Start To Stop Acting Alienation, Harvest Data

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

“It’s not interesting, it’s just literal.”

Chen Changge said lightly.

The pretended look on his face is gone.

Mirage Immortal Grass, no wonder since this old man himself can’t find out,

his feelings are related to the immortal world.

Seeing that Chen Changge ignored him, Kidney Deficiency immediately became furious:

“Boy, An dares to despise the old man so much!”

“The old man has decided that when the wind god passes, it is bound to destroy all your divine soul.”

The souls are destroyed, this is the ultimate killing.

Once this is done, it means that the person is completely dead.

“Okay, old man, don’t pretend.”

“You’ve lost.”

Chen Changge shook his head and looked at Kidney Deficiency with disdain.

He then opened the door to consciousness.

“Just let you see what is the real sea of knowledge!”

Suddenly, Chen Changge’s heart moved, and he directly made Zhihai roll.

“Haha, little doll, let the old man see the real sea of knowledge?”

Chen Changge’s words immediately made Kidney Deficiency laugh.

He is a true spirit of immortal grass, and the years he has lived can be said to be the longest in this world.

Compared to knowing the sea, he is not even afraid of some quasi-immortal kings, let alone Chen Changge, a little doll who is not even a supreme?

And not to mention, now the ninety percent of this little doll’s sea of knowledge has been assimilated by itself.

What does he fight with himself?

However, just after the idea of kidney deficiency came out,

he suddenly saw that Chen Changge’s sea of knowledge suddenly became extremely generous.

This extended sea of knowledge is as huge as a chaotic space.

In front of this huge sea of knowledge, Kidney Void only felt that his spiritual power was as small as a grain of dust.

This is simply irresistible!

Kidney Void pointed at Chen Changge, trembled his lips, and said, ”

Boy, you…. Who are you?!

Chen Changge smiled: “Of course I am me?” Who else could it be?

As soon as the words came out, Chen Changge did not talk nonsense, and directly used that huge spiritual power to directly press the kidney deficiency.

Completely subdued the other party.

“Ah! Boy, you let me go, otherwise the old man is bound to die with you! Being

pressed by Chen Changge like this, his kidney was in pain.

He is the spirit of immortal grass and has no essence.

If this trace of spiritual power was crushed by Chen Changge, then he would also dissipate the smoke.

Chen Changge, however, did not care about the wailing of the kidney deficiency, but continued to increase the instillation of spiritual power.

Unhurriedly pressed towards the sea of knowledge of the kidney deficiency.

I have to say that this kidney deficiency is worthy of being a creature who has survived since the ancient period of chaos and even beyond, and this

spiritual power is the most powerful among the people Chen Changge has seen so far.

Chen Changge conservatively estimated that even if he was the Supreme of the Forbidden Area, he was probably not as strong as this old man.

It’s a pity that this old man met himself.

Looking at the whole world, Chen Changge is difficult to say if he talks about strength

, but if he is stronger or weaker than Zhihai, he can’t intimidate anyone.

From the moment he was bound to the system, his sea of knowledge had been elevated to the level of the system.

It is not clear how high Chen Changge is, but at least it is not within the reach of ordinary living beings.


Kidney Deficiency snorted in pain again, and just wanted to continue to say cruel words in his mouth, but it was Peng’s who was even more ruthless

, which made him soften all of a sudden:

“Uncle spare your life, uncle spare your life!”

“Small moves, I have all moved, don’t press me anymore.”

When Chen Changge heard this, he suddenly became interested:

“Oh, old man, are you really ready to recruit, aren’t you ready to continue?”

Kidney Deficiency nodded quickly, and his sweat was all out.

“Yes, yes, uncle, the little one served, really served.”

“Okay then, tell me about you.” Chen Changge saw that this little old man was really relented, so he asked.

In this world, there are not many things that can arouse Chen Changge’s interest.

But this little old man in front of him is one of them.

In fact, when he just entered this space and saw

the kidney deficiency, Chen Changge immediately deduced the information of the kidney deficiency and his purpose.

But the result of the deduction at that time was not as Chen Changge intended.

Because among the results of the deduction, except for the two results that can be deduced based on the current action expression of

the kidney deficiency, the rest of the questions about the strength of the kidney deficiency, the origin, and so on.

Question mark, which indicates that the level of kidney deficiency has exceeded the upper limit of system deduction.

If you want to continue to deduce more results, you can only use a higher level of Vientiane deduction than ordinary deduction.

However, Vientiane deduction is very precious, and

Chen Changge is reluctant to use it in such a place.

So there was Chen Changge’s deliberate acting thing in the back.

And the reason why Chen Changge made up his mind to accompany the old man to act were the two possible events given by the system at that time.

These two possible events are like this.

First: The conversation between Kidney Deficiency and Chen Changge was sincere, and

he regarded Chen Changge as a year-end friend before he died.

Second: The essence of the kidney deficiency is not a human being, and the reason why he welcomed Chen Changge so warmly was because he wanted to take him away.

At that time, after learning of this latter possible event, Chen Changge immediately deduced the probability that he could be taken away successfully.

The answer given by the system is, zero.

Therefore, Chen Changge put down his heart to act.

Otherwise, at the first sight of the kidney deficiency, he would turn around and leave without hesitation.

Chen Changge has never been a person who likes to put himself in danger.

What happened next was indeed as deduced by the system, on

the first day of contact with the kidney deficiency, Chen Changge felt that his sea of knowledge was invaded.

This invasion is very secretive, but it cannot escape Chen Changge’s supervision.

In order not to startle the snake, Chen Changge made a plan.

Hide most of his knowledge of the sea, leaving only one-ten-thousandth exposed to the outside for the kidney deficiency whale to swallow.

In order to be realistic, he even put the Taiyuan Emperor Bell in the sea of knowledge left in this part.

Sure enough, the kidney deficiency mountain is done, and

it is still a big dang!

To be honest, if the kidney deficiency used not to know the sea but strength, Chen Changge really couldn’t beat it.

But now, I can only say sorry.

The winner is king, understand?

“Little… No, no, uncle, uncle, I said

, “Here’s the thing…” When

Kidney Qiuzi heard Chen Changge’s question, he immediately seemed to grasp a life-saving straw.

Hurriedly poured beans and garlic and explained all his things.

From birth to now, not a single piece has been left behind.

After speaking, Kidney Deficiency knelt down even more unrestrained:

“Uncle Changge, please don’t kill the little old man.”

“Lao’er, although I am a fairy grass, my juice is sour…”

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