Shock! The Real Daughter Made the Transmigrator Girl Cry

Chapter 186

Chapter 186 – What Do You Want To Say

Chapter 186 What do you want to say

“My daughter dare not.” Jiang Changning straightened his back, and looked at the glaring queen on the high seat without avoiding his eyes, and his tone was neither humble nor overbearing.

The empress sneered angrily: “Don’t you dare? I want to see if your bones are as hard as your mouth!” She turned her head and called out urgently and fiercely, “Come here—”

The attendants outside the door hurriedly coaxed a group of people in, surrounding Jiang Changning from left to right.

The queen squeezed her sharp golden armor, made a harsh sound on the seat, and said in a dark voice: “Greetings to this **** girl, help her sharpen her temperament!”


Several thick-skinned nuns were about to push Jiang Changning down to his knees. After holding Jiang Changning for a long time, Jiang Changning stood upright and refused to accept the soft appointment. The two nuns almost went hard to kick her back knee.

“The empress tortured me indiscriminately in private, but I have thought about how I will explain it when I go to the emperor with the Hou family to appeal for grievances in the future.” Jiang Changning tensed his muscles and resisted the pressure of the two nuns, On the one hand, the corners of his lips were straightened, and his eyes seemed to be burning with unyielding fire.

“It’s still hard to speak at this point.” The queen narrowed her eyes and put down the teacup heavily in resentment.

“Come here, call me—”

“The queen mother is not allowed!”

Qin Huaiyuan rushed in when he saw the situation in the room, his pupils shrank and he stopped sharply, the mother who was suppressing Jiang Changning froze when she heard the sound, she didn’t know what to do for a while, she loosened her hands and told Jiang Changning to avoid it go.

When Qin Huaiyuan heard that the queen called Jiang Changning into the palace again, he knew that she hadn’t given up on the idea of making her a princess. He wanted to come here to see if he could dissuade him, but he didn’t expect that she would actually confront Jiang Changning in the palace. Lynching was used.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Huaiyuan walked up to Jiang Changning’s side and waved away a few nuns, then bowed to the queen again: “What is the mother going to do?”

The queen was angry, but she had to give the prince face in front of everyone. She waved her hand to let a few servants who couldn’t understand her eyes go down, took a sip of water to moisten her throat, and then said, “What can I do?” What? It’s just to catch up with this Jiang girl.”

Qin Huaiyuan’s expression softened a little, “Cai Erchen was gathering with Changbai just now, and I just heard that Miss Jiang is here as a guest. Since my mother has invited people to come over for a small gathering, I think it’s almost time, so we might as well let Miss Jiang go back with her elder brother. Just right.”

Qin Huaiyuan carried a member of the Jiang family out, and the empress regained her sanity after that period of vigor. This time Jiang Changning entered the palace because she ordered people to come to the Jiang residence to be carried in brightly in sedan chairs. The family knew that even so many eyes and ears along the road were watching, and if anything happened to Jiang Changning in this palace, she would have nothing to do with it.

Even if she doesn’t care, what if the news reaches the emperor’s ears and affects his opinion of Yuan’er… I have to say, what Jiang Changning said earlier still reached her heart.

The empress hid the stern look in her eyes, Jiang Changning is so ungrateful, if something happens outside the palace, it has nothing to do with her.

With the help of the crown prince, Jiang Changning got out of the queen’s man-eating palace safely, even though he was shocked.

Before entering the palace, Jiang Changning learned from Eunuch Yuan Bao that the crown prince and elder brother were both in the palace. The queen is worried about the prince, and there is no one in Fengming Palace who has the prince.

Although Qin Huaiyuan and Su Yiwan are mother and son, they have very different temperaments. Jiang Changning was just taking a gamble, Qin Huaiyuan really came, and he came so fast.

In the imperial garden, Jiang Changning and Qin Huaiyuan walked side by side, and the accompanying palace people lowered their heads and held palace lanterns silently.

“Since Zhaoyi’s death, A Su has been following Gu. Although he is not born of his mother, Gu has always regarded him as his younger brother.” Qin Huaiyuan turned his face to look at Jiang Changning, the silhouette under the candlelight and Qin Huaisu Somewhat similar: “Miss Jiang, Ah Su has suffered a lot since then, and his personality is naturally a bit weird. But Gu can see that there is no trace of falsehood or contempt in his feelings for you.”

“Please treat him well, Miss Jiang.”

Jiang Changning looked at the prince in front of him, his eyes were like warm snow that hadn’t melted in spring, shining, crystal clear, soft, dazzling, and seemed to have an unnoticed sharpness. The lips are as warm as jade, the corners of the mouth are slightly curved, and the faint smile is like the sunshine in March, which is comfortable and comfortable.

It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the desolate and lonely deposed prince in the illusion.

“Don’t worry, Your Highness, Changning is pleased with the prince, so he will naturally treat him with sincerity.”

