Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 53


Upon arrival at the royal palace, to see His Majesty and His Majesty the Queen, the escort will first pass to the gallery. For this reason, my mother and I broke up once and went to the waiting room with my father.

There are two knights standing in front of the door in front of the barn, and when we approach, they open the door. And the room was filled with fifteen or sixteen girls in white dresses and a gorgeous atmosphere.

As I entered the room, everyone’s gaze turned to us in unison, and the noise until earlier stopped in an instant.

Looks like you’re getting some attention…

Looking around only at his gaze without giving it a look on his face, your father’s face approached his ear and whimpered slightly, “Everyone seems to admire Rachel’s beauty,” causing me to do one wink.

If you look over the room often after they say that, you certainly don’t see any emotions such as disgust from your gaze, and you seem to be paying attention to the dress one way or another. “Nice,” “well,” he said. Seems favorably taken from the fact that he can hear the whining and sighing smaller.

“Mr. Rachel!

The sound of blowing such air in an instant echoes into the room.

Turning to the voice calling me, there was Anna, who was also dressed in a white dress.

She wears a dress overlapping many pieces with a fluffy white cloth that fits the small and adorable atmosphere.

I’m laughing at Nico as usual, but not now.

This is not a school. It’s a decent place to socialize, with lots of nobles like fathers, brothers and fiancées for escorts.

to Anna’s condition, who now casually summoned me,

There are people who are frowning and looking at this one and whispering something to each other.

The title of our house is separated to call for peace.

“Good day, Dear Carol.”

“Ah… Good day, Marcel.”

When I dared to reply at a distance, Anna laughed bitterly when she said “bad” out of her face whether she had looked around too, and after rushing back to say it, she gave me a beautiful thank you.

“Are you a friend of Rachel’s school?

“Ah, yes. My name is Anna, Baron Carroll’s eldest daughter.”

“Well, Baron Carroll’s. I’m guessing your father’s escort today.”

“Yes, I’m a little out of my seat now…”

My father, standing next to me, said hello to Anna with a grin. When I glance at your father with chills, I feel a cold feeling that determines somewhere behind a gentle grin. Perhaps only the family will know the side behind it.

Anna was also uncomfortable with having her father near me on the boulder, “I’ll see you later,” and she vanished to the back of the room.

“Father, hold your eyes as if they were to be determined.”

“Were you looking at me like that?

“Yeah, hold on tight.”

Your father laughs with his eyes down, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” but maybe he gave her credit in that moment.

When I was greeting a young lady I knew with your father for the time being, I was guided to the sight.

Since I am from the highest title house in this debutante, everyone enters the room in order as I take the lead. Then His Majesty and the Queen sit in a chair one step above, waiting for everyone to line up, and then state their blessings.

The flow is the same as last time, and it feels like it just ended quickly this time without the sentiment of saying it was emotional.

Then, when he left the room and tried to return to the modest room, his father, apart from the others, turned to the right aisle.

When I arrived in suspicion but in silence, there was Cyril.

Cyril bowed her head deeply toward your father and then told me to “guide you”.

When your father smiled gently at me, unable to grasp the situation.

“Unfortunately, I’m not the escort to the ball.”


“I’m watching Rachel’s first dance with Aurelia.”

What do you mean?

Because my escort should be your father’s. Aurelia… will you watch with your mother?

“Lady Rachel, because I don’t have time,” cries Cyril to me, keeping her mouth open and standing still for a while.

Could it be…

That Cyril is picking me up now.

To one thought I accidentally dye my cheeks and your father has a complex look that he seems to regret.

“You really wanted me to escort you though. He asked me to change the dance flow in part, and I can’t refuse to have a mouthful from His Majesty.

… Now, go and show it to me. ”

I started walking after Cyril, prompted by your father’s gentle push on my back.

I feel my heartbeat go faster even as I look behind Cyril going forward.

“Right here.”

Cyril stops in front of a room. Several knights are strictly guarded in front of that room, and that alone understands who is there.

When I knocked on the door, I heard “Ah”.

My chest bursts into a slightly diving voice over the room.

That’s the voice of the person I missed most right now and miss more than anyone else today.

I’m in this room.

My cheeks loosen just because I think so.

At the same time, I feel mixed with anticipation and anxiety about how you would react by looking at this dress.

“Go ahead,” Cyril opened the door and slowly proceeded inside.

Then I opened my eyes and was surprised at the look of His Highness.

“Oh, Rachel! How beautiful.”

His Royal Highness quickly approached me for a small run when he grinned with delight.

My cheeks are wrapped in His Royal Highness’s big hands, and when I can raise my face slightly upwards, His Highness’s face is in front of me.

The look that sparkled its eyes was like a boy, and the sweet fever that made it peek further reminded me of an adult. What an unbalanced look.

“More than I ever imagined! Show me.”

“Your Highness, thank you for such a lovely dress.”

“I’m so glad you’re wearing this.”

To His Highness, who laughs with heartfelt joy, I unwittingly wander my gaze from embarrassment to left and right.

Besides, his Highness’s black dress with gold embroidery looks more colorful than usual and I can’t look directly at it.

I feel more and more shining all the time.

“No, it’s an honor to escort someone so beautiful and loving.”

Yes, that escort.

I can’t hide my surprise in this situation right now because I didn’t suspect you because I believed you would father me until earlier.

“Well, that escort…”

“Oh, I got the Marquis to replace me.

Because this is the first ball for you. … I wanted to escort Rachel. Of course not until the end, but… it’s my fault. ”

I feel my breasts stir again as His Highness lowers her eyebrows and giggles in embarrassment.

Would there be such a happy word?

Your Highness also cares about the social debut for me, I guess.

“Thank you. I’m so glad.

But were you glad?

“I don’t think you should do this because there’s no precedent. I just changed the way you get in and the flow of the first dance a little. After that, it’s a debutante ball with a lot of history.”

I feel my cheeks turn red, as if the warm heat flowing into me from His Highness’s hands.

Of course I am not only a debutant, but the Royal Palace Ball has been going through scattered. Maybe it’s not the first time in the true sense.

But His Highness’s offer is more than happy for me, and I can see that he cares about me and tries to protect me.

At all times, Your Highness helped me.

When danger is imminent, when you’re about to cry, when you’re in trouble.

I guess his presence allows me to get over it and get here.

Always with that sweet, gentle grin, it envelops everything about me.

And the tenderness makes my chest bitter sometimes.

Because of my weakness and looking back all the time, the thoughts I’ve put on the lid over and over seem to be changing into something I can’t contain right now.

Staring unexpectedly at His Highness, His Highness peeks into my eyes. And when I took my hands off my cheeks, they graciously held my hand.

The warmth of His Highness gradually transmits to the whole body.

Oh, how many times have I been helped and empowered by this hand?

Just being with His Highness seems to give me the strength to move forward.

That I’ve been obsessed somewhere before.

Last time or this time… That doesn’t matter.

‘Cause I’m so happy, warm, happy, and so tight with His Highness that my chest hurts.

I like His Highness in front of me now.

Only that feeling overflowed.

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