Start To Stop Acting Alienation, Harvest Data

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Along the way, Chen Changge was being chattered by the old man of kidney deficiency.

Several times I tried to shut his mouth, but I couldn’t.

This really made Chen Changge a little doubtful whether his decision to accept this little old man at that time was correct.

After all

, if you talk about strength, you don’t seem to be the opponent of this old product!

“Hey, boy, are you really so desperate?”

Seeing that Chen Changge ignored him all the way, he immediately continued.

“Do you know what a Xuanyin Immortal Body is?”

“Xuanyin Immortal Body, don’t say it’s in this place where you don’t,”

“It’s the place where Ben Immortal used to be, it’s a peerless physique seen once in 10,000 years.”

“Are you really not impressed?”

Kidney Deficiency saw that Chen Changge was still unmoved, and he couldn’t help it.

This kid is really an ignorant master.

The immortal body sent to the door will not be able to say it.

What a mouth that threw his mirage grass vein!

“Wait, boy, is it…?”

Suddenly, not knowing what the brain replenished, Kidney Void suddenly glanced at Chen Changge with a strange gaze.

“Could it be that you kid is a no-brainer?”

Having said that, seeing that Chen Changge still didn’t react, Kidney Deficiency couldn’t help but be deflated.

Specially, this kid is simply, oil and salt don’t go in.

The old man’s little fist ah, I really want to hit someone!

Kidney Deficiency really wanted to hit people, but he was angry with Chen Changge.

He had lived for so many years, and it was the first time he was so deflated at the corner of his mouth.

On the other hand, he has nothing to do.

Thinking of this, Kidney Deficiency also gave up.


“Pity the woman.”

“A good immortal body, for nothing, cheapened the group of people in the criminal world.”


“What do you say, old man? Penal world? ”

That bald head is a man from the penal world?”

Chen Changge, who was rushing wholeheartedly, suddenly heard the name mentioned in the mouth of Kidney Void.

Frow asked.

“Yes, Penal Realm.” Kidney Deficiency nodded of course.

Chen Changge fell into deep thought, “Are you sure? Kidney

Deficiency didn’t understand what Chen Changge was about, and suddenly talked to him.

But this is also what he was happy to see, and immediately affirmed:

“Of course I am sure, old man.”

“I won’t be mistakenly aware of the smell on that Shami, it’s the person from the torture hall.”

“Those people are a bunch of ruthless people, they have existed long ago.”

“I didn’t expect that after so much time, it still exists.”

“This vitality is really a bit strong.”

[System, check the identity of that Shami just now.

Chen Changge did not believe the words of the kidney deficiency for the first time, but started the system.

[Shakya: The real identity is the parent son of Brahma Buddha, and the clear identity is the Holy Son of Shatianmen. 【

Cultivation: Wang Hou Pinnacle! 】 【

Weapon: Pure Demon Buddha Staff! [

Exercises: Brahma Buddhist Sutra, unknown. There

is only so much information given by the system.

The rest needs to be deducted to get.

However, these alone are enough.

Brahma Buddha, one of the sleeping emperors of the “Punishment Temple”.

In other words, the statement that the Shami said by the kidney deficiency is from the criminal world is correct.

“Old man, why didn’t you say earlier that guy is from the criminal world?” Chen Changge stared at the kidney deficiency, and he had the heart to kill.

If he had known that Shami was from the torture hall, he would have directly come to a heroic rescue just now.

Where else do you need to put grandchildren!

“You didn’t ask!” Kidney Deficiency looked confused, it really felt like the whole person was a big grass!

This kid is really a!

Lao Tzu said bitterly for so long that you were not moved

, but just when Lao Tzu was ready to give up, you suddenly wanted to be saved?

You uncle!

“Let’s go, let’s go back!”

Without hesitation, Chen Changge immediately turned the horse’s head and killed back.

“Why are you going back?” Kidney Deficiency was stunned, obviously not thinking of Chen Changge’s brain circuit.

“Of course it’s to save people!”

Chen Changge did not look at the kidney deficiency, but after saying a word, he immediately turned back:

“I am such a righteous person, it is my duty to help the strong and help the

weak, such a weak little lady, today I will be rescued even if I am open!”

“Oh, boy, you’re still moved after all.”

“Oh, man!”

Kidney Void didn’t understand why

Chen Changge suddenly turned back, so in his opinion, Chen Changge finally understood the benefits of the immortal body, so he was ready to go back and accept the immortal body.

Immediately, I couldn’t help but complain in my heart.

“Hey, boy, wait old man.”

“The old man wants to watch for an hour!”



Chen Changge and Kidney Deficiency returned and not to mention

, in the sky at this moment, a great war is in full swing.

The Great War was divided into two sides.

One side is the strong side headed by four shami, while the other side is a woman.

The woman is naturally Liu Qingyi.

At this moment, Liu Qingyi, a group of Qingqun has been stained with blood.

The spirit of the body is no longer seven points.

She was hit hard, harder than ever.


Above her head, a golden scroll continued to hang down with thousands of immortal lights.

For her to resist the attack of the four people in front.

This is a quasi-imperial soldier!

Liu Qingyi, with her prince-level cultivation, abruptly revived this quasi-imperial soldier.

It is precisely because of this that she can withstand the other side for such a long time.

However, this is also her limit 1.

Because the lineup on the opposite side is not weaker than hers.

Even much stronger!

Not only was there a mouth of Great Emperor soldiers pressing the formation, but also a mouthful of extremely recovered Quasi-Emperor soldiers and two heirloom Saint Soldiers exerting pressure together.

The four weapons are the same as above, even if that great emperor soldier does not show all its power,

it is not something that she can resist with a quasi-emperor soldier.

“Am I going to perish here today?”

Seeing the killing on the other side, Liu Qingyi couldn’t help but feel a pang of despair.

She knew that she couldn’t get out of here alive today anyway.

However, even if it is death, Liu Qingyi will not compromise.

“Yu’er, Yu’er, after I die.”

“You will take these things and give them to Chen Shengzi, which can be regarded as repaying his kindness with a medicine.”

Liu Qingyi glanced sadly at the quasi-imperial soldier above his head, and instantly made a decision.

She punched her last thought into it, and then put all her finances into the big book.

Then, she threw the Qingyu Golden Book far away.

Then he said the mantra in his mouth.

“Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, Ten Thousand Qi Origin, Three Realms Guards, Five Emperors Si Ying

…” “Ten Thousand Gods Dynasty, Thunder God Incognito…”

Liu Qingyi naturally did not read a spell with great powers, but a forbidden spell that contacted the connection with the Qingyu Golden Book.

Only in this way, when she blew herself up after a while, Qingyu Jinshu would not be affected.

After his death, it would follow its final instructions to find Chen Changge.

Liu Qingyi and Chen Changge are not acquainted, but she knows about Chen Changge’s lack of money.

The other party can give himself a bottle of antidote pill when he is in the most danger, this is grace, he must return it.

After arranging all this, the aura around Liu Qingyi’s body suddenly became terrifying.

She was about to blow herself up.

However, just when the aura around Liu Qingyi was about to reach a peak,

a voice sounded in her ears.

“Hey, chick, give me a face, slow down and die?”


When Liu Qingyi heard this, she suddenly felt a breath around her, and then she

looked at the place where the voice came

from, and saw a young man in white walking from there

, and beside the young man, there was a lewd-looking old man who kept gesturing at something.

Looks like you’re laughing?

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