Strong Waist

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 New Jersey

Chapter 26 New Jersey

December 25th, Christmas in Europe.

On this day, Wenger gave everyone a holiday to let the players fully enjoy the holiday.

However, Lucky still went to the training base to train alone. He has no sense of identity for Christmas, and the hearing is over, and he needs to remain ready to play at any time.

It is the so-called sharpening the gun before the battle, and the unhappiness is also light!

On December 27, Arsenal played against Wolves at home.

Arsenal are already in fifth place in the standings.

[10 wins, 2 draws and 5 losses, 32 points].

Chelsea is only 1 point away from fourth place.

There is a 3-point gap between Tottenham Hotspur and the third place.

The top two Manchester duo don’t need to think about it, this is the championship echelon.

With the current state of Arsenal, it is impossible to shake the status of these two teams.

The gap in points is already in double digits, and it is impossible to catch up.

Unless these two teams are seriously ill.

This is simply not possible.

Arsenal’s goal this season is still a European spot.

At the same time, he brought down the small thorn in North London.

But things didn’t work out. In this game, Arsenal scored the first goal, Alexander Song suddenly fell ill and began to move forward, causing the opponent to complete the equalization in the first half.

This is not the first time Alexander Song has done this.

Wenger has warned this guy many times.

But Song, like a rebellious teenager in adolescence, still goes his own way.

At this time, the professor’s patience was running out.

In the second half, Song was replaced by Ramsey.

When Song came off, the professor didn’t even look at him, and Song also lowered his head without any apology.

A discerning person can see that the two are in conflict.

And this game was also under Song’s aggressive advance, Arsenal were tied at home and failed to get the three points of victory!

In the whole game, Alexander Song scored a game-low 5.8 points.

In response, angry Arsenal fans even exploded Alexander Song’s social account.

Cursed, Arsenal fans were angry.

Could have won the game, and they wasted three points because this guy was sick.

They couldn’t take this breath.

The most irritating thing is that this guy always claims to be a top midfielder.

Go to such a top waist!

In this regard, an Arsenal fan made a sharp comment.

【Remember! You are not Pirlo, you don’t have his kind of work, you can honestly be your scavenger, don’t always run towards the frontcourt! 】

This is the most liked comment.

Many fans give a high degree of recognition.

‘Don’t let him run forward, tie Song to the lower back’ has become their slogan.

But this guy is just like a husky, so he can’t be tied.

Again, you can go up, but you are coming back!

What is the use of only going forward and not retreating? !

Just as Arsenal fans collectively crusade against Alexander Song, Song, who couldn’t help but fight back with indignation.

A long article started directly with fans.

The fans saw that this guy played well and pouted!

This can’t be used to!

For a while, the two sides sparked a huge scolding battle.

Even the scolding began to spread to other Arsenal players, and Wenger stopped it urgently and ordered Song not to speak again.

Song was aggrieved, but he had to be obedient, so his performance was even more negative.

In the training ground, Wenger frowned as he looked at Song who was walking on the field, full of depression in his heart.

The current Arsenal still needs to rely on Song’s defense, so it can’t be particularly stiff.

But the guy’s training attitude and game attitude have a big problem.

In this regard, Patrice said; “How about we support Le and give Song some pressure?”

Wenger thought for a while and shook his head; “He is still too young, let him practice for a season, I will give him a lot of opportunities, it is not yet the time for him to exert his strength.”

Patrice nodded, but he believed Wenger’s words.

After all, Wenger likes to give young people opportunities.

As long as they don’t make enough fatal mistakes, Arsenal are still very suitable for young people to level up.

On December 30, Arsenal announced something that shocked everyone.

Arsenal head coach Wenger officially announced that they will welcome Henry back on loan.

Henry, who had been away for four years, finally returned to the arms of Arsenal.

And this news is very exciting for all Arsenal fans.

Henry is Arsenal’s legend and their gun king!

In the eight years Henry played for Arsenal, he scored 174 league goals and 42 European goals.

For this reason, Henry was elected the best player in Arsenal’s history with the highest number of votes in the Arsenal’s official website: Gunners’ Best 50 Players.

This is a living legend.

Actually, Henry had been back to London once before.

It was on December 7th, the 125th anniversary of the founding of Arsenal, and the bronze statue of Henry was unveiled outside the Emirates Stadium.

At that time, Henry appeared there.

And Arsenal fans are chanting right now.

‘Sign him! Sign him! ’

Perhaps the professor felt that Arsenal needed a legendary star to stabilize the situation, so he let Henry return to Arsenal’s arms on loan.

This incident also detonated London and even the whole of Europe!

London in January enters the deep winter season.

Coincides with the first snow, the rustling snowflakes fall, wrapping the whole world in silver.

On a road covered with snowflakes, a boy in sportswear, a mouni hat and a scarf was slamming the ball down and running towards the front.

The boy’s running speed is not fast, and the ball keeps jumping between his left and right feet.

seems to fit a certain rhythm and feels unusually silky.

The movement of the teenager’s ball is extremely comfortable, without the slightest sense of sluggishness.

