Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 132


With Louis-sama supporting her hips from behind, she rode on a white horse and proceeded at a slow pace. It seems to be moving a little away from the hunting grounds, the main hunting grounds of today, and it is less popular and quiet, so you can simply enjoy nature.

According to Louis, of course, the knights of the guards are around. Still, as far as I can see, there are no signs of people, so they may be a little further away.

“Why don’t we get off and take a walk around here?”

Nodding at the words, Louis lowered them gently. When you step on the lush grass, the soft wind sweeps through your cheeks. When you inhale clean air into your body, the feelings of depression that have gone before disappear beautifully and refreshingly.

When Louis-sama stroked the white horse along the neck of the white horse while watching it tie to the tree, she narrowed her eyes with pleasure.

“You’re a really calm, grown-up kid.”

“Oh, and very clever. I borrowed it from His Highness Isaac, but I wanted to take him to Dutois like this.”

“Well, I wonder if you understand this child’s words. He said he’d be in trouble if they took him.”

“Haha, don’t worry. I’m just kidding. You love His Highness Isaac.”

Louis shook his shoulders joyfully and laughed joyfully. Then he took Louis’ hand, and Louis narrowed his eyes dazzling.

–I haven’t spent time with Louis-sama like this lately, so I’m kind of happy.

The warmth of Louis is transmitted from his hand, and the warmth flows deep into his chest. As if my feelings were conveyed to Louis-sama, Louis-sama loosened her eyes.

“They say this castle was originally built around a forest. The forest is small now, but it’s still enjoying the hunt.”

“I can’t believe there was such a beautiful place just a short walk from the royal palace…. Speaking of which, His Highness Ricardo said that the Spirit of Darkness originally lived by the royal side of the Alta kingdom. With the development of King’s City, the forest became smaller and it became difficult to live, so I guess I relocated my residence.”

“Even in Japan, the number of people who make contracts with spirits is gradually decreasing. The more you seek to develop, the more distant the Spirit will be…. that’s hard.”

Louis-sama sighed with her eyebrows down. However, I gently attached my hand to the tree on the side to examine the discomfort I had felt earlier.

Then, even though it is small from there, I definitely feel the power of the dark spirit that shines.

“Yes, but… the signs of the dark spirit are still strong.”

“Really? It seems difficult for me to feel the darkness, the true opposite of the magic of light.”

“That’s right. It seems that what we have learned from His Highness Ricardo has made us more responsive to the power of darkness than before.”

“Is there a Spirit King blessing in this land… or is there still a dark Spirit who loves this country, even if it is difficult to live in it?”

At that time, the whitehorse, which had been so carefree until now, suddenly began to look around. “What’s wrong?” Rushing toward the white horse and stroking his neck, he heard the horse running from afar towards us.

“Is that… Lord Isaac?

Focusing on the approaching figure, the person on the horse becomes clear. When Lord Isaac noticed us, he slowly slowed down and changed his position with a strong grip on the reins.

“You were here.”

When His Highness Isaac came to us, he lightly stepped off the horse and greeted him with a friendly smile.

“Your Highness is also involved in the hunt.”

“Yes, my brother Ricardo left early, but I like to move my body and hunt. I secretly look forward to it every year. Is the Virgin enjoying herself? Many ladies and ladies don’t like the woods.”

“Thank you for your concern. It’s a relief to see the beautiful scenery.”

As His Highness Isaac is right, ladies do tend to hate the woods. Although I used to like horseback riding, I grew up in King’s Landing and didn’t like to go to the woods, and hunting is out of the question. It was more fun to have flowers blooming in the conversation at the tea party, just like the ladies today.

However, after returning to the past, I went on various journeys and experiences to learn about the comfort of nature, and at some point, the place surrounded by trees became very open and heartwashing.

Really? That’s good. But please be careful because some places have bad scaffolding and some cliffs. ”

His Highness Isaac smiled at my words.

“Oh, yeah. Prince Wang, may I have a moment?”

“Yes, of course…. Rachel, wait a minute.”

At the call of His Highness Isaac, Louis carried his legs to His Highness. They seemed to be talking in a whisper with Hisohiso, and it took longer than expected.

From time to time, Louis’ eyes have become sharp, so it doesn’t seem like a very good story.

While playing with the white horse, he raised his face in the words of His Highness Isaac, “Thank you for waiting.” There, Louis had the same calm expression as before.

–But what is it? I feel a little uncomfortable.

“Rachel, let’s go back. It seems that the sun is about to set. So before that,”

“Eh, eh….”

Sunset? Looking up at the sky, the beautiful blue sky is spreading. I feel early before sundown, but maybe something went wrong. I rode on the horse so that Louis could hold me, as he did when I got off the horse.

Louis’s expression was the same as before, and he gave me a gentle smile. But Lord Isaac seems to be watching his surroundings for something.

Besides, Louis-sama, who put me on the horse, did not try to ride all the way, but did not move with her feet on the ground.

“… is something wrong?

In response to my question, His Highness sighed as if he were in trouble.

“Looks like the rats are moving around a little bit.”

“A rat…? Your Highness the First Prince?

“No, it’s the queen. Isaac says the Queen’s people are going to be in trouble. They’re going to threaten us a little to keep us quiet…. that’s really crazy.”

His Majesty’s astonishingly cold words threw up the words as he added at the end.

“Rachel, you can run a horse yourself. Go back to the royal palace with His Highness Isaac.”

“What? Where’s Louis?

“I’ll let the rat swim lightly and pop out before I go home. Along with the Leony escorts right next door…. you don’t have to look anxious. Besides, Lord Isaac’s side is safest now. Don’t leave Theodore when you get back to the royal palace.”

Louis gave me only the smallest piece of information, confused by what was happening. Louis-sama’s soft smile creates a tingling atmosphere, with an atmosphere unquestionable and an open mouth.

Lord Isaac, Rachel, please.

“Yes, of course.”

With His Highness Isaac’s reply, Louis let go of his connected hand. The warmth that gradually fades away disappears into a shame.

Come on, let’s go.

Inspired by His Highness Isaac, he began to move, but Louis was still worried and looked back. Louis waved at me with a soft smile as usual. When I turned my hand back in the same way, Louis-sama nodded one cheek with joy.

“Rachel, I’ll see you later.”

When I left, Louis stroked my head, whispering with a warm, gentle voice, and Louis’s smile.

Anxiety is now swirling, even though it normally calms the mind. I returned to the royal palace without the anxiety of attacking from anywhere.

Even when I returned to my room, my chest roughness didn’t go away. Don’t look at me like that, Theodore said, “Come on, calm down. I feel at ease,” he handed me a herbal tea. But I never had a warm, fragrant tea in my mouth.

For when he put his mouth on, a knight rushed in like a panic, sweating on his forehead. And the moment I heard what he said, my cup fell to the floor with a loud noise and broke into pieces.

–Yes, that unpleasant chest disturbance and anxiety were neutralized.

His Highness Isaac, who was suspicious that Louis would not return even if the sun set, took a few knights of the Alta kingdom to explore the woods. Then, when the surroundings were finally wrapped in darkness, Louis was found in a state where the horse bled from his head, and the guard knight supported him while he was unconscious.

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