The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 17

Villain Lady

That night.

After everyone leaves, dinner for just the two of us.

I helped make it today, too.

Well, but after all, I’m no match for Lana’s cooking.

Vegetable soup, fluffy bread made today, butter, fish muniels caught in nearby rivers.

I was a little surprised that this fuzzy bread tasted good when I applied butter…

“… I don’t mind while I eat… Um…”

“Oh, daytime stories? Yeah, I wanted to make it Lana too, ’cause I need to talk…”

It’s such a nervous face, I’m sorry about this one.

That’s why he decided to talk to me like he was lying.

Lana looked surprised, but never mind giving one letter to the table.


“This country’s application for ‘citizenship'”


Slowly, Lana looks up.

That’s a very surprising face.

Yes, we have to decide.

“If I write this down and send it to you, you’ll wait to see if your permission comes down. If permission is granted…… I can’t go home to ‘Arsedios’. I would have to ask you to go through the process of waiving the right to inherit the title of complete nobility. Less than the last three months, I’ve only heard from ‘Arcedios’ once.”

“Huh! Did you hear from him?

“There was, but it was just for me. Alefald must have cut you off completely.”


I looked straight at Lana’s face and told her.

She doesn’t show how she moved other than ‘I got in touch’.

Instead, as soon as Alefald’s name came out, I felt his eyes sharp.

“Oh, yeah. Fine, now you’re such an idiot prince!

“… no untrained?

“No! I’d rather not get involved anymore!… I was going to tell you why.”

“Just fine. You know, Fran… you may not believe it…”

Sooo, and Lana’s atmosphere changes.

… This is…

“I, Elana Ruthfett Forsyth, have a memory of a previous life. On the day Alefald told me to break my engagement, I remembered everything…. Yep, that this world is the Lanobe world I loved to read in my previous life that I am the Villain Warrant Lady Elana Ruthfett Forsyth!


I see……

“Well, I don’t know. There’s too many words, so I’d like you to explain them one by one.”

“Of course!”

You came up with a face as Elana Ruthfett Forsyth to get me to trust you?

When that happens, I certainly can’t believe it either.

Anyway, ’cause’ she ‘is someone who doesn’t like lies.

“What memory of a previous life?

“Literally, it’s about my memories of my past life…. in my previous life… I can’t really remember what it was called… but I remember the company I got a job from being terrible black and treating employees like slaves. At the end of the day, the president rambled me and told me to jump off the roof of a rival company on top of it…”

“…,… erm… that’s not running, is it?

“I did it.”

I don’t think it’s about putting up your chest.

… I only knew about half what it meant, but in short I was a civilian but noble treated me all I wanted and jumped off the roof of that noble rival’s mansion, a sexual story?

You’re lying, what, you’re not stupid…

“… well. But I think I was born in the Duke’s house because of the good deeds of my previous life. Regardless of the end of the day, work always strived for the best and the best! The yellow signal stops! Night bikes turn on the lights! Trash goes to the trash can! Cross the road on the crosswalk! As a person, I follow the rules and don’t bother others, and I don’t do unpleasant things from people! I am proud to say that I have lived a life like that of a modern Japanese!

“… ha”

I don’t know, maybe he lived quite seriously.

“That’s my pleasure, Lanobe! Light Novel… It’s a novel! I loved comics, too, but I rolled off to Lanobe from there. Uh, a simple, costly story novel, you know. Among other things, I was haunted by the story of The Guardian Dragon’s Beloved Child, which I booked from an online novel! A civilian girl born in” Blue Dragon Arcedios “is known as the one with the” Holy Glow, “and is loved and made up by all sorts of people, and ends up happy with a prince.”


“You don’t look like that.”

No, because.

“… this world is in the novel?

“Yes! ‘Cause’ Blue Dragon Arcedios’, the heroine’s name is’ Rijuana ‘, your opponent’s prince’s name is’ Allefaldo ‘, and the guys who like heroin are’ Starlet ‘,’ Knicks’ and ‘Cars’…. It’s all a match, and so is the rival villain warrant lady, Elana Ruthfett Forsyth! Finally, the scene where Elana is disengaged by the Prince at the graduation party, every word of that line! Whoo-hoo! Same!


Exactly, it’s hard to believe in Russia.

But it doesn’t even seem like Lana’s lying to you.

This is the world in the novel, huh?

“… the world of Lanobe is basically your convenience, a reader-friendly world”

“The protagonist is a happy ending. And bad guys who abuse the protagonist can be beaten in a soft way. You get lightly hit to the point where the reader doesn’t feel stressed. Elana’s a pretty easy example, isn’t she? Engagement broken and deported from the country. Besides, after being banished, Elana will seek revenge for the resurrection of Evil Dragon.”

“… what?

“I remember. And the fate of Elana after her engagement was broken. No, really, it’s really good to remember then… Elana has adopted a system of cooperation with the ‘Evil Dragon Faith’ in an attempt to revive Evil Dragon in Chapter Two of Part Two, and also uses the financial resources of your father, who was betta sweet on Elana, to revive Evil Dragon in Chapter Five. And they are taken in by evil dragons and wiped out by Blue Dragon Arcedios with the help of Rijuana’s” Holy Glow “!


… Evil Dragon Faith.

The shadow of ‘King Dragon Cleareus’ that created this world.

It is the same Divine Dragon, the dark part.

The assertion that humans are not supposed to be protected by dragons, but should live independently of dragons and only in their own power.

We should deny dragonstone tools and be free from dragon rule.

