Strong Waist

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 No 4!

Chapter 27 No. 4!

Arsenal’s [4], this is an absolutely legendary number.

was also criticized for being cursed!

The previous two owners were the two captains Vieira and Cesc Fabregas.

Both captains have left in an unsatisfactory way.

Vieira, who was swept out of the house, and Cesc Fabregas, who betrayed the gunman, seems to be suffering from bad luck if he bears this number.

This also makes Gunners fans love it and hate it.

For Wenger, this number has been entangled with him since I don’t know when.

Maybe he was cleaning Vieira.

The moment when the Jagged Spirit was completely removed from this Arsenal.

Maybe it was the moment when he supported Cesc Fabregas and let Arsenal be dominated by technical factors!

Not even Wenger himself.

But what is certain is that this number is important to Wenger.

He represents Wenger’s pain and expectation!

He knew it was not a good thing for a young player to carry that number.

Excessive pressure will make Lucky possibly scrapped.

But he also believes that Lucky is different from others, he has a tenacious spirit, can bear this number and completely break the curse.

He didn’t know when he had this idea.

Maybe it was watching the teenager sweating like rain every day in training.

Maybe it was the thunderous roar from the ground during the training match.

Or maybe it was a beating incident full of controversy and absurdity!

This thought kept circling in Wenger’s mind, and there was a voice that seemed to surround his ears.

‘Give him number 4, this is his back number, no one is more suitable for this back number than him! ’

Combining various factors, Wenger awarded the legendary number of Arsenal to Luckey.

At the same time, he will help Luckey to smooth out all the pressure off the court, but he will also help him create pressure on the court.

He has no patience to wait for Lucky to grow slowly.

He needs to pull the seedlings to help him grow.

He believes that since he can bear this number, he must be able to excel, at least he can bear the pressure.

Four or five years is too long!

He wants Lucky to grow up as soon as possible, and in at most two years, he will grow into a superstar that Arsenal can rely on!

Once, he sent Vieira away, and the Jagged Spirit was kicked out of Arsenal.

And now, he wants to use Lucky again, to regain the spirit that he abandoned!

Henry stared straight at the jersey.

My mind is full of past memories.

The teammate who once fought alongside him is also their old captain.

That tough guy on the court, Patrick Vieira!

After paying attention for a long time, Henry’s eyes became sharp; “I hope you don’t let this jersey become a laughing stock!”

Feel the intense emotion in the eyes of the two of them.

Lucky suddenly felt that the jersey in his hand became heavy.

He took a deep breath, glanced at Henry and grinned; “You control me!”

After saying that, he turned around and left.

And seeing this scene, Wenger couldn’t help laughing.

Henry couldn’t help laughing too.

Henry looked at Wenger; “Is this your choice?”

Wenger nodded: “Yes!”

Henry; “What is it this time? Technology or Jagged?”

In this regard, Wenger smiled playfully; “Why can’t we have both?”

Henry was stunned for a moment and couldn’t help laughing; “Professor, you are really a greedy ghost!”

In the training ground, Patrice stood on the sidelines, turning his head to look at the locker room from time to time, as if waiting for something.

He already knew about Wenger’s award of the No. 4 jersey to Luckey.

and received a very high degree of support from Patrice.

In Wenger’s words, it was their first unification in 20 years.

Wenger is a representative of the technical school, and believes that the game can be won with technology.

Patrice is a representative of the spiritual faction. He feels that if a team wants to win the championship, it must be endowed with enough championship temperament.

This kind of temperament is obtained over the years, in non-stop victories.

But the premise is that there must be perseverance!

When Vieira was kicked out of Arsenal and Fabregas was elected captain, Patrice was strongly opposed.

Especially the latter.

Patrice felt that Cesc Fabregas was not up to the position of captain, he was too weak and not strong enough.

Moreover, he felt that Cesc Fabregas was not a qualified leader.


Patrice never thought that as long as he wore the armband, he could become the captain.

Captain is not a title, but a spiritual leader!

The leader is very different from the captain.

Fabregas may have enough talent, but he can’t be a leader.

This is a natural temperament.

At least he didn’t feel it on Cesc Fabregas.

The captain is the captain, and the leader is the leader.

Chelsea’s Terry!

Liverpool’s Gerrard!

Barcelona’s Puyol!

