Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

Chapter 238

A reincarnated princess’s dream language. (2)

The men’s words resonated differently than those of the boys.

But you still understand because it’s a dream?Or is it working like a reincarnation cheat?

The man said something extra had come along.

Then, after showing the appearance of thinking a little, he said to himself, “How many uses are there?”

It seems that the man was after his brother.

After staring at his frightened brother with his reckless eyes, he laughs with satisfaction at the magnificent amount of magic.But when I looked at my brother, there were wrinkles between his eyebrows.The man says his brother has little magic.He also said that because he was a person from another world, he might have some kind of special ability.

These two boys seem to have some sort of power, just as Hanayeon-chan had special abilities.

However, I didn’t think it was a good thing.

The eyes of a man when he sees two are not the eyes of a man.I only had a bad feeling about it.

And that hunch unfortunately hits me.

The country where the boys were summoned was in the middle of a war.

The two summoned as fighters are caught up in it.

They were held hostage to each other, and they had no place to go back, and they threw themselves into battle as they were told.

My younger brother not only had powerful magic, he also had the magical power to improve the abilities of animals.

The horse he focuses on improves his legs and endurance.

My brother’s abilities remained unclear.

Instead of being sent to the front like my brother, he was kept in the Mansion, but his days were far from peaceful.For the purpose of exploring abilities, he continued to be treated like a laboratory animal, using magic to his limit or deliberately inflicting wounds on his body.

In a series of scenes where I want to turn my eyes away, my heart is going to be exhausted.

Still, my brother didn’t run away.I dreamed of returning to my mother with my brother, and kept living hard.

But the world… yeah, humans have always been cruel to him.

One day, my brother was taken to a different room from his usual lab.

The dim stone rooms are large and seem to be sturdy.Someone stood in front of my brother who thought he was going to be shot until his magic died again.

It was a strange boy.

The thinned body is covered in scratches and looks terrible.He was a boy trembling like a frightened man, but his fallen eyes were sparkling.

The boy spoke to a man of great age who stood beside his brother.

If you kill this guy, will you really return to the original world?’and asked the boy with a serious face, the grand man nodded haughtily with a smile.

If you want to survive, show your strength.

If your life is in danger, you may wake up.

It was a nasty way of laughing, seeing through such filthy thoughts.

When the boy approached, his brother ran away without knowing what was going on.You didn’t want to hurt anyone.However, the opponent uses his sword and magic to attack.My brother’s body is getting more and more scratched.

My brother’s counterattack, prepared to die, was unfortunately fatal to the opponent.

My brother, who fell on his knees to fall to the floor, was full of wounds, but the boy who fell in front of him had deeper wounds.Looking at the cloudy eyes with the light gone, my brother found out that the other person was already dead.

And blank for now.

I think my brother lost consciousness.

My awake brother remained on the floor as usual.

But for some reason, my vision is slightly different from before.The boy’s remains were left in the immediate vicinity.

My brother leans his neck in surprise.

Looking closely at the abandoned boy’s body, he looks different than before.The clothes, body size and hair color were different, and someone else’s body was rolling.

And when I realize that I recognize him, I scream small.

I haven’t seen a crack since I was summoned, and it looks just like my brother.

However, my brother’s upset was different from my worries.He murmured, confused as to why I was here.

My body, that’s why.This body is not mine.That’s me.

After organizing the fragments of the words spinned with trembling voices, I finally realize two things.

That body belongs not to my brother, but to him.In other words, he was not an older brother, but a twin.The other thing is that my brother’s consciousness has entered another body.

And my brother was upset when he felt an unusual amount of magic filling his body.

Millennial men rejoice in contrast to their brother, who panics at the anomalies that are happening to him.Ability to amplify the magic amount of the stolen vessel… My brother’s special powers were powerful and rare, and could be a trump card for winning a war.

The excited man leaves the room as if he had thought of something after screaming meaningless words with high emotions.

The abandoned brother could not stand up and sat in a state of indignation.

Everything seems like a bad dream.

And without waking up from nightmares, more nightmares are coming.

I suddenly thought that the footsteps approached and the door of the room opened violently.

It was my brother I hadn’t seen before that jumped in.Behind it comes a man of great age.

My brother immediately noticed his brother lying on the floor and ran over.

Looking at the shell, which was unresponsive to shaking, my brother’s face was dyed in despair.Niisan and Niisan are crying over and over again.

Bewildered, my brother called out his brother’s name, and his body shook a lot.

And his eyes were shining brightly with fierce hatred.

For a moment, a man of great age laughs with great pleasure.But he immediately fixed his face and pointed at me and said.He’s the one who killed your brother.

I wondered if humans could be so evil.

My brother screamed, “I’ll kill you.”

Whatever I said now, it didn’t reach my brother.Who would believe that a bloody man in front of his brother’s remains didn’t kill him, or that he was his brother?

My brother ran away desperately from his brother, who was about to kill him.Killing or being killed can only lead to despair.

However, his magic is powerful and his brother is gradually being chased away.If a fatal wound occurs, you will be seriously injured and you will no longer be able to escape.

Somehow he wanted to talk, and his brother shot his brother at the magic.Only to create a gap with minimal force.

However, the amplified magic easily reaped his brother’s life.

Like breaking a doll, don’t be dazed.My brother’s body collapses.

Lie down, both bodies.

And then, my brother’s consciousness was interrupted and a void was flowing.

My brother opens his eyes as the grand man’s laughter echoes.

Your vision is still changing.A vision that returns to its original self.But it’s not. The body that rolled around the edge and the body of a strange boy that had just entered told a horrible story.

My brother, who woke up with his brother, screamed.

