The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 32

Welcome knight

Master Twa, whom I saw when I left, seemed to be learning how to treat animals to Waz.

Looks old, and kind of fun.

I feel complicated watching that.

Those two are different countries if they are different identities.

If the prince returns, we won’t see him again.

… Prince.


Now, sawdust and still go down the wet forest path.

The bird’s voice, the smell of remaining rain, leaking wood leaking days.

It’s the prince to me who remembers in the calm air… Allefald.

I’ve been a petty kid for a long time, but I still had cuteness back then.

And he’s been a ‘prince’ since then.

Spoiled, cherished and indistinguishable between good and evil.

His Majesty corrected that pride to a certain extent, so it was still to the best of my ability to serve… but I guess I can’t totally handle that one.

As a royalty, I am somewhat arrogant not to be licked by the minister as the next king, dashing.

However, Allefald still has tiny vessels.

I feel like I was better when I was a kid.


I looked up at the sky.

I miss it.

It’s Alefald.

The king I was supposed to serve.

— “As my shadow, I will allow you to serve for the rest of your life!

I promised when I was a kid, but I didn’t think, “Well, this prince would do it.”

If you’re going to be a king who’s going to be a decent, king-like king pulling people as they are… I thought that would be fine…

I forgot about me when we met again, and when I got into school, I turned into an irremediable asshole.

Alefald… my friend… I can’t help but forget.

There is no need to grow and change.

I just… I just wanted you to leave the kindness of reaching out to others.

“……… Now”

Reach the cliff and look down.

I tried to get pretty close to it, but I don’t hear people.

The carriage is peschanco with rocks.

Look around…… no?

“… woman?

Long dark blue hair and luxurious body, though wrapped around a knight’s armor and cape.

But the color of the armor is black.

A knight of “Black Dragon Braczilios” would be the color of honor.

Plus, the horses nearby have black hair.

The spear in your hand is painted black with gold.

I can tell from here that it’s a business.

“People there.”

A black horse noticed me first and looked up.

So I speak up first to find out too soon.

You know, a lot of beautiful women have looked up to me.

Hmm, not as beautiful as Lana but different type from Lana……

“… that was… that was the local people! I’m looking for people–!”

Again, the knight of “Black Dragon Braczilios”.

And the Black Knight is a royal Kingsguard.

Lucky, and gutspaws inside.

And then… can you trust me?

I can’t help but look frigid when I meet someone for the first time .

Why not?

I’ve been told that the way you talk seems lighter, but to Starlet.

I don’t want you to tell me.

… Anyway, let’s talk politely. Be polite.

“Can that be a boy about five or six years old -?

“!! Oh yeah -! You know that!

“If you talk too loud, it collapses again – so why don’t you manage to climb this far?

I snort like I was convinced by myself.

And when I rode the black-haired horse, I took a distance from the cliff.

“…… as I thought,”

Zach, the horse stops, turns his heel and runs out toward the cliff.

tremendous speed.

And when she said, “Haiya!” Shouting, the belt diameter of the horse…… black wings appear from around the waist, floating in the universe.

A dragon horse and a lady knight who quickly comes to the top of a cliff and lands in front of me.

As the female knight descends from the dragon horse, she looks at me and me with tremendous vigilance.

“It’s okay, because there’s only one private house around here. I’m a resident of that house.”

“Oh, oh, well… Come on, Kohon! My name is Loriana Fardengm Knight! He is the Kingsguard Knight of” Black Dragon Brackzilios “!

“My name is Eufranc. Nice to meet you, Kingsguard Knight.”

For now, at the very least, I put my hand on my chest and let him try to smile.

If you bow your head, you might find out about your former nobility.

Soyu’s are a pain in the ass…… hmm?


“? What’s wrong?




Why? Why?

Unexpectedly look at the dragon horse behind her.

I was obviously distracted.

… That’s right, a family member who draws the blood of a guardian dragon.

Now I know enough to be smart… does that bother you…

“You know what?


When I spoke again, my face suddenly turned bright red.

What, did you really go away with this guy?

It’s as hot as it gets today, so you worked too hard to find it and even fever it out?

“Huh! Ah!… hey, what were you talking about…!?”

“Huh?… Um, I was looking for people, and I heard you.”

“! Well, I did!

… Will you be all right, this young lady?

No, is your daughter rude?

Maybe he’s older than me because he’s enough to do a Kingsguard knight, I think…

Wow, “Black Dragon Braczilios”.

