Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 71

Chapter 72

The boy who walked out of the professor’s apartment was none other than the Lu Yu that Ye Qiaoqiao wanted to find.

It’s just that the moment Lu Yu’s figure appeared, both Ye Qiaoqiao and Senior were a little stunned.

“It’s actually him?”

The senior rubbed his eyes, and after seeing the identity of the figure clearly, his expression suddenly became strange.

Yes, he has seen Lu language.

Although he didn’t know that this person was Lu Yu before, this face was almost firmly imprinted in his mind.

And not only him, but the entire students who have participated in science competitions at Longtech University should be able to recognize this handsome face!

Nothing else, it was that day, it was so shocking!

A freshman actually solved a well-known problem in mathematics, Goldbach conjecture, can this not be impressive?

“No wonder, no wonder…” The

senior looked at Lu Yu’s figure and muttered, “If it were him, living here would really be qualified.”

He suddenly thought of something, frowned and secretly said:

“Strange, why was it so sensational at that time, but then there was no wind at all afterwards?” I didn’t even know his name was Lu Yu…”

The next day, Lu Yu’s identity information should be known to the whole school.

However, as a national special secret officer, how could Lu Yu easily leak personal information?

On the day after the science competition, all the information about the Lu language was wiped clean in Longke University, and all everyone knew was just a freshman who cracked the Goldbach conjecture, nothing more.

As for who are the freshmen?

Nobody knows.

On the other side, Ye Qiaoqiao’s eyes also changed, and he subconsciously muttered:

“Good, so handsome…”

Lu Yu’s appearance has always been good.

In addition, after taking the body strengthening pill, the skin texture is improved, and the body becomes slender and powerful.

Now Lu Yu can be described as a standard handsome guy!

However, in an instant, Ye Qiaoqiao immediately reacted, shaking his head and saying angrily:

“Ahem, no, what am I thinking!”

“No matter how handsome he is, he is also a disgusting scumbag who deceives women, no, I must debunk him, otherwise Miao’er doesn’t know what to be pitted by him!”

Ye Qiaoqiao clenched his fists and huffed.

I have to say that her angry appearance, like an angry little hamster, is quite cute….

“Immediately, I’ll debunk her in person!”

Ye Qiaoqiao touched the mobile phone in his pocket and thought to himself.

After a while, she directly went over to indicate her identity as Liu Miaoer’s friend, and then showed her mobile phone, and then indicated that she was “Qingqing Yiye”!

Finally, warn him again!

If he dared to continue to harass Liu Miao’er in the future, or deceive other girls, then Ye Qiaoqiao would print all this on a flyer and paste it all over Long Ke, making Lu Yu unable to be a person!

“Good, that’s it!”

Ye Qiaoqiao raised his small fist, feeling proud of his plan.

It’s just that her action made the senior next to her feel confused: “This junior… What are you thinking? ”

Isn’t this meeting your boyfriend?

Why do you clench your fists and shake your fists?

Is the current young so violent?

While Ye Qiaoqiao was arranging the plan, Lu Yu was also looking at the two people in front of him.

“Boy, looks quite Sven, a book angry, it seems that our dragon science university.”

“This woman… How do you feel murderous in your eyes?

Lu Yu touched his chin and felt a little puzzled.

At this time, there should be no one else except “Qingqing Yiye”.

The man seemed to lead the way.

As for the girl, although her appearance and dress are quite cute, she always feels that something is not right!

“Forget it, let’s go first.”

Lu Yu took a step and walked towards Ye Qiaoqiao and the two, and at the same time prepared in his heart.

While he was waiting, he had already let Ah Chu complete the supplementary defense around the apartment in advance, and at this moment, as for the eyes of more than a dozen special police officers, they focused on Ye Qiaoqiao.

As soon as she made a slight move, they would rush up and take her down first.


Having said that, you can’t let your guard down, you still have to deal with it carefully.

“Hello, two.”

“What’s going on?”

Lu Yu’s words were very polite, but his eyes were tense, and he was ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

“Hello, Mr. Lu.”

The senior greeted politely and said, “I just came to lead the way, and it is this junior sister who wants to see you.”

After that, he also gave Lu Yu a “buddy nb” look, and there were words in his words: ”

Classmate Lu, you are simply a model for my generation, not optically, but also emotionally… Hey. ”


Lu Yu didn’t have to think about it, and he understood that this senior must have misunderstood.

However, at this time, he did not have time to explain to the senior, the most urgent thing was to find out the purpose and identity of “Qingqing Yiye”, which was more important!

