Start with Hunter x Hunter and Get the Ice-Ice Fruit For One Yuan

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: Sign the Master-Servant Contract!

After leaving the underground black boxing arena, Li Mu and the others went directly to the mobile phone store to buy mobile phones.

“Thank you for your phone!” Leorio quickly thanked him after he got his phone.

This mobile phone is the latest Beetle-shaped mobile phone, which is universal in the world. It also comes with translations in 200 national languages, which is very suitable for Hunters who travel in and out of the world.

“Leorio, you are too good at bargaining, you see that the boss’s face is green!!”

Li Mu laughed softly.

“Of course, I’m number two in bargaining, no one dares to be number one!”

Leorio raised his head proudly.

“Yeah, I have a cell phone, this is my first cell phone, I’m going to call Aunt Mito to tell her we passed the Hunter exam!”

There was a happy smile on Gon’s face.

“Give us the phone card, we will install it ourselves!!”

Li Mu said to the stall owner.

There is a one-stop service for buying mobile phone numbers here, and this special black phone card does not require real-name registration.

“Hey, is that Aunt Mito?”

After Gon installed the SIM card, he made a direct call to the landline at home.

“Gon you guys finally called back!”

“Aren’t you and Li Mu in danger?”

“You must have been working very hard these days!”

“Have you passed the Hunter trial?”


Aunt Mito asked a lot of caring words, which made Gon a little bit at a loss.

“Aunt Mito, we are all safe, we passed the Hunter’s trial and became a Hunter…”

After Aunt Mito stopped asking, Gon answered one by one.

A few minutes later, Aunt Mito said, “Where’s Li Mu? I want to talk to him!!”

“Aunt Mito, I haven’t seen you for so long, I miss you!”

Li Mu answered the phone and said.

“If you want me, then come back to see me, that stinky boy Gon is unwilling to come back, saying that he will come back after seeing his father, I am really pissed off, what he said is like his father’s excuse for not coming back! ”

Mito complained.

“Ahaha, Aunt Mito, I shouldn’t be able to come back any time soon. I worshipped a teacher and wanted to practice with him…”

Li Mu explained.

“Aren’t you coming back?”

“Don’t you want to come back and see me?”

After another half an hour, the call between Li Mu and Aunt Mito ended.

“Your Aunt Mito is really nagging like my mother!”

Leorio complained.

“Women, that’s all!”

Li Mu responded with a smile.

“Let’s go to the international bank to deposit money!”

Li Mu said to the three of Gon.

International banks have branches in various countries, and they can also withdraw money from other countries in the world.

International Bank Building!

Li Mu first made a card for Gon and deposited 1 million yuan, and then he also made a card and deposited all the remaining money into it.

“It’s done, from today onwards, I’ll be considered a rich man!”

Li Mu held the black card in his hand with a smile on his face.

There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor in Hunter’s world. The rich sing and dance, and the poor freeze to death on the side of the road. There are many poor people who have been abandoned and starved to death in Meteor Street.

“It’s okay to save tens of millions of nuns, but if you encounter some unpredictable troubles, it’s not enough!”

Leorio sighed.

It’s not enough for his best friend to spend all his money because of an illness, saying he likes money and why he wants to be a doctor.

“It’s really not enough, ten million ringtones are still too little for me!”

Li Mu also lamented.

If there is no system task, he will not have a chance to kill one yuan in seconds. He can only use the original price to buy the things in the system mall, and ten million yuan is a drop in the bucket for many products in the system mall. For example, the Pangu axe needs one thousand. Yi trillion Jie Ni, super commodities like Pangu Axe and Supreme Bone, he can only buy them with a one-yuan spike.

“However, ten million yuan is enough for me to buy some cheap system products!”

Li Mu remembered that there was a low-level contract scroll in his system store that only cost one million knives.

After depositing the money, Li Mu and his party went back to their exclusive residences.

Li Mu sat in the chair and looked at the Dalmatians ‘Gou Left’ and said seriously: “‘Gou Left’, if you want me to treat you sincerely, just sign this contract scroll, this contract scroll can make you my master and servant. relation……”

The Dalmatian Dog Leftover sat cross-legged and listened to Li Mu’s explanation.

“To be honest, after I came to live in the city, I found that the city is much better than the forest village!”

Dalmatians ‘dog left’ sighed.

“Don’t talk about those who don’t have it, you just said you signed the contract or not?”

Li Mu asked again.

“After signing a master-servant contract with you and becoming your dog, can you let me eat spicy food?”


“Then can my human name not be called Gouzu?”

“Of course, or I’ll call you ‘Happy’ by another human name!”

“Happy? Why do you look at me strangely when you named me this human name, but Happy does sound much better than the dog, and my human name will be called ‘Happy’ from now on.”

Li Mu promised a lot of dog leftovers… oh no! It should be called Harpy. Li Mu agreed to some of Harpy’s conditions, but also rejected some, and finally contracted Harpy with a low-level contract scroll with the agreement of Dalmatian Harpy.

There is no way that a low-level contract scroll wants to conclude a contract without resistance from the heart of the contract creature, so Li Mu will agree to some conditions for ‘Hapi’. *

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