There is no such thing as a female knight in Blue Dragon Arcedios.

I don’t care what that is.

“Actually, last night I saw someone asking for help in the rain… and I was just protecting them”

“Hey, my God… is that about a five or six year old boy like I was saying earlier?

“Yes. If you don’t mind, could you meet me and confirm? I was just wondering if I should contact the lord around here… because he seemed like a ‘Braczillios’ nobleman…”

“! Oh, my God!


I’d like to avoid that.

All right, all right.

However, just because the dragon horse is too conspicuous, I get the wings gone.

I lead him through the woods to the ranch, and when he turns his face towards those whose cackles and children’s voices echo…

“So, Your Highness!

“Ah! It’s Loriana lady -!


…………… what?

Master Twa just rushes over.

But didn’t she tell you something terrible now?



Prince’s, sister?

Gi, gi, gi, turn her around a little bit, and she turns her face red, but no way, no way?


“Oh, Prince! Well done, you’re safe…”

You look so uncomfortable. You see a flicker.

Yes, it’s called suspicious behavior.

There’s a totally weird sweat, to each other.

“A knight…”

A whined voice.

The Lord is Waz, who has pursued Master Twa.

… Ahhh, you were quick to find it.

Should you have waited in the woods?

“Waz! You know, this is Twa’s lady!

“Huh! Is that it? Wow, Twa!

Oops, Waz and Master Twa get along completely……!

“Uh, hey, that’s… blood connection…?

“… remains, well, the… yes, with the one called half-sister…”

“Was it”

… Princess.

You’re super right to try to speak politely.

Great me.

… Hmm, but is she the ‘runaway princess’?

One of the four Duke’s houses in “Black Dragon Braczilios” was preceded by the Lord, who remained unblessed by his children, and the Royal Family offered the Fourth Princess to his adopted son in a bitter measure.

To prevent the balance of the country from falling all at once.

However, the princess repeatedly runs away from home several times.

The nickname that led to it was “Runaway Princess”.

I see… being a Kingsguard knight certainly won’t piss me off if I don’t have to go home, and I’ll be able to stay with my original family …

“Dear Twa, I’m glad your sister picked you up.”

“Oh, yeah, I am! I’m here to pick you up! Now, let’s go home!

“I can…”

When he bends over and talks, Master Twa looks back at the wazz.

We got along pretty well.

Waz seems lonely sometime too.

But time’s up already.

Either that or, as we are, we can’t put down anyone with a ‘holy glow’ forever.

I can’t, not even for a day if it’s true.

If you find out on the “Green Dragon Sergios” side, you’ll be in hundred par trouble.

I’m not kidding. We’re still applying for citizenship in this country.

If you give him who is the prince of “Black Dragon Braczilios” and has “Holy Glow,” what will you do if he develops into a story like, admit it as a people .

“Wazz, again!

“… oh I’ll play anytime on my day off!


I guess I know a lot more about Waz than Master Twa.

Anyway, you’re a good man working for your father.

Patience me when I’m about the age I want to play…… oh, but I guess that’s why I had a pretty good time today.

The two shoes, have you been running through a wet place or muddy?

That’s all I played with obsessed, newly made friends.

In the knights of the neighboring kingdom, it is understood that Satanic Wazz will never see Master Twa again.

Still waz giving a hand to a new friend who is still young.

Master Twa grabs the hand offered with joy.

Friendship between the prince of a neighbouring country and the son of a livestock store……?

“Fuck you!


By the time the two of them let go, a carriage was finally drawn by two horses from the arch gate.

Lana comes out of the house and welcomes the Leggles.

Um, timing Bimmy.

“Dear Loriana, I will explain to them”

“Huh? Ah, oh.”

Leggles and Lana felt better, but Gordo was from Black Dragon Braczilios.

I want this old man to bring it back, too, if that’s possible.

Can’t you?

That’s right. And the dragon horse?

“Oh, I’m afraid so! I’ll go home on my own as long as I get a horse for the wax!

“Oh, I’ll get a horse’s fee, yo.”

“Ah, yes! Of course I’ll pay!?”

“Okay. Well, let’s just ask Lord Twa to take us home in Mach first.”

Yeah, yeah, and they all snort hard.

Doing so, Mr. Laurent and Mr. Nadle came out of the stables.

Laurent, who came out blind to his son, and Nadle, who was just saying that the livestock examination was over.

It’s tidal time.

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