Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Chapter 521: The Birth of the Dark Super Dragon Balls


Mechikabura looked excitedly at the model.

As the Demon God, he theoretically had an endless lifespan like other deities.

However, Mechikabura now appeared old and frail, all because his life force was stripped away by Grand Priest years ago.

Apart from relying on the Dragon God Zalama, who is stronger than the Grand Priest, there was no other way to undo what the Grand Priest had done.

For this reason, Mechikabura had waited for millions of years.

Now, this long wait seemed to be coming to an end.

“Mechikabura, the materials I asked you to search for years ago, have you gathered them all?”

“Don’t worry, I’ve collected everything over these millions of years. Zalama, you may not know, but among the many materials, there were some which took countless travels to other worlds to find.”

“Hard work pays off. Making Super Dragon Balls capable of lifting the seal is not that simple!”

Then, under Mechikabura’s instructions, the other wizards each began to summon their subordinates.

Due to the Grand Priest’s power, Mechikabura couldn’t leave the Dark Demon Realm. Therefore, these tasks were handled by the lower-ranking wizards.

Soon, Mechikabura’s subordinates brought out precious materials they had collected from various worlds.

These materials were part of the deal proposed by Zalama years ago.

From branches of the Tree of Might to springs filled with the Power of Miracle.

Among these people was someone holding a pure white jade.

This jade didn’t seem ordinary. More importantly, the person holding it wore a mask, had long black hair, and a tail wrapped around his waist, looking drastically different from the other demons around him.

When Zalama took the jade from him, he couldn’t help but take a few more glance at him.

“A Saiyan?”

Universe 11, Planet of Heroes.

This place was once renowned throughout Universe 11 as a holy land of martial arts.

Because the universally recognized martial arts master Gicchin once lived here.

However, with time passing, this planet had become desolate.

Only occasional pilgrims would set foot on this planet.

But one day, three figures appeared on this desolate land.

Lin Chen looked at the scenery before him with a slight sense of nostalgia.

When he came here years ago, he probably didn’t expect that he would revisit this place in a friendly environment alongside Jiren.

“Is there nothing left on this planet?” Lazuli asked, looking around.

Jiren nodded, “It’s normal. My master chose to train here because of its desolation.”

“My master used to say that desolate environments can temper our willpower.”

“Jiren,” Lin Chen asked, “where are you taking me?”

Lin Chen and others didn’t come to the Planet of Heroes for sightseeing or reminiscing.

They came because Jiren told him that the reason his master Gicchin was attacked might be related to this planet.

Jiren looked into the distance for a moment, then pointed in a direction, “Let’s go there first!”

So, the three of them flew towards the direction indicated by Jiren.

After flying for several tens of minutes, they came across remains of a building on the desolate land ahead.

These remains seemed quite old, to the extent that even Lin Chen couldn’t discern their original appearance.

“This is my master’s former dojo. We used to train here.”

“But when my master was attacked, this place was destroyed.”

Flying to the top of the dojo, Jiren didn’t stop there. Instead, he continued flying towards distance with Lin Chen and Lazuli.

It wasn’t until a small mountain appeared in their sight that Jiren stopped.

“We’re here. This is it,” Jiren said as he slowly descended, leading Lin Chen and Lazuli to land on the top of the small mountain.

On this small mountain, Lin Chen actually saw traces of battle.

And then Jiren unveiled the mystery.

“Lin Chen, didn’t you ask me why my master was attacked?”

“I’ve always suspected that my master was attacked because of something here.”

“What thing?” Lin Chen asked.

“It’s a pure white jade. What’s amazing is that the jade was filled with life force.”

“Before the incident, my master always treated this place as a forbidden area for our sect, and only he could come here. Every once in a while, my master would meditate here. Although he didn’t tell me, I knew he might be absorbing the life force from that jade.”

“Maybe that’s why he lived for so long… You probably didn’t know? My master was actually a companion of Belmod-sama in the past, and Belmod-sama has lived for millions of years.”

“A jade emitting life energy?”

Lin Chen looked in the direction Jiren pointed and indeed saw traces of something placed in the center of the mountain top.

It was obvious that this area was different from the surrounding ground, and even…

Lin Chen’s gaze focused, he bent down and reached out to touch.

On this seemingly barren mountain top, he actually found a bit of green moss?


This bit of green was the first green he had seen on this planet.

After so many years, this place was still influenced by the lifeforce. That jade was indeed a treasure.

So, that Saiyan really came for that jade?

But what use could a stone filled with lifeforce have for a Saiyan?

Just as Lin Chen was feeling puzzled.

Dark Demon Realm.

“Mechikabura, when did your demon realm start recruiting Saiyans?” Zalama raised an eyebrow.

“This is all preparation for the future confrontation with Zeno. Zalama, don’t you plan to recruit some subordinates?” Mechikabura chuckled.

“Good point…” Zalama nodded, then waved his hand, indicating the Saiyan to place the jade in front of him.

“Very good, with these, I can recreate new Dragon Balls that can rival the Super Dragon Balls!”

After saying that, a golden Power of Miracle lit up on Zalama’s finger. He flicked his finger, and the Power of Miracle struck the materials that were handed over.

The golden light engulfed everything in an instant, then turned and flew directly into the divine dragon model prepared by Zalama.

Boom! With a dazzling burst of light, a new sun suddenly appeared, illuminating the previously dim Dark Demon Realm with a dazzling brilliance.

But, for the inhabitants of the Demon Realm, this brilliance was particularly glaring.

Even Mechikabura couldn’t help but shield his eyes.

At this moment, boom!

A deafening rumble echoed, as an energy beam shot straight into the sky, and then split into seven, as if to fly to other places.

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