Shock! The Real Daughter Made the Transmigrator Girl Cry

Chapter 183

Chapter 183 – Chips, Exchange

Chapter 183 Chips, exchange

“Although she is not the daughter of the Jiang family, she is the magistrate of the county ordered by her father. Besides, it is extremely expensive to be pregnant with a phoenix. Why, Mr. Zhou.

Is it true that only girls from Zhou’s mansion are good enough to match the emperor’s brother? “Qin Huaisu twitched the corner of his mouth, and his seemingly unintentional words made the old man break out in a cold sweat.

He hurriedly knelt down and repeatedly confessed: “Your Majesty, be careful with your words, and your Majesty will check clearly. The girl in the mansion of Your Highness Longzi Fengzhangchen is so mediocre that she doesn’t deserve it.”

Qin Huaisu snorted coldly and stopped speaking. Some courtiers who were interested in the position of the crown princess touched the tip of their noses involuntarily, hiding their thoughts of making a fuss about Jiang Changning’s identity.

The emperor served Ren Jun. He laughed and asked the old courtiers to stand up, and then blamed Qin Huaisu for a few words. The little prince didn’t speak, everyone thought he stopped, but he also took a step forward.

Jiang Changbai’s eyebrows twitched fiercely.

“Report to father.” Qin Huaisu was tall and tall, with a lazy smile on his face, looking at Qin Huaiyuan with eyes like a wolf: “Brother Huang may not know something, but my son and Jiang Changning The two have been in love for a long time, and they have promised each other for life. I also hope that the father will show mercy and marry Miss Jiang to my son!”

Said and knelt down, looking like he would not give up until he reached his goal.

Emperor Jin’an only felt that one head was two big, and his hands were placed on the throne, knocking on the golden seat one after another.

“A Su, do you know that Miss Jiang is pregnant with a phoenix? Even so, do you still want to marry?” Emperor Jin’an’s tone was very gentle, but somehow it made people feel uneasy.

All the ministers looked at each other, looked at His Royal Highness the crown prince who was so beautiful and beautiful, and then looked at the overly gorgeous Yan Wang. For a while, even breathing became lighter.

The meaning of the emperor is very clear, she, Jiang Changning, who is destined to marry, will naturally also be the future monarch. The prince has been in power for many years now, and he has no plans to dethrone him. As a prince, Qin Huaisu asked to marry Jiang’s daughter.

Qin Huaisu was not afraid at all, he smiled indifferently: “I am prosperous and prosperous in the country, but now it is ridiculous to put hereditary succession on a woman. Whoever Jiang Changning marries is the king of a country? Father, you are so ridiculous! I also believe it.”

Qin Huaisu looked sideways at Qin Huaiyuan, who was slightly absent-minded again, with a smile that was not a smile: “The emperor is proficient in everything, and he has been highly valued by his father for so many years. Do you believe the old monk’s nonsense? According to the book Look, Wang, he is bewitching the crowd with his demonic words, and the theory of Feng Ming is illusory, if you believe his words, then you are really stupid.”

Master Zhou, who was teased by Qin Huaisu just now, looked very unhappy. He was the one who just said that the fate of the phoenix is extremely precious, and now it is him who said it was nonsense, and let him finish all the good words.

Emperor Jin’an remained silent, for some reason, he was always inexplicably afraid of this son.

Qin Huaiyuan kept looking behind the emperor, and saw a servant retreating quietly under the bright yellow bead curtain, knowing that it was the empress’s person who had reported it.

His straight back couldn’t help but relax a bit. Now I do what I should and should not do. Whether it’s okay or not depends on the meaning of the father.

The ministers also had different thoughts. After Emperor Jin’an’s body deteriorated day by day, his temperament changed drastically, and his moodiness, let alone suspicion, became increasingly good.

Now it’s the gods fighting, and the kid suffers. To put it lightly, it’s a family matter, and no one is right to stand on it, and it’s not like you’re rushing to kill yourself and want to cross your foot in.

The whole hall could hear the sound of needles falling. When the atmosphere was stagnant, an urgent report came from outside the hall. The messenger rushed in from outside, shouting all the way: “Report to the emperor, the frontier fortress urgent report-Xining army is pressing the border, the battle situation is anxious!”

All the courtiers in the room constricted their pupils when they heard the sound. They stared at the messenger who ran into the main hall without blinking, and their breathing tightened accordingly.

The palm print **** didn’t care about scolding the visitor for being rude, so he hurried down the steps to pick up the letter that smelled of beacon smoke and handed it to Emperor Jin’an.

The expressions of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty changed sharply following Emperor Jin’an’s reading of the letter, and there was a murmur in his heart.

Not long ago, there was a sudden disaster, the people were miserable and the people were in dire straits. They had just entered the right track and were waiting for prosperity, but they were in an emergency due to foreign invasion and war. The entire Dasheng is in the midst of internal and external troubles, and at this time, it is no longer possible to indulge in personal relationships with children.

