Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 30

Lesson Twenty-nine: The Love Conference between Wisdom and the Military Master

“I think it would be nice to drop something”

“………… to?

To Anne’s abrupt remarks, Meer blinked her eyes.

What is she talking about? and to Meer leaning down her neck, Anne continues with a face as if to teach the truth of the world.

“Okay, princess. People need natural reasons to get to know each other.”

“Yeah, I know that,”

Sure, it’s hard to speak up to someone you know or nothing about. It takes courage.

To the meer of the cautious (chicken hearts), it can be described as a considerable impossibility.

In addition, if we were to invite you to the dance, difficult circumstances would follow. Yes, it’s usually the boys’ side that invites them to the dance.

In aristocratic social circles, it is a common value that women are the invited side and those who strive to be invited by men.

If you speak from a woman, there will be a bad rumor that she is shameless.

Therefore, in order for Meer to be invited to the dance, she must first take the stage of creating a natural encounter, while becoming quite close and easier to speak to.

Of course, it’s not that you don’t have the possibility of being chosen as a dance partner by a stranger.

Neither is there a boy who wants to speak appropriately without attaching a promise until that day. However, the status of Imperial Empress is too heavy for a proper voice.

It was only recently that Meer changed her mind in the first place and began to be said to be the Virgin, the Wisdom, etc. It is something that is not known to neighbouring countries unless they have a fairly solid information network.

Before that, he was an arrogant princess wielding power at will, so no one likes anything and speaks to such a troublemaker.

Therefore, Meer has to make an appeal “I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid” in the time left.

…… quite tough.

“There, it’s a drop. Drop things in natural motion in front of the lord you want to approach. What happens if you do that?

“I see, if you do get dropped in front of me, you’ll have to pick it up.”

“That’s right. And as I thank you there, it’s insignificant, asking me what I plan to do for a dance. So, if you don’t seem to have any promises yet…”

“Create a conversation trigger, in a natural flow, and let it invite you. That’s a good way to do it.”

Meer was impressed by the plot of her belly.

I never thought Anne would have the power to set up such a close operation. Anne looks like a military master under the command of the entire Imperial Army, and she can even count on you.

“If they are a little blunter, thank you for today, and there are ways for Meer to invite them…”

Indeed, it is supposedly taboo to invite them from the women’s side. But if it’s any thanks, they won’t say no.

Giving a gift for no reason is seen as a cheap act of buying the other person’s interest, but if it’s any thanks, I think it smells better not to.

“Moreover, depending on what you drop, you can also appeal to the good taste and girliness of Master Meer. I recommend a nice handkerchief or something.”

“It’s wonderful, Anne…”

If you notice, Meer was applauding.

She liked Anne’s suggestion. The more I heard, the more I understood the perfection of Operation Drop.

… is a meer who doesn’t even realize that the operation is all a situation that comes out of a story written by her sister.

However, it may not be impossible.

Anyway, what Anne is suggesting is that it was written a long time before Meer started writing stories. That’s why the girl’s dreams and delusions are in a colorful situation…

Neither Meer, nor Anne, realizes that.

Two novices in love can’t tell the difference between story and reality.

“Come on, let’s go.”

With a rough nose and a relaxed appearance, he was Meer, who came to drop a handkerchief.

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