Start To Stop Acting Alienation, Harvest Data

Chapter 61

Chapter 62

However, it was this look that suddenly gave Chen Changge a clearer understanding of the background of the Taiyi Immortal Sect.

Judging from these jade Jian tasks, there are currently a total of seventeen domain messengers in the Taiyi Immortal Sect guarding it.

That is, send seventeen princes to guard the town.

As far as Chen Changge knew, the border territory of the Taiyi Immortal Sect had a total of more than a hundred large domains.

In other words, at present, the princes released by the Taiyi Immortal Sect have reached almost a hundred.

More than a hundred princes, what a terrifying statistic!

Moreover, in addition to the princes released

by the Taiyi Immortal Sect itself, within the territory of the Taiyi Immortal Sect, there are also foreign kings who do not belong to the Taiyi Immortal Sect.

Outer kings, that is, those princes who were in the realm of princes, but did not choose to enter the system of the Taiyi Immortal Sect.

Some of these princes are either the guardians of a kingdom, and some are the controllers of a hegemonic power.

Some are also lone scattered people.

They were willing to follow the Taiyi Immortal Sect as the sect master, but they were unwilling to be assimilated!

So, he became a foreign king!

However, although he is a foreign king, in the camp, he is also unified with the Taiyi Immortal Sect.

It can also be regarded as the heritage of the sect.

As far as Chen Changge knew, there were at least ten foreign kings within the territory of the Taiyi Immortal Sect.

In addition, there is the highest level of the Great Realm King.

That is, a king-level powerhouse.

The more than one hundred large regions in the border territory of the Taiyi Immortal Sect were divided into a total of fourteen regions according to different regions.

In every region, there will be a king-level Great Realm King guarding it.

At present, ten regions already have Great Realm Kings,

that is, the current king-level elders in the Taiyi Immortal Sect have reached at least ten Venerables.

Feng Wang level, this is not a big cabbage!

To use a simple analogy.

Among the many forces of the Holy Land, the king level is already the ancestor level!

Even among the transcendent extreme Dao forces, king-level cultivators also have the qualifications to inherit the position of sect master!

Take the Taiyi Immortal Sect itself, when Dao Ling Void succeeded to the throne as the sect master.

It’s just a king!

Of course, as a sect that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years.

It is not surprising that the Taiyi Immortal Sect can have such a background.

However, this is not what Chen Changge cares about.

He is more concerned about which of these jobs is better.

Although the salary of these professions is very high.

If he hadn’t seen Xiaoqing’s methods before, he might have considered making a copy.

But now hemp, not considered.

Therefore, in contrast, Chen Changge still wants to find a relatively easy job to do.


“Mr. Teaching?”

Suddenly, Chen Changge saw a career book and was immediately surprised.

[Position 726: Mr. Volunteer Teacher.] 】

【Job requirements, elders or disciples above the Divine Power Realm, under the same circumstances, the older one is preferred. 】

【Work content, responsible for teaching the second generation of the sect and establishing a strong and positive view of life. 【

俸禄: Three thousand catties of Xuanshi a month.

“Sect Master, what kind of teaching is this Mr. Teaching?”

Chen Changge was really puzzled, what kind of work could reach the salary of three thousand catties of Xuanshi a month?

You know, even in his capacity as a holy son, a month’s Xuanshi is only a thousand catties!

I’m afraid this special meow is not a heavenly book, right?

“That’s the teaching.”

Dao Linghuan glanced at the volunteer teaching career table in Chen Chang’s singer, and replied indifferently.

“But, Changge, are you sure you’re going to do this?”

Dao Ling was very puzzled, this position is very well paid.

He can even catch up with those princely disciples who go out on business.


This is a task that not everyone can do.

If nothing else, those children are not a good discipliner!

Don’t ask why Dao Lingxian knows, because he has done it!

And why this task can have such a high reward, it is entirely because these rewards

are all given by the elders in the school who have children in the sect.

One child of each parent pays fifty pounds of Xuanshi.

In order to give their children a better education,

so as to win at the starting line!

“Well, Sect Master, I want to try it.”

Chen Changge nodded.

Dao Lingwan asked again suspiciously

, “Changge, you are very short of money?” Why do that? In

Dao Lingxi’s opinion, Chen Changge should not do this even if he lacks money.

This disciple, what’s wrong with his head?

Chen Changge gave Dao Lingxian a blank look.

“Sect Master, if I say that I am indeed short of money, will you subsidize me?”

“Nope!” Dao Ling shook his head.

“Then you still ask.”

Ignoring the Dao Spirit Void, Chen Changge directly chose the task of supporting the teaching.

To be honest, the reason why he chose this job was because

of Gao Lilu on the one hand, and on the other hand, because of leisure.

Yes, idle.

Although he is nominally a volunteer teacher, he only takes one class a week.

Of course, a class is the kind of morning one.

As long as you cope with this weekly class, you can do your own thing the rest of the time.

And as for the question of those children?


As early as when he got that job list, all the life information of those little fart children

had been downloaded to the cloud by Chen Changge.

What three-year-old bedwetting, ten-year-old playing FJ, what crush Mingli,

little black information, enough.

In fact, Chen Changge overlooked one thing.

Although the Taiyi Immortal Sect has always had rules for disciples to find things to do when they become adults.

However, there are exceptions to this provision for figures of the Son level.

Many times, they just need to go to some elder’s place to put up a name.

You don’t need to do anything.

After all, for the Holy Son and Holy Daughter of a sect.

Improving their cultivation is the greatest contribution they have made to the sect!

“Come with me.”

Dao Ling couldn’t convince Chen Changge, so he took him to another room.

After coming here, Dao Lingwan walked straight to a table, then opened the drawer and took out a piece of jade Jane.


[Name: Chen Changge.] [

Cultivation: Middle stage of the Divine Power Realm.] 】

【Application position: Mr. Gongyuan Branch Teacher. 】

【Application date: February 13, 436 Shenmuji.

“Okay, this is your identity card, go to the Gongyuan tomorrow and take a look at it first.”

“If you can’t do it, just come back and change it.”

After recording it, Dao Lingwan handed the jade Jian to Chen Changge.

“Thank you, Sect Master.”

Chen Changge reached out and took it.

“That Sect Master, I will take my leave.”

After solving the annoying work matter, Chen Changge went around and went to Danfeng again.

I bought a lot of auxiliary materials used in alchemy, and there was also a good Dan furnace.

Only then did he return to the Asking Peak.

And when Chen Changge had just arrived on the mountainside of Qingdao Peak, he had not yet had time to inform Xiaoqing and the others of his arrival.

Asked Dao Peak, but suddenly the wind and clouds changed color.

A purple divine thunder as thick as a bucket slashed down at him even more fiercely!

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