Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 21


His Royal Highness is staring at this one and wondering what he’s going to say.

I just felt the warmth that that tender, carefree look seemed to accept no matter what I said.

Pushed back by His Highness’s condition, I never look straight at His Highness with my will.

And I opened my mouth.

“I’m thinking about going back to my territory.”

Back a few days ago.

Having been able to walk for the most part, I decided to spend my dinner time in the dining room.

And when I opened the dining room door, my mother was already seated.

My mother breaks her face gladly when she observes that I have come on foot.

“Rachel, you came to the dining room today.”

“Yes, Mother.”

“I can’t thank the Spirit and Viscount Julion enough. I can’t believe Rachel can walk like this!

“Heh heh, I am also very grateful to Lord Crowe and Theodore”

“I can’t see the Spirit, but I have to thank and pray to the Spirit every day”

When my mother says so, she takes out the handkerchief and wipes her eyes moistened with tears. My mother must have shed a lot of tears so far. That makes my chest painful.

Apart from that, I feel deeply and deeply the love of my mother. That definite affection makes me hot in the back of my eyes too.

Ki, and my father stood across the door as I turned around when I heard a noise.

My father smiles and nods slowly as he sees me and my mother.

“Rachel, it’s good to have dinner with you.”

“Good job, Father”

“Oh, I’ll blow your fatigue if I look at your face.”

My father walks over to my side and he hugs me gently with those big breasts and arms.

And when he slowly let go of my body, he escorted me to my seat, urging me to take a chair and sit down.

“Come on, let’s eat”

Ever since I was given a wheelchair, I have been eating in the dining room in the morning and noon. But I couldn’t get out of my room after an evening of tiredness, so inevitably I was eating dinner alone in my room.

For that reason, it’s been a really long time since I’ve had a family reunion for dinner.

We can all three have a meal laughing like this.

This is really a miracle.

Before the magic was exhausted, that is, it was normal in the previous raw.

I have a father who cares about me, and I have a mother.

I couldn’t take care of one of these wonderful things. That’s why it turned out to grieve my family that way.

But I have an important family here now.

I realized that was what would wrap me so warmly and gently.

“Speaking of which, Viscount Julion seems to come to my house every day.”

“Yes, Master Theodore is helping me and Crowe get tamed and connected quickly with magic. Because it was difficult for me to get used to it, even if I could make a deal with the Spirit by myself, when I lost my magic.”

“Right. I also thought it was natural that there was magic. But I changed my mind about Rachel.”


The height of my magic was my father’s concession. My father is also highly magical, and as with me in the past, he has a contract with the medium spirits of water.

He doesn’t show up much, but he looks like a winged, riddled horse.

By the way, the lower and middle spirits are mostly in the form of animals.

High spirits can talk like human-shaped children. However, those who are under contract with the High Spirit will only have enough fingers in both hands in this country.

And it seems that the Spirit King looks like an adult human being. Apparently, because nowadays only people know it in books.

The paintings adorned the royal palace depicted a very divine and beautiful light-wrapped figure.

My father put the knife and fork that he had once and it distorts his face slightly and makes him look sinister.

“The Spirit of Darkness…” I reported to Your Majesty, but for now, the announcement was still to be dropped off. ”


“that it would be a good announcement after the judgment of the Episcopal Church in this country”

Oh, I knew it.

The feeling that it would happen was the first thing I thought about.

Because I predicted, to some extent, what my father told me earlier.

The Episcopal Church is the Church that established the Spirit King of Light as God, the national religion of this country.

It is said that the beginning of the Episcopal Church is a Virgin who is associated with the beginning of this country. For this reason, the Virgin, protected by the Spirit King of Light, is temporarily to be deposited by the Church.

This story of the discovery of the Spirit of Darkness is a great event, even as an Episcopal Church that has long been deeply involved with the Spirit.

We cannot ignore the Church even in the sense of having a great say in the country and putting up the face of the Church, the place of the people’s faith.

His Majesty would have thought that if we could announce the recognition of the Spirit of Darkness from the Church, we could avert an indulgence between the State and the Church.

