Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 108


Why is the Spirit King……

You noticed my confusion, the Spirit King nods to convince one: ‘Ah’.

“Why did you bring him back to life, right? That’s just because I was interested. ‘


“We spirits of darkness were originally in different woods. It’s the country next to this country. But that country is less natural and harder to live in, so I came over here.

But one day the quiet woods were usually noisy. Oh, when you were attacked by savages. ”

“That day…”

“That day, I felt the power of the Spirit from human sorcery. So I went to see what was going on, and I met you with quite a bit of dark magic…. Well, he was dead ‘

The power of the Spirit?

Strong dark magic?

Many questions arise in the words that the Spirit King tried to explain to Sarah so briefly.

I guess he looked pretty strange.

The Spirit King said, ‘Are you a bad explainer?’ he asked the black horse with his hand on his chin.

The black horse gives it back cold, saying, ‘The king is right,’

‘Well… that’s why I’ve been trying to give protection to people I haven’t been interested in in in a long time,’

Huh? Protect?

I unwittingly open my eyes to unbelievable words.

Protection from the Spirit King…?

“Um, protection… is…”

“Ah? Coverage, that’s it. You lent me my powers to you, didn’t you?

The power of the Spirit King on me?

Where I held my hands and concentrated on the magic flowing into my body, all I could feel myself was the magic of Chro.

I can’t feel the power of the Spirit King at all.

“I don’t feel any such power…”

When he told him as he peered and watched the Spirit King, the Spirit King turned his eyes round and looked kyotoned.

“King. I have not yet returned the magic of my daughter”

‘… ah. Bad, bad. I was going to give it back when I got here. ”

Close to my side as the black horse lets the glossy furrows sweep into the wind.

The Spirit King said he remembered. Pong and clapping his hands at me.

“Will my magic return ⁉”

Return the magic, haunt the word. I didn’t know my magic was owned by the Spirit King…… Is this happening?

With incredible thoughts, I accidentally get loud. To my momentum the Spirit King turned his eyes round as if surprised.

“Ooh, ooh. I pulled it out when I gave you protection.

I want to see the future of humans change. You want to start over with a life you regret. But I’m not just gonna help.

Until I found out you were the right person to help me, I kept your magic. ”

… Was it?

Sure, it’s convenient to just bring me back to life.

But there’s something about the Spirit King talking that bothers me a little. Given the way the Spirit King said it, I guess that means the Spirit King was testing me.

qualities sufficient to give protection or not.

“If you don’t deserve it… What would have happened if it hadn’t been the same as before I started over?”

“In that case, you wouldn’t have lived long without magic,”

I worried if I should ask the question, but when I asked him terribly, the Spirit King replied lightly, as if it were not even a big story.

But I can’t help but feel a cold sweat running down my back.

Does that mean that if I hadn’t lived up to the expectations of the Spirit King, I would most likely have died by letting the cold get through while I was out of magic?

Just imagine it makes my body tremble with fear.

That’s when Crowe put Crowe’s forefoot on my foot so Crowe could worry and look up at my face from the bottom.

Right…… There was a clo.

Clo gave me a deal so my body could live normally.

I wonder if that is something the Spirit King has helped me with.

“K, Khlo… Khlo signed with me…”

‘He said this guy followed him, so I forgive him. I wanted to see what you’d do, but I wasn’t gonna give you a hand at first.

But it’s easier to keep an eye on you if you’re on someone. I was asking him how you were. Besides, I hear he likes you a lot… he didn’t make a single mouthful of bad things. ‘


“Normally, I can hardly survive if I put it back in the past.”

As my chest is getting hot with gratitude to Cro, I feel pissy and solidified with the smile I was smiling at Cro in the words of the Spirit King who waters it down.

Slowly move your neck, which is likely to hear giggles and blunt noises towards the Spirit King, and turn your gaze towards the Spirit King. One of the Spirit Kings whines tiny and bossy, ‘There were some descendants of the old man, and you’re lucky, aren’t you?

But I have no idea who King Spirit’s “descendants of the old man” refer to. But I can’t even afford to ask back there because something so shocking went on.

But… I mean, if I had acted at different times and behaviors, I might not be alive anymore.

‘Well, you’re the one who grabbed you now. It’s been a while since I had fun, and I’m really glad I picked you.’

The Spirit King turns a slightly brighter grin on me with real pleasure, but I can only return a thirsty grin.

Still, the Spirit King seemed in a good mood, ‘Any other questions?’ he asked me tilting his neck.

Question…… like a lot of things, what should I ask…… my head hangs up and doesn’t work well.

Still, above all, it bothers me. That’s……

“Um, what is the power of darkness?

‘You can check that out for yourself. Look, I’ll restore your magic.’

The Spirit King grins like a mischievous child with his eyebrows raised.

And then some pale ball of light floats out of his hand. The ball disappears so that when the Spirit King points to me, it is sucked into my chest with the light emitting as it moves.

What? What happened?

Put me elsewhere confused, wrapped my whole body so that the light that had disappeared into my chest was familiar to my body, and magic swept through me.

Incredibly, the magic naturally captured in me turns into something bigger than ever before.

“Is this…? No, my magic couldn’t have been so strong”

‘Well, then you do. He’s doing it with my help, so he’s pretty much stronger than before. Besides, you seemed to think of your aptitude as water, but it’s not.’

“… what does that mean”

“Your power is only exercised in darkness. The water is at the right level there.

This is the power of the Spirit King?

I can’t believe you’re only borrowing a fraction of it, but you’re getting so much power out of yourself.

Looking into his own hands wondering if it’s really real, it’s in his ear and his face up that the black horse is telling the Spirit King, ‘King, it’s time’.

The Spirit King frowned reluctantly as he looked at the black horse.

“I can’t help it… it’s time to get you back to the human race.”

Time to go back?

‘Don’t look strange. I’m not like an old man of light. Oh, the old man is the Spirit King of Light. He’s so loud, we haven’t seen each other in hundreds of years.’


He didn’t even ask about the dark magic, and he said it was about shelter.

I wonder if it’s really good to go back like this, but the Spirit King controlled me with his hands like that.

“It’s alright. I’ll see you again”

“Can I see you again?

‘Oh, sure. You’re mine…’

“King, it’s time.”

The moment the Spirit King tried to tell me something, a black horse looked around and spoke to the Spirit King in a strong tone so that he could cover his words.

He said, “Okay.”… Yep. Call me Nell. ”

“Oh, you know. Dear Nell, thank you.”

When the Spirit King smiled at me, he lifted the clo and handed it to me.

I can’t say anything and I’m confused, and I hold Clo as I do and stare at the Spirit King.

Then the Spirit King gently narrowed his eyes, and he stroked his head, ‘I’m coming to you next, so wait till then’.

blinking as I looked at the Spirit King, and when I opened my eyes.

I had a surprised face in front of me, Your Highness.

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