Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 73

Chapter 74

“What do you say!”

Ye Qiaoqiao rolled his eyes again and said unevenly:

“Where there is such a thing as you, who knows that if he is treated as a spare tire, he will be sad, okay?”

“I and her are just simple friends, what spare tires don’t spare tires.”

“Then why did you first date another girl, didn’t ask anyone out, and then asked us Miao’er?”

Ye Qiaoqiao crossed his hands at his waist and questioned.

“I…” Looking

at Ye Qiaoqiao biting his tiger teeth and imposing appearance

, Lu Yu was a little helpless:

“If I tell you, this is just a misunderstanding, do you believe me?”

That night two days ago, Liu Miao’er did not say goodbye in the Qing Bar, which was indeed a headache for Lu Yu during this time.

He also knew that a sensitive girl like Liu Miaoer would definitely feel very uncomfortable in her heart.

But the problem is, that day, it was really just a misunderstanding….

Lu Yu asked Liu Miaoer, just finished the system and ate a meal by the way.

And the reason why he first made an appointment with Su Xiaoxiao instead of Liu Miaoer was only because he had only met Su Xiaoxiao in the morning, so the first thing that came to mind was her.

That’s all!

Who would have thought that in that clear bar, he could actually happen to meet Su Xiaoxiao?


Ye Qiaoqiao rolled his eyes and said, “Then you should talk about what the misunderstanding is.”

“It’s not that I can’t say it, it’s just that I…”

Lu Yu was a little hesitant.

He can’t shake out something about the system, right?

Even if he really said it, Ye Qiaoqiao would probably think he was joking, or think he was crazy.

I’ve got to find a suitable reason.

“That day, because I had just solved a difficult problem in mathematics, Goldbach conjecture, I felt that I was a little overused with my brain, so I wanted to go out for a spin and rub it.”

Lu Yu explained sincerely:

“The reason why I found Su Xiaoxiao first is also because I have only met her in the examination room, so I reacted subconsciously.”

“It’s like if you think of a man in your head right now, and your first reaction is 90 percent of me, does that mean what you think about me?” No. Because you’re talking to me, that’s all.

“If you don’t believe it, I can let Su Xiaoxiao, the girl, explain it to Miao’er.”

Hearing Lu Yu’s sincere words, Ye Qiaoqiao hesitated:

“What you said… All true?

“Of course it’s true.”

Lu Yu’s face was not red, and his heart did not beat.

In fact, he really did not say any lies, but carried out a little processing of artistic components, omitting the existence of the “system”.

“Okay, count you through! It’s not right…” Ye

Qiaoqiao suddenly realized something, and suddenly blushed:

“Blah blah! Who thinks about you in their heads, why are you so narcissistic?

“It’s just a metaphor, you just know what it means.”

Lu Yu said lightly.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and Ye Qiaoqiao felt that the time was not early, and it was time to leave.

Walking to the gate, her footsteps suddenly paused, and she turned her head and looked at Lu Yu curiously:

“Lu Yu, can I ask you one last question?” They…… Why do you call you Mr. Lu? ”


This is a title that only people with higher status and high status have.

A group of elite SWAT officers actually used this title to a student who had just turned eighteen years old, how could it be wrong…


Lu Yu smiled and said, “Don’t forget, this will also help me keep it secret.”


Ye Qiaoqiao also showed a smile and did not ask any more.

She didn’t get the answer she wanted, and she wasn’t disappointed in the slightest.

Because Ye Qiaoqiao actually understood in her heart that the answer to this question was probably deeply implicated, even if she asked Lu Yu, there was a high probability that she would not answer him…

After bidding farewell to Ye Qiaoqiao, Lu Yu called a car and went directly to the Institute of Exoskeleton Equipment of Longke University.

He needed to ask Zhong Lao for instructions and ask for an additional scientific research fund.

Originally, I wanted Song Yu to come over and bring the drawings with him, but considering that there is nothing to do next today, it is better to go to the laboratory in person and continue to study.

Soon, Lu Yu’s black car stopped at the door of the confidential laboratory.

“Hello Mr. Lu.”

Several soldiers standing guard saluted respectfully and watched Lu Yu enter the laboratory.

“Young and promising…” Seeing

Lu Yu’s true face, several sentinels couldn’t help but feel a little emotion in their hearts.

As the top soldiers guarding the laboratory, they can also be regarded as quite successful in their own field.

However, between people, the most feared thing is comparison….

