Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 29

29 Theodore Perspective

Is this the rumored church?

I’m new here, but I guess this is also the center of the Episcopal Church in Marcel territory. The distance between the sea and the city is just right, the inhabitants are easy to come to and the spirits seem to like it.

If you bring that black cat with you, you look happy.

Upon entering the premises within the church, I found an orphanage behind the church as Miss Rachel had said.

Slowly moving forward and approaching, Roger was teaching the boys the sword in the garden.

In the immediate vicinity, Miss Rachel is surrounded by children to water the flower beds. Seeing you speak kindly to the kids, you seem very familiar. Talking to her child, she looks back and speaks to one young man.

Hmm, that’s the rumored cleric.

You do have soft hips and feel like you like people. It’s not a beauty that attracts attention from anyone like Louis, but I can see a neat face for the distance from here.

Miss Rachel seems quite motivated since she started going through here. I sprinkled a confident smile like never before, and my lean, thin face became healthier. Above all, the sense of reality that someone needs, I guess, has been a good influence.


Looks like Roger noticed me.

I can see Roger praising me in the distance. Plus Miss Rachel noticed how it was, and after telling the clergyman something, she approached us.

I also advanced my legs and greeted Miss Rachel approaching with my hands up.

“Dear Theodore, what is it? You’ve never been here before, have you?

“Oh, actually, a bit in a hurry. I have to go back to the King’s Capital immediately, so goodbye greetings”

When I told her that, the eyes of Miss Rachel, caught a little, opened slightly and her bright red lips shrugged “well” without wearing lipstick.

“That’s a sudden thing. Dear Theodore, thank you so much for your help.”

“No, I’ve found out a lot about this one. For now, there was a harvest.”

“Is that what you understand?

“Well, that’s a chase”

“Oh, would you like to greet the clergy of this church?

When Miss Chirachel glanced at the cleric, she thanked him on the spot by looking here to see if the cleric had noticed her gaze as well.

Hmm, I see.

Apparently, this cleric knows about me. He looks a little surprised when he looks at my face and says, “Why are you here?”

Well, I go to the Great Church of the King’s Capital a lot because I have a lot of spiritual work to do, and even if it’s known, isn’t it impossible?

“No, fine. I’m already in a hurry, so I’m gonna go, but anything to tell Louis?

“Oh, then…”

I’ll ask him if I can give him his name at the end, just in case. I’m sure if I met him, I wouldn’t like to hear about this young lady. Then I think I’ll take one or so souvenirs. I’m just a childhood friend.

Miss Rachel has also been looking me straight in the eye after conceiving for a few seconds. The words I wanted to convey and the ones I was entrusted with, I laughed niggardly, “Tell them.”

Still, I didn’t know this kid started looking like this, either. I wasn’t the kind of kid who looked at people so powerfully, but… did you ever think of anything?

Until a while ago, it seemed like I couldn’t live without being weak and protected by someone. You seem to be able to stand on your own now.


Miss Rachel smiled calmly and bowed her head deeply to me.

Unexpectedly, when I slap him with a pom, he just leaves a word “bye” and I leave the church as it is.

I went straight into the woods opposite downtown.

When we arrive deep in the woods, the area is quiet with Sin.

Well, here’s the neighborhood.

Put your hands forward.

Close your eyes and make an image.

Then gradually a pale light is emitted from the hand.

“Student Council Room, Torsois School of Magic”

A strong light wraps around my body the moment I whine.

And in a flash, the light stops.

Are we there?

Put down the hand you were kneading and open the eye lid at the same time.


I can hear the screams right behind me.

Looking back, Louis’ face distorts his face reluctantly.

“Whoa, long time no see”

“It’s not been a long time! You always tell me to show up normally. And what would you do if someone were here?”

“You’re here because you know you’re not here.”

“Huh… how do you know that?”

Louis in front of him put his hand on his head and sighed deeply.

Well, I’m the only one who can do the metastasis in this country right now. It’s really helpful because it’s convenient, but I rarely use it because it’s tiresome.

“Well, let me just ask you something first”

Louis opens the door to the special office behind the door to the Student Council Room. And when you prompt me to go inside, I sit quietly on the couch in the center.

I also sit dokali on a single seat across the street from Louis’ sitting couch.

Then, unlike the look on his face earlier, Louis pulls in a sharp gaze that shoots me through.

Oh, don’t suddenly feel intimidated by the full opening of that work mode.

You’re so uncomfortable.

Well, no.

In the meantime, let’s just get to work.

“Still, though the Spirit of Darkness, that black cat has no special powers”

“Well… what are the properties of the Spirit of Darkness itself?

“Probably, I figured. I’m not sure. That way.”

