Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

After about a phone call, the old senior returned to the window.

However, his expression still did not return to normal.

“I haven’t figured out what’s going on, but I’ve already completed your admission procedures, now I’ll take you to the apartment.”

The senior stood up and left the window of the admissions office.

It’s okay, someone will be in charge.”

Lu Yu nodded slightly: “Okay.”

He was about to walk, but at this moment, a familiar electronic prompt suddenly sounded in his mind.


“Congratulations to the host, officially entered the University of Longke!”

“Bonus: Introduction to Science Knowledge!”


the sound of electronic sounds, countless data streams poured into Lu Yu’s mind like ocean waves.


Lu Yu gasped and endured a tingling sensation.

Fortunately, all this was done between electric flint, and in the blink of an eye, it returned to normal.

Ah Chu noticed something strange and hurriedly stepped forward and asked

, “Mr. Lu, are you all right?”

“It’s okay, it’s just that the sun is a little harsh.”

Lu Yu shook his head and said, “Let’s go.” After

the sense of current disappeared, the understanding and perception of formulas all emerged in his mind.

As if innate, it only takes one thought to be mobilized.

Mr. Lu?

Hearing Achu’s address to Lu Yu, the senior’s expression was a little strange, and Yu Guang kept looking at Lu Yu and Achu behind him.

This title is a bit strange.

Among classmates, who is called “sir”?

And he has been helping the admissions office for two years, and the admission procedures he has helped with add up to thousands of items, but none of them has been so special.

The professional column is empty, which means that Lu Yu can listen to a professional class if he wants, and he does not need to be bound by credits, graduation exams and other issues.

And where he stayed, it was even more outrageous.

At Longtech University, even ordinary professors cannot have their own single-family apartments!

This…… This treatment says that he is the principal and everyone believes it!

“I definitely didn’t come in through the normal college entrance examination process, is it a high-level cadre?”

The senior carefully glanced at Lu Yu and the five big and three thick A Chu behind him, and suddenly felt that he had discovered the truth, yes, it must be!

How can an ordinary student take a bodyguard to school?

But if it is really a high-ranking cadre, then everything makes sense, and those treatment and single-family professors’ apartments are naturally not surprising.

After all, this is Kyoto, where the big guys gather, and in ancient terms, the eight kings in the Yongding River are more precious than some local masters….

The more the senior thought about it, the more reasonable he felt, and he found a way to ask:

“By the way, students, our score in this University of Science and Technology is getting higher and higher year by year, how many points do you score in the college entrance examination?”

“I had some accidents in the college entrance examination and only scored 350 points.”

Lu Yu did not hide it, and said frankly.

“350 points?”

The senior bowed his head slightly, and muttered in his mouth: “It’s true.” ”

To be able to enter Longke University with only 350 points, in addition to finding connections, he really can’t find a second possibility.

It is impossible that this eighteen-year-old boy in front of him has made a Nobel Prize-level invention, right?

“It’s not fair.”

The senior secretly sighed in his heart.

He felt a pang of pain in his heart at the thought that such a person who came in by walking in could enter with a score of 350, live in a big house where professors could not live, and get a degree certificate without attending lectures.

After walking for a while, Lu Yu and his group came to the central square of the school.

The wide square is full of people, as if some event is about to be held….

Lu Yu asked politely

, “Senior, are there so many people in this square?”

“Usually there are not so many, and most students usually pass by here when they go to the library.”

The senior shook his head slightly and explained: “There are many people today because the internal science knowledge competition that will be held soon is about to be held, and both new and old students will participate, so there are more people.

“Oh, yes.”

Lu Yu bowed his head slightly, and did not ask again.

But the senior suddenly thought of something, and tempted him with bad intentions: “Student Lu, are you interested in participating in the competition?”

“There are only five questions in total, and if you can answer all of them correctly, the rewards in terms of credits and grade points are very rich, and you may be accepted as a personal disciple by Elder Zhong of our school.”

Lu Yu shook his head and refused: “Eh, I’m not interested.” ”

Even the “Red Sun” project, which cost 30 billion yuan, he has participated in, and this so-called intramural competition really does not interest him much.”

What grade points, the temptation for him is extremely limited.


The senior also expected the result, and secretly said in his heart: “This kid also knows how many pounds he has.” ”

Although there are only five questions in their science competition, the difficulty of each question is far beyond the imagination of others!

For people who only score 350 points in the college entrance examination, it is probably not an exaggeration to describe it as “book of heaven”.

If this guy really participates, I’m afraid he won’t even have the qualifications to be cannon fodder, and he will be so second that there is no scumbag left on the first question, right?

“The location of the dormitory, is it there?”

Lu Yu pointed to a detached apartment in the distance and asked.

The senior endured the jealousy in his heart and nodded: “Yes, this is your student card, and you can enter it by swiping it on the card machine at the gate.” He

handed a delicate student card to Lu Yu’s hand.

I have to say that even the configuration of the student card, Lu Yu’s is different from them, the appearance texture is hard and cold, and the pure black color adds a bit of high-class texture.

“Thank you.”

Lu Yu took the student card and was just about to swipe it to enter the apartment.

But at this moment, a familiar electronic prompt suddenly sounded in his mind.


“Is it the system?”

Lu Yu’s expression froze, and he hurriedly stood still, waiting for the system to release the choice.

When he stepped into the University of Science and Technology, he had already completed the options of the previous system layout, so it was normal for new options to follow.

Thinking of the possible rewards, Lu Yu still had some small expectations in his heart.

“Host activation system, option 1: Participate in the upcoming science competition held by Longtech University and win the first place. Bonus: Advanced photometric lithography machine technology. ”

Option 2: Shoot the first bird, refuse to participate in the upcoming science competition of Longke University, reward: none.”

Hearing the two options released by the system, Lu Yu’s expression became solemn.

Almost instantly, Lu Yu made a choice in his heart!


Optical quantum lithography machine technology, which is an irresistible temptation for every scientific researcher!

Although compared with conventional lithography machine technology, the photoquantum lithography machine has some clever components, but if it can be carried forward, it can definitely greatly make up for the difficult state of the current stuck throat in the chip field of the dragon country!

“Classmate Lu, swipe your card to go in.”

The senior looked at Lu Yu stunned in place, and thought that the latter did not know how to use the card machine.

He stretched out his hand and wanted to help Lu Yu complete the card swipe.

But at this time, Lu Yu slowly turned back and said with an embarrassed expression: “Senior, can I ask again, what is the science competition you are talking about?” ”

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