Strong Waist

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Defender Or Midfielder?

Chapter 2 Defender or midfielder?

The office was silent, and the sound of the rainstorm hitting the windows crackled.

Le Kai sat upright, looking at the office and the old man in front of him from time to time.

Wenger crossed Erlang’s legs and sat opposite, holding a document in his hand, and was flipping page by page.

He didn’t speak, and Lucky didn’t even know what to say.

As he said before, he didn’t know why the famous world coach took a fancy to himself and dug himself into Arsenal.

Lucky is very ordinary, of course, this is in the eyes of outsiders.

For Lucky himself, he has a big secret in his heart.

He was not from this world.

1994 was born in Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning in the north.

Compared to other children, Lucky has had a different self-discipline from a young age.

From a very young age, Lucky began to give himself some basic football training.

Maybe it was the regret of football in his previous life that made him work harder.

And this world is not the same as the previous world.

Everything else is the same, but football has gone to another future.

Since 2002, Chinese football has entered the World Cup in a row, which confirms the phrase ‘2002 is the year when football started’.

Although they can reach the World Cup every time, they are always eliminated in the group stage.

But compared to the previous life, China has scored goals and won a small game in the World Cup.

Now the goal of Chinese football is to reach the knockout stage.

Of course, this is not an easy task.

But there is nothing difficult in the world, only those who have a heart.

In the era of vigorous development of football, three consecutive three-year youth training programs were carried out.

Every three years is a term for planned youth training.

Because this kind of plan has rigid indicators for youth training, football talents began to flourish, and batches of excellent players emerged.

And Lekai happened to eat the dividends of the third batch of planned youth training. After the training selection in the north, he was placed in the Portuguese youth training for further studies, and then he entered the Portuguese Super League. After a season, Wenger was valued by Wenger to join Arsenal.

Lucky is ordinary, but not ordinary.

He is different from ordinary people, he can predict the ball path.

is more accurate to say foresight!

This judgment of the ball path is almost 100% correct, and there has never been an error.

And this also benefited his talent in football and became a stealing maniac.

During the time he joined Sporting Lisbon, the 17-year-old Le Kai contributed 80 steals in 25 games, averaging a terrifying 3.2 steals per game.

This also made him extremely stable in the full-back position, and in the second half of the season, he made his debut directly.

This is all thanks to his ‘foresight’ golden finger.

However, this talent is also a bit tasteless, because it is useless in higher-intensity competitions.

As the saying goes, the martial arts in the world are only fast and unbreakable. In the face of absolute power, even if he foresees it in advance, it will have no effect.

He felt that Wenger probably took a fancy to this feature of him.

After all, he remembers that since Cesc Fabregas and Song left Arsenal, the Gunners have been in a state of empty back defence for a long time.

Therefore, Le Kai felt that Wenger must have taken a fancy to his defensive ability.

But Wenger’s next sentence made Le Kaimon directly.

“Do you want to be an average defender, or a world-class midfielder?”

Lucky’s mouth began to open slightly. He thought about Wenger’s many words, but there was absolutely no such sentence.

World class midfielder?

I’m a defender, professor!

But Wenger’s expression didn’t seem to be joking, his face was extremely serious, and there was a hint of certainty in his eyes.

The confidence of the other party even made Lucky himself start to shake.

Do you have the potential to become a world-class midfielder?

But he can only defend!

Perhaps seeing the puzzlement in Lucky’s eyes, Wenger got up and walked to the desk, took a laptop and put it on the coffee table.

He lays the laptop sideways for two people to watch.

Lucky leaned over and wanted to see what was on it.

I see, there is a game video in the laptop.

This is the game between Sporting Lisbon and Arsenal in the warm-up match.

At the 65th minute, facing Arshavin’s breakthrough, Le Kai completed a wonderful steal.

Lucky remembers this game, this moment.

After he made a foresight, he knew the opponent’s breakthrough route and set up the defense in advance.

Sure enough, Wenger pulled the video forward for a few seconds, pointed to the screen that suddenly left the defensive team a few seconds ago and moved to the right and asked, “Why are you running like this?”

Lucky was stunned.

Why do you run like this.

Because he knew that Arshavin would break through from the right flank next!

But what to say?

Wenger continued and pulled the timeline to 78 minutes. Arsenal made a sudden attack in a changing rhythm in the frontcourt.

Here, Lucky also intercepted.

“Here too!” Wenger finished and started to pull the timeline again.


“And here!”

After a few pauses, Wenger said solemnly: “You know how we want to play football, and we have deployed for this purpose. Can I understand that you have a very high game reading ability and a broad vision?”

Lucky was silent.

Wenger smiled and began to pull the timeline again; “The most important thing is here, when the injury time is 2 minutes, your long pass.”

“This is a very inconspicuous neutral, which is fleeting, but you have accurately grasped it. The reason why it failed to convert into a goal is because your center didn’t see it and didn’t run at all. He doesn’t trust you!”

