, physical touch.

She turned her head and looked at the pillow.

The pillow was empty.

She quickly got up from the bed and walked around this familiar yet unfamiliar home, trying to find a familiar figure.


She glanced at her phone.

Beijing time, January 1, 2020, 07:30.

This is… the real world she had dreamed of and longed to return to.

Lu Yinxi fell to the ground, unable to feel any joy.

I wanted to cry and vent my emotions, but my eyes were dry and I couldn’t squeeze a single tear.

She closed her eyes and waited for a long time before getting up from the ground and walking to the computer.

Turn on the phone, open the web page, and check the browsing history.

I searched and searched, but I couldn’t find the novel I read last night.

what happened?

Why? Why is there no browsing history?

Closed and reopened the browser, still no browsing history was found.

Relying on her memory, she typed the title of “Starlight at the Blade’s Edge” in the search bar, and none of the URLs that popped up were novels.

how is this possible?

She added the word “novel”, but still couldn’t find the novel.

Lan Zhou, Chu Yan, Jian Qing…

Searching one by one, all the URLs that pop up are irrelevant.

I can’t find the novel I read last night at all.

It seems to have disappeared into this world, or, it has never appeared at all.

Is everything just her imagination? Or, everything is her dream?

There is no such a novel, nor such a story?

how can that be possible?

How can dreams be so real?

Lu Yinxi touched his neck—

There is no necklace, and the neck is empty.

She always wears the antler pendant necklace that Jian Qing gave her.

“Why not? Why? Why can’t I find it?” She muttered to herself, almost frantically typing on the computer keyboard, changing several search engines, but still couldn’t find the novel or those characters.

She fell to the ground again, short of breath, and her chest rose and fell.

Could it be…

Was it all a dream she had last night?

Her simplicity is really a flower in a mirror, a moon in the water? Is it a character that doesn’t exist at all?

“Ring ring ring—” the phone rang.

Lu Yinxi picked up the phone.

“Sister Yinxi, I’m already downstairs, do you want to come up? Or wait for you downstairs?”

A call from assistant Xiao Tan.

After not hearing Xiao Tan’s voice for a year, Lu Yinxi was dull, not knowing what to say.

I didn’t hear her speak for a while, and the assistant Tan on the other end of the phone yelled: “Sister Yinxi? Sister! Are you sleeping late again? Get up! I have an appointment with a magazine to shoot the cover today! Don’t sleep too much, your face will swell, no Looks good! I’m coming up, open the door for me.”

Lu Yinxi stood up and opened the door for the assistant.

She does what others say.

The brain seems to have stopped thinking, changing clothes numbly, going out, putting on makeup, and shooting the cover.

The day passed in such a muddle.

The assistant sent her home, worried: “Sister Yinxi, you’ve been out of your mind all day today, are you feeling unwell? Do you want to go to the hospital?”

Hospital… Does the hospital here have her doctor Jane? Would Dr. Jane still want to go to a place like a hospital?

“Sister Yinxi? Sister!” Assistant Xiao Tan waved vigorously in front of her, “What’s wrong with you?”

“I…” Lu Yinxi’s lips moved, wanting to say something, but he didn’t know what to say.

She couldn’t tell whether this was a dream, or her Jian Qing was a dream?

Zhuang Zhou’s dream of a butterfly? Butterfly Dream Zhuang Zhou?

Lu Yinxi and Xiao Tan said: “I… I’m fine, you go back to rest first… I had a nightmare last night, and I still haven’t recovered from it…”

Is it a nightmare?

certainly not.

In her life, she had never had such a beautiful dream.

“Then you have a good rest tonight. There will be no announcement for the next week. I will come to cook for you.”


Jian Qing’s cooking skills are also very good, the cooking is delicious…

She seems to be able to do well in everything, even if she was not good at it at first, she will become good at it after working hard…

“Sister, did you hear that?” The assistant waved at her again, “I’m worried about you like this. Looking at your distraught appearance, are you secretly falling in love behind our backs and then falling out of love again? The team keeps making repeated requests, and you still won’t allow it.” In love.”

“I’m 25 years old…” Lu Yinxi finally retorted softly.

At the age of 25, why are you still not allowed to fall in love?

She participated in the draft, but now she has transformed into an actor.

“Okay, okay, you said you can talk, you can talk—you really are in a relationship? Who is the man, inside or outside the circle, you have to tell the team, if it breaks out, everyone can deal with it.”

Lu Yinxi remained silent.

It’s not a man, it’s a woman, it’s a doctor…


Lu Yinxi seemed to have remembered something.

“Sister?” Assistant Tan looked at her worriedly.

“I’m going home to find my mother. You should also have a holiday, so you don’t have to follow me.”

She packed her luggage overnight, booked the nearest flight, and flew back to her hometown.

The family courtyard is still a tube building at the end of the last century. There is no elevator. Many neighbors have moved out and lived in high-rise buildings.

If Gu Mingyu wants to move, he can also move away.

But there are memories of her and her husband Lu Ming here, so she is reluctant to move away.

Back at Tongzilou, Lu Yinxi took out the key.

The key in hand can also open the anti-theft door and mahogany door at the door.

Open the door, no one at home.

Gu Mingyu stays away from home all year round.

Lu Yinxi dragged his luggage and walked towards his small bedroom.

The floor of the bedroom was covered with a thick layer of dust.

She stepped in and walked out quickly.

Might as well just sleep on the sofa overnight.

The drama of cleaning her daughter’s room every day and hoping for her daughter’s return home every night would never happen to Gu Mingyu.

