Start with Hunter x Hunter and Get the Ice-Ice Fruit For One Yuan

Chapter 294

Chapter 294

Chapter 286: BBQ Party!

The moon rises quietly, and the party for the victory of Gon and Killua begins.

In front of the barbecue grill next to the raised bonfire, Li Mu meticulously handles all kinds of ingredients collected nearby.

Just when he was busy, he suddenly felt someone sitting beside him.

It’s Bishke!

She’s still in a Lolita look, cute but unreal.

“Li Mu, are you all right?” she asked.

“Almost there. 35

Li Mu pointed to the grill in front of him, the animal fat on it sizzling in flames.

Smelling the charming aroma of barbecue, Bisji nodded with satisfaction: “Not bad! Fat is justice!

“You’re so honest.”

Li Mu pouted and sneered.

However, Bisji, who was in a good mood, was not angry, she just nodded her head and said:

“There’s no way, I’m drinking and eating all kinds of meat… This feeling is really hearty!

“Indeed, I like the relaxed atmosphere too!”

After thinking about it, Li Mu nodded slightly.

He continued to fiddle with the grill, only to see that the fat from some kind of animal meat from 553 overflowed little by little, poured it on the flames, and made a “pop” sound.

The appearance and the fragrance are simply breathtaking!

Bisji swallowed her saliva involuntarily.

Seeing this, Li Mu said with a smile: “Bisji, please pay attention to your image!

“Why?” Bishke asked.


With Bisji’s calm attitude, Li Mu actually knew how to react.

“Oh! Pay attention to the image of Mao in front of you little devils?!

Bi Siji wiped the corners of her mouth and said bluntly: “It’s better to be a little bit more simple, it’s refreshing to eat meat and drink a lot!

What a realistic answer!

Li Mu was speechless.

Maybe it is because of this character that the terrifying creature “King Kong Barbie” is born!

Although he was slandered in his heart, Li Mu dared not point it out in person.

After all, it wasn’t that good to be hit with the killing punch of Bisji in the front.

He neatly turned the meat slices on the grill with a tong, and asked Biski:

“These slices of meat are almost all right, do you mind if it’s spicy?

“Of course I don’t mind, it’s not spicy, is that still called barbecue?”

Looking at the mouth-watering barbecue on the shelf, Bisji couldn’t help it.


Li Mu smiled, he took out his plate, packed some pieces of meat that had been tested and handed it over, and said, “Try it! 35

In an instant, the fragrance penetrates into the nostrils!

Bisji found that the color of the meat slices in front of her eyes was even and perfect, and the size was just right to eat in one bite…

So, she opened her mouth and bit down.

In an instant!

Delicious bursting in the mouth!

Bizki once thought that all barbecues were the same and tasted roughly the same…

But the food in front of her made her realize that she was wrong, and her previous thoughts were completely wrong.

The fat part of the meat is soft and glutinous, like a refreshing jelly with a meaty aroma, while the lean meat has a little burnt aroma and a hint of chewiness because it has been roasted.

As the saying goes, eating meat is refreshing for a while, and eating meat is always refreshing… (cgcc)…

Bisji kept moving her mouth, and instantly swept away the barbecued meat on the plate.

“Okay, I think you can go to the Food Hunter star review!”

After eating the delicious and indescribable barbecue, Bizki did not hesitate to give the highest praise.

She couldn’t help suggesting: “If necessary, I can help you apply!

“Hehe, no more…”

Li Mu shook his head and chuckled: “The star rating doesn’t matter, I just have a little interest in cooking!”

“as you like…

Seeing Li Mu’s refusal, Bisji no longer persuaded her. She smacked her lips, looked at Li Mu with blinking eyes, and said eagerly, “Keep going! I want to…”

“Alright, alright…”

Seeing Bizji like this, Li Mu suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and he said helplessly: “I’ll bake it for you, you better stop talking…”

“Tsk, are you dissatisfied with what I said?” Bi Siji’s eyes widened angrily.

“Then… Forget it, just pretend I didn’t say anything!”

That’s right, this expression is normal, the cute look just now is really weird.

After all, the body is King Kong Barbie!

Li Mu couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief, he turned his head and continued to focus on the grill in front of him.

At this moment, he suddenly heard cheers coming from the bonfire in the distance, and he looked over subconsciously.

I saw Gon and Killua running towards here one after the other.

I don’t know if it was because of the reflection of the fire, or because the previous pairing exercises were more physically exhausting, the faces of both of them were red.

“It’s too much! Don’t call us when it’s baked!”

Gon, who was sitting on the ground with a butt on the ground, asked loudly.

“That’s it!”

Not only Gon, but also Killua echoed.

The two of you said each other and accused Bisji of stealing food.

However, Bisji just glanced at them lightly, and said disdainfully, “Are you still planning to grab food from your master?! 35

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