Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

“Thank you, senior, I’ll go and sign up first.”

Lu Yu smiled slightly, and immediately came to the registration office and registered his name.

“Classmate, why are you so late?”

The teacher at the registry asked with a frown.

“I was a little delayed when I moved in, sorry.”

Lu Yu smiled apologetically, registered his name on the registration form, and then entered the examination room under the guidance of the staff.

“That girl is so good, in an hour, I started to do the third question.”

“Yes, she seems to be a freshman, and the first two questions were actually done so quickly.”

“Freshmen? This is a demon who ran out of somewhere, and the speed of doing problems is faster than Brother Wang, who is the first in our mathematics department!

“This is hopeful to impact the fourth question!”

“…” Layers

of discussion sounded in the central square of Longke University.

The students of all departments commented on their heads, looking at the candidates on the field who were either frowning or writing like a fly, as if their enthusiasm was also driven.

But at the moment, most of the students’ attention is on a girl in the examination room.

Not only because of her stunning appearance, but also because her strength is too strong!


At this moment, a sound of pushing the door slowly sounded.

The staff slowly walked into the classroom of the examination room with Lu Yu, pointed to the test paper on the table, and said: “The test paper is on it, take it down yourself, find a position and start doing it.”

“There are 55 minutes left in the exam, so hurry up.”

Lu Yu bowed his head slightly: “Got it, thank you teacher.”

He looked around, trying to find a place to sit, but a familiar figure caught his attention.

“Su Xiaoxiao?”

Lu Yu walked to her figure and whispered: “Why are you here?”

“I’m coming to school.”

Su Xiaoxiao’s answer was very brief, and after answering, he continued to bury his head in the question, without the slightest intention of explaining.

“Eh…” Lu

Yu was a little puzzled, but she didn’t ask much when she was focusing on the question.

Isn’t she the daughter of the president of Huaqing University? Why did you come to Longtech University to study?

“Forget it, don’t care.”

Lu Yu glanced at his watch, immediately took a deep breath, sat down next to Su Xiaoxiao across a baffle, and began to do the question.

This scene, naturally, was synchronized by the surveillance cameras in the examination room and transmitted to the large screen in the central square.

“This buddy, are you late?”

“It seems to be, come in so late, the first question is difficult to solve.”

“You can be late for a competition, it’s really convinced, how can this kind of person without a sense of time be admitted to our University of Science and Technology?”

“Don’t say it too early, people seem to know that girl, maybe it’s also a big guy in a freshman.”

Because Lu Yu was the only one who was late, he quickly attracted the attention of almost all the onlookers in the stands.

The discussion sounded one after another, and at this moment, another figure also came to the audience.

“Big guy fart! I know this person.

“Eh, Brother Zheng, why are you here?”

“Isn’t this helping with admissions offices? There are a lot of things, so it’s late. The

man known as “Brother Zheng” was the senior who helped Lu Yu go through the admission procedures before.

At this moment, with a disdainful expression, he looked at Lu Yu’s figure on the screen and shook his head and kept shaking his head:

“This buddy is a related household, he came in through the back door, he only scored 350 points in the college entrance examination, I don’t know who gave him the courage to dare to come to the science competition of our University of Science and Technology.”

“How many points? 350? This…… Shouldn’t this go to junior college? The

expressions of the classmates who heard Brother Zheng’s words around were slightly sluggish.

Their admission line of Longtech University this year is about 650-700, 350 points, but it has just reached half of the admission score line!

“He’s not broken, is he? Dare to come to the competition? Brother

Zheng’s roommate couldn’t help but laugh: “At his level, I’m afraid that he will be directly turned into slag in seconds, and he may not even understand the question, right?”

“So what did he just go to say to that girl?” I feel like they know each other.

“Yes, that girl is a super big guy, the first question I made in half an hour, she solved it in just over 10 minutes!”

Brother Zheng spread his hands and said with a smile: “How do I know, it may be that the parents are beautiful, and they want to talk to each other.”

Remembering the single-family luxury apartment, he couldn’t help but say sourly:

“In fact, even if people really lose face, those days will be ten thousand times more comfortable than ours… Alas.

While a few people were talking, Lu Yu also unscrewed the pen cover, filled in his name and student number, and began to set his eyes on the first question.

“When the Dewar is at a temperature of x degrees, after the thermal radiation effect occurs, the wavelength of the radiation wave diffuses infinitely is a…” After

taking a general look at the first question, Lu Yu smiled lightly: “Simple.” ”

The difficulty of this question is actually not large, that is, it will be very troublesome to calculate, if there is no deep enough foundation, it is easy to make an understanding error in the calculation process, resulting in a wrong step, a wrong step.

But there is a systematic intracranial ultra-high-speed computational evolution simulation, is this a matter for him?

Build a model to calculate the thermal radiation effect of the Dewar. The model is simplified to two infinity blackbody panels in contact with a 4.5K and room temperature heat source, respectively. First, the transmitted radiation power is calculated by the law of blackbody radiation, and then 95% of the reflective film is added between the two blackbody plates, and then the reflected power and the temperature of the reflective film are obtained.

“According to Kirchhoff’s law of radiation, first assume that the reflective film absorbs the remaining 5% of the energy and then radiates to both sides, and then…” After

less than half a second, Lu Yu picked up his pen and confidently wrote one on the answer column: “T~300K, λm~9.6μm.”

“Ok, the first question is done, the next one.”

Lu Yu immediately set his eyes on the second question…

“Can he really understand the title of the first question?”

“I bet he didn’t understand, the difficulty of this question should be at least the second question in previous years’ tests. This year, the first question was actually directly mentioned, isn’t this torturing our freshmen?

“I bet he doesn’t understand, huh.”

While the students in the audience were playing, Lu Yu started writing.


When they saw the first “t”, everyone looked at each other, and doubts arose in their hearts: “Start making drafts?” Did he really understand the subject? However

, when the data “T~300K,λm~9.6μm” is completely written.

The laughter in the audience suddenly stopped!

“This… This TM is the answer! ”

Brother Zheng and a few of his roommates, you look at me, I look at you, you look like you’ve seen a ghost!

“He… He wrote the answer directly? How is this possible! ”

Hell, I’ll go!”

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