… I don’t know why such an assertion is…

“Lana did?

“Of course I won’t, will I? That’s stupid!

“… right?

“I’m not kidding that evil dragons swallow me to death. That’s for such an idiot prince and a head flower garden heroine!


You don’t have any denial!

“I don’t want to die from being hit by a horse until the very last moment! It’s not the same as it was in my last life, no! I don’t want to get involved with that idiot prince and the head flower garden heroine anymore! Can you tell!? Euphran-Ditaliere Bailey!

“… Well, you know what I mean. Right… so Lana wants to live in peace in this country like this… is that okay?

“Absolutely! I’m not going to go home and tell you what” Arsedios “asked me to do, and I’m going to live a civilized, state-of-the-art life that feels like the Evil Dragon Faith doesn’t have to be involved forever!

“I see.”

That makes a lot of sense.

Very easy to understand.

… well, was Lana telling me to make that one and make this because she wanted state-of-the-art dragonstone tools?

No, if Lana says so, I’ll make anything.

“… ah! No, that’s not why I was using Fran!? Your talent should be paid the right price, because I mean it!

“Huh? Oh, yeah, I don’t care there.”

“Really!? And you believe me!?”

“… yeah”

In fact, Lana will try to pay me as hard as she can.

I’ve already got a lot going on with Lana.

Well, but then there’s one thing that bothers me.

“I mean, Miss Elana today is more of a person from a previous life than Miss Elana……?

“Huh? No? I think it’s affected. Rough way to talk? Yeah, this is so easy and good. Besides, it would be easy to get used to going into the common people, wouldn’t it?

“… basically you mean Miss Elana herself?

“Yes!… Well, sometimes your emotions get too daunting and your words get rough, but you’re sweet there.”

Do you?

It’s more interesting than cute, but I feel like getting ahead of it…

“… or honestly, if you’re not properly conscious, the way you talk can be messy. Especially if it’s in front of you. You’re noble, so you can’t decide which way to talk.”

“I like both.”


“… ah!… Oh, no, duh, either way.”

Shit, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I like it.

Huh? No, I like it, but that?

Oh, oh, no, I’m talking about the way you talk, that’s how you talk!

Yeah, the way you talk, you mean you think they’re both good, yeah?

“… come on, you’re easier… fine…”

“Well, well… well… well… easy way to talk… talk, well…”

“Oh, yeah…”

… what the hell is this air.

“Ko, kohon…. So, uh, let’s get back to it… you can apply for citizenship for ‘Sergios’, right?” Arsedios will also apply for the waiver of the title of nobility… and then we will never really be able to return to the nobility. ”

“Yeah, fine. If I were to die like that, I would live my whole life as a civilian in this country!… I don’t mind that…. I…,… but Fran, Fran, you… you can live whatever you want. You will never have the courtesy to take care of an out-of-country deported maid who abused people and broke up their engagement…”


That’s what Lana told me, feeling down.

I have not heard back from you.


You just told me to “live as you please”?


You never said that to Alefald.

Yeah, because I guess to him I was a ‘do it to me and deserve it’.

Come back, to the extent that it was’ convenient to be there ‘I guess…

That’s what Miss Elana would have been like if she had been there.

Anyway, Alefald and Miss Elana were going to marry politically for the sake of the country.

Fiancée to get the back shield of the Duke’s house.

Without the presence of Miss Rijuana…… could she have been happy with the Thinker?

At least now–.


“Ugh, yeah.”

“You’re not abusing Miss Rijuana, are you? The way I say it now is the way I admit I was abusing it…”

………… … you believe me?

“There’s no way a Duke’s wife abuses someone with a ‘holy glow’ because of how many fiancées she’s likely to take away. I… honestly was uncomfortable that Miss Riffana didn’t deny Allefald’s point on that occasion.”

“… what,… is that why you helped me then?

“… still, sort of”

… No, there was a different meaning to it.

There was, but honestly, I didn’t think my aspirations would come true this far.

I think I’m going to die soon.

Use your luck, die.

Or something to dream about…

I still think so for real.

“I… at first I thought it was your job to keep an eye on me so I wouldn’t be evil.”

“… eh”

“But your presence was not clearly portrayed in The Guardian Dragon’s Beloved Son. So get out of the way, you’re a mob. Nah… I thought…”

also, what is it?

I don’t know, but it doesn’t sound like a very good word, does it?

“Fran, you said it, didn’t you? Allefald and the others said they gave the dragonstone tools you made to Rijuana like they were their handles.”

“Oh, well, yeah”

“There are certainly scenes like that. Even in two parts…. So here’s what I think. I’m sure you’re a factor (factor) in Lanobe to allow for your convenience…… The Wrinkle of Author Propriety! Such a character!”


What do you care? Are you out of your mind to feel like they’re saying bollocks?

“… you help me… and you support me like this… you know, I’m so, so comfortable fighting the fate of ‘Elana’…”


“But that’s why I don’t think I want you to get caught up in my fate by accident. You have a way of life you won’t regret…!

“I’m not leaving, either.”


“I’m not going back to those guys. I don’t want to go home because I know it will be used…. extra if you hear such a story”

“… franc…”

“… will you prove my worth? And with a reward. Then you better stay on Lana’s side, don’t you think I’m getting it?


I put it mildly on purpose.

With a wink.

Lana gave me a full grin after she cried just a little.

Yeah… if there’s such a great reward, there’s no point in bothering to go back to those guys.

“Well, again…… nice to meet you, Fran…!

“Nice to meet you, Lana”

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