Lucky: “.”

Having said this, Wenger suddenly smiled and said: “Child, you are only 17 years old, and your skills have not been fully finalized. You can completely change the position. How about trying the position of the back waist?”

“I haven’t kicked the lower back, Professor!” Lucky was a little anxious.

Wenger narrowed his eyes slightly and said, “We only need midfielders! We don’t need defenders!”

Lucky suddenly said: “I will work hard!”

Lekai walked out of the office in a daze, Wenger’s few words completely negated his previous efforts.

Let him play a midfielder with a defender, what the hell!

Martin Hughes was waiting at the door, watching Lucky come out, he couldn’t help asking, “How is it?”

“The contract is signed!” Le Kai said weakly.

The surprise of the day was enough for him to digest it.

Martin Hughes patted Lucky on the shoulder and said, “Welcome to Arsenal!”

“Thank you!” Lucky’s expression softened a little.

but. He glanced at Martin Hughes, and found that this guy was a lot happier than before, and the expression on his face eased a lot.

“What’s the matter?” Lucky asked involuntarily.

Martin Hughes grinned and laughed; “Our king is coming back!”

Lucky suddenly realized.

Henry, the king of guns!

He remembers that around December 2011, Henry returned to Arsenal on loan!

It is estimated that Henry’s return can slightly ease the irritable hearts of Arsenal fans today.

After    walked out of the office building, Lucky was taken away by a man named Billy again.

This is a 35-year-old uncle, wearing a cowboy hat, with a fat body and driving a broken jeep.

There was a strong smell of cow dung and alcohol mixed in the car. It was extremely pungent and the tip of the nose was red. It was obviously a heavy alcohol lover.

And this person is the parent of the family he is going to host in.

Since Lekai is 17 years old and underage, he cannot rent a house alone outside.

And Arsenal’s dormitory building has not established a good relationship, he can only live in a family of fans under the arrangement of the club.

Billy is an Arsenal fan, a farmer, and a wealthy owner with small assets.

In Billy’s words, his whole family are Arsenal diehards.

In this regard, he is very proud of this initiator.

Kearney training center is not in London, so Lucky can’t live in the city, otherwise it will be too troublesome to travel between clubs.

Fortunately, Billy lives not far from the Kearney training center, and he is a person that Arsenal trusts very much, so he entrusted Luckey to take care of him.

Billy is a very talkative guy, and in the car, he started showing off his poor Chinese.

gave Lucky the nickname of ‘Little Lucky’,

The reason    is that Lucky’s Chinese name is very similar to the English Lucky.

Although Lucky has emphasized many times that the word “Yue” is a polyphonic word, Billy still goes his own way.

In this regard, Lucky is no longer refuting.

‘Little Lucky’ is ‘Little Lucky’.

I hope he has enough luck in the future!

This is a place called Lucheng.

Although it is called a ‘city’, it is indeed a small village with less than 1,000 residents.

The whole small village, surrounded by mountains and rivers, is a very nice place to come.

If it wasn’t for this storm, Lucky wouldn’t mind taking a good tour.

Led by Billy, Lucky walked into a two-story building.

Opening the door is a hallway, and a strong smell of grilled cheese blows.

Billy sniffed and smiled at Lucky: “Elena knows you’re coming and is preparing dinner for you!”

Sure enough, a chubby woman came out of the kitchen.

The woman weighs about 200 jin and is fatter than Billy. She holds a shovel in her left hand and her right hand is full of oil stains. After seeing Lucky, she is pleasantly surprised; “Let me see who it is, welcome our Chinese children!”

Lucky also felt quite warm to the enthusiasm of the Billy family.

“Come in, I’m preparing dinner for you, I hope you like it.” Elena walked over and hugged Lucky lightly, smiling: “You will definitely become an Arsenal warrior, right?”

Lucky smiled; “I will work hard!”

Billy carried Lucky’s luggage to the second floor.

Going up the stairs to the second floor is a straight aisle with two rooms on both sides of the aisle.

Billy pointed to the house on the left and said, “This is my son’s house, his name is Kevin, he is 10 years old.”

“It’s 11 years old after Chinese New Year!”

The door opened a gap, and a small figure hid behind the door, revealing half of his face, his blue eyes looked up at Le Kai, and said timidly, “Hello!”

“Hello!” Lucky smiled and waved his hand.

Billy said displeasedly; “Kevin, come out to say hello, you have to learn to be polite!”

“I do not!”

Kevin closed the door with a bang, and stopped making any movement.

Billy said bitterly: “As you can see, Kevin is a little different!”

is lonely!

Lucky smiled and said, “He will be cheerful in the future!”

Billy sighed, “Hopefully!”

New book period for support!

One seedling, need the support of book friends!

For collection! Ask for a recommendation! Ask for all kinds of tickets!

(end of this chapter)

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