Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 26


The Lordship Hall of the Marquis of Marcel was truly just the side of the sea.

Only this place is built on a hill, so you can look down at the sea.

Opening the window, the sea breeze brings the scent of the tide. I feel uplifted and somewhat excited about the blue sky and horizon that spreads in front of me.

Oh, how nice it feels.

I’m so happy to be watching this view in the morning.

The beauty of this environment and the fact that I learn magic control every day from Master Theodore, as well as cooking with fresh seafood made by Samuel, make my health so much better.

Looking out at the view while holding the clo, you can hear the room con, knocking.

When I reply yes, I hear the voice “I”.


Who am I?

… Well, there is only one person who replies like this.

As he lowered the clo to the floor, the clo rushed straight in front of the door. And he’s scratching the crisp and the door as if it were “open”.

“I’m going now,” he replied, laughing bitterly at it, opening the door.

There stood Master Theodore.

Cro, as always, rubs against Theodore’s feet. And when you can hold it up, it rings as if it tells you something ‘nya’. In contrast, Master Theodore also spoke sweetly, “Oh, good morning”.

It’s as stable as ever.

I knew I was jealous.

“Good morning, Dear Theodore”

“Oh, good morning”

Master Theodore stopped wearing his usual black robe after coming here. Even today he looks like a loop tie with a white shirt with a black shiny stone of onyx.

The person says, “The robe is too conspicuous here, and if it gets rumored, it’s bad”.

But I think the long silver hair is still very noticeable here.

They don’t really care there.

“Miss Rachel, are you ready?

“It’s okay. Is that it? Where’s Samuel?

“Oh, Roger and I are checking out today’s route.”

A few days after I got here, I couldn’t go out because I was tired. But after a week, I could go out a little bit.

At first, the distance and time gradually increased, as in nearby parks, seasides, and cities. But I haven’t slept in since I came to the realm.

Plus, I feel like everything I see is a new and very fulfilling day.

And today, we’re going to the market. The companions are Dear Theodore, Roger and Samuel.

It seems that something called the morning market is open, and in keeping with the fresh seafood, I decided to go with the fact that today is a special city where rare things also arrive.

“Okay, Sarah, I’m coming.”

“Yes, you’re welcome to come”

Sarah sent me laughing away.

This is the first time Sarah has come to this Marcel territory and for the first time she seems very impressed with the sea she sees.

Indeed, the sea calms my heart just by looking at it.

During the day the waves sparkle in the light, and in the evening the bright red sun dyes the sky and the sea orange and sets on the water. And at night, the stars blink as if they scattered small diamonds in the darkness all the way.

Beautiful no matter what moment you cut.

There is a different country ahead of this sea, and there are many more people living in it.

That makes me feel very strange.

When it comes to the market, tents line up unevenly, with a variety of shops including vegetables, seafood and spices.

“Did you get anything good, Samuel?

“Right. In the meantime, I want salmon and sea lions.”

“Hey, Samuel. Don’t forget the shellfish, shellfish.”

“I know. Really, Master Theodore likes shellfish.”

“You’re gonna have a stomachache if you’re not fresh, shellfish”

Dear Theodore and Samuel, who walk in the lead, seem to have become quite close since coming to this Marcel territory.

Every day we went out to the market together, all the servants of the territory turned their eyes round.

Everyone will be surprised by the fact that the next Marquis, Viscount Julion, bought it out. However, because the knights and sorcery divisions of this country are also meritocratic, Master Theodore, who is an elite street, also buys them out when he goes to the region in the sorcery division.

By the way, Nojuku seems to be able to self-cater as well as make it normal.

I was even more surprised when I heard that.

I walk behind in the crowd at a distance that I won’t leave to not lose sight of Dear Theodore and Samuel walking in front.

Further back, Roger is walking with careful observation of the surroundings.

Then, at the end of his gaze, he discovers a strange store that creates an exotic atmosphere, with seemingly seasoning in rice and bottles, as well as beans that he has never seen on it.

