Shock! The Real Daughter Made the Transmigrator Girl Cry

Chapter 205

Chapter 205 – Unborn Child

Chapter 205 The child in the womb

Zhaoyue didn’t dare to look back, and ran forward desperately, fearing that once she turned back, she would rush over uncontrollably.

Hu Jiu hugged the assassin’s leg, exhausted all his strength, and finally threw the assassin out, and he fell to the ground with excessive force. But Hu Jiu didn’t dare to stay, he had reached the end of his life, and he couldn’t hurt the princess any more.

The assassin got up from the ground, cut off Hu Jiu’s hands with a sword, and Hu Jiu screamed in pain, but he still refused to give up, still embracing the assassin’s leg with his own arms.

Zhaoyue heard Hu Jiu’s screams behind her, and tears finally fell down.

She didn’t know where to run, the guards around her had been killed by the men in black to delay the time, and she herself was in a state of embarrassment and was covered in scars. Zhaoyue raised her soot-smeared face, feeling a little confused for a moment, as there was no place for her in the vast world.

There was a woman who was unknown, so she felt sorry for her, thinking she was a foreign slave who had been bullied, thinking that she was also a woman and saw Zhaoyue’s clothes were ragged, so she threw a robe at her footsteps.

Zhaoyue picked up the clothes and put them on blankly.

A wild cat meowed and walked past her feet, Zhaoyue seemed to be attracted by it, and followed behind the wild cat.

One person and one cat walked for a cup of tea. In front of a mansion, the wild cat yelped twice and jumped over the wall. Zhaoyue stopped, she raised her head and saw the words Yanwangfu written in thick ink on the plaque under the moonlight, as if she had sucked enough blood and could drip down at any time.

The secret letter between King Qi and Qin Huaisu, if he doesn’t want to tell, no one will know. But he did say it, even in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty and Emperor Jin’an. Zhaoyue stared at the direction of the palace, she only knew that Qin Huaisu was cold-tempered, but never thought that he was ruthless.

In today’s matter, who else would have such a big hand, except the murderous Emperor Jin’an.

This hatred, she must avenge it!

With a “creak”, the heavy mansion door was pushed open from the inside, and Zhaoyue moved slightly, hiding behind the stone lion.

Uncle Fu came out with a smile on his face, and walking with him were a few servants who were in charge of purchasing from Yanwang Mansion. The red silk comes from Jinxiu Shop in South Street and Miaoshouzhai in Xifang respectively, the servants see that each has its own advantages, so I don’t know how to choose?”

The joy on Uncle Fu’s face was so full that it was about to overflow, and his tone was passionate: “In that case, you should go to the East Market and the North Gate to have a look. You should buy the best materials. Don’t neglect the princess. .”


Zhaoyue pursed her lips tightly and hid behind the stone lion, gritting her teeth with hatred. She restrained her urge to growl and her chest heaved forbearance, and watched the few people from Yanwang Palace leave.

There was a fishy sweetness in her throat, Zhaoyue just used the pain to wake herself up, knocked her nails **** the stone lion so that it was broken abruptly, and the section was rubbed against the still warm stone, and the blood was dripping.

“Qin Huaisu—”

Zhaoyue doesn’t have the decency she had when she entered the palace in the daytime. The clothes on her body have become tattered after this escape, and her head and face are in a state of embarrassment. She is only covered under a thin sackcloth donated by someone.

“Qin Huaisu—”

Zhaoyue said Qin Huaisu’s name again and again, her eyes no longer saw the obsessive admiration she once had, and her **** eye sockets were filled with hysteria and hatred.

it is all your fault.

Yanwang Mansion was festively decorated with lanterns and festoons, but the post house half a street away was full of flames and billowing thick smoke. The dead and wounded soldiers she brought borrowed their lives to protect her, but she could only hide in this place and watch the enemy smile.

Qin Huaisu—, Jiang Changning—

It’s all you guys and dogs that brought me down to this point. Just wait, one day I will definitely teach you to pay with blood!

It was still dark, a gust of wind blew by, the candlelight bent over and twisted unsteadily, dancing black shadows on the ground, like wandering ghosts and monsters in the night.

Jiang Luo has locked herself in the room for quite some time, and Gu Xiujing was able to coax her patiently at first, and she stopped going to post any cold butts when she hit too many walls, but she still cared about finding some for her. doctor.

“Doctor, can you tell what kind of disease this is?”

Gu Xiujing has a leg problem and doesn’t like to see people, but Jiang Luo is his persistent wife after all, and she is still pregnant with his child. No matter how hurtful Jiang Luo’s attitude is, he can’t really let her go.

