Start To Stop Acting Alienation, Harvest Data

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

“Finally complete.”

Seeing this scene, Chen Changge couldn’t help but smile.

The white jade bone that burst out of Shakya’s body was the bone essence that had been sucked away from his body.

Now that the essence is in place, his body can be regarded as truly complete.


A sense of realization suddenly came to my heart.

Chen Changge knew what was going on, and without delay, he quickly sat down cross-kneeled and ran the Dao.

One big Sunday, two big Sundays.

Then, with a “click” sound came from inside his body.

Chen Changge broke through.

An aura that belonged exclusively to the prince burst out from his body.

Prince, enter the king and become a marquis!

Noble and peerless.

In this world, it is already a hegemon!

However, this trace of breath only flashed and disappeared.

Instead, it was an ordinary cultivation that was only in the middle of the Divine Power Realm.

After doing all this, Chen Changge looked at the drop of blood in front of him.

“Lie down, boy, you don’t want to eat alone.”

“That drop of chaotic blood belongs to the old man!”

At this moment, in the sky, Kidney Void shouted.

He saw the scene here, and also saw the purple-gold chaotic blood.

Immediately, his eyes turned red!

Chaos Blood Chaos Blood, this thing is simply priceless to a chaotic creature like him!

“Old man, don’t argue, I’ll give you three breaths,”

“If you haven’t solved those three people, you won’t have to come back!”

Chen Changge didn’t look at the kidney deficiency, but stretched out his hand to put away the chaotic blood and said.

As for why Chen Changge didn’t give Kidney Deficiency a good face, it was because the battle on this side was over,

and his side was still “fighting”!

And why is it still fighting, Chen Changge’s heart is like a mirror.

This old man, I’m afraid he didn’t see the situation clearly.

It’s all this time, and I still want to be a wall grass.

“Hehe, boy, don’t care about these details.”

“Although the old man’s cultivation is not low, he has not made a move with someone for a long time, and this sudden movement will inevitably lead to rustiness.”

“You wait, old man, this is fine!”

Seeing through Chen Changge’s thoughts, Kidney Deficiency suddenly smiled awkwardly.

Then, he turned around, faced the three Jia Lan of Shi Tianmen

, raised his hands to the sky, and then shouted angrily:

“Shen Luo Heaven descends!”

In an instant, between heaven and earth, a god and demon appeared out of thin air.

The body of the god and demon is vast, which is the size of dozens of ancient god mountains.

As soon as it appeared, it occupied half of the sky.

This scene can frighten the three major Jialans.

They never understood why the little old man who had just tied with them

suddenly became so terrifying.


Kidney Void didn’t give the three of them too much time to think, and after that god and demon made a move, he struck again.

Buzz! ~!

The next moment, I saw that god and demon moved.

He opened his eyes, and thousands of magic lights burst out from there.

In the blink of an eye, it enveloped the three major blues of Shi Tianmen.


At this time, the three heirloom weapons in the hands of the three major Jialan were constantly trembling.

They felt the killing of this magic light, and their bodies were brilliant.

I want to use this to resist this disaster.

In an instant, most of the sky was occupied by the light blooming with the three weapons.

But, all this is in vain.

After that black qi attacked, the originally brilliant fairy light

was like meeting a nemesis, and it was even blocked.

It was knocked back to the prototype in an instant.

So much so that the three major blue blues were instantly exposed to boundless black qi.



The next moment, boundless black qi descended on the three major Jialan bodies.

Completely drowned the three.

Then, there is no then.

After a few breaths, the Heavenly Demon Qi disappeared, and the place where the three major Jia Lan originally was, could no longer see anything.

“Boy, I’m done killing people, what about blood?”

After solving the three people, Kidney Deficiency immediately came to Chen Changge and asked.

“If there is no blood, you can try it.”

Chen Changge ignored the little old man.

Instead, he looked around himself.

He was waiting for Liu Qingyi to recover.

“You… Boy, if I can’t beat you, the old man will beat you up! After

getting this reply, the kidneys and lungs exploded.

But helplessly.

This kid’s, this is not the first time he has seen it.

“But, boy, seriously.”

“We have already killed people, and it is estimated that this criminal world will not let us go in the future, so what should we do now?”

Chen Changge spread his hands and said, “Cold mix.”

“I’ll chill your uncle!”

Hearing Chen Changge’s words, Kidney Void jumped up directly.

“Boy, don’t tell me you didn’t think about the consequences of killing people at all?”

Chen Changge nodded and said, “Strictly speaking, it is.

“Yes… Yes?? ”

At this moment, Kidney Deficiency really wants to hit someone.

I’m your uncle!

Before he saw Chen Changge kill that Shakya so decisively, he thought that Chen Changge had some confidence and was not afraid of the punishment world.

Therefore, in the end, he made up his mind to kill the three Jialans.

But I don’t want to, now you kid actually told Uncle Ben righteously, you didn’t think about what to do in the future?

Or yes? I’ll fuck you uncle!

If you want to die, I won’t stop me, but don’t drag me down!”

Kidney deficiency is really a little square, he feels that he might as well die in Chen Changge’s hands at that time.

At least so you don’t have to worry about it every day!

This special meow provoked the world of faith, through the ages, how many people can live?

Seeing the worried look of the kidney deficiency, Chen Changge suddenly felt a little like laughing.

The criminal world is very strong and good, but in the case of the heavenly machine shielding, those people can’t find this side, what

can they worry about.

After thinking about it, Chen Changge decided not to amuse the kidney deficiency, and said

, “Okay, old man, just stay at ease.”

“I can give you a promise, follow me, and after a year, give you a drop of Chaos blood, how?”

That drop of Chaos Blood Chen Changge was not prepared to use it for himself.

Now his body is undergoing the baptism of Dao Qi that he is free to transform every day, and the qi and blood in his body have already undergone transformation.

Whether there is Chaos Blood or not is no longer important.

Moreover, this drop of chaotic blood obtained in Shakya’s body was not all that Chen Changge had lost in the first place.

It’s just one drop of the original loss.

A drop of Chaos Blood made no difference to him.

If this old man could really use it for himself for a year in peace, Chen Changge wouldn’t mind giving him this blood.


Hearing Chen Changge’s words, Kidney Qizi’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“Boy, are you really saying this?”

Chen Changge nodded: “If it is a fake package, of course, you can also not believe it!”

“Believe, boy, old man believe!” Kidney Deficiency said with a smile, where

there was still half worry on his face.

Chen Changge naturally knew why the kidney deficiency changed his face so quickly.

At the end of the day, this product is still acting.

The world of punishment may be terrifying to others, but for him, it is just like that.

The left and right just want him to give some favors.


At this moment, a loud voice came.

Chen Changge turned to look, but found that at some point, a young girl had already stood beside him.

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