Shock! The Real Daughter Made the Transmigrator Girl Cry

Chapter 215

Chapter 215 – Not Counting Extra Episodes [Baby That You Can Not Buy]

Chapter 215 is not a special episode【Baby you can not buy】

If the protagonists all go to the chronological text… I want to write the chronological text next time… I wrote a beginning, try the feeling, hehe. You don’t have to buy it! babies!

The sun was scorching hot, and the leaves were curling weakly. The air was suffocatingly hot.

In the criss-crossing rice fields, the villagers are sweating and holding up their hoes.

Jiang Changning’s face was flushed red.

She wiped the sweat off her cheeks, only to feel her hands sink. Then he staggered, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Immediately, chattering voices came from the surrounding area.

“This Jiao Didi can’t even break a lump of dirt, and why is she talking about construction? Isn’t the captain bluffing us?”

“Stop talking about it, I’m a cultural person after all!”

“Jiang Zhiqing, are you okay?” A clear male voice came from next to his ear, Jiang Changning looked up from the loess in front of him, and saw a very handsome face with smooth lines: “I, I’m okay…”

Being lifted up blankly, Jiang Changning looked around in a daze.

Seeing her in a trance, Gu Xiujing couldn’t help worrying: “The sun is high, I’ll help you sit over there and rest for a while.”

He raised his finger and pointed to the large shady tree bottom on the ridge not far away. Jiang Changning nodded, and the two walked over there.

An aunt with a horse face and a mole around her mouth was not happy, she curled her lips and said, “Hey, I said Jiang Zhiqing, Gu Zhiqing, you two are going to hide from laziness, so we have to help you with so much work.” Can’t do it?”

Jiang Zhiqing?

Gu Zhiqing?

Jiang Changning’s body froze suddenly, and Gu Xiujing comforted him softly, “It’s okay, I’ll help you.”

The aunt felt bored seeing people ignoring her, so she went to work in the southwest corner of the field with a **** on her shoulder.

In the scorching sun, many people in dusty, rusty and old gowns and khaki turbans were bending over to work in the fields. Jiang Changning was already dazed by what he saw.

Seeing Jiang Changning leaning against the tree, his face improving, Gu Xiujing turned to leave.

Jiang Changning instinctively grabbed Gu Xiujing: “Wait!”

Except for the “Gu Zhiqing” in front of him, no one paid any attention to Jiang Changning.

“What’s wrong?” Gu Xiujing looked sideways at Jiang Changning.

The girl has a small fair face with fair skin, a pair of big and clear eyes, the tails of the eyes are slightly raised, wet, clean and moist, there is a tear mole in the bottom of the left eye, and the slender and curled eyelashes flutter and tremble in the blink of an eye. A touch of coquettishness.

Very attractive.

Gu Xiujing’s ear tips were slightly red, and she unconsciously looked away.

“That, that…” Jiang Changning swallowed, and looked at Gu Xiujing uncertainly, “You… are Gu Xiujing?”

Gu Xiujing froze for a moment, then nodded: “Yes.”


Jiang Changning held his head in disbelief, his eyes widened.

So, so all this is true, she—wear it!

From a charming girl from a wealthy family, she became one of the thousands of educated youths who went to the countryside in the 1960s and 1970s.

God knows how terrified she was when she woke up from the educated youth center made of earth embryo house.

Besides, there is an extra memory belonging to someone else in my mind.

Seeing her nervousness, Gu Xiujing stepped forward worriedly: “Jiang Zhiqing, are you okay?”

Only then did he realize that there was another person in front of him, and Jiang Changning immediately returned to normal.

Avoiding Gu Xiujing’s extended hand, she said unnaturally: “I, I’m fine, but I may have a little heat stroke, just take a rest, Gu Zhiqing, go get busy…”

Gu Xiujing glanced at her worriedly, and there were members of the commune on the ridge urging him to stay longer, so he said, “Then I’ll go and do it first. If you’re not feeling well, you can go back to the Educated Youth Point to rest after a while.”

Jiang Changning let out an “ah” and nodded.

At this time, various policies are strict, and people’s living environment in the general environment is very harsh and poor.

Jiang Changning only felt that the road ahead was dark.

Jiang Zhiqing, Gu Zhiqing, this name keeps circling in my mind.

The woman in memory is called Jiang Changning, and she is also called Jiang Changning.

So, she now occupies the body of Jiang Changning, an educated youth sent to the countryside?

Jiang Changning looked up at Gu Xiujing who was busy among the crowd in the field.

Slender, with a handsome face, the white shirt on his body was wet with sweat, and it turned khaki due to the dust, which did not drown out his dusty temperament…

Birth is okay…

Excellent existence in all aspects, as expected of someone Jiang Changning likes!

In my memory, there are two men who have liked Jiang Changning. One is Gu Xiujing in front of him, and the other is Qin Huaisu from a bad background.

The original Jiang Changning and Gu Xiujing went directly to public institutions because of their own conditions and the help of their families after they returned to the city. The future is bright.

In comparison, what does Qin Huaisu, who was born in the black class, look like?

As I remembered, being abused and spurned by others, I would be dragged out to parade in the streets from time to time…

Oh my god, that’s too miserable!

But no matter how miserable it was, it couldn’t be worse than the last Jiang Changning.

In Jiang Changning’s memory, the educated youth Jiang Changning finally fell into the hands of the blackened Qin Huaisu, and became his restraint and locked him on the bed.

Just as he was thinking, a tall figure suddenly appeared out of the corner of his eye.

The man was dressed in an old whitish gown washed in foggy blue, with loose sackcloth trousers on his lower body.

There are two big patches on the trouser legs and knees. His outfit is obviously old and rustic, but he looks very slender and tall. Even if he carries something on his shoulders, his back refuses to bend, which is enough to see his self-esteem and arrogance .

The straw hat on the man’s head was pressed down very low. Jiang Changning couldn’t see what he looked like, but he could tell that he was Qin Huaisu.

The man got closer and closer, and when he was about to reach him, Jiang Changning reflexively moved to the side.

Avoid this dangerous man.

Suddenly there was a foul smell in front of the nose, Jiang Changning covered his nose and leaned back in discomfort.

Seeing the man walk by, Jiang Changning glanced at the two barrels of unknown objects he picked up, and sighed long.

The current Qin Huaisu has not been blackened, and the educated youth Jiang Changning did not cause him to break his leg, nor did he cause him to go to jail. Not to mention that Qin Huaisu’s company, which took advantage of Qin Huaisu’s love for her, went bankrupt for Gu Xiujing’s career in the future.

Now, since Jiang Changning has taken over the body of the educated youth Jiang Changning, it is natural to take precautions before they happen.

If Qin Huaisu followed the original track, no accidents would happen, and he would definitely become a big boss in the future.

For the days to come, for the chance to go back alive in the future. In any case, it is better not to offend him.

Not only don’t want to offend him, but also help him when necessary.

It would be better if he could stop Qin Huaisu from turning black, but if he couldn’t be stopped, it’s better to be kind to him than to have hatred against him.

However, this man is really scary.

It’s okay, you can overcome it, it’s okay, you can do it, Jiang Changning!

In order not to be regarded as a prisoner in the future, in order to be able to go home alive in the future, come on!

However, the villain in my heart kept crying: But, it is really difficult…

Also, I’m not in a rush, right?

Jiang Changning convinced himself in his heart, and temporarily dismissed the idea.

It’s almost time to rest. Jiang Changning put on a straw hat, took a small **** and went down to the ground to follow behind the crowd. He tapped the soil once and for all, and quietly pricked up his ears, wanting to find out how far it has developed.

(end of this chapter)

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