“Authentication successful, Chief Engineer Lu.”

After entering the laboratory, the automation door of the inner wall slowly opened, and the faces of Zhong Lao and his group appeared in front of Lu Yu’s eyes.

“Elder Zhong, you look good.”

Lu Yu took the blueprint and walked in with a smile.

Zhong Lao patted Lu Yu’s shoulder and said with a smile:

“Thanks to your brat’s blessing, people are in good spirits at happy events, and when I think of the nuclear kinetic energy exoskeleton armor that may take shape, it is difficult for me to feel bad.”

“Say, what’s going on?”

Lu Yu smiled and said, “Elder Zhong, there is really a relatively important matter that requires your consent.”

“According to my calculations, our prefabricated optical quantum stacking lithography machine may require a lot of funds, if the research funds of exoskeleton equipment are used, I am worried… Later research will encounter the difficulty of insufficient funding. ”


Elder Zhong suddenly realized and said with a smile: “You boy, do you want me to ask for money?”

“I’m not familiar with this process, so I’ll have to rely on you.”

Lu Yu said with a smile.

In fact, with his current status, it is not impossible to directly ask for funds from the top.


Lu Yu didn’t want to be involved in some things involving ZZ, and wanted to concentrate on research, and Zhong Lao was indeed more experienced than himself in asking for money.

So, he still has to bother his old man.

“You boy, it’s restless and kind.”

Elder Zhong smiled heartily and said, “Say, how much do you need?” He

also understood Lu Yu’s intentions, jokes are jokes, and he is still very supportive.

After all, a scientific genius like Lu Yu spends his energy elsewhere, but it is too wasteful.

“A billion.”

Lu Yu compared a “ten” gesture and said.

“Shhh, a billion…”

Elder Zhong gasped and said with a bitter smile:

“You are really a gold-swallowing beast, and thanks to the fact that you were born in our dragon country, if you are in some small countries, I am afraid that you will not be able to support your appetite.”


Lu Yu bowed his head lightly and said seriously: “Although the initial investment of one billion is indeed not low.

“But according to the role of the optical quantum lithography machine, once the technology is mature, it can be said that it is easy to recover this original cost.”

“If you find this money difficult, you can bring this drawing with you.”

“I believe that the people in the scientific research management department can understand.”

Lu Yu pushed the blueprint in his hand towards Zhong Lao, but Zhong Lao actually pushed the blueprint back.

“There’s no need for that.”

Elder Zhong shook his head and smiled in his eyes:

“Your blueprint, which is currently also one of the confidential documents of my Dragon Kingdom, was passed around rashly, which increased the risk of leakage.”


Lu Yu scratched his head and said suspiciously:

“If we don’t send the blueprint and detailed plan together, can we get the funds?”

“No, I can.”

Zhong Lao seemed to smile and said, “If you ask for funds in my name, I’m afraid it’s not very good, but…”

He sold a pass and patted Lu Yu’s shoulder:

“You may not know, your kid’s name is scary now.”

“My name?”

Lu Yu was stunned, and he didn’t understand what Zhong Lao meant.

However, seeing that Zhong Lao did not mean to explain, Lu Yu did not continue to ask with interest.


Lu Yu looked around the laboratory and was preparing to work.

However, he was surprised to find that everyone in the laboratory was not doing the task at hand, but staring at a screen.

“Elder Zhong, this is…”

asked Lu Yu suspiciously.

Could it be that today, the laboratory is on holiday?

“Don’t you know, there is a big event today?”

Seeing Lu Yu’s confused look, Zhong Lao shook his head and said seriously: “I told you a long time ago, we must combine work and rest, and rest more.” ”

I… I rested.

Lu Yu said stiffly.

“If you rest, how can you not know that today is the launch day of Zhurong unmanned rocket?”

Zhong Lao said angrily.

Zhurong rocket?

Lu Yu was slightly stunned, and then quickly reacted: “Is it today?” No…… Isn’t it number 8?

“Today is the eighth!”

Elder Zhong sighed helplessly and said

, “You don’t know the year, month and day in the mountains, and you only read the books of the sages.” If you go on like this, your body will collapse…”

“Forget it, you came just today just right, take a break, and take a look with us.”

Lu Yu nodded lightly and found a place to sit down: “Hmm.”

Suddenly, his gaze also focused on the screen of the laboratory.

On the screen, there is a countdown to the launch, which is still in the preparation stage, but it is only ten minutes away from the launch….

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