Succubus' Life in Another World

Chapter 137: A Name for a Dragon

Gururu……』 「Ah, I didn’t forget, I still remember, okay? Don’t be so down……」

As we restrained the culprit Glen while hearing the details, the tiny dragon still laying flat on the ground let out a depressed cry. While the treatment of Glen can be handled with the academy’s cooperation later after handing him over to the academy, this dragon’s situation is different.

Gugyaa』 「Mmm, I don’t hate you, alright? It wasn’t your fault in the first place.」 『Gyao』 「There’s the issue of location and stuff, you see?」

The tiny dragon asked if I dislike it and hate it for attacking Urania. It did attack Urania. I can’t deny getting a bit too heated up because of that, but I understand that this dragon had its reasons for doing so. The reason I’m reluctant to take the dragon is due to space and money reasons.

Gurgaa』 「Ahh…… In that case, I don’t mind, but……」 「Uhh, Lily?」 「Hm?」 「You can understand what it’s saying……?」

Now that she mentioned it, I just realized that I’m communicating with this dragon without any particular issues. Up until now, I’ve encountered various magic beasts, but I’ve never understood what they were saying back then, so it’s not as if I have the ability to communicate with them.

「For some reason I can, I wonder why?」 『Ufufu~, that’s because~』 「You made the dragon submit. When that happened, a magic pass was formed between you, and you can exchange at least simple thoughts.」 『Ahh! She explained everything!!』

Arytte is making a ruckus as her precious screen time was taken from her, but according to Urania, making magic beasts such as dragons and sub-dragons submit occasionally causes a magic power connection called a magic pass to be constructed. Those connected by this can understand what each other is thinking even if they don’t speak the same language or so.

「I’m surprised that you know that sort of thing, Urania.」 「Nn, forgotten knowledge since there are no sorcerers capable of making dragons submit nowadays. Even the book I where I read about it was pretty old, it was hard to read it.」 「That old?」 「Probably more than three hundred years old. There should be more writings in the Empire, but this kingdom doesn’t have any dragon knights, so the information is limited.」

Just as how this country has highly developed magic and magecraft thanks to the efforts of the sages, the Empire neighboring this country has great advancements on the technique called Taming Arts, she said.

Being able to tame powerful magic beasts is a symbol of status in the Empire, and among these magic beasts, the dragons are highly valued as expected. The Empire’s top, in particular, the emperor, is referred to as the Dragon Emperor, and emperors for generations have tamed not sub-dragons but true dragons which fly with them on the battlefield.

While the royalty of this kingdom are the descendants of the hero that defeated the demon lord, the imperial family are the descendants of the hero that subjugated and tamed the evil dragon that rampaged in the past or so. Since this world is always under the threat of monsters and magic beasts in general, the nobles governing the lands and naturally the kings that founded countries would not have been in their positions without more than adequate power.

「So, what did it say?」 「It seems like it still has work to do back with its pack, so it’ll procure food and a place to live by itself. In exchange, it only wants a name. That’s a good deal for me, but are you really fine with just that?」 『Gururaa ♪

As I asked for confirmation once again, the dragon gave a pretty pleased reply. It said that it’ll generally be living with its pack, and that I only need to call for it when I want help. I asked if it’s alright to only call for it during weekends, and it replied that it’s fine. This dragon is a bit too loyal, it’s making me feel like I’m a bad master.

「I see, I’ll be your master then. Now, a name right?」 『Gugaa』 「Let’s see, then…… Serra, how about Serra?」 『GUGYAAAAA!!!

The name means mountain range. While they have “tiny” in their names, for me tiny dragons are plenty big. Seemingly happy about the name, Serra joyfully roared. It’s somewhat noisy but I’m glad she liked it.


I left the handing over of Glen to Sola and the others while Urania and I headed to the dragon’s nest to return the egg. Sadly, today’s training session ends here. We can’t really just keep the dragon egg on us after all, and Serra wouldn’t allow that as well.

Incidentally, the reason I didn’t bring Sola and the others along is that they aren’t strong enough. To begin with, they couldn’t do anything upon encountering one tiny dragon and could only escape thanks to Urania.

Moreso since we’re heading to a frenzied dragon nest. Serra insisted on bringing the egg back by itself, but I’d hate it if the dragons living on this island started becoming hostile against humans just due to one guy’s fault. To tell the truth, the original plan was that only Serra and I would go, but Urania’s scent has completely stuck on the egg. Urania also adamantly insisted on wanting to apologize, so I had no choice but to bring her along.

With Serra leading the way, we reached the dragon’s nest in no time. Exiting the forest, we reached a cave at the foot of a mountain, which seems to be the nesting place of the tiny dragons.

As we arrived at the entrance of the nest, several tiny dragons immediately surrounded us. Each and every one of them has bloodshot eyes, but because Serra stood before us, there aren’t any signs of them pouncing on us.


Serra seems to have begun a conversation with the dragon standing in front of the pack. I can somewhat understand what Serra is saying, but it’s weird how I can’t understand the other dragon. Serra is saying「They are not the egg thief. 」「They helped take back the egg. 」「They came to return the egg.」「I will not allow harm against them. 」 and the like.

A while later, the other dragon seemed to have been convinced by Serra’s persuasion and reluctantly accepted us.

『Gurugaruu』 『Gyaou』 「Lily, what did it say?」 「Come along and bring the egg.」

Saying so, two dragons walked ahead of us and entered the cave. Urania and I exchanged glances, but since there’s no use in staying here, we followed after the two.

Behind us, the other dragons surround the entrance, as though to defend it. It was as if they were making a fence to prevent us from escaping.

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