After putting away the luggage, after a brief wash and grooming, Lu Yinxi put on a mask and hat, and went to the cardiothoracic surgery department of the hospital to find Gu Mingyu.

As soon as she entered the department, she went straight to the director’s office.

There was no one in the director’s office, and someone came out of the head nurse’s office next door, and stopped her: “Hey, who are you? Don’t go in! The director is in surgery, go to the doctor’s office to see a doctor.”

Lu Yinxi looked at the head nurse and pulled off his mask: “Aunt Cheng, it’s me, Xiaolu, Lu Yinxi, there are too many people in the doctor’s office, I’m here to hide.”

The head nurse Cheng in front of me had been working in this hospital with Gu Mingyu when she was a young nurse on night shift.

Sometimes when Lu Ming was on a business trip, Gu Mingyu would take her to the department to take care of her. At night, when Gu Mingyu was going to the operating table, Aunt Cheng was asked to take care of her.

After Lu Ming passed away, Gu Mingyu thought she was too young to take care of her, so she threw her back to her hometown.

When she was ten years old, her grandmother passed away, and she was taken back to her side again.

After she was ten years old, she went to the cardiothoracic surgery department almost every week, sometimes to deliver meals to Gu Mingyu, and sometimes to ask Gu Mingyu for pocket money.

The old staff in the department all watched her grow up, thinking about her loss of father since childhood, orphans and widows, and especially taking care of her.

Aunt Cheng saw Lu Yinxi clearly, pulled off her mask, and patted her on the shoulder forcefully: “You son of a bitch! You’ve been away for so many years, and you still know how to come back?”

Lu Yinxi was dragged into the head nurse’s office, where he drank tea, water, and snacks to reminisce about the old days. When the end of get off work was approaching, the old employees who were free received a message from the head nurse and rushed to the office.

Gu Mingyu got off the operating table, leaving the patient’s wound to be stitched up by the assistant, and hurried away.

As she approached the department, she slowed down, hesitating whether to go there or not.

I really want to see it, but I feel a little timid for no reason, and I dare not watch it.

She walked back and forth at the door of the department several times, finally made up her mind, and walked slowly with her hands behind her back.

Lu Yinxi was surrounded by a bunch of directors and deputy directors, asking about their health.

Seeing Gu Mingyu walking in with her hands behind her back, Lu Yinxi stood up and called out: “Mom—”

Gu Mingyu looked at her coldly, “Don’t call me mom, I’m not your mother!”

Lu Yinxi stood where he was, pinching the corner of his clothes helplessly.

The head nurse pulled Gu Mingyu over, and said angrily: “The child just came back, what are you talking about! What’s wrong!” Pulled Lu Yinxi again, and explained, “Don’t listen to your mother’s nonsense, when you didn’t come back, she You are the one who talks about the most. When your first TV series was broadcast, she recommended your TV series to all the patients in the ward. At that time, we checked the ward from bed 1 to bed 45, and we could watch your show in its entirety. An episode of your movie! Last year when your movie was released, she even invited people from our department to watch it!”

Lu Yinxi looked at Gu Mingyu, whose hair was already half white, hesitated for a moment, summoned up his courage, and called out again: “Mom.”

Gu Mingyu looked her up and down, with disgust in his eyes, and asked, “Did you have lunch? How many meals a day? You’re so skinny…”

Lu Yinxi squeezed his arm, there was still a little flesh.

“Haven’t had lunch yet, shall we go to the cafeteria or go home?”

Go to the canteen to eat, or go home to eat.

This is a sentence she asked Gu Mingyu most often when she was a child.

Gu Mingyu went to a nearby supermarket, bought raw shrimp and live fish, and cooked it herself.

Lu Yinxi was on the sidelines.

The mother and daughter let go of their grudges and chatted in the kitchen.

While chatting, Gu Mingyu asked Lu Yinxi: “Have you been wronged outside? Don’t go if the work outside is not easy to do. Come back to me and I will arrange one for you.”

Parents often feel that children who travel far away will only come back home if they have been wronged.

In Lu Yinxi who was peeling onions, his eyes turned red instantly, and his voice became a little trembling: “I haven’t been wronged… I just want to go home and take a look…”

She almost thought that she would never see Gu Mingyu again in this life.

Gu Mingyu glanced at her daughter’s red eyes, thinking that her daughter was a dead duck with a stubborn mouth, and refused to admit that she had been wronged outside.

She patted the garlic on the cutting board: “If you miss home, then stay at home. I can afford to have an extra mouth at home.”

Lu Yinxi hummed.

After a long while, she asked: “Mom, you have also dabbled in the field of lung cancer and often participate in some national academic activities. I would like to ask, is there a female doctor named ‘Jian Qing’ or ‘Ruan Qing’ in our country? The main researcher of lung cancer research and medical oncology may be in his 20s or early 30s, and should not be more than 40 years old. His professional title is probably attending physician or deputy chief physician. If you don’t know, can you let the police from the Public Security Bureau Uncle Zhao help me check it out?”

The author has something to say: Feel your conscience and tell me, is this abuse? It is clearly to create opportunities for them to be together forever~~~

*small theater

Director Gu: I can afford to have an extra mouth at home

Dr. Jane: I can afford it too

Deer: Superficially moved QAQ, but inwardly: I can afford the two of you!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-0105:41:24~2021-06-0206:13:28~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: Muran 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Ellie1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 2 old Gong Gong from outside the circle of Kim Ji-soo; 1 from Yuxi;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of yqueen; 19 bottles of wooden pigeon; 10 bottles of Yu; 6 bottles of pcr;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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