At this moment, Old General Shen stood up. He had made great achievements in battle in half his life, but after all, he was over half a century old and showed a slumped appearance. He stood at His Highness with fists in his hands: “Your Majesty, this old minister invites you to lead the army and is willing to lead the army to fight!” , drive the Xining army back to its lair, and take the heads of the other generals to show our prestige.”

Emperor Jin’an put down the letter with a solemn expression, looked at the people below, then turned his gaze to Old General Shen, and sighed: “General Shen is loyal and courageous. He has dedicated his life to my court and made great military exploits. The only son, Little General Shen, also sent to the battlefield to shed blood for me, and I have seen the loyalty and bravery of the Shen family.”

Then he shook his head again: “It’s just that you, General Shen, are over half a hundred years old. Even if you have the heart, General, you still have to worry about being weak and weak. I have to think about the ancestors of the Shen family. How can you do this?” How about entrusting the critical matter to you again?”

The border was in a hurry, Xining counterattacked, and Emperor Jin’an was anxious and angry. It’s only been a few years since Ansheng, seeing that his life is not long, he just waited for an opportunity at this time.

Frightened and angry, the old emperor coughed a few times, and the **** who served beside him hurriedly handed over the handkerchief. When it was removed from the corner of the mouth, it was already stained with bright red blood.

The great **** put the handkerchief back into his sleeves with trembling hands, because he stood in front of Emperor Jin’an, and instead blocked those invisible sights for him.

Emperor Jin’an took a weak breath, feeling a little disappointed in the silence of the court. He looked at the prince, Qin Huaiyuan’s eyes flickered as if he had made a decision and wanted to take a step forward, but was stopped by Emperor Jin’an’s eyes.

He shook his head calmly at Qin Huaiyuan, looked around Qin Huaisu’s tall and straight figure, and said in a deep voice, “Although the Xining army is braver than the other foreign countries, after all, the land is vast and the population is sparse, and the number of troops sent is not as many as it is.” I am a soldier, I want to hand over this important task to the Banquet King, Suer, what do you think?”

“Your Majesty, no!”

Qin Huaisu raised his eyebrows and before he could speak, an officer came out to remonstrate: “Although His Royal Highness Yan Wang is brave and resourceful, he has never been on a battlefield after all. How can he be allowed to go to the battlefield where swords and swords have no eyes? If something happens… Bah, this official made a slip of the tongue, this official deserves to die!”

The speaker touched Qin Huaisu’s restless eyes while he was speaking, startled him in a cold sweat and slapped his mouth in a hurry.

Emperor Jin’an looked at the movement below slowly, thinking that if it was true, it would be exactly what he wanted.

On the one hand, giving Qin Huaisu this opportunity to perform meritorious deeds is just to show how much he values the King of Banquet; on the other hand, if Qin Huaisu is really unfortunate enough to be attacked and die at the border, then this chair will never be used again. No one competed with Qin Huaiyuan anymore. The crown prince ascended to the throne in a legitimate manner, and the courtiers in the province did not have any objections.

Whether it is life or death, whether or not she can marry a daughter of the Jiang family depends entirely on whether A Su has this blessing.

“Ai Qing is right. There are no eyes, no eyes, and dangers on this battlefield, but I love the people like my own son. There is no reason for me to let the soldiers fight alone and rush to the front line. If this is the case, my son has no reason to hide in this palace. An Yiyu makes sense.”

Emperor Jin’an’s words were high-sounding, and both in and out of his words showed his benevolence and selflessness as an emperor. He said lovingly to the two sons below: “Su’er, Yuan’er, which of you two is willing to stand up and accept this job? Since both of you are interested in Miss Jiang, when the fighting subsides On the day of triumphant return, I will decree to bestow a marriage, and celebrate with the whole world!”

Qin Huaisu’s eyes were gloomy. He had no interest in leading the troops into battle, and he didn’t respond much. But he was disgusted with Emperor Jin’an’s act of taking Jiang Changning as the first prize. Emperor Jin’an had exhausted his words on this matter, so naturally he didn’t give Jiang Changning a chance to choose.

“My son is willing to lead the army to fight!”

Qin Huaisu finally accepted the job, and it has to be said that Emperor Jin’an took him to death.

“Okay, okay, King Yan is worthy of being my son, he has courage! Then I will appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the Xining army, and the old general Shen will serve as the deputy general to assist you. This time, you will return victorious!” Emperor Jin’an laughed out loud, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.

“My son takes orders!”

“The minister takes orders!”

Qin Huaisu and Old General Shen half-kneeled to accept the order.

“Father, as a prince and even as an eldest brother, how can I just watch my younger brother go into danger? I also hope that the father will take back his order, and my son is willing to lead the army.” Qin Huaiyuan, who had not spoken all this time, couldn’t bear it after all. He owed a lot to Ah Su. He grew up in the deep palace, so how could the emperor not understand what he meant.

As soon as Qin Huaiyuan spoke, the civil servants like quail cheered up and stopped him again and again: “Your Highness! No!”

“There are so many dangers here, how can you take risks with your own body?”