Therefore, even when Lu Yu greeted the senior, Yu Guang also watched Ye Qiaoqiao vigilantly.

“You are Lu Yu?”

Ye Qiaoqiao crossed his hands at his waist and asked with an unceremonious look.

Lu Yu bowed his head gently, his eyes solemn: “Yes, I am, may I ask if you are…”

His eyes kept staring at Ye Qiaoqiao’s hands, if she took out any weapons, then he would let A Chu show up as soon as possible!

But well…

Lu Yu’s gaze, because of his preconceptions, was naturally misunderstood by Ye Qiaoqiao.

“It’s disgusting, I didn’t even say a word, I kept staring at me.”

For Lu Yu’s “frivolous” gaze, Ye Qiaoqiao was a little disgusted.

However, considering that the problem can be solved immediately, Ye Qiaoqiao also forced himself to endure the discomfort and frowned:

“Who I am, you will know immediately.”

She touched out her mobile phone behind her, and flicked it towards Lu Yu with a cold face: “Look at yourself!” Ye

Qiaoqiao’s plan was to directly show her chat records with Liu Miaoer, as well as the identity of “Qingqing Yiye”, directly to Lu Yu!

She believes that this will scare the big scumbag!


At the moment she threw the phone out, Lu Yu’s eyes suddenly froze!

In his field of vision, Ye Qiaoqiao suddenly flicked out a black unknown square-like object from behind him, which looked a bit like a mobile phone.

What will it be?

Bomb? Firearms? Nerve gas?

Time is urgent, and Lu Yu has no time to think specifically.

The tight nerves made his body react quickly, one hand clasped Ye Qiaoqiao’s wrist, and the other hand smoothly pulled the corner of her clothes.

Immediately after, stretch out your legs, stumble, hook!

A small outsider who was moving clouds and flowing water was made out by him!

And after Lu Yu reacted, the special police officers hiding around the apartment also quickly rushed out and surrounded Ye Qiaoqiao!

“What are you doing! Hooligan! ”


At first, when Lu Yu clasped Ye Qiaoqiao’s wrist, she thought that Lu Yu was playing hooligans, and subconsciously cursed!

But in the next second, a whirlwind sensation came!

Immediately afterwards, her delicate and lovely body was pushed to the ground!

Although Lu Yu lifted up the last moment she landed, she didn’t really fall, but just held her down.

But this moment, it still frightened Ye Qiaoqiao a lot!

“You’re neurotic! Is it sick…”

Ye Qiaoqiao, who was pressed down, just wanted to scold, but in the next second, her expression completely froze!

“Don’t move!”

A group of heavily armed SWAT officers quickly surrounded the confused senior and Ye Qiaoqiao.

And Ah Chu also quickly rushed to the side of the “black unknown square” and began to investigate…

“This… This…” The

scene that suddenly rose directly scared the two of them stupid!

Ye Qiaoqiao’s face turned white with fright.

She just looked at everything around her so stunned, her lips trembled slightly, and she couldn’t say a word.

This kind of big scene, she has seen it in movies at most!

“Officer, I… I’m not breaking the law, officer! I am innocent!

And the senior, frightened and almost crying: “I, I will watch a small movie at most, this… No, officers!

“Mr. Lu, you wait for us for a while.”

A special police officer came to Lu Yu and said respectfully: “We should be able to figure out what is going on soon.”


Lu Yu bowed his head slightly, and added another sentence: “Don’t use violence, ask well.” ”

I feel… They don’t seem to be bad people. ”

If it is really a foreign spy, then the psychological quality will not be so bad.”

The elite SWAT officer nodded and said, ”

Don’t worry, unless we confirm the identity of the other party as an illegal person, we will only conduct interrogations peacefully and reasonably.”

He turned his head to look at Ah Chu and asked, “Ah Chu, how are you doing over there?”


Chu coughed twice and said, “This seems to be just an ordinary mobile phone, nothing more.”

He checked through a number of devices and concluded that it was just an ordinary phone.

It’s just that the mobile phone case is more distinctive, too thick, and it is easy to misunderstand people.

“A regular cell phone?”

Lu Yu was slightly stunned, and even if he reacted, he should have overreacted.

However, in that case, his own approach is not wrong

: “Little girl, don’t be nervous.”

The special police officer slowly helped Ye Qiaoqiao up:

“Let’s talk, what is the reason for your Mr. Lu’s WeChat?” To be honest, as long as it does not involve breaking the law, there will be no problem. ”

Mr. Lu?

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