“Oh, what are they selling over there?

“Hmm? Where… Oh, that’s also the highlight of the day…… Are you sure it’s a rare ingredient taken from somewhere east?

Hey, you’re right, Samuel. ”

I point to one shop and speak to Theodore walking in front. Then Master Theodore turns his gaze to Samuel walking next door as he responds to me.

But Samuel’s not responding.

Is that it?

I turned to Samuel, too.

Samuel stood still.

“What’s wrong, Samuel?”

Speak to Samuel, but my voice has not arrived at all. Samuel heads to the store earlier as he is about to run into people with a fling.

Unexpectedly, me and Master Theodore will look at each other and tilt their necks.

“Let’s just go after him”


We follow after Samuel and move on to the tent. And lined up behind Samuel.

Samuel at the time seems to be checking for some beans.

Then, all of a sudden, Samuel suddenly falls in like he’s out of strength. He seems to support his body with both knees and hands on the ground.


I am surprised by that sudden action and my shoulders rise unexpectedly.

“Hey, Samuel!

“Duh, what is it?

I don’t know what happened but I get worried and peek in to see how Samuel is doing.

Then Samuel moves his mouth to whine about something with Bosoboso.

“What’s going on? I can’t hear you.”



“Soybeans, beans!


“Why are you here………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

I will see Master Theodore face to face again.


“Azki? What the hell?”

“I went to see my broken brothers again, it’s like a reaction.”

“He’s shaking his shoulders. Why don’t you cry?

“I wonder how much you’ve missed me.”

The way Samuel looks, his face pulls, and he takes a step back.

By the way, the behavior confirmed horizontally that I wasn’t the only one, Roger also took a half step back.

I wonder what that means.

I don’t know what Daze or Azki are, but maybe you mean the product we have here?

“Uh… I wonder if you want to buy it.”

“Ha… Miss Rachel, I’ll take a look at this place, so you can bring Roger along and take a look around.”

Lady Theodore exhaled deeply, still saying, “Koji… we need more koji… miso? Can I? Seriously? What, fillings? This reality?” and so on, staring at Samuel with a distant eye groaning at his cheek.

Mm-hmm. It sure looks like it’s still going to take me a while to figure this out.

I’m also worried about leaving Samuel in this condition, but it’s annoying to have a lot of people in front of the store all the time.

“Uh, is that okay?”

“I guess I won’t leave here for the time being for this minute. In the meantime, if you come around, meet me here.”

“Ah, yes.”

“Roger, I asked for Miss Rachel.”

“Yes, of course I will protect you.”

Looking back at Roger, who was being told the story. Then he snorts deeply at Lady Theodore’s words and replies forcefully.

“So shall we come around a little bit? Roger, would you follow me?”


Though it is the thought of pulling my hair back, I was actually concerned about the tea shop that I passed earlier.

For this reason, I received Dear Theodore’s thankful offer and proceeded to walk with Roger.

Oh, right there!

I found many different kinds of tea cans lined up, and many other stores lined with brightly colored jams in glass bottles.

So adorable! Would you be happy to buy it for Sarah?

Proceed to the store.

Then there was the feeling of being pulled on the skirt with a pin.

Is that it?

Got caught up in something?

Move your gaze sideways.

Then there was a girl there who could grip her skirt. Maybe four or five.

He ties his brown hair in two and seems to endure tears in his eyes but desperately crying.

“What’s going on?

Don’t scare the girl. I crouch and gaze. But the girl who bites her lips tight stays silent. And instead of answering, my hand gripping my skirt grew stronger.

“Are you lost?


“Uh, who did you come with? Mother?”

Yes, the moment I heard, the girl opened her chewed lips and the tears that she had endured were also overflowing from her eyes.

Right after that.

“Ugh, wow!

I cried badly.

What, me? I made you cry, didn’t I?

I wonder what to do!?

“Yes, it’s okay! It’s okay, I’m sure it’s okay!

I don’t know what’s okay, but that’s the only word I got out of my panicking mouth.

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