She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 73

Chapter 72 – Close

Only when she was asleep, did she dare to speak of her love.

Lu Yinxi stared at Jian Qing’s peaceful sleeping face, and after a while, bowed his head and kissed her forehead.

The heart in her chest was beating violently. She was afraid of waking her up, so she held her breath and touched it lightly.

Touching away, observing her facial expressions, and making sure that she didn’t wake her up, I dared to turn away, turn my back to her, and adjust my mood.

I finally said my love, although I spoke while she was asleep, but the seeds of joy still sprouted one after another, and blossomed in my heart.

Inhaling and exhaling, and simply adjusting the breathing rate, Lu Yinxi turned around, faced Jian Qing face to face, and secretly and lightly rubbed the tip of her nose.

All the long-winded theoretical analysis of love that I have learned have been left behind. At this moment, my heart and eyes are full of only intimate touch.

Not wanting to wear the blindfold anymore, Lu Yinxi lowered his head slightly, buried it on her shoulder, just sniffing her breath, and fell asleep next to her.

Even such a casual touch seems to be stolen.

Lu Yinxi felt like a despicable and shameless thief, who obviously couldn’t make a promise to be together, and dared not respond to her liking, but stole this intimate time without authorization.

Not only mean, but cowardly.

Don’t even dare to think about the future, like a turtle, shrunk in its shell, pretending not to know the plots of the future, let those endings be buried in the sea of flames, pretending to let the “Deer Drinking Creek” in the real world also be buried in the sea of flames, What stays is Lu Yinxi who longs to stay by Jian Qing’s side.

Bitter and sweet feelings, accompanied by her, gradually fell asleep.

On the second day, Lu Yinxi woke up before Jian Qing and prepared breakfast.

As usual, Jian Qing ate breakfast quietly, occasionally glancing at Luyinxi.

After eating, when she was about to go to work, she asked Lu Yinxi, “What are your plans next?”

Lu Yinxi smiled: “The crew has resumed work, so I came to Suyi to shoot the scene in advance. I have been shooting in Suyi for the past few days. We can have dinner together when we are free at noon and evening. If you are free, you can come and see how we film.”

Compared with her expression of joy, Jian Qing nodded her head, remained calm, only moved her ears, and said calmly: “Then you will live here.”

Lu Yinxi suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched Jian Qing’s ear.

Caught off guard by a surprise attack, Jian Qing took a step back, covered her ears, and looked at Lu Yinxi with raised eyebrows.

Lu Yinxi pointed at her ear and said with a smile, “It’s greeting me, I saw it.”

“Childish.” Jian Qing flicked Lu Yinxi’s forehead lightly, with a blank expression on his face, he looked away, blinked twice, and saw his eyes fall on her again, and invited, “Want to go to work together?”

Lu Yinxi shook his head: “This won’t work. The crew told us to gather on a bus at the back door of the hospital at nine o’clock. It’s only seven thirty. I don’t go to work that early.”

Jian Qing snorted, **** her hair, and put on her bag: “Then I’m going to work.”

“Wait—” Lu Yinxi grabbed the corner of her clothes, “I don’t have to go to work so early, but I have to go to the second district to visit a patient.”

So, we can still go to the hospital together.

Jian Qing hummed, without discerning whether she was happy or angry, she just took Lu Yinxi’s hand and interlocked her fingers.

The cause of the crew’s fire was investigated, but it was not announced to the outside world, because it was a child under the age of 14 playing with an oil gun, which caused the fire.

The producer scolded a few words that the prop crew didn’t take good care of the props, and couldn’t make a child take responsibility, so he had to admit that he was unlucky.

In order not to delay the shooting progress, the scene shooting of Attached One, which was originally scheduled for mid-April, was brought forward to early April.

Fu Yi cleared out one of the floors of an old building and provided it to the crew for filming.

This floor was originally an office where files and other sundries were piled up. The staff were still on the set, and the actors who hadn’t started filming gathered together to chat.

There are still some materials that have not been cleaned up in time in the corner, and someone picked them up and flipped through them: “Is there a personnel file here? There are many resumes of doctors and nurses.”

Others also picked it up and looked at it, exclaiming: “Wow, there are so many doctors and doctors, and even the nurses are postgraduates.”

“It’s not surprising, if you drop a brick in this hospital, you can hit a bunch of returnee doctoral students from prestigious schools.”

“With such a high degree of education, how much can you earn in a year?”

“Maybe it’s more than a hundred or two thousand. That’s a lot. I have a cousin who is being trained in this hospital, and he gets three to four thousand a month, all year round.”

An actor shook his head and laughed: “That’s not as much as I earn from filming. I still graduated from a vocational high school. What’s the use of reading so many books?”