“Oh, the Spirit of Darkness certainly could have existed in this country in the past. But all the literature has been erased as if it had been intended”

“I knew it.”

I think I can grab it and I can’t grab it.

Again, I don’t know what anyone is up to, but it looks like they’re trying to make the Dark Spirit itself non-existent.

I can’t help myself.

I don’t know who did that and why, but it’s something that really did something extra for me.

Ha. Which one of you will get your hands on.

“And then, after all, it’s a church”

“Oh, I’ve seen the Great Cleric several times. In the meantime, we have only told a few, including the high priest, about Rachel’s covenant Spirit of Darkness within the Church.

I tell them not to spread it even within the church. ”

“Oh, you shouldn’t know much so far”

“If it’s a church, I wonder if maybe there’s any information about the Spirit of Darkness. Well, that’s because I don’t like the information in the church going outside. I don’t even think you can tell me.”


It would be easier if I could grip even the weakness of the church.

They won’t be able to imitate how easy it is for them to grab their tail.

Nevertheless, it’s not a good idea not to tell them about the subject that we’re supposed to suddenly come back here.

“Suspicious traces of surgery were found around the border. For now, I’m going to go back to you, so I need you to do your best on your own.”

“That’s a suspicious technique. Now what, next…”

“Oh, is something wrong?”

Louis scratched his sparkling, brilliant blonde hair gasping with his right hand, whining uncomfortably, “A little bit in school,” he said.

“If Ernesto did it, he’d put it on one student’s shoulder, and it’d be a hassle trying to get him into a student council.”

“Ernesto? … Ah, Miss Rachel’s cousin. What, girls?

“Oh, good grades… well, a little bit of a lot.”

I left Louis, who speaks to me casually, “You’re in trouble, too,” for now, like all the other HR.

Well, you’re other HR.

This prince is pretty busy, too.

Prince Wang’s job, while cleaning up his fiancée’s problems, to the school summary.

In the meantime, why don’t you just give me that souvenir you brought?

“Yes, yes, Miss Rachel’s message”

Louis shook his shoulder plainly and vividly at the words.

“What is it, yes, yes, ‘I’m about to get an answer’?”

“…… Answer”

Louis shakes his eyes to the message and gets a bogged look. And he’s whining with his mouth with some mochi, but I’m not sure.

I’m sure there’s still a lot to know. He makes his gaze wander from left to right, showing a bare gesture of contemplation.

Let’s just… make fun of it.

“That’s all, then.

I’ll show my face to the Sorcery Division. ”

And when he tries to get up off the couch, Louis grabs my arm and is forced to sit on the couch again, “Wait a minute,” as he hastily suggested.


So… how’s he doing?

I hear Louis’ busy wandering eyes elsewhere, purposefully in love.

“What is he… oh, you want to hear what’s going on in Marcel’s territory?

Louis raised his head badly to the words.

Insecurity and expectations are slightly shaken in the back of my eyes.

For some reason, Louis and Miss Rachel seem to exchange letters frequently.

I remember Miss Rachel receiving a letter from Louis looking important when she arrived.

But it’s still an exchange of letters without seeing each other for almost two months. Well, if you can’t actually see your face, you’ll also want to get a chance to know them at all.

Just that cleric.

I saw chills before I came, I remember how that cleric was.

You’re a little concerned about something. What does that feel like?

Miss Rachel may not think anything of it, but that cleric doesn’t know.

For Louis, whose continued engagement is at stake, it is possible that he will be a strong enemy in the future.

Um, maybe I should burn it up a little here.

All right.

“Uh, something. Looks like we met.”


“Oh. Me, that’s so distracting in an instant? I’ve never seen a moment like that before.”

“It’s distracting…”? What do you mean!

“What do you mean… that’s how fate meets.”

“Destiny… meets…”

Louis turns pale in an instant to the words I tell him magically.

Standing up in a guttered panic, he hits the distance to the grunting door over and over again, leaving the room flustered. I dropped it off silently without stopping it.

Batan, and make sure the door closes, feeling the shoulders I had endured trembling full.

Shit, what’s that rush?

I didn’t ask you the key thing, but you left.

What, seriously, is that Louis?

“Ha, seriously funny. I can’t believe he’s like that. No, you misunderstood Kanpei and left.

I met Samuel and the beans. ”

I shrugged. I’m sure my voice isn’t audible to Louis.

But Louis actually only said, “How’s he doing?” So I’m not lying.

There’s no possibility of Samuel at all, but they haven’t said Miss Rachel.

Well, young man. Trouble with me.

I’m a young man, too.

I’m sure it’s about time you made a hell of a suggestion to Cyril by now, that prince.

Cyril’s a tough one to swing by Louis’ first love, too.

Well, I work, too.

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