Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

Chapter 213

The warrior of the deviant prince.

I can blur the letters of my name, Nahat von Elster, which I signed in ink.

After I closed my eyes, I put down a quill. I grabbed the eyebrows with my fingers and rubbed them.

When I turned my neck slightly, I heard a bumpy and uncomfortable sound.

When I raised my face, I saw Nishi-ri plugging in from the window. I started working in the morning, so I’d already been working six or seven hours without lunch.

My body hurts because of the swelling.

Stand up from your chair with your hands on your blunt painful side head.

Looking around the room, there was a silver counter used by the maid near the entrance. Snacks and water bottles appear when you pick up the cloth that you were wearing close by.

Perhaps someone gave it to me at the behest of my brother or father. I don’t know if you didn’t notice by concentrating on the work, or if you didn’t care about us and speak up.


Looking back, the golden head moves on the other side of the pile of documents.

A friend who raised his face in slow motion looked terrible. My hair is disturbed and my eyes are congested. You look pale too. Normally, the glowing beauty disappears when this happens.

“Let’s take a break. If we keep going, we’ll lose efficiency.”

When I pointed to the snack and suggested it, I showed the appearance of thinking a little, but there was no objection. Perhaps there was a consensus that efficiency would be reduced.

Push the counter to the sofa and table for reception.

Johann stood up and stretched out to relieve himself. He came here with his hands hanging.

Hand over the water poured into the glass.

“If you want a cup of tea, do it yourself or call your servant. I can’t do it.”

“Thank you, Nahat. Water is enough.”

The Johann received it all at once. I snorted my throat and swallowed it and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. My tired face stinks like a man.

How would you react if the lady loved his sweet smile and the gentle manner in which he stood? With that in mind, I look at Johann.

“What is it?

When he noticed his gaze, Johann looked surprised.

Whether you look tired or lazy, it doesn’t change that you look good. I’m sure the lady has concluded that this is good. Beauty is a bargain.


When he handed over the hand wipe, Johann took it while tilting his neck.

Sitting on the sofa, he sat down opposite Johann.

I pour water into Johann’s glass with my own. The refreshing citrus scent comes out of my nose when I sip it. Apparently it is mixed with lemon juice.

Johann reaches out to the sandwich on the plate.

Roast beef and lettuce are between it and it got stuck. Though I have a big mouth open, I think that’s why it doesn’t look vulgar.

“… how are the merchants?

Speak by watching him chew and swallow. Johan drank water to pour in, then exhaled.

“Well, modestly speaking, it’s a mess.”

“That’s right,” he gaveled at his tired voice.

The report of the assassination attempt on Her Royal Highness Princess Rosemary had a major impact not only on his brother Johann, but also on our country.

The Kingdom of Nabel is an ally of our country.

And Princess Rosemary, personally, is an important benefactor.

Not only did you deliver the medicine for the epidemic disease, but you also took care of the sick yourself, which is extremely popular with the people of Japan.

It was no longer public opinion to issue a statement in support of the Kingdom of Nabel.

That’s how we line up with the navels who step out of the economic sanctions.

Traders are the first to be affected when restrictions are placed on goods involved in dealings with Raptors.

“However, it seems to be a business opportunity. They’re really good merchants.”

That said, Johann slows down a little. It was a smile mixed with astonishment and admiration.

“If you think positively, it’s worth working for.”

He glanced at the documents that had been piled up on the desk and hung them from his mouth.

My father is being followed up by dignitaries who want to see documents and opinions from home and abroad. The prime minister and his brother are his aides. I am also studying the handling of traded goods with Raptors based on past materials.

It is practically impossible to stop trading in all goods. Then, what kind of goods are subject to tariffs? Is it possible to import goods whose transactions have been completely frozen from another country?

Of course, it is impossible to divide everything between young people like me. After roughly splitting it up, I plan to talk at a meeting with experts.

I am entrusting Johann with the mediation of my assistant and merchants.

“Yes, it is.”

Johann stood up to see what he remembered. He pulled a piece of paper from the pile of papers and handed it to me.

“Nahat, I would like to take this opportunity to import some of the wood from the Kingdom of Schneider.”

“From Schneider? Can timber be covered by domestic subsistence?

Looking at the paper, ask back.

The Kingdom of Schneider is located in the north of our country. In countries with severe cold temperatures, the main exports are wood and fur. It is covered with the Raptor Kingdom’s main exports, but there is no apparent dispute because the suppliers are different.

“Even though we have imposed restrictions on deforestation in the country, we should be able to meet domestic demand. And Schneider’s wood is expensive.”

“Chennai wood is expensive because it takes a lot of time to dry, but the product is pretty good for that.”

“High quality, high price?”

Hmm, I nodded and followed the writing with just a gaze.

Domestic wood has different applications and audiences. Then it’s worth a thought.

Wood imported from Raptors is often used for luxury furniture that is in demand of nobles.

It might help fill that hole.

“There are many good craftsmen in Vint. It will be one hand to process and then export. Schneider conifers are hard, durable and easy to process. The material is suitable for furniture and musical instruments….”

Johann cited the characteristics of Schneider wood and suitable workpieces without looking at books. The amount of knowledge used to wrap the tongue of an ancient merchant can only be said to be a boulder.

He was silently listening to Johan’s suggestion with his cheek stick on the armrest of the sofa. Zero bitterness prevents him from stopping his words.

She slightly tilted her neck with a strange face.

“Did I say something funny?

“No, I’m sorry I’m using that brilliant brain here, not in my home country.”

Originally, Johann would have returned to Nabel a long time ago.

The funeral of the familiar Sir Gerster also ended, greeting his close friends, and then returning home.

Attempted assassination of the First Princess and protest against the main culprit, the Raptor Kingdom.

Johann, the second prince, also said he didn’t know until recently to prevent a leak of information.

It’s about the sister I admired so much. [M] Johan did not cry, betraying my expectations that it would be rough. No matter who he was, he was quiet.

Most people were worried that the shock was too great to react. Even my father told me to stay calm…

Having seen Johann’s side when I heard the news, I poisoned my heart that Johann might not be such a winning man.

That wasn’t sad. It wasn’t like I couldn’t recover from the shock.

What was in him was probably fierce anger. It was pure intent on killing someone who tried to harm your dear sister.

“It would be good for Nabel to enrich Vint, his ally. Use as much as you can for my brain. [M] I’ll do my best to help you.”

That’s how Johann hangs his mouth.

A beautiful smile, like an example of what a smile should look like. But when I saw it, my back sweats cold and falls.

Johan’s words will not be a lie.

I’m glad Vint is getting rich. But the best wish is not the sole.

I hope that only Raptors from the world will be hit by this economic sanction.

Gently and slowly. I hope that the country will recede. Such a dim desire seemed clear.

Let’s turn it off.

Having heard about the attempted assassination of the princess, Johann murmured with his face cut off all of his expression.

It was a moment when he, who was supposed to be a friend for many years, looked like a creature he didn’t know at all.

What is he trying to erase?

I’m sure I’ll never ask.

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