Lan Zhou was reading the script, and when he heard this, he raised his head and said, “You are so narrow-minded. If reading is useless, who will see you when you are sick or your family members are sick? During an earthquake or SARS, the doctor will see you.” If it’s useless, would it be useful to send you a filmmaker to the front line?”

The actor still wrinkled his eyebrows and smiled: “Sister Lanzhou, if you defend the doctor so much, do you have a crush on some doctor? Is that Dr. Chu?”

Lan Zhou has no airs on the set, has a good temper, and can get along with everyone, and everyone loves to joke with her.

These days, Lan Zhou and Chu Yan got closer, and they played board games together in their spare time, and the two of them were often put together in a team, and everyone teased that they were talented and beautiful.

Lan Zhou was not angry when he was teased about his feelings, but just smiled and persuaded him: “You said that studying is useless, so when you submitted your resume to the crew before, you never encountered the situation of losing your resume? Like I am not from a major, at the beginning Submit resumes to the crew, and those directors choose newcomers based on whether they graduated from an acting major. Ye Luzi’s resume was thrown in the trash, how many opportunities have you missed? Some of you are still in school, don’t believe that studying is useless, you have to be serious Study, don’t lose your studies before you become famous.”

Sitting next to her, Lu Yin and Xi silently agreed with her remarks.

For ordinary people, education can change life.

Just like Gu Mingyu, at that time, an uneducated woman in the mountains could see the end of her life at a glance.

—When I was young, I supported and took care of my brothers and sisters. When I was in my teens or twenties, I married a man from the same village or a neighboring village, married and had children, and served my husband and mother-in-law.

But Gu Mingyu walked out of that big mountain ditch, studied all the way from undergraduate to doctorate, from the bottom of society to the middle of society, and even influenced future generations.

Lu Yinxi always has a respect for her.

It’s just that she is still thinking about Sangsang and doesn’t want to talk more.

Lan Zhou suddenly patted her on the shoulder: “What’s the matter, I’m in a bad mood today? I didn’t even listen to you.”

Lu Yinxi hesitated for a moment, and replied: “A friend is sick. I went to visit her this morning. The situation is not very good.”

Lan Zhou was concerned: “What’s wrong? Can I help?”

Lu Yinxi shook his head: “Bone cancer, time is running out.”

Unless there are gods in this world, medicine and stones are difficult to heal.

Lan Zhou thought for a while and said, “I don’t know how to treat diseases, but our company has set up a charity foundation for children’s serious illness relief. I can help families with financial difficulties.”

In the office of the second tumor area, Jian Qing sat by the computer, opened the imaging results of a certain patient, showed the lesions, and gave teaching explanations to Wei Mingming.

After the simple teaching, she told Wei Mingming: “The digestive endoscopy room needs to recruit a temporary worker for guidance. I talked to the director of the endoscopy room. Sangsang’s mother can go there, as long as I arrive at 8 o’clock in the morning every day.” Just go at 12 o’clock. You go and talk to her and ask her if she would like to go. Sangsang will be transferred to the hospice ward in the third district, the cost will not be very high, and the salary is enough for them to stay here for a month or two.”

Wei Mingming lowered his head and recorded a series of precautions in a small notebook, then raised his head and asked, “Have you already talked about the transfer to the ward, or should I talk about it now?”

Some patients and their family members have a bad temper and are prone to swearing and murdering others. Communication work such as persuading patients to leave the hospital or transfer to other districts is likely to cause disputes and disputes. Jian Qing usually entrusts Zhang Yue to do it.

“Zhang Yue went to ask. They don’t want to go back to their hometown and want to stay in our hospital. By the way, you have been in the oncology department for a while. Starting next week, you will do the communication work.”

Wei Mingming has a baby face, looks childish, quite friendly, and is also kind to patients and their families. People often give her fruit, candy, specialty products and other small gifts, as well as red envelopes. The only shortcoming is that she is too soft-hearted, and she doesn’t have the heart to directly tell patients and their family members the bad test results. I have to hesitate and organize the wording for a long time before I dare to communicate.

“Okay.” Wei Mingming only nodded in response to the superior’s order, “Then I’ll ask Sangsang’s mother if she would like to work in the digestive endoscopy room. If she is willing, she will not have to go out to do odd jobs in the future.” , It is convenient to work in the hospital, and the third area of the digestive endoscopy room is also close.”

Jian Qing hummed and let her go.

After a while, Wei Mingming came back with red eyes, and asked Jian Qing softly: “Boss, she is willing to go. She said that she can work as long as she wants, but can she stay in the second district for treatment?”

Jian Qing raised her head and refused: “No, there are other patients who will be admitted to that hospital bed at night, so I will go through the transfer procedure within today and write up the transfer medical records.”

Wei Mingming said oh, turned around and left the office again, and went to the ward to do communication work.

After Jian Qing prescribed medicine to a patient, he hesitated for a moment, and then went to Sangsang’s ward to see the situation.

