She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 69

Chapter 68 – Planning

A strong tingling sensation came from the ankle, densely packed like an electric current, Lu Yinxi straightened the back of his feet, curled up his toes, and his cheeks turned red immediately.

“you you…”

Her soft and cold lips were attached to her ankles, and she couldn’t say a complete sentence, so she bit her lips and turned her head away.

Knee was injured, Lu Yinxi didn’t wear a long nightgown, but was simply wrapped in a white bath towel that didn’t reach the knee, and Jian Qing held her slender and straight calf in her hands.

After leaning over and dropping a kiss on her ankle, Jian Qing straightened up, her ears were red, her face remained unchanged, and she traced her body with her eyes from bottom to top, as if she was looking at a painting seriously.

The gaze was too straightforward, Lu Yinxi stopped in a low voice: “Don’t look at it, and you will be charged if you look at it again!”

Jian Qing let go of her hand and looked away.

His eyes wandered for a few seconds, and the heat in his ears increased rather than decreased.

She pinched her ears, met Lu Yinxi’s gaze calmly, changed the subject, and asked, “What do you want for dinner?”

The kid must not have eaten yet.

Lu Yinxi blushed, retracted her feet, touched her belly, and said, “I want to eat noodles.”

Jian Qing stood up and went to the kitchen to cook noodles.

Lu Yinxi put on a coat, followed her to the kitchen, and watched her cook.

Jian Qing is from the north and always has all kinds of noodles at home, while Lu Yinxi is from the south, so he craves for rice after several meals without rice, and only eats noodles once or twice as a condiment.

Jian Qing asked Lu Yinxi: “What noodles do you want to eat?”

Lu Yinxi was flattered: “Can I order by myself today?”

She is not picky about food and is easy to feed. She usually eats whatever Jian Qing does.

Jian Qing nodded: “You order.”

Lu Yinxi asked: “You know it?”

Jian Qing said, “No, I’m learning now.”

Cooking is nothing more than firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, and a combination of various ingredients.

“Then I want to eat simmered noodles, with soup, hot and sour appetizers.”

Jian Qing will do it.

Diced meat, carrots, fungus and other ingredients and stir-fried.

Knowing that Lu Yinxi likes to eat spicy food, Jian Qing will bring back chili sauce and pepper sauce from all over the world to prepare and reserve, and add a spoonful or two when cooking and stir-frying.

Lu Yinxi opened the refrigerator and saw it was full of food.

She asked Jian Qing: “Why do you buy so many vegetables by yourself?”

Jian Qing replied while chopping vegetables: “After the fire accident, your crew will definitely suspend filming for a while.”

The filming crew has suspended filming, and Lu Yinxi will come back to live.

Lu Yinxi realized it.

Jian Qing was not only looking for her just now, but also wanted to pick her up.

Filled up the freezer…

She stood in front of the refrigerator for a while, picked out some vegetables, and prepared to make a salad.

The kitchen is full of smoke.

The sound of “duk tuk” cutting vegetables on the chopping board, and the sound of “crash” of the washing water flowed into my ears.

The worries and fears of the day gradually dissipated in the smell of fireworks in the kitchen.

She was like a small animal fleeing back to the cave, where she felt the warmth and peace of mind at home.

After grandma passed away, even Gu Mingyu couldn’t give her a sense of warmth, she felt it in this world and this person.

The mobile phone that records the information of this world has been buried in the flames, and some beliefs seem to be swallowed by the flames along with the mobile phone.

For the first time, Lu Yinxi had the idea of ”it’s better to stay here”.

Even if it’s just a dream, it’s a sweet dream right now.

She’ll have a great lover, a wonderful family, some wonderful friends, and years to spare.

The balance between virtual and reality is gradually tilting.

When the glutinous rice noodles came out of the pot and served, Lu Yinxi was already so hungry that his chest stuck to his back, and he swallowed a few mouthfuls to fill his empty stomach.

Jian Qing went to the bathroom to take a shower, washed away the smoke from the kitchen, and came out again with a refreshing fragrance like thin snow.

She was sitting on the sofa, her thick long hair brushed to the left, and she fiddled and wiped it with a white towel. The black hair contrasted sharply with the white of her arms.

Lu Yinxi looked over from the dining table, admiring the hazy beauty of the beauty when she came out of the bath.

After bathing and sleeping, these are the two most coquettish times for her.

Without the color of admiration, if you appreciate it purely from the perspective of female beauty, she is also worthy of being included in the painting.

Lu Yinxi couldn’t help but secretly rejoice that only he could see such simplicity.

With a smile on her lips, she lowered her head and ate noodles and vegetable salad slowly, while Jian Qing was drying her hair on the sofa, looking over her, watching her eat, her chest was full of satisfaction and pleasure.

The mood becomes very easy to satisfy, being happy is just a matter of looking at each other, there is no need to even talk, just being in the same room is enough.

