Super Spender

Chapter 474 - 468 Shock Part 1

Chapter 474: Chapter 468 Shock Part 1

The reporters below were completely speechless. Is this a joke? Displaying these things was not the main point of today’s demonstration. Nonetheless, everyone knew what they were here for, so there was no rush. There were other substantive things yet to be revealed.

“Now, let me demonstrate for you our newly developed CPU chip.” Finn Lewis clapped his hands, and instantly, someone from the side of the stage wheeled out a showcase almost two meters tall. It stood upright, and inside were numerous light blue crystalline CPU chips, each slightly smaller than the standard CPUs of today, revealed to everyone.

However, this was just the exterior. Nobody knew what kind of performance was hidden inside. From this showcase, it was apparent that there were at least several hundreds of CPUs packed inside.

“Now, we have prepared a computer without a case, all of you should recognize it. Everything within is ready, all that is left is to install the CPUs,” Finn pointed to the side at an exposed circuit board.

“Now, let’s ask a reporter to come up. That’s right, that reporter over there, please randomly select four CPUs from this showcase,” Finn gestured towards the showcase as he spoke.

The moment Finn spoke, everyone immediately understood. He intentionally selected a reporter from the North Federation, implying that all the CPUs in this showcase were real, and not just visually appealing models designed to trick people.

The selected reporter didn’t hesitate, quickly choosing four CPUs from the showcase. Finn immediately had someone remove the four selected CPUs, doing so in view of everyone. It was clear to everyone present, the CPUs had not been swapped. These CPUs were then directly installed onto a special motherboard facing the audience.

“I believe many of you are wondering, why does this motherboard need to install four CPUs? For those who are slightly familiar with servers, you should understand that it’s a server array. The reason I chose to install four CPUs, however, is because while their performance is powerful, it’s still not invincible, right?” Finn answered as all the CPUs were being installed, and the system initiated.

The system quickly entered the installation page. Everyone noticed that they had never seen this system before, but they quickly realized what it was. The system installed rapidly, completing within approximately ten minutes or so.

Once inside the system, they saw the familiar windows interface, “I hope Mr. Bill Gates won’t sue me for copyright infringement. I made the computer screen this way only to make it more intuitive for everyone.”

The reporters below burst into laughter. Everyone knew Finn was joking. However, many people also knew that Bill Gates would definitely watch this press conference, as the impact of this on the entire IT industry is substantial.

Now, Finn is directly giving a computational simulation in front of you! For scientists, their focus was not on the official authorities of the North Federation or the Flame Nation, but on the birth of this groundbreaking CPU. This is the key. ´´And with Finn’s words, the computational simulation between the two sides commenced soon.

The reporters didn’t understand the results of such calculations, but they could invite physicists to explain. Just filming the content of the scene was enough, they were there only to test the computational data of the server, right? So, the great screen quickly began to refresh with mathematical formulas, all sorts of model establishments, and data simulations. Approximately half an hour later, the supercomputer on the video call finished the simulation first. But merely ten seconds later, Finn’s computer also completed its simulation.

Both simulation results were identical, meaning the competition had a result; although it seemed that Finn’s computer was at a disadvantage at first, the reporters onsite were practically going mad.

My God, those were only four CPUs! The number of CPUs in a supercomputer server array can be described in the hundreds. Take, for instance, the Flame Nation’s star of this event, the Tinny One supercomputer; it has a composition of 14,336 commercial CPUs, 7,168 accelerators, and 2,048 self-developed Tencent-1000 processors.

Although the supercomputer of the Great Alliance Nation is not as good as the Flame Nation’s Tinny One, whenever referred to as a supercomputer, the number of its CPUs is in the tens of thousands. But now, tens of thousands of CPUs are inferior to four CPUs? This almost ten thousand times difference! Just think, what would be the computational speed of a supercomputer composed of such super CPUs?

Could other countries compete with that? As the test concluded, a few more evaluations were carried out onsite, like this time when the software was directly used to calculate its peak operational speed.

The final conclusion was that its peak operational speed was 25 trillion floating-point operations per second! The continuous speed reached a terrifying 20 trillion times! This continuous speed completely stunned all the reporters, because when everyone came here, since the event was about supercomputers, they obviously knew a bit about supercomputers. For instance, the event’s focal point, Flame Nation’s Tinny One Model A supercomputer, has a peak computation speed of 47 trillion times, and a sustained calculation speed of 25.66 trillion times. But now, this computer composed of just four CPUs has already reached the computational speed of the supercomputer.

The decrease in the gap between continuous speed and peak speed means that the stability of this CPU surpasses conventional silicon computer. When this conclusion came out, everyone paying attention to the conference was completely astounded, both foreign and domestic. Even the domestic scientists are not aware of these findings.

They don’t know the exact experimental data, and now, they all know. This means that a supercomputer composed of these CPUs, its computational speed, is at least tens of thousands of times of Tinny One! What does this mean? This can almost instantly kill the combined data of all supercomputers worldwide. This is because there absolutely cannot be ten thousand supercomputers in the world.

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