Suddenly, the teenager kicked the ball a little higher, and at the same time turned his back and gently cushioned his thighs.

A smile appeared on the boy’s face, his right leg was stretched diagonally, and the ball rolled to his feet, only to see the boy hook and fly over his head to its original position.

The teenager also turned around at the same time, continuing to keep the previous juggling action and running forward.

For a full kilometer, the ball under the boy’s feet did not touch the ground once.

In the end, the teenager stepped on the ball and stopped at the gate of a training base.


Le Kai put his hands to his mouth and sighed.

After entering the deep winter, the weather in London starts to get a little cold.

Especially when the gusts of wind seem to blow directly on the body through the clothes, that kind of feeling is really uncomfortable.

But Lucky had no choice, he could only try his best to adapt.

Two more weeks until the end of the hearing.

During this period, Le Kai was transferred to practice with the first team several times during the training game.

But Wenger still did not give him a chance to play.

He doesn’t know what Wenger is thinking, but he does want to play as soon as possible.

He couldn’t wait.

It has been half a year since the last official competition.

Due to the issue of labor certification, Lucky has not played a game for half a year.

If it goes on like this, he feels like he will forget the feeling of playing the game.

But he can’t help it. If Wenger doesn’t give him a chance, he won’t be able to play.


Walking into the training base, Lucky went straight to the locker room.

was still empty, and Lucky arrived first.

changed into a training suit and ran to the training ground, and found that the snow on the lawn had been cleaned up.

Arsenal’s sweepers are still very efficient.

Lekai did a simple warm-up training, and then started to do ball feel training.

This is already a compulsory course for him.

In addition to sleeping, he almost sticks to the ball, and in this boring training, Lucky’s ball sense also improved by leaps and bounds.

I can’t say that compared to Arteta, but for a rookie, his progress is shocking enough.

After practicing for a while, some first team players began to walk over.

“Good morning!”

“You’re the first again!”

“Wait until I finish my warm-up, let’s practice together!”

Walcott, Van Persie, Arteta and other players said hello to Lucky again.

They had smiles on their faces.

Lucky’s performance in the scrims has been recognized by them.

Don’t say anything else, on the defensive end, Le Kai has come to Arsenal’s top group.

It can be said that as long as Le Kai appears in the main team, Arsenal’s back line will increase the defensive intensity of several grades.

The warm-up was over, and while everyone was waiting for the formal training, Wenger didn’t show up, but Patrice came over.

He went straight to Lucky; “The professor asked you to go to his office!”

Hearing this, Le Kai was stunned for a moment.

He entered the professor’s office a little more often.

Some people may not be able to enter once a season.

He has been there at least twice this season, and this is the third time.

“Now?” Lucky asked.

“Now!” Patrice smiled and patted Lucky’s shoulder; “Go! It’s a good thing!”

Hearing this, Lucky’s eyes lit up.

He thinks it should be about his playing.

Came to the door of Wenger’s office with a familiar light car. Just as Le Kai was about to knock on the door, he heard hearty laughter from inside.

This made Lucky stunned for a moment.

Wenger has been a bit bitter at the beginning of this season and rarely shows a smile, let alone such a hearty laugh.

Lucky was a little curious.

Dong Dong!

“come in!”

There was a response from the office, and Lucky also pushed in the door.

As soon as he entered, Lucky saw the professor sitting on the reception sofa with a person.

There was coffee on the table, and the two seemed to be talking happily.

When the man turned his head, Lucky froze.

“Hen Henry!”

Iconic braised egg head, a pair of shining eyes under dark skin.

Henry was sitting there, he smiled and nodded towards Lucky, then turned his head to ask Wenger; “Do you need me to avoid it?”

Wenger shook his head and immediately waved towards Lucky.

Lucky glanced at the gun king again, and then walked over.

“In the near future, I will give you a chance, and at the same time, the club will sign a new contract with you. The term is a formal contract of five years!”

Lucky nodded again and again, his eyes drifting towards Henry from time to time.

Wenger smiled and continued; “There is also the issue of living, the Highbury apartment has been put into use, you can move there!”


Lucky is still looking at Henry.

even made Henry look a little embarrassed and started to touch his nose.

Wenger was out of breath.

“Don’t look at it!” Wenger roared, which not only calmed Lucky, but also shocked Henry.

Henry remembers that the professor is an elegant person, and this kind of out-of-control situation rarely occurs.

Wenger glared at Lucky angrily, soothed his emotions, and then continued; “There will be a chance to see it in the future.”

After a pause, he turned around and began to fumble, and said; “And your jersey.”

“Jersey?” Le Kai was stunned for a moment: “I have a jersey!”

Arsenal shirt number 29.

“Forget it, this is your new jersey!” Wenger took out a jersey from a cardboard box and handed it over.

Lucky took over and turned over, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Even Henry on the side was stunned and looked at Wenger in surprise.

Lekai has a brand new Arsenal jersey in his hand.

Behind the red and white jersey is a big [4] number!

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(end of this chapter)

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