The doctor has a gray beard, he stretched out his hand to stroke his beard, and clicked his tongue a little: “Forgive me for my incompetence, I don’t see why Madam suddenly had such an emergency. Maybe it’s because I’ve become more angry recently, and it’s time for the season to change, and the poisonous gas entered my body This is what led to this appearance. Wait until the old man prescribes some prescriptions for clearing away heat, detoxifying and beautifying the skin, and take two courses of treatment.”

This is already the seventh doctor who has said such words in the past few days.

Gu Xiujing was restless and couldn’t say anything directly, so she frowned and asked the servants to take the written prescription and sent the doctor out of the house.

Disgusted by Jiang Luo and rejected by Gu Xiujing, Shao Yao was sent to the outer door by these two people and was not allowed to serve closely.

Docs have been coming in and out for the past few days, and Shaoyao nestled in the corner until she watched someone send the doctor away. She curled up and walked quietly to the Herbal Food Workshop by herself.

The freshly grasped medicine was placed on the table, and the doctor’s prescription was pressed under the medicine bag, revealing a dark yellow corner.

The boy grabbing the medicine came into the house pouted and followed the master’s instructions to find some old ginseng to supplement Jiangluo. Taking advantage of this time, Shaoyao hurriedly hid the aconite she had found outside the house in the bottom of the medicine bag.

Jiang Luo’s decoction has always been boiled by Yunjin, perhaps Jiang Luo intentionally took precautions, and others have been unable to get close to her, it is because Shaoyao is familiar with the inner courtyard of Gu’s mansion that she managed to find this opportunity. The peony originally wanted to use saffron, but this medicine is too expensive, and the color is bright and eye-catching, and the musky smell is heavy. After much deliberation, she searched a lot of medical books before finding this herb Aconite. The book says “Aconite: It tastes sweet, hot, and poisonous. Abortion is the growth of Baiyao.”

Jiang Luo has been using decoction for the past few days, and the poison of peony has been dosed for several days in a row, but no matter how you look at it, Jiang Luo does not see any reaction. She suspects that the dosage is too small, and today she took a lot of it.

Yun Jin took the medicine package and poured it into a medicine pot to brew it. Shao Yao was afraid that she would be suspicious and didn’t come to her, holding a half-dry rag and staring at the door of the small kitchen from a distance, watching her holding it. Tang Yao entered Jiang Luo’s room.

The room was silent, with occasional whispers, but this was not the expected reaction of Shao Yao.

This time she took a large dose, and the pregnant woman is weak, so she shouldn’t be as calm as this anyway. It would be impossible if Jiang Luo hadn’t taken the medicine all this time, she is so nervous now with her rotten face, she can’t wait to find a panacea and apply it, how could she give up the treatment.

Could it be—

Shao Yao was taken aback by the flash of light in her heart, she shook her head subconsciously, but this idea kept circling in her mind, the more she thought about it, the more strange she felt.

The heart beat wildly uncontrollably, Jiang Luo has never responded to the abortion drugs, could it be that there is no fetus in her belly? !

But she has always been cautious. In the past few days, except for her personal maid, who is a doctor, no outsider can approach her. If this is the case, wouldn’t she

When Shao Yao thought of this, the hairs all over her body stood up, how could she take on such a big matter.

She must immediately tell the old lady and the eldest son the news.

But there is no evidence now, how can they believe it just by their own mouth. .

“Squeak.” The door slammed softly.

Shao Yao’s heart instantly lifted, she clenched the rag in her hand, feeling uneasy in her heart, her eyes kept looking towards the door, for fear of any accident.

But there was nothing but swaying branches at the door, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

Yun Jin walked over with an empty bowl, Shao Yao couldn’t help beating her heart as soon as she saw her, her eyes uncontrollably looked at the empty bowl that still had medicine dregs and asked pretending not to care: ” Sister Yunjin, how is Madam?”

“It’s still the same, it won’t get better.” Speaking of this Yunjin, her brows also frowned. After Jiang Luo’s appearance was ruined, her temper became more moody, and Yunjin served her every day like walking on eggshells. After a long time, it is inevitable that there will be some resentment in my heart.

Seeing Yun Jin’s expression, Shao Yao felt confident, and she pretended to be worried and said, “I shouldn’t talk too much, but I’m really worried about Madam. Now Madam is pregnant, and the medicine is three-point poisonous. The little prince in the womb is not good…”

Hearing Shao Yao mention the child in Jiang Luo’s womb, Yun Jin’s eyes dodged, and the expression on her face stiffened a little.

Others don’t know, but she knows that Jiang Luo has nothing in her stomach.

Originally, she planned to use Shao Yao’s hand to get rid of this “child”, but now this “child” has become the most powerful way for her to grab her son, so naturally she can’t lose it.