In the ward, the little girl was skinny and lying on the hospital bed with two lines of clear tears on her face.

Jian Qing walked in, stood at the end of the bed, looked at her with cold eyes.

Sangsang was so weak that she couldn’t speak, she just kept crying, and when she saw Jian Qing coming, more tears welled up in her eyes.

Sangsang’s mother was sitting on the bedside, wiping her tears. When she saw Jian Qing coming, she knelt down in front of her with a plop, kowtowed, and burst into tears: “Doctor, please save my daughter! Please save my daughter, please! Don’t give up on her! I’ll be your cow! If the money isn’t enough, I’ll go to the streets to beg for food, and I’ll beg for it from you…”

Other patients and family members in the ward heard the crying and looked over one after another. Some old patients were used to it, with a numb face, and some newly admitted patients saw their future self and couldn’t bear to look at it again.

Wei Mingming turned his back and wiped his tears secretly, Jian Qing bent down, supported Sangsang’s mother, and explained calmly: “It’s not about money, we have tried our best, and she has also done my best, and my body can’t bear the chemotherapy anymore.” , any side effect may be fatal. The hospice ward in the third district is more professional in palliative care, with specialized psychological counseling and social worker volunteers, and they can be transferred to the third district, where they can get better humanistic care.”

It turned out that when she was treated at the county hospital, the doctor there only gave Sangsang an expected survival period of six months.

Now, far beyond the survival period, also exceeded her expectations.

Most of the patients admitted to the first and second tumor areas of Attachment 1 are currently unable to undergo surgical treatment, but there are still hopeful patients who can delay their lives. They can be persuaded to return to the local hospital, or go home, or be transferred to a hospice ward.

Jian Qing gave a choice: “What you can do now is either transfer to the third district or leave the hospital.”

The two choices seemed to be a ruthless death sentence. Sangsang’s mother was lying on the bedside, hugging her daughter, crying out of breath.

Jian Qing thought, at this time, she should be resented.

She turned around and left the ward. In the corridor, she stopped when she met the daughter of the patient who died of failed rescue last night.

Seeing her, the family members accused her with tears and trembling: “I shouldn’t have sent my dad to your hospital for treatment. He might live for a few more years at home, but in your hands, he’ll be gone in a few months…”

The tone was not very polite, but Jian Qing couldn’t refute anything.

Compared with those who make trouble and disputes can be dealt with according to the rules and regulations, facing the disappointment and accusations of desperate patients, there is no rules to follow, and there is nothing they can do, so they can only bear it silently.

She cannot guarantee that all cancers will be cured or that there will be no adverse reactions after treatment. She also has no time to explain the plight of cancer treatment to her family members. There are still patients in the ward waiting for her to deal with.

Busy until noon, Jian Qing pulled away from work, thought of Sangsang, thought of the accusations from her family members, looked out the window expressionlessly, silently digesting those negative emotions.

She didn’t want to face the person she liked with the negative emotions at work, and planned to digest all the negative emotions alone before going to Lu Yinxi.

It took five minutes to sort out her emotions, and Jian Qing sent a message to Lu Yinxi; [Where is it? 】

Two minutes later, Lu Yinxi replied: [It’s in Sangsang’s ward, I’ll come to the office to find you later. 】

Jian Qing didn’t reply anymore, and got up directly to pick up Sangsang’s ward.

Walking to the door, I vaguely heard a few conversations coming from the ward, such as charity foundations, serious illness relief, and when I walked to the door, another female voice said: “Is the doctor too indifferent? If there is no therapeutic value, you have to rush away.” People go?”

Another male voice commented: “It’s good to get used to it. She is aloof and impersonal during the internship. But she can’t be blamed. There should be other patients in the group waiting to be admitted for treatment.”

In the ward, most patients and their families went to the cafeteria to have lunch, and Sangsang’s mother carried Sangsang to the bathroom.

After Chu Yan and Lan Zhou chatted about the fund’s assistance, they suddenly talked about the doctor’s attitude.

When Lu Yinxi heard Chu Yan’s comment on Jian Qing, she couldn’t help but want to refute. Just as she opened her mouth, Jian Qing walked in from the door, her cold eyes skipped over her, Lan Zhou, stopped on Chu Yan, and said calmly: “Doctor Chu, discussing colleagues behind their backs is not something worth advocating.”

The author has something to say: I’m sorry, I coded about 2000 words in the early morning, fell asleep and forgot to send it out, took a rest in the afternoon, slept until evening, and coded another 2000 words, cough you see, yesterday plus today, On average, the daily update is 3000~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-1818:03:14~2021-04-1918:28:42~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: reading book, meat bun, wooden pigeon 1;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 26 bottles of meat buns; 2 bottles of きこりは木が白い.2 bottles; 1 bottle of Laobai, Shijiu, Mamamu’s high-grade hand wheat, Yangon, and Yuanyu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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