Because of Gu Xiujing’s leg injury, the day of returning home was delayed again and again. Jiang Luo is a married daughter, so it is inevitable that people will criticize her if she does not return to Jiang’s house. It has been a tradition since ancient times for this woman to return home after marrying. It’s polite, and besides, the young couple have already lived in Gu’s residence, so they should return to the door once according to the rules.

But Jiang’s mother counted the days in the mansion, waiting and waiting, but there was no sign of Jiang Luo going back to the door.

Knowing that Gu Xiujing was injured, Jiang’s mother sent someone to ask Jiang Luo to postpone her return, but Jiang Luo didn’t say anything, the more you understand her, the more she thinks that if she doesn’t go back, it’s because of Jiang Luo. Chang Ning bowed his head in front of him.

During the meal, Jiang Luo intentionally or unintentionally mentioned a few things about returning to the house in front of Gu’s mother and Gu Xiujing, but no one answered her words, and directly put down the chopsticks on the dinner table in annoyance.

Although Gu’s mother tolerated her a little more because of the child in her womb, after all, Jiang Luo was not carried in with her consent at the beginning, and it was even more impossible to help her with the matter of returning to the door this time.

Seeing Jiang Luo’s sullen face, she didn’t show any anger, and snorted coldly: “Xiu Jing’s wounds haven’t healed yet, and it takes a lot of effort to move her bones and blood. When can’t I go back to the door, why do I have to torment him? ?”

Gu Xiujing pursed his lips and looked unattractive. Now he is not good enough to get out of bed and start to rely on the servants to serve him. Asking him to go to the Jiang Mansion with Jiang Luo to bear those different colors is no less than throwing his dignity on the ground Trampling, he can’t get out of this door no matter what.

Jiang Luo was so angry that she didn’t want to stay in this mansion for a while, but she knew that she was doomed to rely on others in this mansion, so she suppressed the anger in her stomach and touched her stomach on purpose, and said softly: “Mother is right, It’s because Luo’er was not considerate enough. It’s just that Luo’er thought it would be more convenient for her to go out while her belly was still pregnant. When her belly got bigger in the future, she would have to give birth in the mansion. Since brother Xiujing is inconvenient, Luo’er can take care of it by herself. It’s enough to go back, the left and right are not far away, Luo’er has been married for so long and hasn’t gone back to see, so I just took this opportunity to go back.”

Both of Gu’s family are soft-tempered, especially Gu Xiujing, his eyes softened when he saw Jiang Luo lovingly touching his belly. Although he can’t go with him, he still has some courtesy to prepare Prepare.

Jiang Luo said something nice to comfort Gu Xiujing, but when she arrived at Jiang’s house, she looked different.

Before coming here, Gu Xiujing sent someone to prepare some things for Jiang’s mother. Before leaving, Jiang Luo searched and picked up some worthless things and brought them back to Jiang’s mansion.

After going through so many hardships, Jiang Luo even grasped the importance of money in his hands. Whether it was to settle down in the house or take care of the servants who didn’t know how to praise, he had to use some money. She spent a lot of money.

She went back to the house dressed in plain clothes, and took the opportunity to cry in front of Jiang’s mother. As soon as she entered the door, she hugged Jiang’s mother and burst into tears, saying that Gu’s mother was harsh on her, not only in terms of food, clothing, housing, and transportation. In short of expenses, she was often asked to chant sutras and pray for Gu Xiujing. Although it is not an exaggeration to say that Gu Xiujing is her husband, but after all, she is pregnant with Lin’er now, where did she do these trivial things… and said that the servant sent by Gu’s mother is a double-hearted person, and he is not serious when serving her. She was very caring, and suffered a lot in Gu’s house inside and out.

Jiang’s mother’s heart was sour when she heard this, and she felt that the child’s life was miserable. When she first married as a wife, she encountered a disaster and collapsed half the sky.

But Gu Xiujing was dragged down by Jiang Luo after all, and Gu’s mother was the only son. Comparing my heart to my heart, Jiang’s mother can’t get along with Gu’s mother’s half-sentence.

She thought for a while, then winked at the nanny standing behind her. Momo glanced at Jiang Luo who was wiping tears, and wanted to say something, but swallowed back the words that came to her mouth.

Because Jiang Luo was pregnant, the table was full of bland food. Jiang Luo couldn’t eat more than half a bowl of yam pork rib soup, and Jiang’s mother didn’t force it. Jiang Changning ate a bowl of rice with an unappetizing taste.

Her look of not worrying about everything naturally caught Jiang Luo’s eyes again.

“My sister has such good food in the mansion, and I don’t know what the prince uses at the border. If you want me to say that now that the prince is out defending the enemy, I don’t know whether he will live or die. My sister should abstain from meat and vegetables in the mansion and pray for the prince.”

