Start To Stop Acting Alienation, Harvest Data

Chapter 54

Chapter 55

Fan Wuji Six How Chen Changge did not know.

At this moment, he had already arrived with Lin Qingxuan and Xiaoqing in the camp of the disciples of the Taiyi Immortal Sect.

“Senior Brother Chen, are you back?”

However, the first to come over to greet the three was not a disciple of the Taiyi Immortal Sect.

It is a woman wearing a beautiful skirt and full of the smell of quiet books.

“Liu Qingyi??”

“Junior Sister Liu, you… How did you end up here? Seeing

this woman, Chen Changge didn’t say anything, but Lin Qingxuan exclaimed first.

She looked at Liu Qingyi, her face full of surprise.

Chen Changge was so surprised to see Lin Qingxuan, and asked curiously

, “Junior sister, but what’s wrong?”

“So that Junior Sister knows that this Liu girl was rescued by me before,”

“I see that she has no place to go for the time being, so let her settle here in our sect’s camp first.”

After speaking, Chen Changge looked at Lin Qingxuan in bewilderment.

At this time, Lin Qingxuan was obviously a little abnormal.

“No, no, senior brother, it’s me who lost my mind.”

Lin Qingxuan quickly shook his head and said apologetically to Chen Changge.

She didn’t explain why she was so gaffed when she saw Liu Qingyi for the first time.

“Tsing Yi has seen Senior Sister Lin.”

Liu Qingyi also came over at this time and saluted Lin Qingxuan slightly.


Lin Qingxuan forced himself to come back from that surprised look.

Instead, he smiled slightly at Liu Qingyi and said, ”

Junior sister doesn’t need to be restrained, the Hundred Flowers Sect and our Immortal Sect have always been friendly, so Junior Sister just treat this place as her own home.”

However, although his face looked like nothing happened

, in fact, Lin Qingxuan’s heart was already in turmoil at the moment.

The reason why she fought with

Xiaoqing today, although part of it was because she wanted to go out to find Chen Changge, so she met Xiaoqing halfway and

fought with her.

But actually, the reason why she went in that direction

was because she was going to save people!

Lin Qingxuan remembered very well that

at this time in his previous life, a major case occurred in the Tai Xuan Secret Realm.

Liu Qingyi, the owner of the Xuanyin Immortal Body, was topped, and in order not to be humiliated,

he finally blew himself up and died!

This thing, Lin Qingxuan has always been worried about in the previous life.

Because if Liu Qingyi did not die at this time.

In the future, I will definitely be able to achieve the position of an alternative enlightened person.

And once Liu Qingyi successfully became an alternative enlightened person.

So in her previous life, when she was facing that battle.

It won’t be such a miserable helplessness!


Therefore, this time, when the Tai Xuan Secret Realm opened, Lin Qingxuan came.

Originally, with her cultivation and Dao practice, she did not use Dao Flower.

But she came anyway.

She wanted to save this Xuanyin Immortal Body at the most critical time.

So that she can admit her feelings.

For this matter, Lin Qingxuan planned very seriously,

even accurate to the second.

Along the way, in order to prevent other variables in things, she has always done things according to the memories of her past life.

Grab resources and occupy the platform.

However, even they acted according to their past lives.

However, in the end, the accident happened.

On the way to the rescue, she suddenly met a Xiaoqing who she had never seen in her previous life.

Xiaoqing is very strong

, and under her obstruction, she can’t get out at all.

It is precisely because of this that in Lin Qingxuan’s heart,

he thinks that Liu Qingyi is also dead in this life.

This is why she was so gaffed when she found Liu Qingyi walking in the camp.

Hey, that’s it.

No matter what happened, at least it was best that the Xuanyin Immortal Body was still alive.

Lin Qingxuan sighed softly.

Deep down, I accepted this new variable that was different from my previous life.

Immediately afterwards, she looked at Liu

Qingyi and asked, “But, Junior Sister Qingyi, can you tell me how you and Senior Brother met?”

Lin Qingxuan’s question seemed to be very casual.

But actually, she has a purpose.

She wanted to find out how this senior brother met this Xuanyin Immortal Body.

Did Senior Brother save her?

Or did she get out of the trap herself, and then meet the senior brother who also rushed here?

Lin Qingxuan cared about this very much.

Sometimes Lin Qingxuan wondered if he was really reborn.

Because, if she was really born again,

then why are these things happening one after another that she doesn’t know?

She couldn’t find an answer to that question.

Liu Qingyi didn’t know what this senior sister thought, and when she saw Lin Qingxuan asking, she replied:

“Senior sister, the matter is like this, earlier,” ”

I met an evil man of the Demon Dao, and he wanted to take my Yuan Yin.”

“I didn’t allow it, and then I got into a fight with him.”

“After knocking him off, he didn’t know where to get help.”

“Among his helpers, there is a very powerful Danqing master.”

“Junior sister didn’t notice for a while, and was drugged by them, and almost lost her life.”

“Fortunately, at the last moment, Senior Brother helped.”

“Junior sister survived this…”

At the end, Liu Qingyi looked at Chen Changge and said with a smile on her face:

“Senior brother is really a good person.”


Being watched by Liu Qingyi’s gaze, Chen Changge suddenly tilted his head embarrassedly.

He was inexplicably issued a good guy card, and he now feels a little square in his heart.

Girl, aren’t we clear the money and goods?

What are you going to do?

Chen Changge cleared his throat and just wanted to say something.

Suddenly, I heard a bell ringing from the depths of the secret realm.



This is the sound of heaven and earth immediately in the Tai Xuan Secret Realm.

The sound of heaven and earth sounded, indicating that the Tai Mysterious Realm was over.

The gates are closing, it’s time to leave.


There is no need to worry about leaving Chen Changge and others.

It seems that the Tai Xuan Secret Realm is more anxious than them.

It took less than a quarter of an hour for the bell to ring.

From the sky of the secret realm, white pillars of light descended.

Wrapped every disciple on the scene.

The white pillar is no more, no less, just enough to correspond to all the disciples living in the secret territory.

This is leaving the pillar of light!

Then, under the wrapping of the pillar of light.

The figures of all the disciples were teleported out.

Chen Changge was also wrapped in a pillar of light.

However, the senses are not so good.

In addition to glare, it is dazzling.

It also makes the eyes faintly painful.

In order to relieve this pain, Chen Changge had to close his eyes.

It took about a split second for the harsh feeling to disappear.

At this time, Chen Changge opened his eyes and saw that he had already arrived outside the Tai Xuan Secret Realm.

Or that square, or that camp.

However, at this moment, there were many energetic old men standing in front of the square.

Those were the ancestors or elders of the major sects who came to be in charge of sitting in the town.

Among them, Chen Changge saw Xuanyin Old Ancestor.

“Changge, Qingxuan, how is it?”

As soon as Chen Changge and his group came out, Xuanyin Old Ancestor immediately came to the two and

asked about the situation.

Before Chen Changge could speak, Lin Qingxuan spoke

, “Master, disciples are incompetent.”

“On this trip to the secret realm, there are still thirty junior disciples, and twenty-one junior sister disciples have not been able to bring them back safely.”

“Please punish the master!”

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