Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 20

Episode Twenty: Into a New Land

There was a continent of many nations, in the middle of it, a small nation.

The Holy Duchy of Verga, a country blessed by God.

This country, the home of the Central Orthodox Church, long believed in the peoples of the continent, had an immense say, even though it had no military power whatsoever.

As if to prove it, there was one ‘school’ in this country.

St. Noel’s School – is a super elite school where the descendants of royal marquis nobles from neighboring countries are gathered.

Normally, the next generation of those in power, who should be nurtured carefully in their own country, are brought together in one place and educated for a period that is never short of six years.

Even if we take that and look at it, we will be able to see how immense the authority of this country is.

What Meer has been attending since this spring has been such a school.

“Wow! Wow!

To be rocked in a carriage A week later, Anne cheered when she saw St. Noel’s School finally reached.

Sticking to the window, seeing Anne not trying to leave, Meer smiles, unintentionally.

“From now on, in that way, you’re gonna get tired, Anne.”

“So, but, Dear Meer, it’s amazing. The ocean, look, the ocean…”

“It’s a lake.”

While correcting, Meer also shifted her eyes to the view outside the window.

It was a huge lake that you could see ahead of you through a small forest, a path of green trees coloring.

Lake Noelige, a principality known for its abundance of nature and occupying more than a third of the national territory, sparkled reflecting the falling sun.

In the central part of the lake was a large island, where white and beautiful, castle-like school buildings stood.

It was, like, a fairy tale scene.

I don’t even know what makes me want to cheer by accident……

– Exactly, if you’ve seen it for almost five years, you’ll see.

In any case, it is a learning building that we have spent several years together in the previous timeline.

I’m not complaining about that environment, but I’m also not impressed.

“Dear Meer, you’re just calm.”

Meer closed her eyes softly after laughing back vaguely (ambiguously) at Anne, who exhaled in a sigh of emotion.

– The next six years are important.

Before coming to school, Meer scrutinized her own day book to figure out how to spend time here.

As a result, it was decided to impose two rules on itself.

One, it never approaches danger. Especially don’t hang out with people who are likely to lead to your guillotine as much as you can.

Two, if, in the unlikely event that the reform of the Empire fails and there is an unfortunate revolution, we will build as beneficial a connection as possible.

This is it.

– More importantly, stay away from danger. The adage of the East says, “Stay away from the danger, son.”

I think of the faces of the two haters who drove themselves to ruin… and I’m not thinking of clearing my grudges or fighting anything else.

Revenge or something!

I don’t want to feel painful or bitter, Meer is a lazy pacifist.

Stay away from dangerous things. If we don’t get to know each other, we don’t buy personal grudges.

– And it’s also the pinnacle of stupidity not to prepare for times of need. If that’s the case, you need to make a cone and go so that it’s as discreet as possible. Well, who should I connect with…?

As Meer tried to sink into thought, the carriage suddenly stopped.

“Those guys…”

“… hmm?

I heard the bitter voice of your Lord from the front of the lid.

“Can I help you?

“Oh, Your Highness, I’m sorry. As a matter of fact, I tried to move my carriage to a ship that crossed the island, but I was moved to another country.”

“Ha……, so?

“If it were meant to be, I would go and say so where we should give way to our empire”

Mia sighs small to the one who says so with a rough nose.

“… I don’t mind.”

“So, but now to the prestige of the Empire…”

“It depends more on the imperial prestige to focus on details such as order.”

Saying, Meer holds her head lightly.

To be honest, from Meer’s point of view, what you say and do hurts. It really hurts.

It’s not as ugly as making noise about the order of crossing the island.

But it really hurts Meer because she was behaving exactly the same way on the previous timeline.

… Furthermore, the phrase, fell into the lake for every carriage.

As I recall, it really… hurts.

At that time, it was very difficult. It’s my favorite heavy dress, so I’m going to get wet and heavy in the water, I’m going to miss you…

Although I managed to reach the shore, the students I was watching around laughed at greatly.

Now, even if I recall, I’m going to be ashed by the flames of shame.

I can show you the painful behavior I once did, it can’t be more painful.

– Oh, my God, he’s embarrassing… I’d love to bust my past!

“So, are you okay? Dear Meer,”

“No, never mind. It was a long trip, so I’m just a little tired.”

That’s what I said, Meer opened the window.

The winds on the lake were refreshing, as if they were comforting Meer.

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