Start with Hunter x Hunter and Get the Ice-Ice Fruit For One Yuan

Chapter 59

Chapter 59: Genius! ? evildoer!

“You…you managed to open all the Aura Nodes of your body in less than a minute!”

Netero used Nian’s application technique ‘condensation’ to gather Qi in his eyes, and he could clearly see that Li Mu’s Aura Nodes were all open.

He originally thought that a genius like Li Mu would take at least a few days to achieve the Aura Nodes that naturally awaken and open his body, but he did not expect Li Mu to do it in just one minute.

“It’s so warm, like a sauna!”

Li Mu could feel his body being surrounded by the air coming out of Aura Nodes, very comfortable.

“Next, you try to close the Aura Nodes with your mind. If you don’t close the Aura Nodes, you will end up in a state of suspended animation due to the exhaustion of your life energy.” Netero said: “You now focus your mind on one point, stare at yourself, set goals, Force yourself to close the Aura Nodes at this point with intense willpower, you…”

“Very good, you are doing well, next, you try to close the Aura Nodes all over the body so that the natural ability in the body which is the qi is not escaping!”

The introduction of Li Mu’s follower Netero quickly completed this series of operations.

“Li Mu, I have to say that you are a one-of-a-kind genius!”

Netero praised without hesitation.

To be able to awaken mind power within a minute without the help of external forces is a genius among geniuses.

“Thank you teacher for the compliment!”

Li Mu responded.

In fact, Li Mu knows he is a genius, but he is not so evil. The performance of such a monster should be because of the foreshadowing that he took with the super gene potion. Ordinary people are much taller.

“Genius should be praised!”

“Since you have awakened to Nen, then I will teach you the basics of Nen-Four Elements. After that, I will test for you what Nen is.”

Netero continued.

“The four elements of reciting are ‘entanglement’, ‘absolute’, ‘refinement’ and ‘fat’

‘Tangling’ is a technique to keep Qi stably around the body. By this method, the body can become strong and youth can be maintained forever.

‘Quiet’ is a technique to completely cut off the qi emitted by the mind, which has the effect of eliminating one’s own qi and fatigue.

‘Practice’ is a technique that can increase the qi emitted by the mind, and it is an indispensable element if you want to make yourself stronger.

‘Fresh’ is a technique that can send out thoughts that have been enhanced with ‘practice’. ”

“The way to cultivate is to focus your mind and stare at yourself…”

After explaining it for a while, President Netero said to Li Mu: “You practice ‘Tang’ first, and when you learn to tangle, I will teach you the remaining three.”

After a minute.

Netero looked at Li Mu like a monster: “You are really a genius in cultivating Nen.”

“Next is ‘Absolute’…”

“Next is ‘practice’…”

“Next is ‘fa’…”

Ten minutes later, Netero was numb from shock, and gradually became accustomed to it, thinking that Li Mu should be so good.

“But this is just the most basic ‘Four Elements’ to read. It’s really easy to learn. Don’t let this make you slack in your practice.”

“Actually, some people who don’t practice Nen can unwittingly burst out with one or two of the four major elements, such as ‘murderous aura’. When the killing intent towards a person is accumulated to the extreme, an endless murderous aura will erupt, and those who have no awakening will burst out. It can also release the special energy aura in the body when the mind reaches the extreme.

“Or on the news, the mother lifted the car with her bare hands in order to save her son who was crushed under the car. The mother’s idea of saving her son reached the climax, and the Aura Nodes of her body opened, the energy of the thought qi flowed out, and used it unconsciously. The ultimate mind controls this air to wrap the whole body…”

Netero said this to Li Mu, just hope that Li Mu would not be too proud and gradually become conceited.

“Well, the four major lines are indeed very simple, you can learn it once you learn it!”

Li Mu nodded and said.

But when Li Mu said this, Netero couldn’t help raising his eyebrows. Is it really that simple? It took him more than ten days to learn the four major lines at the beginning!

“Ahaha, it’s really simple, I think I knew it right away!”

Netero chimed in.

He said this to prevent Li Mu from being arrogant and to not embarrass himself. After all, he is a master and cannot be compared by his apprentices.

“Next, I’ll take you to test which system your Nen is. To be honest, I’m quite looking forward to what kind of mind system your little monster has.”

Netero poured water into the white coffee cup while talking, then picked a green leaf from a potted plant beside him and placed it in the coffee cup half filled with water.

“To be honest, I’m also looking forward to what system my mind power is!”

Li Mu is also looking forward to it.

The six major systems of recitation are ‘Enhancer’, ‘Transmuter’, ‘Conjurer’, ‘Emitter’, ‘Manipulator’ and ‘Trait System’. *

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