My father sighs deeply and sips the wine in front of him.

And he continued the conversation slowly accumulating words.

“And then… about your engagement to Your Highness…”


“His Majesty, it seems, intended to be left to His Highness. If, at the time of the dissolution, the royal family was responsible for finding Rachel’s dowry.”

Was it?

I was wondering why His Majesty wouldn’t tell me to make a dissolution about this engagement.

Even though my father and I were discussing the dissolution of our engagement with His Highness as soon as the depletion of magic became apparent.

But nothing was out of tune the whole time because His Majesty had drawn His Highness’s intentions.

But why?

The Crown Princess of this country plays a very important role for the country.

Apart from my feelings, I don’t think it’s best to serve in this state, given the country.

“But things have changed a little. The Spirit of Darkness…… What is its existence? How the people react.”

“Yeah, I guess so. I did a little research, too, but nothing in the books. Even the story makes light an enemy as a contrast to being only good, or vice versa, a shadowy being that supports light”

“Oh, I don’t know anything. But…… it does exist. That’s why His Majesty is also dying to decide what to do with this engagement”

If you certainly don’t know what the Spirit of Darkness is like, you don’t even know if it’s profitable for the country.

Other water, fire, and earth, as their name suggests, can manipulate them.

But light and darkness are many mysteries.

Light that exists but is only a subject to be worshipped.

And darkness that even existed was thought to be illusory in the world.

But now I am able to have the magic of darkness, though I am not able to use it at all.

And the art of walking on his own was also given by Cro.

It’s really different…

But now I don’t want to go the wrong way anymore.

That’s why I was deciding on this occasion today to tell my parents what I was thinking, what I was determined to do.

I’m sure the two of you will listen. That’s what I thought. I corrected my posture and gazed at my father and my mother in turn.

“Father, Mother… I need to talk to you.”


“What’s wrong, Rachel?”

“I have never thought about what I could and should do before. I’ve just been walking on a straight path without thinking about it.

But I regretted losing my magic… and not using it to accomplish something or for someone else. ”

“… Yes”

My father listened seriously to my words and my mother depressed the gavel with a calm face.

“Now I don’t want to regret it anymore.

I want to find out what I can do. ”

“Yeah, so what do you want to do?

What do you want to do? Unexpectedly in that word. I mean, it does.

“Nothing specifically… My world is small, so I need to know the outside world first and find something I can do with this hand.”

I want to move something. I want to find something. Something, something.

My mother smiled and nodded at me without a clear answer and without a vision or anything to draw.

“Okay. Now let’s go back to our territory with my mother.”

“On the territory?

“Yes, in Wang Du, you are famous as the fiancée of His Royal Highness the King. Not to mention, I’m off school now as sick care. What can we do in that state?”

“… Yes”

Sure it is.

I guess I should go about school because I’m feeling better.

Not to mention my father and mother don’t know that I died once.

But I’m still a little brave.

Over there, there are those who were once friends and the Virgin.

If we don’t face each other, we can’t move on.

I know that, and yet, a step forward to that place.

Maybe I don’t have it yet.

My mother grinned even more when she saw how confused I was. I was able to loosen my body a little hardened by the way it looked.

And stare at my mother trying to explain further.

“But the territory is different.

Unlike the Wang capital, Marcel territory is a city of the sea. You’ve barely been away from the king’s capital since you were a child, so you can’t even remember your face from the people.

I’m sure they’ll be more free to expand your world now. ”

“Mother… Thank you.

Father, may I? ”

Until now, my father, who had quietly devoted himself to his listener without pinching his mouth to my conversation with my mother, shook his neck wide and vertically.

“Oh, okay. But don’t force it.

And tell His Highness to speak well from you. ”


My father calmly identified the status quo and my mother made me a suggestion.

After all, my parents are irreplaceable important people to me.

This time, I don’t want to do anything to betray that kindness.

I treat the warm, light-hearted light I received from these two with care in my chest.

The ensuing meal turned the air and became a soothing place to laugh incessantly.

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