Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 59

Lesson 57 is complete! Horse-shaped sandwich!

The morning of the swordsmanship tournament.

Sandwich making began under the general supervision of Keithwood.

“Then Miss Riola cooks the meat, as planned, in the oven there. It’s a little different than usual, but I think it’s easier to adjust the fires.”

“Yes, it is. All right, sir.”

Riola began to peel down the meat as she stretched her spine viscidly.

It was chicken to use. Scrape the feathers into mustaches, scrape the gully surface, and treat the guts.

Salt, vanilla, spices, and…, I just let it go in the oven.

Becha, I think I heard a much nastier noise…, but Keithwood pretended not to hear it.

Either way, he was sure there would be a hole in his stomach.

If you bake…, as long as the fire goes through, you shouldn’t be able to eat it.

Tell yourself, I’ll go next.

“I don’t have a problem with bad shape when it comes to meat. And then…”

“Mr. Keithwood, how about this?

It was Tiona who came. Keithwood nodded loudly when he saw what he held in that thin arm.

“Nice. That’s Countess Rudolphin.”

To Keithwood’s praise, Tiona hung up.

Originally, Tiona could be powerful enough if she didn’t even get the right amount. The problem is……,

“Are you sure you want to start baking bread already?

That said, when I saw what Meer had been offering……, Keithwood accidentally wanted to hold his head.

Fortunately, Anne must have fully applied her hand to the fabric. Finished with something decent…… it doesn’t have to look like it.

So all you have to do is hold on to the shape……, I hope you can make it an easy shape to sandwich……

of the Meer piece. That was in the same horse shape as last time.

– I told you to square it…

No, I can see some signs of growth. They are made flat so that the fire passes properly inside, and they are in the range of common sense bread in size.

But it was still its form that was the problem.

… is a horse at all costs. The torso area is also strangely realistic, so it is subtly thin.

How do you pinch the contents in such a way! And I accidentally bump it up and want to put it back in fabric condition……

To Meer, who awaits a reply with an exciting face, that’s just hard to say.

As well as the national diplomatic point of view, I can see the signs Meer worked so hard to make. Crushing it was something I could even care about as Keithwood.

But as it is, the contents will definitely be uneven. I am certain that the contents will jump when I wear them and I will not cut them off.

– Suppose.

“Miss Forklord, I’m sorry, but could you make some white sauce with Mr. Anne? The ingredients…”

“Oh, it’s okay, I’ve read it, because I do. Mr. Anne, what I’m going to say…”

At Chloe’s behest, Anne quickly gathers the ingredients.

Originally, Chloe’s knowledge is more than Keithwood can beat.

As long as she brings out the right knowledge (not raw meat or delicacies, but no, not that kind of maniac), she’ll be strong enough.

– Okay, replace that sauce with paste.

The biggest problem with Meer’s bread is that the meat and vegetables caught inside fall off. So Keithwood uses the sauce to secure the contents.

Plenty of sauce in the horse-shaped bread that has been baked and vegetables on top. Plus apply the sauce over it and pinch the meat……

“Okay, it’s done…”

Thus, Keithwood’s distressed work, the horse-shaped sandwich, was successfully completed.

When I had finished all the work, Meer came to Keithwood.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Keithwood. Thank you for your help.”

With thanks from Meer, Keithwood bowed his head small.

“It’s a waste of time. I will tell His Royal Highness Theon.”

The hand of the squire is the hand of the master, and the praise of the squire is the praise of the master. So naturally, Keithwood thought Meer’s words were to Theon.


“No, not to Prince Zion. Thank you, Mr. Keithwood.”

Meer stared straight into Keithwood’s eyes,

“This is how I made lunch, thanks to you.”

That’s what I said, I had a glowing grin.

– Oh, I see. Is this how you grab the other person’s heart?

Seeing Meer like that, Keithwood was heartily impressed.

Normally, nobles do not bow their heads to their squire. Because pride won’t allow it.

But Princess Meer is not caught up in such boring common sense.

Be honest and say thank you.

For Keithwood, who has been immersed in aristocratic society for a long time, it was a fresh surprise.

– If we had met before His Highness Zion, we might have served.

Keithwood doesn’t know, what Meer is thinking in her belly……

– How dare you thank a guy like that!

And so on, I don’t even imagine thinking about things that are really narrow minded.

The truth is, on the previous timeline, Keithwood was also hurting me enough, but there it is…

– The sin of the servant is the sin of the master. It’s all his fault!

It was a Keithwood I never dreamed Meer would have a truly aristocratic and commonsense thought.

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