Their thoughts are surprisingly consistent, Prince Qin Huaisu has a gentle and easy-going personality, unlike the king of banquets, his mouth is more poisonous than a crane’s crimson red. And the prince is born of the queen, a serious and evil son. The prince was born in a bad way.

Wouldn’t it be ridiculous to let a foot-washing servant’s child ascend to the throne of God?

Emperor Jin’an also looked at Qin Huaiyuan a few more times, feeling faint disappointment welling up in his heart.

How can a woman’s benevolence be a king.

He wanted to say something, but he couldn’t say anything to Shangqin Huaisu’s mocking eyes, and then he became angry from embarrassment.

Seeing that Emperor Jin’an was going to get angry, the father-in-law next to the queen came to report anxiously with a whisk: “Your Majesty, your empress is seriously ill.”

This interruption relieved the tense atmosphere. Emperor Jin’an breathed a sigh of relief visibly.

“I still have something important to do, so you can go and have a look.”

Qin Huaiyuan had no choice but to resign, and Emperor Jin’an made a final decision: “We will be led by King Yan, and no one else can discuss it.”

“Your Majesty is wise.”

The Xining army was pressing down on the border and the situation was urgent, so Qin Huaisu could not be given much time to prepare. Emperor Jin’an only stayed for one day for him to prepare food, grass and military supplies. Qin Huaisu turned over Jiang Changning’s yard overnight to bid farewell to her.

Jiang Changning got the news in the evening, and when Jiang Changbai told her about it, she was flustered. In the last life, there was no situation where Qin Huaisu led the army, and she could not predict whether this battle would be good or bad. Many things in this life have changed invisibly. While watching these changes, she also felt terrified because Qin Huaisu was affected.

At night she sat in front of the bed and looked at the silver moonlight all over the floor, thinking that Qin Huaisu would leave the city tomorrow, she was even more disturbed and couldn’t sleep.

“knock knock”

There was a sound from the window sill, and Jiang Changning was startled and got up to look, and fell into the arms of the neat visitor who opened the window.

“Shh — it’s me.”

Qin Huaisu lowered his voice, and casually caught the startled little girl who backed away, and the warm palms pressed against her slightly cool lower back.

“How did you come?”

Jiang Changning asked him in a low voice, but her eyes were full of tiny lights, and her restless heart finally calmed down when she saw the person coming.

Qin Huaisu held her hand, his eyes were full of tenderness: “I’ll take you to a place.”

Jiang Changning followed him obediently, was hugged by the waist, and closed his eyes to feel the wind brushing past his ears. When he opened his eyes again, he had already landed outside Jiang’s mansion, and a low-key carriage stood quietly.

Seeing that the distance was getting farther and farther, and the sections of the road became more and more familiar, Jiang Changning guessed by touch where Qin Huaisu took her. As expected, the carriage stopped outside the familiar temple.

Jiang Changning once again saw this luxuriant tree.

Since waking up from the dream, Jiang Changning hasn’t dared to come over to see it. The memory of her previous life is too painful. She doesn’t know how to let go of it.

But being brought here by his hand now is a different feeling.

Jiang Changning trusted him with all his heart, and also hoped that he could really be in love with Qin Huaisu like the signature of the Sanshengshu, and he would never change until death.

Qin Huaisu led the people to stand in front of the tree, and took out a pair of wooden plaques from his bosom. Qin Huaisu didn’t believe in heaven and earth, ghosts and gods, but only in himself. The signature on it was engraved by himself: “The complex lives three lives, and always thinks it is good.”

Jiang Changning signed his name earnestly with his expectant eyes, traced it twice in a row to prevent the handwriting from fading over time, and waited for him to also sign his name, and tied the wooden sign with an old thread to a familiar place. the highest point.

Qin Huaisu landed on the ground, with the moonlight closely watching the wooden sign shaking in the breeze, his eyes focused and bright.

He wanted to say something to Jiang Changning, but when he turned around, he met her approaching kiss. The kiss that was supposed to be on the cheek slipped to the corner of his lips. Qin Huaisu’s mind went blank, and he forgot what he wanted to say just now. up.

This kiss was clumsy and sweet, Jiang Changning leaned almost his whole body on Qin Huaisu’s body. She didn’t know why she was so bold all of a sudden, maybe the moonlight tonight was too intoxicating, maybe it was Qin Huaisu’s focused eyes that gave her courage.

Maybe I have wanted to do this for a long time, so I kissed it, and the taste is not bad.

Qin Huaisu hugged Jiang Changning lightly, and the affection in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

From the initial induction to the later turn-on, everything is so natural.

Insects chirping, and the breeze blowing loudly. The moonlight was like water, and petals were scattered all over the ground.

Jiang Changning hid in Qin Huaisu’s arms and took a deep breath. She listened to the strong heartbeat of the other party, and her complicated heart suddenly became calm.

Jiang Changning touched the jade buckle on Qin Huaisu’s belt with his hand, and said in a delicate and soft voice, “Asu, I have something to hide from you…”

(end of this chapter)

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