These talents are worthy of being leaders and serving as captains.

Now, whether Luckey can inject such a temperament into Arsenal and become a qualified leader, he has no way of knowing.

But he could feel that Lucky had an aura that no one else had.

He has the potential to be a leader!

Patrice looked back at the locker room again.

He saw the dressing room goal being opened.

A figure ran out of it.

He wore an Arsenal training jersey, which outlined the curves of his body muscles, showing an explosive sense of strength.

But the most attractive place is the number [4] on the left thigh!

Lucky trotted all the way to Patrice and stood still.

Patras glanced up and down and asked, “How is it?”

“Never felt so good!” Lucky responded loudly.


Lucky ran to the sidelines, grabbed the yellow vest, and prepared to put it on.

In response, Patrice shouted; “Put it down! You can’t put on the yellow vest on that jersey, go to the main team!”

Lucky nodded, put down his vest, and immediately walked towards the main team in the arena.

The training game here is also suspended, and everyone looks at Lucky.

For some reason, they felt that there was a change in Lucky.

I can’t tell what the change is, but it just makes me feel palpitated.

Alexander Song came out of the main team, he needs to go to the bench.

This is not the first time, and there is not much feeling.

When he and Lucky crossed, he turned his head subconsciously, and was immediately stunned!

【No 4!

How could it be number 4!

Alexander-Song just stared blankly at Lucky’s back.

And others found this too, and they had the same look.

Van Persie’s eyes are full of complex flavors.

As a player who has gone through three periods at Arsenal.

He also fought alongside Henry and Vieira.

Therefore, looking at the familiar number in front of him, he should have thought of Cesc Fabregas.

But at this time, Vieira’s roar was in his mind!

Chamberlain is messy.

“Why are you number 4?”

Lucky turned his head; “Maybe I yelled at you!”

“Ah? What the **** is this!” Chamberlain was dissatisfied.

He glanced at Lucky’s No. 4 and his own No. 15.

Although    is also the main number, the gap is too big.

suddenly no longer fragrant.

The episode of    has passed. Lucky wearing No. 4 caused a great response, but no one showed this emotion.

For some people, for some reason, there is a feeling that Lucky fits perfectly with No. 4.

Arsenal’s meeting room.

“This is my press card, this is my document in the UK, this is my ID card in China, these are enough to prove. If you still doubt, you can log on to our website, where there is my information!”

Zheng Xin took out the documents one by one from his bag and introduced his identity.

Martin Hughes waved his hand and sighed; “We have confirmed your identity. If you were not a reporter, you would be at the police station now.”

“I want to interview Lucky!”

“Sorry! It’s impossible! It’s still game season, we don’t give any interviews!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t make any negative reports on him, look! Yellow skin and dark eyes, I’m also Chinese, I won’t hurt my compatriots, I just want to know something about him!”

“Sorry! No comments!”

Zheng Xin angrily wanted to slap the big man in front of him, of course, if he could beat him.

He’s been at Arsenal several times.

He didn’t understand, he just wanted to interview a small player, why is it so difficult.

I won’t reveal any news, and I won’t let anyone tell anyone.

In Zheng Xin’s repeated clichés, he was finally invited to the conference room by Martin Hughes.

Half an hour later, Zheng Xin was kindly asked out of Arsenal by the security guard.

“Damn it!”

Zheng Xin stood at the door of the Arsenal training base with a face full of frustration.

For a week, he didn’t ask anything.

He has never seen it before, which club protects newcomers like this.

Of course, he understood this as protection.

Many coaches do not want young players to be overly exposed to the media.

This will breed bad psychological problems for them.

But I have never seen a complete elimination.

He really doesn’t hurt Lucky!

is like knowing something.

At first it was just a work-like nature, but now I am completely hooked.

What makes Arsenal so nervous about Lekai?

Is it really talented?

Do you want to train him as a captain?

Zheng Xin shook his head, how is this possible!

He turned his head and glanced at the Kearney training base. Since the club couldn’t collect any information, he could only go to the game to squat.

Maybe you can see Lucky play, but not necessarily.

Speaking of which, Arsenal’s home tickets are so black!

New book period for support!

Seedlings for support!

Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for collection! Ask for a recommendation ticket!

Don’t forget to read the latest chapter! Reading data is very important!

Thanks Yinzi!

(end of this chapter)

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