Jiang Changning didn’t even look at Jiang Luo when he heard the words, he peeled another shrimp and dipped it in the sauce dish: “Second sister is pregnant now, so she should do her own good deeds. Don’t talk about life and death at any time, It’s unlucky. My sister has the energy to take care of herself. I don’t need to worry about my affairs with the prince.”

Jiang Luo just smiled while covering her belly.

Little bitch, there are always times when she cries.

It wasn’t until Jiang Changning put down his chopsticks and wiped his hands with a clean handkerchief that Jiang’s mother asked the servants to remove the table.

The little maids poured fragrant tea for the master, and quietly left with a few plates of fresh and juicy seasonal fruits.

Nanny looked at the opportunity and put the things she took out from Mother Jiang’s room on the table.

It was a small wooden box the size of a palm, with gold foil inlaid on the four corners, and various flowers carved on the body of the box.

Jiang Luo seemed to be feeling something, and a little joy appeared on her face. She bent her eyes and looked at Mother Jiang and called softly: “Mother.”

Mother Jiang nodded and opened the box, only to see a small stack of neatly folded bank notes and some gold, silver and jade inside.

“I know it’s not easy for you to live in Gu’s mansion, and you need to take care of everything while you’re pregnant, so you take the money first.” After thinking for a while, he persuaded: “Now Shizi Gu is seriously injured, and Madam Gu is the only one to support the big family. Now, since you married into the Gu family and they are a family, you should be more considerate.”

Jiang Luo didn’t care much about it, but looked at the bank notes on the table and didn’t say anything to refute, just nodded perfunctorily.

In the past, when she was in Jiang’s Mansion, she couldn’t choose what to eat. The servants also treated her respectfully and did not dare to neglect her.

Jiang Luo didn’t know what kind of situation Gu’s house was until she married into Gu’s house. And how stingy and difficult mother Gu is. There are also those dog minions, which ones are not watching dishes.

The mouth balms in the new house are extremely rough, and there are no things that people can use. When Jiang Luo entered Gu’s residence, all those inconspicuous things were naturally changed, and those unscrupulous slaves were dealt with again. She herself is not good at housekeeping, and the dowry in her hand was used up in a few days.

Jiang Luo also loves beauty, and the clothes she usually wears on her body should also be good, because she is afraid of being looked down upon and made fun of when she goes out. So come and go. Then I felt that I was restrained everywhere, and now seeing Mother Jiang handing out so much money, there is no reason to refuse. Just be a little bit low-key, cuddly and foolishly get the money first.

Mother Jiang handed the box to Jiang Luo, and Jiang Luo accepted it with joy. Before warming up the box, Jiang Changning heard Jiang Changning say in a calm tone: “I’m afraid it’s wrong for mother to give the money to the second sister today.”

“Jiang Changning, what do you want to say?” Jiang Luo was afraid of Jiang Changning’s mouth. As long as she speaks, nothing good will happen, not to mention Mother Jiang is used to listening to her.

“Second sister, don’t worry, this is for your own good. As far as I know, when you left the cabinet, your mother and elder brother gave you two thousand silver coins, and it took only a few days for my younger sister to clean it up. It’s too squandered.” Jiang Changning put the teacup down, and the cup made a light “click”.

“My sister said that Mrs. Gu treated you harshly, but I don’t think so. The hair oil my sister used today has a scent of gardenia, which should be a new product from Hongzhuanglou. It’s a small bottle of fifty taels of silver. If you look at it from a young age, it’s like Madam Gu You are really harsh, sister, how can you use such a good thing.”

“Sister, do you suspect that I’m lying?” Although she gritted her teeth in hatred, Jiang Luo knew that the Jiang family’s wealth could not be broken.

As she spoke, tears welled up in her eyelashes, and she looked at Mother Jiang very aggrieved.

Mother Jiang also hesitated, and was about to explain a few words when she heard Jiang Changning continue: “Mother loves you so much that she wants to subsidize this money, but what will Mrs. Gu and Shizi think when they find out. Mrs. Gu has a very strong self-esteem. If you know about it, you may think that your mother slapped her in the face and caused trouble. Besides, Mrs. Gu already has a grudge in her heart. If you make your younger sister go back to Jiang’s mansion directly, so as not to let others say that she treats the bride harshly, then It’s not worth the candle.”

“Actually, it doesn’t matter if my sister returns to Jiang’s mansion. Your mother loves you. But now you are still pregnant with Gu Shizi’s child, I am afraid that Shizi will not let it go. It would be a pity if a good fate turns into a bad fate.”

Some words made Jiang’s mother’s face turn red. She wiped the sweat that didn’t exist on her face with a handkerchief, and coughed in embarrassment: “Luo’er, what your sister said makes sense.”

The nanny walked over with kindness and wanted to take back the wooden box.

“Mother!” Jiang Luo showed unwillingness to let go, but the nanny’s hand was so strong that she still snatched it away.

(end of this chapter)

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