As the fierce anger commanded him, he ravaged everything he saw.

First of all, I chopped up and baked a grand man who was delighted with “getting a good monster,” and destroyed him to the point where he left no dust.

Then the people in the mansion, then the people in the territory, the people in the country.Even as he laid it all down from the edge, his anger did not subside.

Some animals change to respond to his brother’s anger and become monsters to slaughter his enemies.

The devastation never ended.Kill the men who come to defeat their threatened brother, and it breeds hatred again, and the chain of strife will not be broken.

Even as the dull body comes to an end, it wakes up with another body, and the battle continues.

The same applies even if it is sealed.Wake up and kill each other again. It was a hopeless sight wandering through hell forever.


There was no voice.

It wasn’t a sad or terrible thing to say.Any word becomes clichéd before his despair.

He was robbed of the world he was born into, of his mother, of his dignity, and of his brother, who was the sole breadwinner.

If the mourning of the boy who has been deprived of everything has taken the form of a “demon king”, there is no word that can be said about me.

Although the death of innocent people cannot be taken for granted, it is not a simple construct so that we can draw a clear line between the perpetrator and the victim.

If the demon king was “evil” to humans in this world, the world itself was “evil” to the demon king.

In a blank space, the murmur falls.

The quiet voice called my mother and brother and repeated his desire to go home.

Yes. The Devil didn’t want the Devil’s body. It’s a magical formation.

I’m sure he wanted to go home.

That magical faction will not lead to his homeland.And even if we miraculously return, no one who knows him is alive.

Still, I wanted to leave. As much as he hated the world, he yearned for his homeland.

“… n”

A little murmur fell down.

It wasn’t the voice across the screen.The noise-mixed discord is the demon king’s sole.

When I turned my eyes, Hagu 0 Metal was back… and the demon king’s lump was shaking small.

There was a murmuring sound, and for a while, the blank white footage switched.

More vivid footage, not just a fragment of the previously worn and blurred past.Large rooms and high ceilings. I felt familiar with the cushioned bed on the latte frame.

After a shallow sleepy blank, a white hand broke into a thinly open vision.

Thin fingers and white skin. Is it a girl’s?

It looks big in that way, but if you look at the size of the room and the contrast with the beds, you may have a small body rather than a large hand.

Your soft hands gently stroke your head.

I raised my face and saw the Lord of my hands in my sight.

“… eh”

A stunned voice leaked.

The screen is full of girls.

White skin on a loosely waved platinum blonde.The pale red lips smiled slightly and the blue eyes were filled with kindness, saying that they were lovely.

It looks familiar… no, it’s too much.As long as we have a mirror, we can see each other now.


It was my face that was projected on the screen.

I don’t remember seeing such a lewd face.But unfortunately, I do.The way grandparents look at their first grandchildren is probably me when I love Nero.

“… Sun”


The discord mutters something.

As you stare at the screen, you repeat it with a scattered voice, clearing your ears.

“… Kaa, Sun”

The demon king called to me on the screen. Mom, with me.

My head becomes pure white.

Kaa, Sa

A body that resembles a lump of mud stretches out.I wonder if it was my hand that reached towards the screen.Crashing with the bottoms, desperately.Like a lost child, looking for her mother.


I was moving impulsively before I even thought about it.

Lift your accumulated body and hug it with your arms.She deformed, melted, and gently squeezed her cheeks against the body that was contained in her arms while reducing the amount.

Is this pity? Or guilt?

I don’t know, but I can’t wait to feel it.

I mean, how the hell did you call me?

I’ve only been with him for a short time, and his mother is different in race and age. How can I throw a man who was hungry enough to love his mother?

“Kaasan, Kaasan, Itai, Kurushii… Kaasan”

Reach out to me and repeat like a baby.All the time, all the while zero the weak sound that’s been pushing in for a long time.

Slowly stroke your thick head.

“Yeah, yeah, you put up with it.”

You smile at the eyes of a completely empty hole.

“I want to stay, I want to stay, I want to stay.”

Slightly between your eyes, put your tongue on your forehead.

Then a cloudy liquid flows out of the demon king’s eyes.

Kaa, San, Ka ‘asan, Oh, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Are you crying?I waved my body with a roaring voice.

“Let’s put an end to both the pain and the pain.”

The baby sways softly, whispering a lousy babysitter song.

The memory is vague, the lyrics are out of sync, and the pitch is out of tune and it’s terrible.Still, the mourning of the presence in your arms is gradually healing.

The demon king, who stopped screaming, narrowed his eyes so as to sleep slightly.

However, the speed at which things like black mud collapse does not slow down.I am worried that it will disappear if it is left as it is.

The mucus that filled my arms had already decreased to the size of my hands.

At the very least, I hold it so that it doesn’t go to zero, but it falls out of the gap.

Shit, it melts and disappears. I wonder if I’ll come back when I’ve scratched and consolidated the fallen portion.

Seriously thinking about such an idiot, eyes like a hole popped out of the lump of mud.

Eh… my eyes! []/(exp, adj-i) (uk) eye-catching/

The two chunks that jumped out of me, stunned by the grossly cautious project, fluffy in the air.

Flying around me like a fluorescent light.



There are two voices of the boy, not the noise mixing discord just now.

Was it two independent things, not two eyes?

Looking at the two lights that come and go, there is a passing image.

“Are you guys…?”

I almost said it and stopped.

Instead, I reached out to you.I gently rubbed my cheeks against the light on my hands.

“If you can choose where to be reborn, come to me.”

Enough, I love you so much that you’re full.

That said, the two lights gladly flashed and then dissolved into the air and disappeared.

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