After dinner, Lu Yinxi threw the bowls and chopsticks into the dishwasher. After a brief wash, he ran to the sofa, picked up a doll and sat down, watching Jian Qing blow his hair.

After looking at it, I grabbed the hair dryer and wanted to blow it for her.

Blow until dry, stop.

Jian Qing brushed her long hair, stood up, looked at Lu Yinxi, and said, “I’m going to the study to write a thesis.”

Lu Yinxi raised her wrist, glanced at the time, and grabbed the corner of her clothes: “What topic? I’ll help you find references tomorrow, and you can chat with me tonight.”

Jian Qing said: “Wei Mingming will look for it.”

Jian Qing usually leaves it to Wei Mingming to find references. If it is in English, she will translate it into Chinese to improve her English.

Wei Mingming is currently a master’s degree, and the requirements for the dissertation are not high, but she has plans to study for a Ph. D., and must exercise her English and academic ability.

Lu Yinxi said: “I can help you enter statistics.”

Jian Qing smiled but said, “Wei Mingming and Zhang Yue know this.”

Lu Yinxi couldn’t think of anything else to do to help her for the time being, but he really wanted her to spend more time with him, so he held her by the corner of her clothes, didn’t let go, and bowed his head in deep thought.

Jian Qing gave a solution: “6 yuan, chat with you for 30 minutes.”

Lu Yinxi raised his head and smiled openly: “It’s really…”

Good quality and low price.

“Pay the deposit first!” She transferred 3 yuan to Jian Qing, and then dragged him to the balcony to watch the stars and chat.

Jian Qing newly installed two rattan basket hanging chairs on the balcony. Lu Yinxi saw it at a glance, ran over, sat on one of them, and swayed back and forth like a swing.

Jian Qing also sat down, swinging back and forth slightly, looking at the night sky.

With the night wind blowing, Lu Yinxi swayed and chatted: “Have you ever been to City X?”

“I’ve been to an academic conference.”

Doctors seldom have holidays. Even if there is annual leave on the surface, it is still up to the director of the department to approve the leave. If the director of the department is a year-round workaholic, the people below are embarrassed to take vacations. During academic meetings, walk around.

Lu Yinxi recalled: “I remember that Xunzi noodles are also a major feature there. The streets and alleys there are full of noodles and meat buns everywhere. There is also a kind of noodles that I can’t name, biangbiang noodles. Quite interesting.”

Jian Qing said: “If you like to go, I will take you there next time.”

After finishing speaking, she took out her mobile phone and began to check whether there were any national academic conferences in City X this year.

Generally, this year’s academic conference needs to be declared, registered, and filed with the Medical Administration Department of the Health and Medical Commission at the end of last year, and the invitation letter will be issued one month before the holding.

“No next month, wait until next month.”

Lu Yinxi hummed softly, feeling sour in his heart: “Where do you have time to accompany me? You don’t even have time to make a phone call…”

She still remembered that the call she received in the first afternoon was from Wei Mingming, not her.

Isn’t she afraid that something will happen to her?

Jian Qing heard the complaint in Lu Yinxi’s words, put away the phone, and apologized softly: “I’m sorry.”

Lu Yinxi shook his head, looked at the night sky, and said softly: “There is no need to apologize for this.”

She can understand clearly that caring about a person is due to affection, not duty.

Things of affection, before the relationship is confirmed, there is no right to criticize.


“The teacher taught the students that the People’s Liberation Army protects the people, and the doctors protect the patients. They just seek their jobs.” Lu Yinxi figured it out and was good at self-relieving emotions. “I’m not angry, but I want to deduct the fee, 6 yuan to chat The fee is discounted to 5 yuan.”

As a little revenge.

Jian Qing looked at her, smiled slightly, and remained silent.

Lu Yinxi pursed his lips: “I’m thirsty, what do you want to drink?”


Lu Yinxi walked in, took out two goblets, cut a few slices of lemon, added a few spoonfuls of honey, a few ice cubes, poured cold water, inserted two straws, and two glasses of lemonade were made.

She handed Jian Qing a cup, then sat back on the hanging chair and continued to swing.

Accidentally splashed some water stains and spilled a drop or two on the left-hand watch cover.

Lu Yinxi hurriedly wiped the watch cover.

It’s not a valuable brand-name watch, it’s just an ordinary smart watch, but she cherishes it very much.

This is the first gift Jian Qing gave her.

— although it was sent under the suspicion that she was ill.

Lu Yinxi touched the cover of the watch, suddenly figured it out, then turned to Jian Qing and asked, “At that afternoon, did you guess that I was fine, so you were not nervous about me?”

Jane Qing nodded.

She immediately turned on the location of the smart watch to check the location of Luyinxi.

The positioning is also always displayed, the table is where the people are.

She guessed that Lu Yinxi was probably safe and sound.

The next second, he shook his head again and retorted, “I’m nervous.”

There is nothing not nervous about her.

Lu Yinxi froze for a moment, then gave a soft ooh, bit the straw, and suppressed the smile on his lips.

