The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 29

The morning after the heavy rain

The next morning.

It also rains completely, and when the morning sun opens its curtains it pours brightly.

I decided to make dinner this morning, so cut the bread Lana baked me into lengths and dip the eggs I took in a mixture of milk and sugar.

In the frying pan, pull the butter and add the soaked bread where it melts. Bake.

When lightly scorched, serve on a plate.

The soup is a rich flavoured vegetable soup made by Lana that will be ‘vegetable and’.

And then make the crispy baked bacon and the lettuce I brought you in the morning a salad.

“Hmmm, smells good ! Morning Fran!”

“Morning, Lana. Will you keep me in line? I’m coming to Lucy and the others with water.”

“Yeah, okay!

I’m fine in the morning.

The light of the morning sun pouring from the outside is so inferior.

There, footsteps for two coming down the stairs.

“Alas, it’s clear! And what the fuck, Sole!

“Morning, Leggles, Mr. Grace! Fran made me dinner this morning.”

“Haa!? What, Eufranc could even cook?!?… ala? I’m sure he was a nobleman, sir?

“If you say that, Lana’s a former nobleman, right?

“A, I did, sir. Hohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho. Aren’t you gonna wake up yet, La?

You missed the point, didn’t you?

Well, fine.

“You’re still sleeping upstairs.”


“… you know who you are…?

Mr. Glyce is staring at me.

Does this guy really look familiar, or is he too alert?

“No, because I was passed out when I helped”

“You haven’t been able to talk properly, have you?”


“Nmo, if you’re my brother . You don’t have to look so anxious, your identity is noble, right? Something that was a fine carriage. I’m crushed, Ked.”


After that, I helped one little boy out of the carriage for once.

Your man is half crying, half frenzied, so the sound stimulates the cliff, so I got him to sleep .

No, it’s a good beating, isn’t it?

You’re surprised I can exercise?

I was Alefald’s ‘alumni’ because I meant ‘escort’, so I’m determined to be able to make the minimum move.

Of course, the most important reason I wasn’t picking it up was just in case.

… so well, if it’s true, I wouldn’t have to escort you all four or six hours, but we all ignore it for what it takes to pass me up.

I don’t think I care anymore.

Well, the story of the “Blue Dragon Arcedios” era is about to be buried in the dark in earnest… only those two were helped yesterday.

When I think of my stature and the luxury of my carriage, I think I’m in quite a position among the nobles of “Black Dragon Braczilios,” and I’m concerned that I didn’t have a single escort.

Heavy rain caused poor vision and is likely to be detached.

With the cliff crumbling and the carriage buried in the rocks, it would be difficult to find even if a detached escort were looking for a carriage.

So you have to contact the ‘Black Dragon Braczilios’ side.

“Leggles, don’t you have a handover or something for ‘Black Dragon Braczilios’?

“There is once, yo. I was going to extend my hand to ‘Black Dragon Braczilios’ and ‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’ in the future too, so hey!… but it’s a small chamber of commerce in a border town, sir. Could it reach the nobility of” Black Dragon Braczilios “?

“Just do it. Listen to him when he wakes up, and send him over if you need him.”

“That’s true, too, sir. I’ll send you a letter for now, wa.”

“Well, I’ll take care of the livestock first. You can eat it before it cools down.”

“Yeah, thanks. You’re eating first.”


… cute.

“The recipe belongs to Lana, but I’m not sure I could make it well, so thank you for your thoughts later”

“If it’s the one Fran made, it’s definitely delicious. You’ll be better than me soon.”

I don’t think so.

It’s because the recipe is solid in the first place, and it’s something anyone can make delicious with the recipe.

That’s the dish.


“Morning Shh. Thanks for the horse’s turn. Plus meat for workers”

“Wow! Wow! Ha, ha!

Shh I like horses’ side more than humans, even though I’m still a puppy.

Give him some rice and add hay, new water to Lucy and the livestock.

Service service to the horses of Leggles as well.

All right, okay.

When I got home, I said to Lana, “Welcome back! Exquisite sweetness and milk mellowness, egg trolls, all perfect,” he thumbed.

All right.

… Huh? Nothing. I’m not gut-posing on the inside or anything?

I don’t know, I guess that’s Lana’s taste. Like, I thought I’d cook, but that’s it?

“Well, that’s what Euphrane is back for, and it’s time to hear the answer to yesterday’s story Ca!

“Ah? So I’ll negotiate with the Black Dragon Brackzilios for a rock grinder or something, so draw the blueprint first…”

“Nmo, it’s not that way, yo. Dragonstone Craftsman School Co T”


I forgot -……

“Fran, you’ve obviously lost your temper.”

“I’m going back… and I don’t want to. I know what you’re saying.”

“Desho? I have nothing to be anxious about. Yo. Just an easy job to come by once in a while and coach the students to go home! Besides, the students should let me help them harvest the ranch or something. – Yin?


That’s delicious.

I’ve been spreading the field a lot for Lana’s menu, so I’ve been having a rough time harvesting it lately.

Besides, you should have manpower when Lana starts a wheat bakery or ranch cafe…

“Okay. I don’t have much money either, but I’ll give it away. All right, Lana?”

