Start with Hunter x Hunter and Get the Ice-Ice Fruit For One Yuan

Chapter 321

Chapter 321

Chapter 314: Rich and powerful! I want it all!

It was obvious that the previous people who asked the shopping guide and sister got the answer of “out of stock”, but when Li Mu asked, the result was completely different.


The only difference that can cause such a difference is the risk dice, that’s right!

Thinking of this, Li Mu couldn’t help feeling overwhelmed.

As expected of the risk dice, it really is the best magic weapon to conquer the game “Island of Greed”…

“Of course… also pay attention to the risk of throwing a “big murderer”!”

After thinking for a few seconds in his mind, Li Mu turned his attention back to the shopping guide.

“Then, dear guest, would you like to purchase the spell “Five Seven Zero” card?

“Yes, I want to buy a spell card.”

“Okay, we just got 20 spell card packs this time, may I ask…”

“I want it all!”

Before the shopping guide and sister had finished speaking, Li Mu interrupted her.

The voice was firm and decisive, with a look of impending success.

Because he sold many monster cards obtained in desert areas to card exchange shops, Li Mu now has a lot of money.

He didn’t even ask for the price, he just wanted to get all the spell cards in the store.

“I understand, please wait a moment…”

After the shopping guide lady smiled at Li Mu, she turned around and walked into the backstage of the card sales office.

After a while, she came out holding a cardboard box containing what was probably a spell card.


While carefully placing the cardboard box on the table, the shopping guide smiled at Li Mu and said:

“Dear guest, all the 20 bags of spell cards you need are here, a total of 6 million ren!95

Is a bag of 300,000 ringne?

Is this cheap or expensive?

Looking at the neatly sized sealed plastic bags in the cardboard box, Li Mu fell into his thoughts after simply calculating the amount of the order for a package of spell cards.

But he didn’t say much nonsense, he directly called out his card collection book, and then took out several stacks of card money from it and gave it to the shopping guide.

“Okay, you have received a total of 6,000,000 juni from the guests, which is just right…”

After the little sister ordered the amount, Li Mu became the owner of the 20 spell card packs in front of him.

“Thank you for visiting!!””

In the farewell of the shopping guide, Li Mu and his party left the card sales office.

In order to avoid being targeted by players who were thinking about spell cards, they hurriedly left the 7th floor and walked towards the dining space on the 12th floor.

But on the way, it seemed that Bisji, who found something she wanted to buy, stopped involuntarily.

“I have something I want to buy, you all go first, I’ll go look for you when I’m done!

Staring at a counter in the corner of this floor, Bisji left the line after speaking.

“The old woman just loves to make trouble!”

Looking at Bisqui’s back, Killua murmured in a low voice.

It’s a pity that even though Killua spoke in a low voice, she was still heard by Bisqui with tip of the ear.

After that, Killua naturally attracted Bizki’s stare.

“Humph! While the old lady is in a good mood, get out of here, you stinky bastard!

Blue veins appeared on Bizji’s forehead, and it was very difficult to suppress the anger that was soaring in her chest.

Taking advantage of this moment, Gon also quickly dragged Killua by one arm and fled.

After all, there are so many people in this department store now that if Biscuit gets out of control, I don’t know what will happen to Killua.

Killua’s beatings are almost a routine thing, and if they accidentally break something in the store, they’ll have to pay for it!

“Killua always loves to die like this…”

“Okay, forget about that old woman, let’s come and see what spell cards we bought?! 99

“Hmm… I’m also very concerned about which cards are there.”


After Bisji left, the team of only three people successfully arrived at the dining space on the 12th floor.

Just when Gon and Killua were eagerly looking at the cardboard box that Li Mu was holding, a sudden “gululu–” sounded abruptly.

The direction of the sound comes from someone’s belly.

Obviously, this was his body’s warning.

I want to cook!

Someone’s stomach seems to say so.

“Who told Killua that you are not only up late, but also too lazy to eat breakfast”

Looking at a certain 2.2 person, Killua, Gon looked helpless.


Killua was very contrived and put on a cute look.

“never mind.”

Li Mu smiled and said, “First find a place to sit down and order something to eat!

“Which shop are you going to?” Gon asked hesitantly after looking around.

“I want chocolate cake.” Killua raised her hand immediately.

Since all the hungry parties said so, so the restaurant to eat was decided.

A group of three people strolled around the 12th floor, which is used as a dining space.

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