I can’t help but wonder if I put too much honey in this glass of lemonade, why is it so sweet…

It was so sweet that she felt intoxicated by the night breeze.

After a while, she asked Jian Qing again: “Have you ever thought that if we are together, we will face great resistance?”

Compared with the open atmosphere in the entertainment industry and many homosexuals/singles, the hospital belongs to a more traditional system, and often faces pressure from superiors, colleagues, and patients to marry and matchmaking. In this environment, few people choose not to marry. Cabinets are even rarer.

Jian Qing turned her head, stared at Lu Yinxi’s eyebrows, and replied, “Thought about it.”

She is a very planned person.

For example, she will not go shopping aimlessly, she must have planned her itinerary before going out for the items she wants to buy.

If she wants to be with a woman, she will definitely consider all aspects.

She has a lot of plans for the future, she will not go into formal marriage, she will learn about the intended guardianship policy and property notarization policy that can protect the rights of same-sex couples; she will understand the relevant insurance regulations; she has formulated a set of insurance purchase plans for the two; She plans to set up a family savings fund…

No romantic confession was planned, no strong love was expressed, but the future of the two of them was seriously planned.

I have done a lot, and the only words I can say are “thought about”.

Lu Yinxi understands Jian Qing’s temperament, and when Jian Qing says “thought about it”, there must be actions behind it.

Jian Qing has long-term plans, but she doesn’t. Whether it’s career or relationship, she only has short-term goals, and only sets goals until next year.

If you want long-term companionship, it is not enough to rely on love alone. Love can last, but economic ability is the foundation, and the ability to resist risks is the guarantee. Otherwise, any wave in life will turn into a stormy sea.

Jian Qing is concerned about her young age and is willing to wait for her to grow up, but she can’t hold Jian Qing back.

If each other is determined to take a less crowded and more rugged path, she needs to take a longer view.

At nine o’clock in the evening, Lu Yinxi did receive a notice that the crew would suspend work for three days.

The crew originally planned to shoot a fire accident, but they didn’t expect the fake to become real, and it really caused an accident.

Relevant departments need to investigate and collect evidence from the crew to thoroughly investigate the cause of the fire. The crew also needs to deal with the aftermath of the wounded and the work of online public opinion. The protagonists need to appease the emotions of fans and make an explanation to the media reporters.

Luyinxi had a three-day holiday.

On the first day, she received a digital tablet gift from Jian Qing.

“You like drawing, I’ll give you a drawing board.”

She went to the market to pick a piece of Lantian jade, engraved her surname and Jian Qing’s surname on it as a gift in return.

On the second day, she used the digital tablet presented by Jian Qing to draw science comics about burns and burns. In particular, she emphasized that after a burn, the first thing to do is to rinse or soak the burn with cold water for more than 30 minutes instead of applying messy Oil, soy sauce, toothpaste, violet and other items.

In the evening, Jian Qing brought back a pair of earrings with antler pendants.

Doctors are not allowed to wear earrings on duty. She didn’t have her ears pierced in the first place, so the earrings were naturally given to Lu Yinxi.

Lu Yinxi wore earrings to the mirror, and joked with a smile: “It’s an antler necklace and antler earrings again. Next time, do you want to give me a deer?”

Jian Qing replied solemnly: “If you like, you can consider it.”

She has become very generous, like an evil dragon with a spring heart. When the evil dragon sees all the shining babies, he likes to grab them out and give them away to make people happy.

Lu Yinxi couldn’t think of any return gift for the time being, so he drew a deer and gave it to Jian Qing as a social chat tool.

Jian Qing’s avatar was either built into the system or pure white, and Lu Yinxi replaced all of her avatars with a comic version of an elk.

On the third night, Jian Qing came back from get off work and handed Lu Yinxi a file bag.

Lu Yinxi joked as he unwrapped it: “Is today’s gift a check for five million?”

“No.” Jian Qing looked at her and smiled slightly. She felt a little uneasy, but her face was calm. “It’s some medical records and documents. I want to tell you that I have… a family history of mental illness.”

The author has something to say: The author has something to say: Burns are very common in life, you can remember the correct way to deal with them. Take myself as an example. At the beginning of this year, the back of my hand was scalded by 100°C boiling water. The treatment method was: immediately ran under the faucet and rinsed my hands with cold water. There was no scald ointment at home, so I ordered takeaway to deliver the medicine. Within 30 minutes, the rider Sent a burn ointment. During the period, I took a basin of ice water and soaked the back of my hands in the ice water. After the medicine was delivered, I wiped my hands and applied the medicine. Of course, this is a mild, small-area burn, which can be treated by yourself. If it is more serious, it should be rinsed with cold water or soaked for 30 minutes at the first time, then wrapped with a clean cloth, and then go to the emergency room to seek medical help. Do not apply soy sauce, toothpaste, etc., and keep the wound clean to avoid infection.

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