“Yeah, I agree! The business makes sense by contributing locally and spreading it!



Sometimes I get the feeling of a nobleman. Wow.

Me, I thought I couldn’t afford to fall in love any more…

“And, of course, the Leggles will accommodate all sorts of things at my ranch cafe, right? Hey?”

“Of course, fuuuuuuuuu. I need to make the most of it…”

You look bad. You look bad.

Profits are important though.

… Hmm.

“Well, let’s make some dragonstone nuclei in the freezer for now. Is that okay?

“! E, thank u”

“Oh, I’ll make it, too.”

“Sure, I’ll get some help…. and then the blueprints. Lana, a well that pumps water up, can you tell me how it’s structured?

“… just look good?

…… Yeah. ”

You don’t remember the structure.

Well, then can we think from the structure?

Bring the paper for the blueprints and go to the dishwasher for breakfast plates.

“Nae, I also thought yesterday that it was sole. Ng?

“This? This is the dishwasher Fran made for me! It’s a dragonstone tool that automatically washes dishes! I’m in the middle of a test run. If I haven’t had a problem using it for a month, I thought I’d sell this out too!

“Nah! I wash dishes automatically!? Is that possible!? How the hell…!

Mr. Glyce runs butterflies and approaches the dishwasher.

Well, briefly describe the structure……

“I use a wooden box, but I drop the one with the water under it and the dish soap in liquid form. So, Jabba Jabba, how the water washes the dishes in all directions. Plant the effect of the coating so that it does not rot inside the box”

“… Huh!… stupid, give me something like this…!

“… (Fran… I knew you made something extraordinary… horrible…)”

Lana said, “This will save the world’s professional housewives!” She looked like a doorman, but she didn’t have to be a housewife to wash the dishes anymore, so she could do something else.

I don’t know if I’ll be saved, but I think it’s a good thing Lana has more time to move forward with her plans for a wheat bakery or ranch cafe.

At first I thought the environment would change rapidly and you’d feel ill…………… yeah, I’d rather be a little too well?

It’s a good thing you’re fine.

“Does that mean you can sell the blueprints next month?

“Hehe, that’s what I’m talking about. Of course, 10% of the sales are always the same…”


I wonder how much you’re going to trade for.

I don’t care what you say you sell to the common people, what are you going to do about the price…

I made it out of medium-sized dragonstone, the effects are fridge like, and I made quite a few parts to be a vessel?

Given the price of refrigerators and hairdryers, isn’t that comparable to those?

… I questioned it so I asked.

“Easy yo, let the kids at Dragonstone Craftsman School make no ♪ Dragonstone tools made in the practice of the kids in training are half price yo”

“What, is that profitable?

“Don’t worry wa. Something I don’t expect to be used from the start anyway. Pre-investment yo Pre-investment”

“Oh, first you teach me to be responsible for the mon I made myself. One of the first things I taught my master…. you were made from the beginning.”

“? Try driving for a month? It was in a dragonstone tool book, though?

“That’s right. It’s important to protect that fundamentals. It is the craftsman who provides dragonstone tools that the user can safely use.”

I see?

I have grown hair in my amateur, and I’m anxious every time to see if I can use it properly because I make all the weird stuff… when I get used to it, I don’t confirm that either.

“Fran? What’s wrong?

I hear footsteps, so I look up at the stairs.

Horrible, the look of the old man asking this one.

I helped you yesterday.

“Oh, good. I woke up, sir.”

“How are you feeling? If you have an appetite, I’ll prepare a meal.”

“Oh, uh… oh, uh, this is…”

Yeah, well, that’s the real question.

So normally this is the ranch along the border of ‘Green Dragon Sergios’ and I found my old man and his carriage attacked by thieves last night to help, I told him.

How did you get off the cliff, how did you get him home from the cliff, etc., broke it all together.

‘Cause explain it to me.

And then I wanted to move on to a crisp story.

Anyway, they seem aristocratic.

“Black Dragon Braczilios” is not as strict in identity as “Blue Dragon Arcedios”.

By and large, there is as much looseness as “Green Dragon Sergios”.

It’s just that the royal family is absolute.

That authority would still be unprecedented, especially now that the Prince is the one with the ‘Holy Glow’.

I don’t think so, but in the unlikely event that the boy is in the royal family or something, it could be a mess, right?

Even if it isn’t, we’re all from a lot of trouble.

“I see… you were… Thank you so much for your help. My name is Gordo Limberud.”

“Atashi is Leggles. I represent the Chamber of Commerce in a town near here. Merchant yo. This is Dragonstone Craftsman’s brother, Glyce.”

“Me, um, I’m Elana. This is my husband, Eufranc.”

“None of them…. Well, let’s eat first, shall we? If the kid in the carriage is awake, we should feed him dinner, right? Wake up?”

“! Are you sure? And the wax?

“No problem. I don’t know if it suits your mouth, but I’ll be ready in a minute.”

… Awesome Lana.

He is brilliantly using the middle of “Lady Warrant Mode” and “Common Mode”……!

… what?

Nothing. I’m not floating because Lana introduced me to her husband?

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