Yun Jin looked at Shao Yao’s beautiful face, and couldn’t help feeling deeply. It was Shao Yao’s life that could have escaped.

She thought of this, smiled and said to Shao Yao: “I’m also worried, but I’m just a servant, so I can’t influence Madam’s decision.”

“My servant is also worried. This servant knows that Sister Yunjin cares most about Madam, so I came here to remind you. If there is anything I need to do, please ask Sister Yunjin to order!” Shaoyao’s obedient appearance made Yunjin feel sorry for her. Goodwill doubled.

She smiled and said: “Don’t dare to be, don’t dare to be.”

Shaoyao was secretly happy when she saw that Yunjin treated her well. It seems that she made the right move.

“If my sister has anything to do, tell me to do it. Now that my wife hates me, I don’t know how long I can stay in this mansion…” Shaoyao said two lines of tears rolling down her hand and wiped off the gold bracelet on her wrist. In Yunjin’s hands: “I have hit it off with my sister, although this thing is not worth a few coins, if my sister doesn’t dislike it, I can leave it to my sister to think about it.”

Shaoyao spoke with sincerity, and Yun Jin felt sympathy for a while.

The bracelet in his hand was still warm, Yun Jin patted Shao Yao’s shoulder softly and said: “I don’t have anything to do, you just stay at home in the mansion.” He took out another pack of medicine and handed it to Shao Yao : “I have prepared these medicines, you can fry them for Madam.”

Shao Yao nodded, and headed towards the kitchen with the herbs.

Yun Jin watched her back disappear from sight, turned her head to look at the flower window on one side, and the figure of Peony was reflected in the window. She sighed, shook her head and left.

Shao Yao walked into the kitchen and frowned when she saw the dark things in the medicine jar.

This smell is really disgusting, but she can’t back down now.

There is no need to put the aconite, the belly is fake, so what is the use of taking so many medicines except wasting money.

Shaoyao threw the herbs on the table in a fit of anger, thought for a while, and finally opened the medicine bag and poured the herbs into the medicine jar. She looked at the unused aconite, bit her lip, and a stern look flashed in her eyes.

Jiang Luo didn’t know that she was being missed by others, she lay down in front of the bronze mirror almost sickly, looked at the unrecognizable face in the mirror, waved the whole bronze mirror and fell to the ground torn apart.

The servant girl in the room shivered involuntarily, but Jiang Luo was still puzzled. She viciously kicked the little girl who was kneeling in front of her, and the girl quickly knelt down without daring to cry even when her body was crooked.

However, her obedience did not bring about Jiang Luo’s great compassion, but she became even more sadistic. She stretched out her hand and pulled the little maid’s hair fiercely, looking at the other’s tender and delicate face, the deep jealousy made Jiang Luo lose Reasonable, without even thinking about it, she raised her hand and took a shard of bronze mirror and slashed fiercely at the little maid’s face.

Following a shrill scream, bright red blood slowly flowed down the maidservant’s face, and the long scars at the corner of her mouth mixed with the blood on her face. It looked terribly frightening.

Yun Jin came back from the outside, saw the scene in the room, screamed in fright and covered her mouth.

Jiang Luo came back to her senses when she heard the movement, and when she turned her head and saw it was Yun Jin, she panicked, and then showed a hint of ferocity.

“When did you come in?!”

As soon as she uttered these words, Yun Jin became even more frightened. She looked at Jiang Luo as if she wanted to eat her.

Yun Jin lowered his head and teeth trembling: “I, I just came out of the small kitchen, and I didn’t see anything…”

“It doesn’t matter if you see it.” Jiang Luo vented a little bit of happiness. She took a clean handkerchief and wiped her hands, and asked people to clean up the broken lenses indifferently: “Clumsy things, even Even a bronze mirror can’t be put in place properly, it’s not a big deal if the bronze mirror breaks, it’s not okay to hurt someone.” Then he withdrew the jade wrench finger in his hand and smashed it at the feet of the little maid who was covering her face and crying: “Take this Go and call a doctor, I heard that your mother is suffering from a serious disease, and I will take a look at it, I think it should be enough.”

The jade wrench finger is very delicate, and the jade inlaid on it is very transparent. It seems that it is no problem to change it for a hundred taels of silver.

The little maid tremblingly picked up the wrench and held it firmly in her hand. A gleam of light flashed in her eyes, and finally fell silent again.

“The servant thanked Madam for the reward.”

Jiang Luo was very satisfied: “You know what to say?”

The little girl’s lips trembled, and she said word by word: “It was the slave who accidentally broke the bronze mirror, slipped and fell on the ground and cut her face. Madam kindly gave money to the slave to see the doctor. The slave is very grateful.” do.”

I was thinking how to win the position in the end? Really can’t write tricks T^T

(end of this chapter)

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